BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Ecology, Economy & Environment VOLUME 4 The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Problems and Policies Papers from the Biodiversity Programme Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences edited by C. A. Perrings University of York, Heslington, York, U.K. K.-G. Maler Stockholm School of Economics and Beijer Institute, Sweden C. Folke Stockholm University and Beijer Institute, Sweden C. S. Holling University of Florida, U.S.A. and B.-O. Jansson Stockholm University and Stockholm Centre for Marine Research, Sweden SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A CLP. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-94-010-4437-0 ISBN 978-94-011-1006-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-1006-8 Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1994 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1994 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1994 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. CONTENTS Tables vii Figures ix Abbreviations x Authors xii Preface xv PART 1 FRAMING THE PROBLEM Chapter 1 Biodiversity conservation and economic development: the policy problem c.A. Perrings, K.G. Maler, c. Falke, C.S. Holling and B.o. Jansson 3 Chapter 2 Biodiversity conservation and economic development: local and global dimensions D. W. Pearce and c.A. Perrings 22 PART 2: UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY CHANGE Chapter 3 Population extinction and the biodiversity crisis Gretchen C. Daily and Paul R. Ehrlich 43 Chapter 4 Diversity conservation in relation to fisheries in the Baltic Sea Monica Hammer 54 Chapter 5 Rangeland ecology: managing change in biodiversity B.H. Walker 65 Chapter 6 Biodiversity, natural resource accounting and environmental monitoring M.S. Common and T. W. Norton 82 PART 3: THE VALUATION OF BIODIVERSITY Chapter 7 Modeling the value of biodiversity using a production function approach Urvashi Narain and Anthony Fisher 109 Chapter 8 Valuation of a marine resource John Dixon, Louise Scura and Tom v'ant Hof 120 vi Chapter 9 Tropical wetland values and environmental functions Edward B. Barbier 139 Chapter 10 Valuation and the management of biological diversity Mohan Munasinghe 162 PART 4: THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC POLICY Chapter 11 Environmental impact of governmental policies and external shocks in Botswana: A computable general equilibrium model approach Lena Unemo 185 Chapter 12 A dynamic CGE model of deforestation in Costa Rica Annilm B. Persson 205 Chapter 13 The timber trade as a cause of tropical deforestation. Joanne C. Burgess 226 Chapter 14 Sustainable use of tropical forests in South-East Asia Theodore Panayotou and Peter S. Ashton 245 PART 5: OPTIONS AND PRIORITIES FOR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Chapter 15 Traditional ecological knowledge, biodiversity, resilience and sustainability Fikret Berkes. Carl Folke and Mahdav Gadgil 269 Chapter 16 Conservation of biodiversity and economic development: the concept of transferable development rights Theodore Panayatou 288 Chapter 17 Biodiversity conservation and local development aspirations: new priorities for the 1990s Michael P. Wells 306 Chapter 18 Unresolved issues c.A. Perrings. K.G. Miiler. C. Folke. C.S. Holling and B.O. Jansson 321 References 329 Index 378 TABLES 2.1 Returns to development uses 30 2.2 Comparative rates of return to land use in Botswana 31 6.1 Valuation and PNDP measurement 94 7.1 Model results 115 S.l Revenues and costs associated with the Bonaire Marine Park (1991) 129 9.1 Causes of wetland loss 141 9.2 Major threats to wetlands: Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean 142 9.3 General, ecological and economic system characteristics 143 9.4 Comparison of present value net economic benefits Kano River Project Phase I and Hadejia-Jama'are Floodplain 148 10.1 Environmental functions of forests 155 10.2 Land use information for villages 170 10.3 Value of forest products collected by villages 171 10.4 Summary statistics for complete sample of tourists 171 10.S Summary statistics for tourists by country of origin 172 10.6 Summary of economic analysis of Mantadia national park 180 11.1 Sectoral elasticities 197 11.2 A fall in the price of diamonds: environmental and economic indicators 198 11.3 A deterioration of the terms of trade: environmental and economic indicators 199 11.4 Lower import tariff on crop: environmental and economic indicators 200 11.S Quantity constraint on labour: environmental and economic indicators 201 12.1 The producing sectors and production factors 208 12.Al The aggregation of production sectors 221 12.A2 Costa Rica 1986: Base data 222 12.A3 Deforestation parameters and initial values 222 12.A4 Changes in interest rate 222 12.AS Capital 223 12.A6 Land 223 12.A7 Forestry 223 12.AS Agriculture 224 12.A9 Industry 225 13.1 Tropical forest resources: status and changes 228 13.2 Estimated rates of extinction based on tropical deforestation 229 13.3 World and tropical timber production and trade, 1990 231 13.4 Forest products trade balance and percentage of total trade in tropical countries, 1990 232 13.Sa Production and trade in timber products by tropical countries, 1990 233 13.Sb Export of timber products as a percentage of production in tropical countries 233 13.6 Timber harvesting and deforestation in Mrican ITTO producer countries, 1981-85 236 13.7a Sources of deforestation in tropical countries, 1981-90 237 vii viii 13.7h Sectoral share in forest degradation and forest modification 237 13.8 The causes of deforestation in developing countries 1968-78 239 13.9 Estimated deforestation equation 240 13.10 Elasticity of forest depletion with respect to signiflCaIrt variables (1967-85) 242 13.11 The causes of deforestation in tropical countries 242 14.1 Long-term land use change 1900-80 247 14.2 Cropland and forest per capita 249 14.3 Wood production, Asian developing economies, 1975-1987 250 14.4 Estimated sustainable yield and wood harvest in 1980 251 14.5 Main sources of tropical deforestation 255 14.6 Causes of deforestation in Southeast Asia: a summary of statistical findings 257 14.7 Net present values of tropical forest extracts and services (dominant use only), selected countries 260 FIGURES 2.1 Private and social optima: continuous external cost function 33 2.2 Local and global social optima: continuous external cost functions 34 4.1 The Baltic Sea 56 4.2 Fish catches in Sweclen's·fisheries 1913-1992 59 5.1 Generalised model of the determinantscof savanna structure 67 5.2 Hypothetical distribution of savannatypes in relation to the main determinants of savannas 68 5.3 Assumed relationship between stocking rate and range-condition 70 5.4 Spatial patterning (patchiness) in semi-arid rangelands 72 5.5 Dynamics of the proportional composition of unpalatable and palatable grasses in response to changes in grazing pressure 75 5.6 The relation between annual rainfall and grass production on cleared and bushed plots on clay loam and sandy soils at Matopos in Zimbabwe 76 5.7 Simulated changes in rainfall, pasture biomass, and density of red kangaroos at Kinchega National Park, New South Wales 77 5.8 Simplified state-and-transition interpretation of semi-arid grassland! woodland in eastern Australia 80 8.1 Bonaire 122 8.2 Relationship between coral cover, species diversity and stress 126 8.3 Diving intensity and threshold stress level 127 8.4 Willingness to pay for park management: Bonair Marine Park 133 8.5 Park management, diver education and threshold stress level 136 9 • 1 Valuing wetland benefits 144 9.2 Optimal extraction paths for wetland resources 155 1 0.1 Multicriteria analysis methodology 175 10.2 Biodiversity index value and reservoir size in Sri Lanka 178 1 0 • 3 Trade off between biodiversity and electricity supply 179 14.1 Deforestation as a function of cropland expansion: tropical and subtropical Asia (1964-1985) 247 14. 2 Forest cover and population density: tropical and subtropical Asia 249 14.3 Population density and percent of land in forest cover for selected countries 253 14.4 Wildlife habitat: remaining habitat and protected area 254 15. 1 Remnant network of sacred trees and sacred groves presently existing in an area of 25m2 on the Western Ghats -of Kamataka State in South India 274 15.2 Successional stages of the kebun-talim system (Java) 276 15.3 Profile of a typical Javanese home garden (pekarangan) 277 15.4 Bora agroforestry from the Peruvian Amazon 278 15.5 Traditional Indonesian integrated rice-fish culture (subak) and inshore polyculture pond management (tambak) 280 15.6 An example of the South Pacific 'integrated coporate estate' concept: The Maroro (Solomon Islands) puava , 282 15.7 The concept model of the ancient Chinese ideal of 'living in harmony with Nature' 283 16.1 Biodiversity protection: supply and demand 293 ix ABBREVIATIONS AN Available Nutrients BMC Botswana Meat Commission BMP Bonaire Marine Park CES Constant Elasticity of Substitution CET Constant Elasticity of Transfonnation CGE Computable General Equilibrium GCTE Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems CVM Contingent Valuation Method DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid EAGDP Environmentally Adjusted Gross Domestic Product EC Environmental Cost FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GNP Gross National Product ICDP Integrated Conservation and Development Project IGBP International Geosphere and Biosphere Programme lIED International Institute for Environment and Development IK Indigenous Knowledge IMP International Monetary Fund ITTC International Tropical Timber Council ITTO International Tropical Timber Organisation IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (World Conservation Union) LDC Less Developed Country LEEC London Environmental Economics Centre LMTRS Long-Tenn Forest Management Research Sites MCA Multi-Criteria Analysis MTF Moist Tropical Forest NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NNP Net National Product NPP Net Primary Product ODA Overseas Development Administration OD! Oversease Development Institute OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development PAM Plant Available Moisture PCC Potential Carrying Capacity PNDP Proper Net Domestic Product SAM Social Accounting Matrix SGDP Sustainable Gross Domestic Product SIDA Swedish International Development Authority SMS Safe Minimum Standard TAC Total Allowable Catch IDR Transferable Development Right x