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BIOENERGY RESEARCH: ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS Edited by V K. G , M G. T , C P. K , IJAI UPTA ARIA UOHY HRISTIAN UBICEK J S , F X ACK ADDLER ENG U AMSTERDAM(cid:129)BOSTON(cid:129)HEIDELBERG(cid:129)LONDON(cid:129)NEWYORK(cid:129)OXFORD PARIS(cid:129)SANDIEGO(cid:129)SANFRANCISCO(cid:129)SYDNEY(cid:129)TOKYO Elsevier 225,WymanStreet,Waltham,MA02451,USA TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UK Radarweg29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,TheNetherlands Copyright(cid:1)2014ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 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This important quest underpins the well as to reduce process costs. Hydrolysis of lignocel- essential requirement for research and development on lulosic materials is the first step for either digestion to various types of bioenergy. Bioethanol production has biogas (methane) or fermentation to ethanol. Hydro- been the focus of considerable research in the context lysis using enzymes (generally derived from microbial of liquid fuels for transportation. The use of starch- sources) is the preferred option as enzymes can be based (first-generation) agricultural products as used to selectively convert carbohydrate-rich biopoly- substratesasbioethanolfeedstocksispossiblebutraises mersinbiomasstofermentablesugars,withoutforma- some concerns because of potential competition with tion of by-products that inhibit downstream bioenergy food production. Although numerous investigations and biorefinery conversion processes. However, on bioenergy have been performed over the past pretreatment of the lignocellulose to reduce its recalci- decades to clarify the potential of, and to develop trance to enzymatic and microbial conversion is essen- processes for the use of agricultural crops and biomass tial. Pretreatment by physical, chemical or biological as feedstock for fuel and energy, the recent period has means is an essential process for ethanol production seen arenewedintensity of research onbiomasstobio- from lignocellulosic materials. Pretreatment also energyconversiontechnologiesandprocesses,withthe enhancesthebiodegradabilityofthewastesforethanol aimofdevelopingeconomicalandsustainablesolutions and biogas production and increases accessibility of atcommercialscale.Tosupporteconomicsustainability, the enzymes to the biopolymers present in the biorefinery systems have been implemented to convert biomass/waste feedstocks. Research is necessary to renewablematerials,suchaswoodoragriculturalcrops, improve process efficiencies in the areas of pretreat- into additional valuable products such as platform and ment and bioconversion, and to explore new technolo- feedstock chemicals, and pharma compounds. It is gies for conversion of lignocellulose to bioenergy. envisaged that the biorefinery concept should enable Similarly, the major challenge for microalgal biodiesel a transition from the traditional fossil fuel-based plat- production is the high cost of producing microalgal forms for production of commodity products to more biomass, and the current significant environmental, environmentally favorable and sustainable bio-based safety and sustainability concerns surrounding the processes. For researchers and industrialists alike, the recovery and extraction of lipid fractions used for bio- biorefinery approach brings both significant scientific diesel production. In this sector, the key issues to be andtechnicalchallengesandmuchopportunityfortech- solvedarethecostsforharvestingthealgae,protection nologicalinnovation. of the high-oil microalgae from the contamination by Second-generation bioenergy uses the lignocellulose other algae, and the development of environmentally present in woody biomass, forestry residue, agricul- and operationally more benign extraction processes. tural residues, food wastes, agricultural wastes and Another important issue for both lignocellulosic animal wastes. Agricultural residues include the straw ethanol and microalgal biodiesel processes involves from wheat and rice, sugar cane bagasse, stem and the development of technologies for the utilization of roots from food crops, the top ends of trees like euca- coproducts and residues formed through primary lyptus not used in paper manufacture, and fast devel- bioconversion processes which should increase overall oping tall grasses (e.g. Miscanthus spp., coastal process economics. Utilization of each fraction in grasses, etc.). A detailed understanding of the compo- biomass agricultural wastes provides an effective way sition of the lignocellulosic waste is essential to to minimize environmental pollution, address food develop and optimize mechanistic models for its security problems and improve agricultural waste conversion. Inclusion of pretreatment processes to aid management approaches. ix x PREFACE Thisbookfocusesoncurrentinnovativemethodsand included. It is envisaged that once such approaches technological developments which are aimed at over- have reached viable commercial scale, global depen- coming the bottlenecks in biofuel and bioenergy dence on petroleum for a host of products used in processes. Reviews of the potential of lignocellulosics day-to-day applications will be reduced, and a more for the production of (bio)chemicals are also included. sustainable global bioeconomy willresult. Chapters on biorefining routes resulting in a product with higher market value than ethanol have been Editors Foreword Our present industrial civilization relies on the bioenergydaimstousetheavailablebiomassresources consumption of enormous amounts of energy and asefficientaspossible.At themoment,awiderangeof much of today’s economic wealth is based on a petro- biomass conversion technologies are under develop- leum-based economy. Petroleum not only is used as ment to improve efficiencies, lower costs along the energy in transport but also is the starting material of whole supply chain and improve the environmental many other products of our daily life including such performance.Butthereisalsoaneedforfurthertechno- diverse products as plastics, pharmaceuticals, solvents, logical innovation leading to more efficient and cleaner fertilizers, pesticides and clothing up to the tarmac, conversionofamorediverserangeoffeedstocks.These which we use for the transport of these products. include not only existing lignocellulosic waste residues However, our continued reliance on fossil fuels will from forestry, agriculture and urban communities but make it impossibleto reducegreenhousegas emissions alsothegenerationofnewfeedstocksfromenergycrops to stop environmental problems such as global warm- ormicroalgae.Afirstwaveofcellulosicbiofuelsdemon- ing.Withoutdecisiveactions,theglobalusageofenergy stration plants is now reaching completion producing and energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide is pre- transportation fuels from agro-, forestry and process dicted to double by 2050. Although there is an active residues. To make the overall process more market debate when the demand for oil will exceed its supply competitive, these plants co-produce added-value bio- (Peak Oil), it is clear that our present economic system based products thereby supplying processes that are will need a major shift to develop effective alternatives less energy or chemically intensive compared to their includingamoresustainableeconomy.Thissustainable petroleum-based counterparts. development will be based on renewable energy and Increasing deployment of biomass will include also biomass sources as well as more efficient ways to use otherchallengesforoursocietyincludinganincreasing these. competition for land, questions of biodiversity and soil Traditionally,biomasshasbeenusedtoproducefood, quality or the availability of water resources. But feed and wood fiber. But biomass can also provide biomass will be an important part of the future energy energy in the form of (bio)fuels and it can be used as mixtherebycontributingtoalowCO future.Excluding 2 a source of feedstock chemicals replacing the petro- biomass from the energy mix would significantly leum-based products. The development of such a bio- increasethe cost of decarbonizing ourenergysystem. basedeconomyisoccurringalreadyatarelativelyrapid This book has been initiated to describe the current paceandsomeofitsproductsarealreadyonthemarket stageofknowledgeonbioenergyresearchfromvarious including first-generation biofuels. The commercial perspectives, thereby outlining also those areas where viability of this approach will depend largely on the furtherprogressisneeded. availability of cost-competitive technologies capable of converting (waste) biomass within a holistic concept of Dr. Bernhard Seiboth a biorefinery to biofuels and other bio-based products. Professor, Head of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna Biorefiningdthe sustainable processing of biomass University of Technology, Vienna, Austria into food/feed ingredients, chemicals, materials and xi List of Contributors BrunoC.Aita DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,Federal Ciara´n John Forde AER BIO, National Institute for Bio- Universityof SantaMaria, SantaMaria, Brazil processing Research & Training (NIBRT), Blackrock, Co. Y. Allahverdiyeva Department of Biochemistry, University Dublin,Ireland ofTurku,Turku,Finland Michael P. Garver Department of Paper and Bioprocess Samuel Amartey Division of Biology, Imperial College of Engineering, College of Environmental Science and Forestry,StateUniversityofNewYork,Syracuse,NY,USA Science, Technology and Medicine, South Kensington, London,UK Juliana M. Gasparotto Department of Chemical Engi- M. Anusree Biotechnology Division, National Institute for neering, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), CSIR, Trivandrum,Kerala,India Maria Gavrilescu Department of Environmental Engi- E.M. Aro Department of Biochemistry, University of Turku, neering and Management, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania; Academy of Romanian Turku,Finland Scientists, Bucharest, Romania Rama Raju Baadhe Department of Biotechnology, National NishantGopalan BiotechnologyDivision,NationalInstitute InstituteofTechnology,Warangal, AndhraPradesh, India forInterdisciplinaryScienceandTechnology(NIIST),CSIR, Mikhail Balakshin Renmatix, R&D Department, King of Trivandrum,Kerala,India Prussia,PA, USA Vipin Gopinath Biotechnology Division, National Institute Alex Berlin Novozymes, Protein Chemistry Department, for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Davis,CA, USA CSIR,Trivandrum, Kerala,India SusanBoland AERBIO,NationalInstituteforBioprocessing RichardJ.A.Gosselink FoodandBiobasedResearch,Wage- Research & Training (NIBRT), Blackrock, Co. Dublin, ningenUR,Wageningen, The Netherlands Ireland Tingyue Gu Department of Chemical and Biomolecular John Bosco Carrigan AER BIO, National Institute for Bio- Engineering, OhioUniversity,Athens, OH,USA processing Research & Training (NIBRT), Blackrock, Co. Vijai K. Gupta Molecular Glycobiotechnology Group, Dublin,Ireland Department of Biochemistry, School of Natural Sciences, Maria Aparecida F. Cesar-Oliveira Research Center in NationalUniversity ofIrelandGalway, Galway,Ireland Applied Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Federal Universityof Parana´,Curitiba, Parana´,Brazil Patrick C. Hallenbeck De´partement de Microbiologie et Immunologie, Universite´ de Montre´al, Montre´al, Que´bec, Daniel P. Chielle Department of Chemical Engineering, Canada FederalUniversity ofSanta Maria,Santa Maria, Brazil Daniel J. Hassett Department of Molecular Genetics, Rhykka Connelly UT Algae Science and Technology Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Cincinnati, Facility,University ofTexas atAustin, Austin,TX, USA CollegeofMedicine, Cincinnati, OH,USA Claudiney S. Cordeiro Research Center in Applied Chem- Alan Hernon AERBIO,NationalInstituteforBioprocessing istry, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Research&Training(NIBRT),Blackrock,Co.Dublin,Ireland Parana´,Curitiba, Parana´,Brazil Charles Hyland Department of Civil & Environmental Ed de Jong Avantium Chemicals, Amsterdam, The Engineering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Netherlands Zealand KiranS.Dhar BiotechnologyDivision,NationalInstitutefor TaoJin KeyLaboratoryofPollutionProcessesandEnviron- Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), CSIR, mentalCriteria(MinistryofEducation),CollegeofEnviron- Trivandrum,Kerala,India mental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, HanshuDing DepartmentofProteinChemistry,Novozymes Tianjin,China Inc.,Davis,California,USA Vasiliki Kachrimanidou Department of Food Science and Thaddeus Chukwuemeka Ezeji The Ohio State University, Human Nutrition, Agricultural University of Athens, DepartmentofAnimalSciencesandOhioStateAgricultural Athens,Greece ResearchandDevelopmentCenter(OARDC),Wooster,OH, Rodrigo Klaic Department of Chemical Engineering, USA FederalUniversity ofSanta Maria, SantaMaria, Brazil xiii xiv LISTOFCONTRIBUTORS Nikolaos Kopsahelis Department of Food Science and Shirley Nakagaki Research Center in Applied Chemistry, Human Nutrition, Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Parana´, Athens,Greece Curitiba, Parana´,Brazil S.N. Kosourov Department of Biochemistry, University of K. Madhavan Nampoothiri Biotechnology Division, Turku,Turku,Finland National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Tech- Apostolis A. Koutinas Department of Food Science and nology (NIIST),CSIR, Trivandrum, Kerala,India Human Nutrition, Agricultural University of Athens, W.J. Oosterkamp Oosterkamp Oosterbeek Octooien, The Athens,Greece Netherlands Christian P. Kubicek Research Area Biotechnology and Anthonia O’Donovan Molecular Glycobiotechnology Microbiology, Institute ofChemical Engineering, TUWien, Group, Department of Biochemistry, School of Natural GumpendorferstrasseWien, Austria Sciences, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Jyothi Kumaran Human Health Therapeutics, National Ireland Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada; School of Irmene Ort´ız Departamento de Procesos yTecnolog´ıa, Uni- Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, versidad Auto´noma Metropolitana - Cuajimalpa, Me´xico ON,Canada D.F., Me´xico Gustavo B. Leite De´partement de Microbiologie et Ravichandra Potumarthi Department of Chemical Engi- Immunologie, Universite´ de Montre´al, Montre´al, Que´bec, neering,Monash University, Clayton,Victoria,Australia Canada Wensheng Qin Department of Biology, Lakehead Univer- Xiangling Li Aquatic and Crop Resource Development, sity, ON,Canada National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Rodolfo Quintero Departamento de Procesos y Tecnolog´ıa, College of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou University of Universidad Auto´noma Metropolitana - Cuajimalpa, ChineseMedicine, Guangzhou,China Me´xicoD.F., Me´xico Shijie Liu Department of Paper and Bioprocess Engi- Nasib Qureshi United States Department of Agriculture, neering, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, State University ofNewYork, Syracuse,NY,USA ARS,BioenergyResearch,Peoria, IL,USA Fan Lu College of Bioengineering, Hubei University of Luiz P. Ramos Research Center in Applied Chemistry, Technology, Wuhan, HubeiProvince, China Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Parana´, MirandaMaki DepartmentofBiology,LakeheadUniversity, Curitiba, Parana´,Brazil ON,Canada Gabrielly V. Ribeiro Department of Chemical Engineering, Nirupama Mallick Agricultural and Food Engineering FederalUniversity ofSanta Maria, SantaMaria, Brazil Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Paulo R.S. Salbego Department of Chemical Engineering, WestBengal, India FederalUniversity ofSanta Maria, SantaMaria, Brazil ShovonMandal SectionofEcology,BehaviorandEvolution, AjitK.Sarmah DepartmentofCivil&EnvironmentalEngi- University ofCalifornia, SanDiego, CA, USA neering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Marcio A. Mazutti Department of Chemical Engineering, Zealand FederalUniversity ofSanta Maria, SantaMaria, Brazil Gauri Dutt Sharma Bilaspur University, Bilaspur, Chattis- Mark P. McHenry School of Engineering and Information garh, India Technology,MurdochUniversity,Perth,WesternAustralia, DongShen Tong ResearchGroupforAdvancedMaterials& Australia Sustainable Catalysis (AMSC), Breeding Base of State Marie Meaney AER BIO, National Institute for Bio- Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry Synthesis Technology, processing Research & Training (NIBRT), Blackrock, Co. College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Dublin,Ireland Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Naveen Kumar Mekala Department of Biotechnology, China National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Andhra FabianeM.Stringhini DepartmentofChemicalEngineering, Pradesh,India FederalUniversityofSantaMaria,SantaMaria,Brazil Clive Mills AER BIO, National Institute for Bioprocessing Maria G. Tuohy Molecular Glycobiotechnology Group, Research & Training (NIBRT), Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Department of Biochemistry, School of Natural Ireland Sciences, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Je´ssica M. Moscon Department of Chemical Engineering, Ireland FederalUniversity ofSanta Maria, SantaMaria, Brazil Victor Ujor The Ohio State University, Department of Adrian Muller ResearchInstitute ofOrganicFarming FiBL, Animal Sciences and Ohio State Agricultural Research Zurich,Switzerland;InstituteforEnvironmentalDecisions, andDevelopment Center(OARDC), Wooster, OH,USA Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH), Zurich, LuizJ.Visioli DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,Federal Switzerland University ofSantaMaria, Santa Maria, Brazil xv LISTOFCONTRIBUTORS Hongyu Wang Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai Univer- Environmental Criteria (Ministry of Education), College of sity,Tianjin, China Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai Univer- Yanbin Yin Department of Biological Sciences, Northern sity,Tianjin, China Illinois University,DeKalb, IL,USA ColinWebb SchoolofChemicalEngineeringandAnalytical Wei Hua Yu Research Group for Advanced Materials & Science, University of Manchester, Manchester, England, Sustainable Catalysis (AMSC), Breeding Base of State Key UnitedKingdom Laboratory of Green Chemistry Synthesis Technology, Lin Mei Wu Research Group for Advanced Materials & College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Sustainable Catalysis (AMSC), Breeding Base of State Key Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Laboratory of Green Chemistry Synthesis Technology, China College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Chun Hui Zhou ResearchGroupforAdvancedMaterials& Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Sustainable Catalysis (AMSC), Breeding Base of State Key China Laboratory of Green Chemistry Synthesis Technology, Fernando Wypych Research Center in Applied Chemistry, College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Parana´, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Curitiba, Parana´,Brazil China; The Institute for Agriculture and the Environment, FengXu DepartmentofProteinChemistry,NovozymesInc., University of Southern Queensland, Queensland, Australia Davis,California, USA Trent Chunzhong Yang Aquatic and Crop Resource Devel- Minghua Zhou Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and opment, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON, Environmental Criteria (Ministry of Education), College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai Univer- Canada sity,Tianjin, China JieYang KeyLaboratoryofPollutionProcessesandEnviron- mental Criteria (Ministry of Education), College of C H A P T E R 1 Current Bioenergy Researches: Strengths and Future Challenges 1 2, Naveen Kumar Mekala , Ravichandra Potumarthi *, Rama Raju Baadhe1, Vijai K. Gupta3 1Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,MonashUniversity,Clayton,Victoria,Australia,3MolecularGlycobiotechnology Group,DepartmentofBiochemistry,SchoolofNaturalSciences,NationalUniversityofIrelandGalway,Galway,Ireland *Corresponding author email: [email protected]; [email protected] O U T L I N E Introduction 1 Biodiesel 9 Different Forms of Bioenergy 3 Feedstocks forBiodiesel 10 BiodieselfromPureVegetableOil 10 Biopellets 3 BiodieselfromAnimalFatWastes 11 Bioethanol 3 OtherWasteCookingOils 12 Feedstockfor Bioethanol 3 AlgaeasaBiodieselSource 12 Pretreatment of Lignocelluloses 4 Bioreactors for Biodiesel Production 13 BiologicalPretreatment 5 Biogas 14 PhysicalPretreatment 6 Biogas Feedstock 15 Chemical Household Digestersfor Biogas 15 Pretreatment 6 FixedDomeDigesters 15 Bioethanol Fermentation 7 FloatingDrumDigesters 16 MolecularBiology Trends in Bioethanol SocialandEnvironmentalAspectsofBiogasDigesters 17 Production Development 8 Bioreactors in Ethanol Conclusion 17 Production 8 References 18 Immobilization of Cells for Ethanol Production 9 INTRODUCTION rate of consumption, crude oil reserves, natural gas and liquid fuels were expected to last for around 60 Modernworldisfacingtwovitalchallenges,energy and 120years, respectively (British Petroleum Statisti- crisis and environmental pollution. Energy is a key cal Review, 2011). An additional challenge with fossil component for all sectors of modern economy and fuel consumption is emission of greenhouse gases plays an elementary role in improving the quality of (GHGs). In 2010, an average of 450g of CO was 2 life (US DOE, 2010). In current situations, approxi- emitted by production of 1kWh of electricity from the mately 80% of world energy supplies rely on rapidly coal (Figure 1.1) (International Energy Agency Statis- exhausting nonrenewable fossil fuels. At the current tics, 2012). It isalso clearthatcoal’s shareoftheglobal 1 BioenergyResearch:AdvancesandApplications http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-59561-4.00001-2 Copyright(cid:1)2014ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 2 1. CURRENTBIOENERGYRESEARCHES:STRENGTHSANDFUTURECHALLENGES Energy production Level : World Legend Mtoe : [ 2 347.03 ; 2 347.03 ] [ 1 993.36 ; 2 347.03 ] [ 1 605.20 ; 1 993.36 ] [ 1 253.92 ; 1 605.20 ] [ 1 160.87 ; 1 253.92 ] [ 1 066.08 ; 1 160.87 ] [ 727.64 ; 1 066.08 ] [ 63.86 ; 727.64 ] FIGURE1.1 Globalenergyproductionchartsignifiesthegrowingdemandforenergy. Source:IEA,2012.(Forcolorversionofthisfigure,the readerisreferredtotheonlineversionofthisbook.) energy continues to rise, and by 2017 coal will come The exploitation of currently unused by-products closetosurpassingoilastheworld’stopenergysource. and growing energy crops can address other existing China and India lead the growth in coal consumption environmental concerns. Perennial energy crops and overthenext5years.ResearchsaysChinawillsurpass plantationsaregenerallycharacterizedbyhigherbiodi- therestoftheworldincoaldemandduringtheoutlook versity compared with conventional annual crops. By period, while India will become the largest seaborne providing more continuous soil cover, they reduce the coalimporterandsecondlargestconsumer,surpassing impact of rainfall and sediment transport, thereby pre- the United States (IEA, 2012). venting soil erosion. The introduction of annual energy Growing global energy needs, release of environ- crops into crop systems allows for diversification and mentalpollutantsfromfossilfuelsandnationalsecurity expansion of crop rotations, replacing less favorable havefinallytunedtheattention incleanliquidfuelasa monocropping systems (Kheshgi et al., 1996). Defor- suitablealternativesourceofenergy.Thealternativebio- ested, degraded andmarginallandcan berehabilitated energysources,notonlycutthedependenceonoiltrade with bioenergy plantations, thus helping to combat and reduce the doubts caused by the fluctuations in oil desertification andhopefullyreducingmarket andgeo- price,butalsosecurereductionsinenvironmentalpollu- socialpressures onhigh-quality arable land. tionduetotheirhighoxygencontent(Huangetal.,2008; Biofuelscanbeobtainedinbulkwhentheyarederived Boeret al., 2000). from agricultural crops, crop residues and processing Inthiscontext,theavailabilityofbioenergyinitstwo wastes from agroindustries, forests, etc. Despite this main appearances, wood and agro energy can offer immense potential, existing biofuel policies have been cleaner energy services to meet basic energy require- verycostly;theyproduceslightreductionsinfossilfuel ments. This century could see a remarkable switchover useandincrease,ratherthandecrease,inGHGemissions from fossil fuel-based energy to bioenergy-based econ- (WuebblesandJain,2001).However,recentvolatilityand omy, with agriculture and forestry as the main sources rise in international fossil fuel prices, make biomass of feedstock for biofuels such as wood pellets, fuel- increasinglycompetitiveasenergyfeedstock. wood, charcoal, bioethanol, and biodiesel (Agarwal, Current bioenergy research around the globe 2007). Moreover, energy crops can be part of highly shoulddirectustowardreducedproductioncost,higher specialized and various agricultural production chains energy conversion efficiency and greater cost- and biorefineries, where a variety of bioproducts could effectiveness of biofuels. After all weare aware ofa fact be obtained besides bioenergy, which are important for “useofbiomassasapotentiallylargesourceofenergyin their economic competitiveness (United Nations Envi- the 21st century will have a significant impact in rural, ronment Program,2006). agriculturalandforestrydevelopment”(UNEP,2006).

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