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Biological Aspects of Circadian Rhythms Biological Aspects of Circadian Rhythms Edited by J. N. Mills Department of Physiology University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PT England <:P PLENUM PRESS· London and New York . 1973 Plenum Publishing Company Ltd. Davis House 8 Scrubs Lane London NW10 6SE Telephone 01-9694727 U.S. Edition published by Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street New York, New York 10011 Copyright © 1973 by Plenum Publishing Company Ltd. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1973 All Rights Reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher. ISBN-13: 978-1-4613-4567 -1 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4613-4565-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4613-4565-7 Library of Congress Catalog Number: 72-77044 The Whitefriars Press Ltd., London and Tonbridge Contributors ]. G. Bohlen Research Assistant, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, U.S A. F. Halberg Department of Pathology, Medical School, Univer sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, U.S.A. ]. E. Harker Girton College, Cambridge CB3 OjG, England. F. Hawking Medical Research Council, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London N. W. 7 , England. G. V. T. Matthews The Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucester GL2 7BT, England. ]. N. Mills Department of Physiology, Manchester University, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, England. A. Reinberg Laboratoire de Physiologie, Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild, 29 rue Manin 75, Paris 19, France. H. W. Simpson Department of Pathology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow C4, Scotland. M. B. Wilkins Department of Botany, University of Glasgow, Glasgow W2, Scotland. v Preface A "biological clock" has now been inferred in so many and such diverse organisms and tissues that even a summary of the more interesting and important observations would be a tedious and encyclopaedic compila tion, whose bibliography would assume a daunting size. It would also be obsolescent on the day of publication. The new titles appearing in the monthly lists are scattered through many journals, but a new journal devoted exclusively to rhythm research published its first issue in May, 1970-the Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research-and another, Chronobiology, appears in 1973. In this volume several authors have been asked to review separate aspects within their own fields of study, in the hope that thereby the reader might gain an idea of the many directions of active progress and be better placed to interrelate them than would be possible after a more exhaustive study of a limited part of the field. The outcome is a series of essays in which each contributor has exercised his individuality in ideas, style and presentation, and, at some points, in vocabulary, although the glossary includes a number of terms which have been fairly generally used. All biological study, indeed all scientific endeavour, must begin with observation and in the study of rhythms there is still plenty of scope for such, whether of the feeding habits of insects (Ch. 6), the migratory behaviour of birds (Ch. 8), or the complex adaptive rhythms of a great range of parasites (Ch. 5). Halberg (Ch. 1) devotes some attention to means of amassing useful observations upon human subjects, and Reinberg, writing about pharmacological rhythms (Ch. 4), considers that we are not yet in a position to pass beyond observation towards a coherent explanation. There are, however, scattered observations of, for example, circadian variations in concentration of an enzyme responsible for inactivation of a drug, which point the way to further exploration; and in Ch. 2 an attempt is made to work out causal sequences between a single controlling clock and the various observable manifestations of rhythmicity. This inevitably raises the problem of whether there is such a single clock or whether the rhythms in different organs and tissues are controlled by a multiplicity of clocks, a problem which is mentioned in several chapters. Studies on plants provide the best evidence that an internal clock is a widespread property of cells, and experiments on vii Vill PREFACE unicellular plants (Ch. 7) offer the best hope of understanding the intimate mechanism of the clock, since both microanatomical and biochemical dissection is more practicable than with more complex organisms. Almost nothing is known of transmission processes between a clock and observable rhythmic processes in plants whereby, for example, the movements of different leaves could be coordinated; but in animals, where both nervous and hormonal means are available, such study is easier and it has been attempted in insects (Ch. 6) and in mammals (Ch. 2). In mammals difficulties arise because so many variables oscillate circadianly and since they can influence one another, often mutually, it is very difficult to exclude all external factors, rhythmic or random, that can affect any of them. There is therefore need for statistical procedures, often of some complexity, for defining rhythms, and some of these are described by Halberg (Ch. 1). Much effort has been devoted to demonstrating that rhythms are indeed endogenous, rather than responses to rhythmic external influences. An endogenous origin is now fairly generally accepted for a wide range of rhythms, although many more are clearly simple responses to outside influences; the alternation of light and darkness for example, accounts for some of the more obvious plant rhythms, such as opening and closing of flowers. These wholly external rhythms are often neglected by students of rhythms as of little interest, although to the physiologist their functional value indicates a great diversity of evolu· tionary adaptions. The rhythms of parasites (Ch. 5), though largely exogenous, are of special interest for their adaptive value. When the vector, such as a night-flying mosquito, is itself periodic in its habits, it is essential that the parasite be accessible at the correct time of day. For this purpose an endogenous clock within the parasite, which would be unlikely to keep perfect time indefinitely, is less satisfactory than an appropriate response to a rhythmically varying factor within the host; the periodicity of host, parasite and vector must somehow be coordi nated if the parasite is to be perpetuated. Other aspects of parasite development, such as the maturation of the sporozoites of the malarial plasmodia, need however a sufficiently accurate internal clock. The alternation of light and darkness is the most consistent oscillation resulting from the passage of day and night. It is therefore not surprising that in most species light exerts a dominant influence upon the clock and that it operates through a great variety of light-sensitive organs and pigments, suggesting that such mechanisms have appeared m(!.ny times in the course of evolution. Such mechanisms have, presumably, a genetic basis; and individual differences in rhythmic behaviour have been shown, alike in plants (Ch. 7) and in insects (Ch. 6), to be due to minor genetic differences. The alternation of light and darkness follows a very different course in different parts of the globe, from the tropics, where there is a PREFACE IX constant LD 12: 12. with little annual vanatlOn, to the poles where conditions are always LL or DD, and the annual cycle of climatic variation is dominant. The consequences of this are considered in Ch. 3. The Arctic, in particular, has been the scene of much recent investiga tion, some of it as yet unpublished. Responses to varying day length are prominent in species of temperate latitudes, but would be valueless in the tropics. Man has modified many of his habits far too rapidly to permit evolutionary adaption, so that the persistence of his endogenous rhythms is often disadvantageous. This is most notable in night or shift workers, or in those who fly rapidly across many time zones. Their disadvantages may be relieved when we gain a better understanding of these rhythms. The most widespread use made of an internal clock by plants and animals alike is to time and trigger off rhythmic processes appropriate to the external meteorological oscillation. A further use, described in birds in Ch 8 but known to exist also in insects, is for navigation. Navigators who depend upon solar or sidereal observation have always needed an accurate chronometer; the same need is present for all animals navigating by the sun, and is apparently supplied by an internal circadian clock. Rhythms with a period longer than a day are hardly mentioned here; many are known to exist, such as the monthly rhythms of intertidal animals and annual rhythms in many species. They present greater difficulties of investigation, since the student of rhythms always hopes to be able to observe several successive cycles under comparable conditions, whereas a bird over several years is likely to show changes referable to aging; and comparable conditions are more difficult to maintain for years than for days. In Ch.8 evidence is however adduced to suggest that many birds have a timing device responsible for their annual cycles of behaviour. Whether this is ascribable to a circadian clock combined with a "demultiplication process", or whether the timing process is entirely distinct, is a matter for future study. Every chapter indeed reveals areas of ignorance wide open for further investigation. As with any developing discipline, new technical terms have been found necessary and some former terms have needed precise definition. A glossary has thus been included, though some new terms, such as Chronobiology and Chronopharmacology, are omitted since they are self-explanatory; and where the sense is clear without their use, an attempt has been made to eschew needless technical terms. The reader wishing access to a more general bibliography may consult a recent book, Human Circadian Rhythms, by R. T. W. L. Conroy and J N. Mills [Churchill, 1970], whose Introduction lists other books and published proceedings of conferences. J.N.M. Glossary (N .B.-A glossary of terms used only in Chapter 5 appears at the end of that chapter) Acrophase The time of the peak value of the sine curve fitted to a rhythmically oscillating variable. This may be expressed as clock time, or time in relation to some other variable, or in degrees of arc. Amplitude One half of the total regular excursion of a wave; best restricted to mathematically fitted sine waves. Abbrevi ated C or A. Range is used in a less precise sense to describe the usual difference between maximum and minimum if no analysis has been performed. Circadian (of a rhythm). With a period of approximately 24 h, strictly 20 to 28 h. Dian is sometimes used for a more precise period of 23.9-24.1 h. Clock A hypothetical mechanism in the brain, or other organ, which records the passage of approximately 24 hours and transmits this information to otIter systems. Clock hours Are given according to international nomenclature in hours and minutes for 24 h (i.e., 6 a.m. = 0600; 6 p.m. and 37 min = 1837; midday = 1200; midnight = 2400 or 0000). DD In continuous darkness. LL-In continuous light. LD-In alternating light and darkness. LD followed by two numerals: the hours of light and darkness e.g. LD 1: 1, alternating one hour each of light and dark ness; LD 4:20, alternate periods of 4 h light and 20 h darkness. When it is desirable to specify the clock hours, the form L 0600-1800 D 1800-0600 is used. Diurnal Pertaining to the day rather than night. Contrast nocturnal. Endogenous (Of a rhythm.) Maintained from within the organism, independently of rhythmic external stimuli. Exogenous (Of a rhythm.) Dependent upon rhythmic stimuli from without the organism. (Loosely, of a stimulus): giving rise to a rhythm. xi xu GLOSSARY Free-running (Of a rhythm.) Observed under conditions when exogenous stimuli are lacking, and endogenous rhythms are unmasked. The period usually differs slightly from 24 h. LD.LL See DD. Mesor The mean of the sine curve fitted to a rhythmic variable. This is equal to the mean of the determined values if these have been sampled at regular intervals for an integral number of cycles. The term "level" has been also used. Abbreviated Co or M. Nocturnal Pertaining to the night rather than day. Contrast diurnal. Nychthemeral (Of a rhythm.) Oscillating in time with the alternation of day and night. (Of hahits, circumstances, etc.) Conforming to the influences imparted by the alterna tion of day and night. Nychthemeron A night and a day. Period The time interval occupied by a wave, q.v. Range See Amplitude. Synchronizer See Zeitgeber. Wave The complete pattern of a periodic variation which is repeated at regular intervals. Zeitgeber (Lit. "time-giver"). Some authors prefer to use synchronizer, or entraining agent. A stimulus which gives rise to an exogenous rhythm, or determines the phase or period of an endogenous rhythm. The common Zeitgeber are nychthemeral. In deference to its German origin, the plural is identical with the singular. Contents Contributors · v Preface • VII Glossary • IX Chapter 1 Laboratory Techniques and Rhythmometry F. Halberg ............ . 1 Chapter 2 Transmission Processes Between Clock and Manifestations J. N. Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Chapter 3 Latitude and the Human Circadian System H. W. Simpson and]. G. Bohlen . . . . 85 Chapter 4 Chronopharmacology A. Reinberg 121 Chapter 5 Circadian Rhythms of Parasites F. Hawking . ..... . 153 Chapter 6 Circadian Rhythms in Insects J. E. Harker. . . . . . . 189 Chapter 7 Circadian Rhythms in Plants M. B. Wilkins . . . . . . 235 Chapter 8 Biological Clocks and Bird Migration G. V. T. Matthews 281 Index . . 313

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