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Herbert Frohlich (Ed.) Biological Coherence and Response to External Stimuli With 97 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Prof. Dr. HERBERT FROHLICH Department of Physics Oliver Lodge Laboratory Oxford Street Liverpool L69 3BX England ISBN -13: 978-3-642-73311-6 e-ISBN -13: 978-3-642-73309-3 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-73309-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Biological coherence and response to external stimuli/Herbert Frohlich (ed.). p. cm. Includes bibliographies. 1. Biomolecules - Effect ofradiation on. 2. Coherent states. 3. Biophysics. 1. Frohlich, H. (Herbert), 1905- [DNLM: 1. Biophysics. 2. Electromagnetics. QT 34 B604] QP514.2.B575 1988 574.19'15 - dc19 DNLM/DLC 88-4524 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its version of June 24, 1985, and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1988 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1988 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. 2131/3130-543210 Preface The existence of coherent excitations in active biological systems has been established in recent years. The present book aims at presenting a survey on the many features that such ex citations can exhibit. This does not mean that a "theory of biology" has been established but it implies that such a theory will make use of such excitations. It is hoped that the present book will help in this direction. April 1988 H. Frohlich Contents Theoretical Physics and Biology H. Frohlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Theory of Non-linear Excitations F. Kaiser (With 9 Figures) ............................ 25 Structures, Correlations and Electromagnetic Interactions in living Matter: Theory and Applications E. Del Giudice, S. Doglia, M. Milani and G. Vitiello. . . . . . . . . . .. 49 Resonant Cellular Effects of Low Intensity Microwaves W. Grundler, U. J entzsch, F. Keilmann and V. Putterlik (With 14 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 The Influence of Low Intensity Millimetre Waves on Biological Systems F. Kremer, L. Santo, A. Poglitsch, C. Koschnitzke, H. Behrens and L. Genzel (With 17 Figures) ........................ 86 Metastable States of Biopolymers J.B. Hasted ...................................... 102 Physical Aspects of Plant Photosynthesis F. Drissler (With 25 Figures) ........................... 114 Emission of Radiation by Active Cells J.K. Pollock and D.G. Pohl (With 6 Figures) ................ 140 Physiological Signalling Across Cell Membranes and Cooperative Influences of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields W.R. Adey (With 7 Figures) ........................... 148 The Interaction of living Red Blood Cells S. Rowlands (With 2 Figures) .......................... 171 The Genetic Code as Language F. Frohlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 192 VIII Contents Electromagnetic Effects in Humans C.W. Smith (With 4 Figures) ........................... 205 Coherent Properties of Energy-Coupling Membrane Systems D.B. Kell (With 1 Figure) ............................. 233 Coherence in the Cytoskeleton: Implications for Biological Information Processing S.R. Hameroff{With 12 Figures) ........................ 242 Subject Index .................................... 267 Contributors You will find the addresses at the beginning of the respective contribution Adey, W.R. 148 Keilmann, F. 65 Behrens, H. 86 Kell, D.B. 233 Del Giudice, E. 49 Koschnitzke, C. 86 Doglia, S. 49 Kremer, F. 86 Drissler, F. 114 Milani, M. 49 Frohlich, F. 192 Poglitsch, A. 86 Frohlich, H. 1 Pohl, D.G. 140 Genzel, L. 86 Pollock,J.K. 140 Grundler, W. 65 Putterlik, V. 65 Hameroff, S.R. 242 Rowlands, S. 171 Hasted, J.B. 102 Santo, L. 86 Jentzsch, U. 65 Smith, C.W. 205 Kaiser, F. 25 Vitiello, G. 49 Theoretical Physics and Biology H. FROHLICH 1 This is the title given to the first Versailles meeting arranged by the Institut de la Vie in 1967 (cf. Marois 1969). Its history goes back to about 1938, when my late friend Max Reiss told me that biological membranes had been found to maintain a small, 100 mV, electric potential difference. On hearing of its thickness of 10-6 cm, I found that this corresponds to the enormous electrical field of 105 V /cm which ordinary layers will sustain only when special precautions are taken. Also then with an elastic constant corresponding to a sound velocity of 105 cm/s, is a frequency of 1011 Hz found corresponding to millimetre electric waves. Such frequencies were not available at the time, but I asked the help of Willis Jackson to produce them and hence inves tigate their properties, in particular biosystems, proposed by Victor Rothschild. This research was abandoned through the outbreak of the war, but I remembered it when approached by M. Marois. Meanwhile I had learned that a single idea does not produce a theory. As a second idea I then considered the possible excitations of coherent modes in this frequency region. Long-range phase correlations had been found to describe the order present in superconductors, superfluid helium ,lasers , and others. This then could provide the order present in active biological systems (Frohlich 1968). At the same Versailles meeting, I. Prigogine presented his ideas about "dissipative structures" (cf. Prigogine 1980). The suggestion of the importance of 1011 Hz frequencies for biological activities was strongly supported by the publication of research in the Soviet Union, where mm wave spectroscopy had been developed (Devyatkov 1974). They found that a great number of different biological systems have the following properties in common: (a) the effect of irradiation depends strongly on the frequency of the microwaves; (b) in certain microwave-power ranges, the effect of exposure depends weakly on varia tion of power through several orders of magnitude; ( c) the effects depend significantly on the time of irradiation. This confirms the basic results of the theory. Subsequently a great number of investigation followed. They will not be quoted here in detail but instead reference to relevant review articles will be made; Frohlich (1977, 1980, 1986a,b). A survey on relevant developments is also presented in the "Green Book" (Frohlich and Kremer 1983b). The developments described in this book can be considered as particular cases of Prigogines dissipative structures or of Hakens Synergetics. 1 Department of Physics, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, Oxford Street, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool, L69 3BX, GB 2 H. Frohlich 1 Introduction The present century has witnessed a complete understanding of the structure, interac tion, and dynamical properties of atoms and molecules. It was often concluded then that the properties of complex systems will follow once their molecular structure has been found. This idea led to the development of molecular biology. From the point of view of physics, biological materials are extremely complex and complicated systems. Yet, once they are activated, they function in a most systematic way. In fact on occasions they show sensitivities equal to the highest available in modem technology. As an example we mention the sensitivity at low light intensities of the human visual system which, according to a careful analysis by Rose (1970), is close to the theoretical limit. The system can thus be considered as an image converter of the highest possible sensitivity. Yet it uses materials ofa quite different nature from those used by tech nologists. Another example for the extraordinary sensitivity of biological systems is provided by the sensitivity of certain fish to electric signals. They make use ofsuch signals in various ways, as discussed by Bullock (1977). The lowest electric field that has been observed to evoke a response is of the order 1O~8 V/cm. Again, the fish possesses none of the materials that would be used technically for the required purpose. Many other examples of the extraordinary physical properties of biological systems exist. It is the task ofTheoretical Physics to tentatively introduce appropriate physical concepts. Experimental collaboration is then needed to test these. Close collaboration of theory and experiment is thus required. Existence of the required properties in bio logical systems may be the result of long evolutionary processes. It must be asked, therefore, whether the relevant properties are possible, rather than whether they are probable. It must be remarked at once that the relevant properties relate to certain activities of systems that are large from an atomic point of view, and the question of their deriva tion from micro (atomic) physics arises at once. It should thus be assumed that from the point of view of physics, biological systems possess a certain order. The structure investigations of molecular biology have demon strated, however, the absence of spatial order, and the conclusion has often been reach ed that no physical order exists in biomolecules such as enzymes. The arrangement of amino acids from which they are built was then considered as random (cf. Monod 1972). The fallacy of this conclusion is evident at once, as the replacement of a particular amino acid in an enzyme by another ''wrong'' one reduces the efficiency of this par ticular enzyme. Clearly it is insufficient to consider spatial arrangements only. Physical order does, however, express itself not only in the spatial order. Thus superfluid helium and the electrons in superconductors exhibit an order that might be termed "motional order". It is expressed in terms of macroscopic wave functions and refers to certain phase correlations yielding a "coherence". In fact at very low temperatures when the entropy vanishes, i.e. no disorder exists, the atoms of superfluid liquid helium show the same type of disordered correlation as do other fluids (at higher temperatures). Yet the macroscopic wave function imposes a very subtle correlation in the motion of Theoretical Physics and Biology 3 the helium atoms such that no disorder exists. Stimulated by these features, it will be assumed, as a working hypotheses, that phase correlations of some kind, coherence, will playa decisive role in the description of biological materials and their activities. 2 General From the point of view of physics, active biological systems may be characterized by three properties: i. they are relatively stable but far from equilibrium, ii. they exhibit a non-trivial order, iii. they have extraordinary dielectric properties. Furthermore, in dealing with causes for activities, a multi causal approach is re quired, dealing, e.g. in the case of two interacting systems such as enzymes and sub strates, not only with their interaction when they have joined, but also with the cause that brings them together. To give a trivial but instructive example, consider a cup on a table, partly filled with water. If we tilt it sufficiently, then the water will flow out. The causes are (a) that we have tilted it, and (b) that the free energy is lower after the water has flown out. This also provides an example for a metastable state, for if we tilt the cup only a little, and then return it, water will not flow out, but after few oscillations will retum to the original state. Excitation of metastable states is of basic importance for biological activities. They arise through non-linear restoring forces and may have trivial or non-trivial conse quences. To illustrate this, consider a particle with coordinates x bound elastically to x = 0 thus having a restoring force proportional to x, and potential energy, propor tional to x2, f=- ax, V=fx2 ~O,a>O. (2.1) The oscillation is harmonic and all displacements are linear. Add now a non-linear term yielding av V = -a x 2 + -b x 4 f = - -ax = - ax - bx3 . (2.2) 2 4' > If b 0, the system will still oscillate, though no longer harmonically. This does not > alter the qualitative behaviour as an oscillator as long as b O. The lowest energy still lies at x = 0, and the restoring force is still directed towards x = O. < If, however, b 0, then a qualitative change arises. The restoring force becomes zero not only at x = 0, but also at Xo , a) ( 1/2 Xo=± fbi (2.3) The potential now rises with increasing Ixl below (Xo), and above it, falls. At xo, the potential energy has a maximum 3/4 a2 lb. At higher energies, thus, the system no longer oscillates.

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