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Bioinspired Applications in Artificial and Natural Computation: Third International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 22-26, 2009, Proceedings, Part II PDF

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Preview Bioinspired Applications in Artificial and Natural Computation: Third International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 22-26, 2009, Proceedings, Part II

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5602 CommencedPublicationin1973 FoundingandFormerSeriesEditors: GerhardGoos,JurisHartmanis,andJanvanLeeuwen EditorialBoard DavidHutchison LancasterUniversity,UK TakeoKanade CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA,USA JosefKittler UniversityofSurrey,Guildford,UK JonM.Kleinberg CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY,USA AlfredKobsa UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA,USA FriedemannMattern ETHZurich,Switzerland JohnC.Mitchell StanfordUniversity,CA,USA MoniNaor WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel OscarNierstrasz UniversityofBern,Switzerland C.PanduRangan IndianInstituteofTechnology,Madras,India BernhardSteffen UniversityofDortmund,Germany MadhuSudan MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology,MA,USA DemetriTerzopoulos UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA DougTygar UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA,USA GerhardWeikum Max-PlanckInstituteofComputerScience,Saarbruecken,Germany José Mira José Manuel Ferrández José R. Álvarez Félix de la Paz F. Javier Toledo (Eds.) Bioinspired Applications in Artificial and Natural Computation Third InternationalWork-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural andArtificial Computation, IWINAC 2009 Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 22-26, 2009 Proceedings, Part II 1 3 VolumeEditors JoséMira JoséR.Álvarez FélixdelaPaz UniversidadNacionaldeEducaciónaDistancia E.T.S.deIngenieríaInformática DepartamentodeInteligenciaArtificial,JuandelRosal,16,28040Madrid,Spain E-mail:[email protected] JoséManuelFerrández F.JavierToledo UniversidadPolitécnicadeCartagena DepartamentodeElectrónica,TecnologíadeComputadorasyProyectos Pl.Hospital,1,30201Cartagena,Spain E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2009928632 CRSubjectClassification(1998):F.1,F.2,I.2,G.2,I.4,I.5,J.3,J.4,J.1 LNCSSublibrary:SL1–TheoreticalComputerScienceandGeneralIssues ISSN 0302-9743 ISBN-10 3-642-02266-9SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-642-02266-1SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2009 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:12697304 06/3180 543210 Preface Continuing Professor Mira’s Scientific Navigation Professor Jos´e Mira passed away during the preparation of this edition of the International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation. As a pioneer in the field of cybernetics, he enthusiastically pro- moted interdisciplinary research. The term cybernetics stems from the Greek Kυβ(cid:4)ρνη´της (kybernetes),whichmeanssteersman,governor,orpilot,thesame root as government.Cybernetics is a broad field of study, but the essential goal ofcyberneticsistounderstandanddefinethefunctionsandprocessesofsystems that have goals, and promote circular, causal chains that move from action to sensing to comparison with a desired goal, and again to action. These defini- tions can be applied to Prof. Mira. He was a leader, a pilot, with a visionary and extraordinary capacity to guide his students and colleagues to the desired objective. In this way he promoted the study and understanding of biological functions for creating new computational paradigms able to solve known prob- lems in a more efficient way than classical approaches. But he also impressed his magnificent and generous character on all the researchers and friends that workedwithhim,imprintinginallofushighrequirementsofexcellencenotonly as scientists, but also as human beings. Weallrememberhisenthusiasticexplanationaboutthedomainsandlevelsin thecomputationalparadigm(CP).Inhisownwords,thisparadigmincludesnot only the physicallevel,but alsothe meaningofcalculus passingoverasymbolic level (SL) and a knowledge level (KL), where percepts, objectives, intentions, plans, and goals reside. In addition, in each level it is necessary to distinguish between the semantics and the causality inherent to that level phenomenology (owndomain,OD)andthesemanticsassociatedtophenomenologiesintheexter- nal observersdomain (EOD). It is also important to note that own experiences, whichemergefromneuralcomputationinaconsciousreflexivelevel,onlymatch partially with what is communicable by natural language.We want to continue Prof. Mira’s scientific navigation by attaining a deeper understanding of the relations between the observable, and hence measurable, and the semantics as- sociated to the physical signals world, i.e., between physiology and cognition, between natural language and computer hardware. This is the theme of the IWINAC meetings the “interplay” movement be- tween the natural and artificial, addressing this problem every two years. We want to know how to model biological processes that are associated with mea- surablephysicalmagnitudesand,consequently,wealsowanttodesignandbuild robots that imitate the corresponding behaviors based on that knowledge. This synergisticapproachwillpermitusnotonlytobuildnewcomputationalsystems VI Preface based on the natural measurable phenomena, but also to understand many of the observable behaviors inherent to natural systems. The difficultyofbuilding bridgesovernaturalandartificialcomputationwas one of the main motivations for the organization of IWINAC 2009. These two books of proceedings contain the works of the invited speakers, Profs. Maravall and Ferna´ndez, and the 108 works selected by the Scientific Committee, after a refereeing process. In the first volume, entitled Methods and Models in Artifi- cial and Natural Computation: A Homage to Professor Mira’s Scientific Legacy, we include some articles by Prof. Mira’s former disciples, who relate the rele- vance of their work with him from a scientific and personal point of view, the most recent collaborationswith his colleagues,and the rest of the contributions that are closer to the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological aspects link- ing AI and knowledge engineering with neurophysiology, clinics, and cognition. The second volume entitled Bioinspired Applications in Artificial and Natural Computation contains all the contributions connected with biologically inspired methods and techniques for solving AI and knowledge engineering problems in different application domains. An event of the nature of IWINAC 2009 cannot be organized without the collaborationofagroupofinstitutionsandpeople,whomwewouldliketothank, starting with UNED and Universidad Polit´ecnica de Cartagena. The collabora- tion of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, and especially its rector Senen Barro, has been crucial, as has the efficient work of Roberto Iglesias and the rest of the Local Committee. In addition to our universities, we received financialsupportfromthe Spanish Ministerio de Educacio´n y Ciencia, the Pro- grama de Tecnolog´ıas Futuras y Emergentes (FET) de la Comisio´n Europea, the Xunta de Galicia, APLIQUEM s.l., I.B.M., Fundaci´on Pedro Barri´e de la Maza and the Concello de Santiago de Compostela. Finally, we would also like to thank the authorsfor their interest inour calland the effort inpreparingthe papers, a condition sine qua non for these proceedings, and to all the Scientific andOrganizingCommittees,particularlythemembersofthesecommittees that have acted as effective and efficient referees and as promoters and managers of pre-organized sessions on autonomous and relevant topics under the IWINAC global scope. Our deep gratitude goes to Springer and Alfred Hofmann, along with Anna KramerandErikaSiebert-Cole,forthecontinuousreceptivityandcollaboration in all our editorial joint ventures on the interplay between neuroscience and computation. All the authors of papers in this volume as well as the IWINAC Program andOrganizingCommitteesdedicatethisspecialvolumetothememoryofProf. Mira as a person, scientist and friend. We will greatly miss him. June 2009 Organizing Committee Organization General Chairman Jos´e Mira, Spain Honorary Committee Roberto Moreno D´ıaz, Spain Sen´en Barro Ameneiro, Spain Roque Mar´ın Morales, Spain Ramon Ruiz Merino, Spain Emilio Lo´pez Zapata, Spain Diego Cabello Ferrer, Spain Francisco J. R´ıos Go´mez, Spain Jos´e Manuel Ferra´ndez Vicente, Spain Organizing Committee Jos´e Manuel Ferra´ndez Vicente, Spain Jos´e Ram´on A´lvarez Sa´nchez, Spain F´elix de la Paz L´opez, Spain Fco. Javier Toledo Moreo, Spain Local Organizing Committee Sen´en Barro Ameneiro, Spain Roberto Iglesias Rodr´ıguez, Spain Manuel Ferna´ndez Delgado, Spain Eduardo Sa´nchez Vila, Spain Paulo F´elix Lamas, Spain Mar´ıa Jesu´s Taboada Iglesias, Spain Purificacio´n Carin˜ena Amigo, Spain Miguel A. Rodr´ıguez Gonza´lez, Spain Jesu´s Mar´ıa Rodr´ıguez Presedo, Spain Pablo Quint´ıa Vidal, Spain Cristina Gamallo Solo´rzano, Spain VIII Organization Invited Speakers Dario Maravall,Spain Javier de Lope Asia´ın, Spain Eduardo Fernandez, Spain Jose del R. Millan, Switzerland Tom Heskes, The Netherlands Field Editors Dario Maravall,Spain Rafael Martinez Tomas, Spain Maria Jesus Taboada Iglesias, Spain Juan Antonio Botia Blaya, Spain Javier de Lope Asia´ın, Spain M. Dolores Jimenez Lopez, Spain Mariano Rincon Zamorano, Spain Jorge Larrey Ruiz, Spain Eris Chinellato, Spain Miguel Angel Patricio, Spain Scientific Committee (Referees) Andy Adamatzky, UK Michael Affenzeller, Austria Igor Aleksander, UK Amparo Alonso Betanzos, Spain Jose Ramon Alvarez-Sanchez, Spain Shun-ichi Amari, Japan Razvan Andonie, USA Davide Anguita, Italy Margarita Bachiller Mayoral, Spain Antonio Bahamonde, Spain Alvaro Barreiro,Spain Juan Botia, Spain Giorgio Cannata, Italy Enrique J. Carmona Suarez, Spain Joaquin Cerda Boluda, Spain Enric Cervera Mateu, Spain Antonio Chella, Italy Eris Chinellato, Spain Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju, Hungary Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso, Spain Felix de la Paz Lopez, Spain Javier de Lope, Spain Organization IX Gines Domenech, Spain Jose Dorronsoro,Spain Richard Duro, Spain Patrizia Fattori, Italy Eduardo Fernandez, Spain Antonio Fernandez-Caballero,Spain Jose Manuel Ferrandez, Spain Kunihiko Fukushima, Japan Jose A. Gamez, Spain Vicente Garceran-Hernandez,Spain Jesus Garcia Herrero, Spain Juan Antonio Garcia Madruga, Spain Francisco J. Garrigos Guerrero, Spain Charlotte Gerritsen, The Netherlands Marian Gheorghe, UK Pedro Gomez Vilda, Spain Manuel Gran˜a Romay, Spain Francisco Guil-Reyes, Spain Oscar Herreras,Spain Juan Carlos Herrero, Spain Cesar Hervas Martinez, Spain Tom Heskes, The Netherlands Fernando Jimenez Barrionuevo,Spain M. Dolores Jimenez-Lopez, Spain Jose M. Juarez, Spain Joost N. Kok, The Netherlands Elka Korutcheva, Spain Markus Lappe, Germany Jorge Larrey-Ruiz,Spain Maria Longobardi, Italy Maria Teresa Lopez Bonal, Spain Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Spain Vincenzo Manca, Italy Riccardo Manzotti, Italy Dario Maravall,Spain Roque Marin, Spain Rafael Martinez Tomas, Spain Jose Javier Martinez-Alvarez, Spain Jesus Medina Moreno, Spain Victor Mitrana, Spain Jose Manuel Molina Lopez, Spain Juan Morales Sanchez, Spain Ana Belen Moreno Diaz, Spain Arminda Moreno Diaz, Spain X Organization Douglas Mota, Brazil Isabel Navarrete Sanchez, Spain Nadia Nedjah, Brazil Taishin Y. Nishida, Japan Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Spain Jose T. Palma Mendez, Spain Juan Pantrigo,Spain Gheorghe Paun, Spain Juan Pazos Sierra, Spain Jose M. Puerta, Spain Carlos Puntonet, Spain Alexis Quesada Arencibia, Spain Luigi M. Ricciardi, Italy Mariano Rincon Zamorano, Spain Victoria Rodellar, Spain Camino Rodriguez Vela, Spain Ramon Ruiz Merino, Spain Angel Sanchez Calle, Spain Jose Luis Sancho-Gomez, Spain Jose Santos Reyes, Spain Andreas Schierwagen,Germany Jordi Sol´e i Casals, Spain Antonio Soriano Paya,Spain Maria Taboada, Spain Settimo Termini, Italy Fco. Javier Toledo Moreo, Spain Jan Treur, Netherlands Ramiro Varela Arias, Spain Marley Vellasco, Brazil Table of Contents – Part II Measurements over the Aquiles Tendon through Ecographic Images Processing ...................................................... 1 M-Consuelo Bastida-Jumilla, Juan Morales-Sa´nchez, Rafael Verdu´-Monedero, Jorge Larrey-Ruiz, and Jos´e Luis Sancho-Go´mez A New Approach in Metal Artifact Reduction for CT 3D Reconstruction .................................................. 11 Valery Naranjo, Roberto Llorens, Patricia Paniagua, Mariano Alcan˜iz, and Salvador Albalat Genetic Approaches for the Automatic Division of Topological Active Volumes ........................................................ 20 J. Novo, N. Barreira, M.G. Penedo, and J. Santos Object Discrimination by Infrared Image Processing.................. 30 Ignacio Bosch, Soledad Gomez, Raquel Molina, and Ramo´n Miralles Validation of Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentation for Jaw Tissues ...... 41 Roberto Llor´ens, Valery Naranjo, Miriam Clemente, Mariano Alcan˜iz, and Salvador Albalat Breast Cancer Classification Applying Artificial Metaplasticity......... 48 Alexis Marcano-Ceden˜o, Fulgencio S. Buend´ıa-Buend´ıa, and Diego Andina Ontology Based Approach to the Detection of Domestics Problems for Independent Senior People ........................................ 55 Juan A. Botia Blaya, Jose Palma, Ana Villa, David Perez, and Emilio Iborra A Wireless Sensor Network for Assisted Living at Home of Elderly People.......................................................... 65 Francisco Ferna´ndez-Luque, Juan Zapata, Ram´on Ruiz, and Emilio Iborra An Ambient Assisted Living System for Telemedicine with Detection of Symptoms ...................................................... 75 A.J. Jara, M.A. Zamora-Izquierdo, and A.F. Gomez-Skarmeta Applying Context-Aware Computing in Dependent Environments ...... 85 Juan A. Fraile, Javier Bajo, and Juan M. Corchado A Smart Solution for Elders in Ambient Assisted Living .............. 95 Nayat S´anchez-Pi and Jos´e Manuel Molina

The two-volume set LNCS 5601 and LNCS 5602 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2009, held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in June 2009.The 108 revised papers presented are thematically d
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