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Preview Biological Anthropology - An Evolutionary Perspective [Part I] - B. King (2002) WW

COURSE GUIDEBOOK q Co — GUIDEBOOK ‘Bam @Great Courses Biological Anthropology: An Evolutionary Perspective Professor Barbara J. King The College of William und Mary Biological Anthropology: An Evolutionary Perspective ont Whar ie Pg Ans g? Part T ~ Sury “[ uegreg sossajoaq paseg ‘eanzedssog Areuopnyoag-ery- Prov, Monkeys, aad Apes { Masiey and Ape Sic Behavior ofthe Coot Ape iBojodompuy jearSojorg Leste 12, ut of in THE TEACHING COMPANY 1-800-TEACH-| 51 Lalas Table of Contents, Biological Anthropology: An Evolutionary Perspective Part | Profesor Biography ‘Comrse Scone i Lecture One ‘Whats Binlogial Anduopaogs? Lecture twa Huw Eton Wotksow Lecture Taree ‘The Debate Ove: Lalla Lasture Four Mater esing New Speci TLeseure Five Prosimian, Moakeys, and Apes. Lecture Si ‘Mealy and pe Soeil Bch. “Lecture Seven Tk Mind ofthe Great Ape Mes Amina tie Hominid Is fer Huron aces Lecture Ten Ay aed Cupane Lecture Elven Stores urd Bones. Lecture Tacive Out® Alfie. inline Glossary Species Sketches Biblogeupis dotnontedgoment Footage of hess nnkey on Cay Sansiago provide by Chvsy Wotimen, Biological Anthropology: ‘An Evolutionary Perspective Scope ‘These vent lectures preset dled, wpto-dare aera abou! al espe ofthe evlon ot ivan Aimed at hose Who a curious ubuut tr crghs 4 species, thie nurse ears he wide range of pics ine divslne of ological articopelngs: Rlolog cal antrapo ou ake its wal ‘comprise exploration othe foes och bilegy an culture al sap Thum pent ued wootnue fo saape ou ives todsy Following an inhciory expnaton ofthe various scien anpmosches tt Acgate make yp Ue Geldof bio gical athopotony the nial ecres es ‘on evolution nd its resis enertant concepts. soz 3¢ Darwin princple fof nara! velco, are did clay. wi el ‘prem ie sxpiined. What emerges fu this set of understanding of wy eveltion are religions sith never need be oops. ‘wees evlton andthe teory of erates ae in ical cont wth ‘eatonsm rejected by scies5) Ang theo sonecps ts evelacoeay rs Letaes Fou snough Eat ‘epne the gine and behavior of the nenunan priate. Aa primi tussles, ne Busan share aribegeae evens Bisoy Wi Prosisians, monkeys and ages, These lecines concentrate a3 ae beer, $hoing es our ow co, Laie, a] Mil ands cevelepe out of TResbiles presenti these rine eaves. Fares enpass i pat onthe {rat apes, such ae cmp, Unge aia close ous geet and btavioraly than ses ote the horinid, our tne ances tat aed upright evstees am 3 omen ancestor ili Lie sil ase ary 7 illo years ago, The ator ed ekavie hase species ring rom: the ous La” ie es lh oe ur equal imporan.Narskowm Boy." othe cave dwelling Newnderl, ne profied in Lestras Nine roa Filton, Ines etaes hghtiph ays fn which biology anc cuture intersect to ali or wise 0 De teased fn hue prebitony ean include the enlarge brn ta allowed lone ool oben’ forthe Festi by Beis a2 milion ears ao a th ognve selon ernosona tes that ogeter et dliaric ‘lid ty Neandrais at about 60.00 yee ap0 Tio ect eal ‘eine to gener in reise, akeg wha we can bow a> the ‘of emily an als is hoi seit. Loses Ses thous Eicheen are devo ln cin of moder aa anotom®, hesivion and language Sslogcalarvoclogias have eifoc ng Cary Link ews swt hey heieve tobe the oes maee-haman eins at akeut 17501 yeas Se. Forromons nde Tet, tae hat these ea est ison sto eu Tuneevelved fem Nowe, Frees whieh hominis hn. did ty arise? Was ‘Ace he senor of modem Burs nis sit had bee te cenit fr 89 ominid evelton? We consar cim petag mdel in cvaluning ese (geeions Onc rune pits 2 Aza 35 the sole Loe of our species, whereas Tevather posits simulaacors elation i Ais, Asi. and Earp: [sca moe deel athe origins of modem horn heave a langage Now evideno pote significant hf ig Bolg! sntropoogis tindemtanding of sae a these tps, Ses Aiea lls hel synhism, a, fd icy erate tos may not hve it ppeaned at 38,009 easy in rope bong ugh: sianee fora log eaionry history foe langue s ating 28 ell, “The final five aus conde moder: burn Ue in evolnioay perspective ‘rearcorsenstt ceaclven bieke'cal anropoigy. i the sate of ‘Gouging mars nk tutes” red on supposedly geet rls s wal “Sicmifcaly, ovns he Feat of Lacie Mire een, Susequet lectars explore ‘raps in whlch even hs loved nun anatomy and his even ods, to apecifearronrsria presa es Also conse tent re ascinating ae saeston tha modern Me freer and aspects of mods bulk psehology hve arisen ave lecrreval [reentio nen peifn—conimto whlch we wee we adapted urna longe sce Preransy kanes ed hi ate cice ae 10 e55 ses inh seston “The course cles wit a ook ac vem fs etary “gene cseDuss shite undue powcr givens pene ar gate esas pansces oe he Ihave, An evtaioney persest ve yiede an understanding the hinship 2 furans cl ith ster priate spaces (bl livin and excng) a wo a he feols we colleetively ne lo daa ee solving eon esau ether peblems eased rt om yeti. Rather. they sen fom dizi rterlay Be biol ane cata Zetrs t wavk uu kong ev. onry Katy Lecture One What is Biological Anthropology? Sone: Many dsinlines, rage fio schol to soesley 1 hors ake fhe sey furan babar her cenal lo. Chane in ofl ptt, oer tne may Be an exp erphess in seme oF ‘tess cisciplines. lyin amtnpolagy anc mst especialy int ‘field of hological artropo9gy. however. Ue uo mane {pproach within esoludorary FameWor “This intial ect ste tage for our cuurse im moo waar ways: We Fist explore the range opis stdin by bo ical aaluaprbs. ] Arong then, we will enpasize the process of elution: th | “nomic and shove voli ef Ue vats ie ager ‘ronene grouninge wach nin, hele ond hat icles karan {instr vation seen in modem burn popustions ey inclading the vation sie! by Tvensiearthopoteaiets: and he ‘eres whieh aur urn bhi aera eee ourevoluenary sinory | Second, aes hoe on a quem undeveraduatessometines pose "Whit blag ea ante ology good Tor? How ca they ae van 1" nevotionare oerancsve on numa bees move than js: knoe lt dares and sites—oshen adh Seif evaluonarymaestens HK, eceurce, Rae: i isso Sodas onthe past ane irae oF 7 Spies. An emis mew way thinking sos in oc len We cvsies te uran specks within an evolutions perspectse Outline 1 The elsintine of anirapcegyisuntbe ether sei! siences in ts breath «stay perealy and Ruse of he aluionry perspective specifica A. Anthiaplowis are well oom for sty ten viora vation fn ‘cities around the world, a9 andevor tet has Beso ising rors sppecined ewok les become ineeainghy imereereted [RL One subset of uthropely. the bloga antbranole'ss eed this crose-clurl vem by ading ims depth hey expiretie wigs | Ol fusmanly wel efor the time plod of rien recon ae the ‘olen, oxceines of or leg evletaney hit i Bick antoplogis approach hee sujzct mater for 2 variety angles witrin te eval nary perspective. 'S-Aouhropolegicl elicits and evohsonery sheerstshely laity bow ruven ef evelaon once occ ad may new affest modem ums popu 1. Prieto sin xpents—evolton, aatory am! behavior—et the ured of plmess living ls. The primates are we hua tur lecest iv eaves, the pesmi, moe and apes C. Palsaundnupulegts suey te anata or hen of the arn the notes firms Us ex ste ite volta ine ha prverise modern humans. De. Rickycalarhropelogss intrested n made asa variion cect esearch to dsnver how aad Why vans ive, pom wis ore smb and iene gonial, tea anc behaviorally E,Foremicartwopologis work ees nan remains in ytious ‘conte, ofa itp in egal macs FF. Afinal 7090 bk antrelogits works esos the dou esi xterm Rann groups aie 0 te pasta 5, ae (dco efccied "yt vito under whi: a Species eae in hep Biciygicelamvopoloei ar sey wo werk with siets om wher ely rend isis Biologic! anropolgias ce hes siping shaving gesine pro cal ts inthe mee wo [AL Although mes, dees ands Hostons ae manta to he study of tiolosial ethopoleyy a inize otis sours, hey ae m3 own 1B The eveltonay pnpesve asks ts slike—te etna asi jn perspoct ve. {Ast mayne ote searing to bik f ourselves rai nan a8 a species, Weare 1: he "etd > mins of yas evolution ane wel-alapled Species nan tay af welhadapied specie living on Carb, 2 However, rachivem i as humans event eu bevause of aig ms oF Belg ard eularal process. (G._We ay gsi ins nt same very dewnsonzo sues by o€oqting the eveluienary ve of humea hist {Why arena une ta choking wile we claro loser hack Da se age? Our natorceal eveltion aves as eles, 2. Why caches lean comple angusges so flores that eng diel taught? Ou selal evolu eps expla this mst 1+—nov ges ead od hands [Mow cam bring a her gol enti ogi in ang wits toreutons sa fr same, othe peretiad rial Gifereneesinennved nba? Understanding hs fats of Then evolution togztce with these fir? nesn:on ‘arin es us routes based en krowege rater theron assomption itn the evahiionsy ergs 2 way of thinking aout humans eee nse world ang how we ean mnprove our Us toy. sent Resin Junin el aa trirodaon to PlpsicalAnlror cog, chap 1 Questions to Consider: 1 Have you already encountered the hist aero bishgial allrgelogy ote burg his couse pers though eading or susing about the numa evelatoany es 22 De you belices itis imgeram for bsloteal srinpoey to hae a: snl, tical aepect, se well as. rey Schoats ane ilecil fete? Lecture Two How Evolution Works Seope: One singe cre the best stating pin for ourexplrato of humans Inevoiioniy perspective. Live all erie on eat, humans Trae vad Bat wha exact, eos this aan? By estab shine » sat of tei and defn 2 aut erg Fvolioncan be defined 8a change in he once sire impala. To grep thie deivtion, we esd wo undetstme smth hout genes populations sme specie From thee, we car proces > ‘Tseussthe mechanisns or frees, behind evelunay singe ‘Most mperant te vole, nce is natural sleton fst ‘esr hy harks Darwin th neice cour. The atin es heb ral selec ethan ay popaton sme inks il tober adap tater local evvioamenc tan ober. As ares ‘hve vide wil have rouse uses hon oes in prac. {A good way to appa the say of evel is to easier popu isths seu then rs why Iles myshsshoud ee ected, Decause fvoton ison a theo" doesn't mpl uncertain the post of siete Can he amie process b> explinet by the hens suri te Files?” Hat evolution in at coms te a hale Fatoday'swerld? The answer to all ce suesiuns freuen, xtc will woe eran Outline sineds» Ihe sngle ost rial mcs in ths course fs evo, ange inthe gore srxenze ola pp alation. ‘Ae aller longa the sme yess, nt mary human populations vk No meanngelctegary exits nna penis beeen the spe! lew! athe pula evel Mint mating tale place wii, rather thar Borvcen. ain pepultios, This rie even houph populations reap cath Ven ‘osetia same vidual will eter leave single population nary given tine pia. (G._Acarule, members oF a fopultion shar omen geie pool Whe ‘his wene pool undergoes sstomate changeover inc. evo ssi lohae accure 1D, Ihe kay eager that acer evotonarly are found, thet, abe Tv ofthe gene eo I. Fourmectanisns 1. The snes that mae up hess gene poo ar recently unetood. Gone aly ave ie power ro Inivieat'sweaton. physiology oF Benevor. Gonos note the enviroameat all sages of be funciona. 2. Genes ate me wp nfearponert parte of INA ard 8h, dh rei sionce sri snes nil it, change can afectthe genetic sruce of ge ls ted ths, cone ext A 1, Some widely ced myths ray’ cloud car understanding of Nawal <letion, the inary evolve neha fi carertne once this eos I's ciel ele Ee i lle reproduetvesuecos, Te Dificntal eps nee wai i som nv in pajulatioe sil pace or yf than wl others, 2. Because of dilferemilreprocuctive succes, the alate frequerey af wats ina aene pl may acne ime, Teas hl ores ar ge mainte! within place, ns vi elect 3. Charks Dart esne wo undetsiane te action of mara let dhrng apd ater his fanart tre. His meer ont ation os arte sei er, eke fe ne, lasisc mechani of evluieary change luau rts a change in he sete of DNA lf an rods "ns mater alan whieh atl een may at ‘Cove fo retest te exchungeof genes betwzen popular: Geren dif mechani 3t erin smal populations refs 0 Sagas gene pols erp a eco Baca ram be inponance oF oon ard a are epee change ove ane A ——_ Isn't evolution just a theory? Thats arti jst a gow educated pss Fay sci ho his 1. nseienes the ord ear has avery spec meaning Keefe ‘asec of prinipes tha as been suppeted by agiet deal of ‘sera and testing ial uropotogss, there is dou: haar: evlved asf exactly ow the four mechanss iterate rvdce evalinary change my aos be Known ve Process ies not dol Fox survival ofthe fest «good enous summary of how eatin works 1. Reproduction isthe key to uncertain evo, rie 2 ue with the ter ses the en tena yee rea ing Jnevnatienary scree. To 3 ji means ts be eb|>0 OUCOMpeS reproduetvaty othe member of one's gee peo 6 Ils: biologie evolution been fr outage, a as fr har by culsal svoluton? 1. Bislopeal evluon and cukural evolution eral, Ea pes lets te other. 2, Marans are stil ajc 1 nara weno a many ways tdi ewer 1, se will se inthe nay eer the Lrito8 Stes. mn my Western cules, is pariculaly prone (9 comuse uk 1 siete ‘her whn cms eu in Essential eaiog? Sarin el Haradcton #9 Phyacal Ambropofo ebayer? and p. 89 104 inchapser Gould, Te Sirucare of onionay howe, expecially chapter 2 ‘destin to Consider: 1 Why eit racial to sesegize he Imponance of esod ction ove a ins procs afevoiion® 2 lfm tea a clam hat the ecient understanding of evolton silly Thum evoluson juni leary Ie wal yeu respoed? a Lecture Three ‘The Debate Over Evolution Scope: Neatly etal of Americans, aceondng to a vecen pull eet he ee ‘hac Ramen =.ved trem ee animals axe millon of yet, The comparable percent Eurgpean courses i sustail ewes. Why are Americans s skeptical shou! muna eve ata Some 2h stepnntan mas be predeced by consion about evelton Dioogical anhrepoogins alee with scien in manta ater <Tsciplies, Have special responsibly her informing th pt shunt evon, partieuty about the easonship amin eveluon, religion, and eeatforisn, Deeply selgis elns min be cumputble with asepianse oF cvalton including hunch evollen A Ue gated sete Stephen Jay Gould ecounized, man presnent evaltionary sien te religions an ny elisa ers apt he Tet 0 evo ton Incompatible with aseestance of eveltion, however, sele npc Crean abe ella seni esata, Weill nese ts compa iy hy rao ing the cli creation stead hose wha ‘espouse newer doctrine, termed unellce deve, withthe claims of ‘evolutionary thea. Outline 1 Many Amesisas as hep when itcomes accepting the fc of ‘luton inclines on, [AL substantia swale of pepe the Urited Sates emorace the idea of Tans "special sree” 9 a sapematarel force thin he at 10.000 yous B._Lopalchalengs to he teaching of evolaton inthe public sho stent corte a ocea,aue ts 73 sears afer the areas Scopes ‘Monkey Til inthe Amerie Sah G Afeclng ta isvecosry to enn between one's rehgiwsbliss tn acceptance of evo aon may peyexplen why ore Americans ae “evolution skepies" thar are Wastern Tuer TL. Science, chiding evolutionary thea a eligve are ely orp vom us chaose vce them alhaugh, of ours, calee ma be ede A. Ay Stepien Jey Gouk has clogusrly writen scence and elit ropresnt a0 very diferent systems of knowedge isthe ene erences that alle than evens O° The Tn emp inser . 1. -Scicncesndamenily predicted on observation, evidence an | 2 Evnltinaryehange need not always proved thru small i ipo cessing win Sse, selene bas rea, successive modifieions, however: poactated ead my C.Religi is ase on fi inti ral, obscration, evidence, ned tka occurs devine by Sten Jay Gold and Niles Eltedse, | ypothei testing hse wo meaning ancl eiliirivn fe Aoserised es evoconary stasis broken Uipby rp eeluionay aps, D.Evoliionry scence ad irl gon design eas are fundurertally opposed mow thy view te orgins of huran life Int. Science, chung evelutonsy theory, a siete eens ase uel insonpatble; ze one raed make a choke A the te Bem of ete atin sf wee 1h sia a angament parallel the ope abou he complexe The Earths young, nt ancient Iligent design advocetes sy that haan are emplee and rust 2 Humans sarepsivceweoy assy bees tan ocaty asta " ] 3. The elaine of eveltonary sienss are inaccurate; sippoodly 2. Sciemiss again counter wih evidence tm the siete rer inital an fossils, fr sans are isdated or sine aeraiaa tn nerteaoranteratin om beeclsenaat fe 44. Avr scieiwe scenic creations deserves equal sme wih ee vuton in bli schoo JR Wesoclge this leetre by fcning that biological anpelogis olny ree! he esi tn seca the theory of evoition az fade pao her lec pte ha “sear eet toni” in Ei some. peed fr Thecore ides of siemens cel Be tested aceordne tothe selec method 12 Scientific ervfons,hih sus aot scene at al, gnoes distorts weleslblishesinformten and shuld be ay 29 Fssental Reading ‘Gu, The Sacre of votainary Tcwy, especialy cape 9 rence nwo era ity, Api 202 ese (pea repo on itigen dei ahs ‘ " seca scented Car Zier’ column "The Evoltonsry Fron), ania Stet American, | TY, nes ep tl July 2000s (aie hy Rms ead “1S Answer to Crest ont Nensese. iresnpaibe with xclonary theory a ually rested by ros ol ‘roltonary sien belong biologie ambropaogi ‘A. Ualke scienicenationins, lige! sign adsoais ase ht sivas Oleg re Wha lx Br {ie Lah is ree and tha pels ay ene sone ont tne ‘ns ea abou eign een cetine ane spp’). Tic dence, tees spereay ore ie Hee neva 0877 sche ha thse tae ean. Questions ta Conder 1b Inlget design ates oxever,chaleage Darwinian ticory 1. What quien, fan. hss eee mie in sour! boul he laugh te concep of wranaiecompex Isatoneip af eciece we elon? 1-"Recordg to his es. some seems Fs ule an coin 2. Why do youshink the neler desig ern caren 1 ‘Go many sera fnenening pris har hey cool ve i oak aaa rarer | erg only hy dsin. They eld or have come ant hy rotionery ange tough sal saccessiverunliision ovet “The comple aman ee, a3 tose who vspuse ili design ive god example oa phenomeann dat is reduihly unplen (€. uluonary seems, inching biological aropologsts, cater by explining tate ca lade use eyutiray then to mace te tnrergenoe ofthe olen mammalian ese fe Tn fan of te eye can be charted, spl to more complex, acre evolutionary tine Soups: Let's nose i note Lecture Four Matter Arising—New Speci 5 al nos ino plato he ‘Solmonery pres, We have cased haw cusnges way occur ‘vith species over ms, But hve do new specs pen te heh ssi? Tt, hoe dees yeti ae Repreducive holon fhe citieal process by which speciston ronal acu, As poglatirs beceme led form eachother they respond deren pl ile natural selection resus. ‘vest, nv rom ieoat populations can no enna ieroscd sacral relied cess called adept ral is tou ary well ndertooe by evolutionary bila ss will oxide Uistith elie emesis For this ates se tam agin to Darina ding of Speco a! apie ad 309, developed while nthe Galapagos Talandssbserving fishes abd othr spec, deat us today Further, evant bilogeds have res plished major work on the onging nature of velation aang the Cala Cc, which Ieinorees nivel wha we have leaiee about natural secs, 0s tee au abou pecan How does ape tla to buman evolu, howe? Ts take de fone view and cinser wht hes happened ever the Bt 65 milion sears Bafre tata, n primates vet oxBted in the word thes ‘tar ama nisin, Asie rac aos since ta ime have fesu ted ne diversi of pramats species e2 may mone tha 39. What rae al selection pay i this proves? This esstion istest answered by considering how primates fer em other sms Outtine ‘Weave explored how mal sletion an eer evolonry foees work on exablihod populrins. How cn hese ores, tho aeeou fo the ‘Tvetiy ot hfe es Lasts? Hew do ar species ise inthe fst sce? |. Speco thet forthe process by which ew spies ate ferme Toomer existing oe. M.A bey suite for speciation is epreductiveielaton, Tw Populations moat be efi ely pred lac te’ cisalleving mating betwesn them. 1 Reprieve nnlation may ecu ecause to populations beeome separated by some gzographi base come Tang Compe ie ap m1 Altematvel;.tvo populations ay become seated because of eve! barre 3. Wit ihe typeof islesonsightly dere seletoa tours eperate onthe wo pplstions Samy, diennees| fetween them mount 44 Speeison i earplte when nds em the xi! to opulatios ould no fener intsbved and produ ete ‘lipring brown oo gether Wher 9 varity a new toms ecing now rolted peeies—sdaps oan fils variety of eclogial niches, we ay ta: aap radi has A. Aalapliveranon hos cid ip tis in evoironer histo 3B, le principles aspiration are meet src by Dani's case sty ofthe ies of the Galapages sland C.Thirson diferent veietes of Galapagos finches wore aed by Usowin “hee dtfered nosty i the sap sad sia af ei Fess, owe Ti form fo each fal inthe Gaanagesehcin 1, Darin eal zo that hss hier varies Yad descended for ort souren ancestor. Fach fn spl ke celeste Sori Satie raictin. Biologists Petr ané Rosemary Gram runs to sudythe Calapages the 127, mary of Darwin's ish 2. The Grant showed specially ha vec, severe ener net hms tase row ev atone the Galaga Tisch popes Adoptive ndistion arc als inporatin he evoaton of he pratt grup tha: includes nanan |S. Appainately 70 ml em pine poplin ese in the work 1B. Rernaps abou 65 millon yas ao, Some ancestral dere Populations bega te unig nee ele presses Thr he recess e spoon, pists began ie Soper {© The orgiral"posh facto” inthis serie of gpa ever i iy bated, bura They candies med 10 nt reeling, as ig uses fer foe, "ear of pri even cnr 3 eat anstood by exploring te ovals tar emerged when primate species Fst ignated. These its characte the piel aly AL Five hy its stig ep ae tos ther mma 1. Graspog ands allow primes te hold branches, fr and jst 22 Dah perce ents rites lige antes eure To ei Comeany Lins ate a [Essental Reading: Alara, comple bran unravels fr priate Yen wut he works silly Irom cr companions 4 Side brs pels oxcu, follow by a proloned pried of neal de p6063h2) Prins ae heb social mara, characte by inense seta bans Wi ths pace tis a andrea edapatin, vans specs tates adapted over ets eecustanes, nally. “Ended op with ne ary af mone thar 20 pina species we see oy. Weiner, The Beak ofthe Finch: A Star of Evin in Oar Te; ‘Questions to Consider: L ‘Why it impertan to unceeane thar evolution works at 0 levele—provncing change whi existing popalsoos and species? I wt ways ca you reagalze oe hep pines at workin Your Lecture Five Prosimians, Monkey! and Apa Scape: Withthis eeu, we ene ee vay rom evoluonary ‘bry to tena tad exploration of ea eoset ving relies the ms ving lend lem ww ves pirate ava taxonomic gO, WS ‘vill now eansiler th yr suby-cups ie nankumn peimaes Prosinians, roneys, a aos. These nonhuman imate se {sb el seri nt teatans ofthe wees ples and ir wow ‘es, ide fe Lops Prosimians ae nostra fen slr crm, idk ote tric spviliza on corares tothe oer pits, The ing ‘led mur of Afi ard he slater lrs of Asia, howeves are ‘amples of sly sil prosimians, Pamelor just beanie foappeciate the fl sompleity ofthese prowl” sell ive, a8 We wil icover. Allthe oer maim rina, besides prosies, 6 anropo ‘hs thet name uaplin hese cresure, te mone and aes are onsgerably mote ke humans thane the rosin We wl Emme and co avast tke monkeys and apes Yo ach oer anc ake efintvae within each etenory, ell stioush som seems od sedi ed land captive anthropos insheearly esader ofthe tweet comy ths relevance o! ses wank, to Ameria artopolcay ws lad eaponentlly fn 1951 hat ‘sear, Sherwead Wasoum awit ett corseived (now classe) ‘ln fe wins arthropod ea e erst uid= and vie our Understanding of hua evlit.on. Rater ever she lst aeitcem, ‘Wasnbur’sntuince hos geal aflected out conception af be relationship benseen amtropeogy and prima sedis Outline The wonhuona primates, antes by te fie majo carters we kes i Lecture Fone, 0 found rol thm the Wopieal a sail regions af the New Worl (walwein Mexico, Cental and South ris andthe Ole Word ATIca and Asi, Pron fom only he Old Work, ae the Ht ef ze wroromie {sans of the mln primates, A. Posinians. evolved st, efoe the ther noshuman pers H. Asai geoup, osimians have sore anatorialspecilizaions that tz anypieal for primates usa wie 1. Sum prasiminn Sere, prea hose lating ote sere ‘organs, ele these unas: yom ee. 2 Allgh prosinians €o nave te ve prin characterises, sme fe lu highly devsloped ne aman the amtraneds ©. ltn,pesimian ve potayed es the least complex primates in eas of social bokevar end imeligenc. Detaled esate suggests that his "east compen” eralietion my etn hy and supericil acosiasion. Tr The ms -taed ler of Afisa are day-iving and grouping ris, witha Bevo hierarchy ni ens ula he rele. 22, ‘Thremocarel slo neces of Asia heught unl eu reent 19 be relatively solar, actualy show socal Slain, sac 3 ley, rowel, dnd mal areal are Artnopoids, tie monkeys wd ps, ae ying, ee ap eats ‘wih mace elaborated primate charters [Ac Monkeys re foun in both he Nes Word ar the OL Woh ae rllvely lla, wth ego lenath ans and ps or ‘yedrupda waking cl TL New Work! mowie ze acbereally adapted. Thy vary ie Senta orgie and vey. Mores 3rd ras, th, From tinal lise se these iereees 2. Ghd Warkd money my be ether aFbocal or tres The. i orbanzation,and behavior. A eorpeioe low species ar hstat ome of exe Apes ate found only inthe OM Work They are ypicll lunge uit ‘on orks, wi longer ame tha les fe senwing tireugh he tac> Th “Lesser” apes, sch as gitbons, ay sraltbodied bora species fio Asn Te tay Pein ed pi. 2. Gro apesie liege bai spaies ot ether Asa o> Aiea AS Iman closes lng tvs, ses apes are pert’ fer bole! ontop a Grangutans the rel pes Ai, are abel ard les soci ‘than he oer great apes, 1b. Goris fmt in Aiea, Hie la one-al o esr ol Chimpsnyses ard Sonatas, found in Ac, arene we species that Eve in isoeal eomeuites 1V, The sty of nolan priate, patclarly the anthrone ané even sore particu she great pes took on ded fous ant sg Essential Reng rf sar 1981 This is when American athropaoeit Sher Wsbara evel his "row physical snoopy” ‘A. Wastbum falc that physical, row cll biohies,sehmopoegy, a loo faced on sale towsremen: and elssieat on, ‘Wook wished wo fvusinsead onthe Sram process of -rolationaryebangeatd how chee affected primates Meer toned & ‘einer nary syns centering uso evcltoney ong 6. A ns metho f the ne ysl anthropology involved earring ul rig the ears eapratons of dierent mses. A ‘rave of Wesloun's seats entered the fet sy fe wp ions ltmonkeysa apes The compe an corte these mats ‘xapatons wil hose Haar the eet ances, 0. ash tft osc epoogy was cain puma te Hoke of te dpe oy cota be Scarica, inline stay aia volo abel, Poco ser, Es egal pac of anthropology. =“ tston to Pn stat dnahropctogs, hese 8, wp 1-52 [be Waal, Taro eign, cpr by Ste, ‘Questions co Consider: Why mig Wasttars welcome the roent esearch showing tht pes: se nol as bei orlly dine rar moneys an pes it a eh Visita oni pessible,whctaer tal He" ° view on he Ie. Af you ale sp seme cw eas anon Tenens eee ene toa pe

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