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Preview Biodiversity attribues of an isolated woodland fragment in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia

BIODIVERSITY ATTRIBUTES OF AN ISOLATED WOODLAND FRAGMENT IN METROPOLITAN PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA By STEPHEN REYNOLDS School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Charles Darwin University, Darwin NT 0909. ABSTRACT The macroscopic biological diversity of a small (<lha), isolated bushland remnant at the edge of suburban Perth comprises over 130 species. Most taxa are invertebrates or vascular plants, whereas terrestrial vertebrates make a minor contribution to species richness. Intensive survey of this small fragment ensured that the flora and fauna were satisfactorily described, however, additional species are certain to exist and would be recorded by further scrutiny. The conservation ‘value* of remnants is such that all areas of bushland remaining on the Swan Coastal Plain should be protected to preserve biodiversity values. It is suggested that biological survey procedures as currently practiced in the state of Western Australia do not adequately document biological diversity. INTRODUCTION vidual taxa occupying a specified The south-west of Western area. Clearly, in general and on Australia is a global biodiversity average, the larger an area, the ‘hotspot’ (Myers et ai 2000), to greater will be its diversity which the Swan Coastal Plain (Arrhenius 1921; MacArthur and makes a major contribution. Wilson 1963). Although the term biological As a consequence of the species- diversity, or its shortened form area relationship, it is especially ‘biodiversity’, is frequently used difficult to fully document the as a descriptor for a range of biodiversity of large survey areas. situations, it is seldom clearly Although the cumulative defined. The simplest and number of species recorded will therefore most widely-used be greater, many species will measure of biodiversity is species remain undetected due to their richness: the number of indi¬ low density (particularly rare 99 species), secretive habits, vegetation, and only moderate inactivity (seasonal or diurnal), for areas on the urban fringe, in or senescence. The longer and which condition gradually more detailed a survey, the deteriorates over time as a result greater the variety of sampling of weed infestation and anthro¬ methods, and the finer the pogenic use and incursion. There resolution of fauna habitats or are a variety of causes (e.g. vegetation communities recog¬ introduced predators, fire, nised, the more representative it drought) for localised extinction. will be in terms of characterising However, any factor that reduces the biota of a study area, and population size will have a therefore a region, or a biological greater potential to affect long¬ zone (see Elton (1946). for a term viability and ultimately discussion of the validity of extirpation due to stochastic survey data). Two principal (chance) fluctuations or acci¬ components, intensity and dental loss if the population is duration, will ultimately small and isolated. Urban determine the comprehensive¬ environments are a major ness of a survey. The experience environmental concern because of the observers and their entire landscapes are completely familiarity with the biota of the destroyed or otherwise irretriev¬ region will also influence survey ably altered when incorporated outcomes. into an urban framework (see Fragmentation and ultimately Garden et al., 2006). isolation of bushland areas in The urban arc of the expanding urban and agricultural settings is Perth megalopolis extends from of widespread occurrence in the seaward fringe of the southern and eastern Australia northern suburbs, north and (Breckwoldt 1986). Loss of habitat south of the river, past has a negative influence on Mandurah and down to biodiversity, i.e. the number of Bunbury. With the exception of animals and plants in an area will localised areas near Pinjarra and decrease over time (e.g. Common¬ Yanchep, almost the entirety of wealth of Australia 1995; Jellinek the Swan Coastal Plain has been et al. 2004; Bennett 1990 and cleared for urban, suburban and references therein; Grimbacher et peripheral expansion. A series of al. 2006). The precise alterations studies have examined the to species diversity and com¬ landscapes (e.g. Semeniuk 1988; position will depend on the Semeniuk and Glassford 1989; history and nature of environ¬ Seddon 1972 and references mental modification. The bio¬ therein), components of verte¬ diversity reduction response will brate fauna (Cooper 1995; be acute for areas that are heavily Davidge 1979; How and Dell 1990; damaged, particularly where Maryan 1984; Maryan et al. 2002; land-forming removes all Mawson and Massam 1995; 100 Recher and Serventy 1991; Turpin Cockburn. It is less than one 1990, 1991), vegetation (Beard hectare in size, and is sandwiched 1979) and floristics (Cresswell and between extensive cleared areas Bridgewater 1985; Keighery and on all sides; to the south by a Keighery 1993; Gibson et ai 1994) sandy track and railway, to the including weeds (Keighery 1998) north by a large expanse of bare of bushland on the Swan Coastal sand, and to the east by a wide Plain near Perth. There is also an sandy area adjacent to a major ever increasing quantity of road. The area lies on siliceous unpublished material on urban white-grey Bassendean sands and bushland remnants, and a range there is only minor soil (humic) of information, of variable development. There is low to quality, in consultant reports. moderate leaf-litter accumu¬ Much of this information has lation, particularly around the been summarised in short form dominant trees that form the in the BushPlan (Department of overstorey; Eucalyptus marginata, Environmental Protection 1998) A llocasuarina fraseriana and and subsequent Bush Forever Banksia attenuata. The midstorey documents (Government of is moderately well developed and Western Australia 2000). These the site had remained unburnt studies show that while native for several years. Principal weeds mammals are highly susceptible are scattered Geranium to localised extinction in urban Pelargonium capitaturn and Veldt remnants, components, at least, Grass Ehrharta calycina along of various animal groups may edges. persist. Floristic diversity may Assessment of the flora and also remain high, and remnants fauna was made by trapping may support rare plant species and observation. Throughout and communities (Kirkpatrick January and into the first half of 1986; Gibson et al. 2000). This February 2003, pit-trapping was paper reports on the biota of an undertaken on most nights with isolated patch of Banksia- four large buckets (30cm deep) dominated woodland in with a 4m drift fence, and five southern metropolitan Perth, small plastic containers (10cm and provides an example of the deep). The number and types of importance of remnants for animals captured were noted for preserving biodiversity in the each trap on each day. Elliott face of habitat loss due to traps were tried initially but continued urban development. produced only the House Mouse Mus musculus. 1 recorded birds by aural and visual means; the METHODS species and the number of Cocos Reserve (32°06'33"S individuals were noted on each 115°49'18"E) is situated in the occasion. Botanical survey was suburb of Bibra Lake, City of carried out twice intensively and 101 also incidentally during and not a complete list as new species after trapping visits. A species of invertebrates were recorded recognition, or ‘morphospecies’ on each trapping day. Many of approach was used to classify the the insects, spiders and acarines majority of invertebrate taxa. were abundant at the site. Vertebrate animals included a single species of frog, several RESULTS reptiles, predominantly skinks, A rich community of animal and and a small but apparently viable plant species was recorded from group of sedentary and roaming Cocos Reserve (Table 1). The birds (Table 1, Appendix 1). Seven major contribution to faunal additional bird species were diversity was from the inverte¬ observed passing over the site; brate community, including at these waterbirds were not least 70 species from 14 tax¬ included as they are exclusive to onomic groups (Table 1). This is habitats at nearby Little Rush Table 1. Biodiversity attributes table for Cocos Reserve. Taxon Richness Comments Lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) 5 species predominantly skinks Frogs (Amphibia: Anura) 1 species moving between wetlands ? Birds (Aves) - native taxa 13 species some resident individuals additional birds pass over Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) 15+species Mites (Arachnida: Acarina) 2 species small ground-dwelling species Scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones) 1 species Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) 8 species Grasshoppers and crickets (Insecta: Orthoptera) 8 species Bees, ants and wasps 20+ species over half the species are ants (Insecta: Hymenoptera) Termites (Insecta: Isoptera) 2 species observed not trapped Bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera) 6 species includes two cicada species Cockroaches (Insecta: Blattodea) 2 species Flies (Insecta: Diptera) 3 species including House Fly Silverfish (Insecta*. Thysanura) 2 species Earwigs (Insecta: Dermaptera) 1 species Mantids (Insecta: Mantodea) 1 species Centipedes (Myriapoda*. Chilopoda) 2 species both species trapped Slaters (Crustacea: Isopoda) 1 species ? introduced species Monocotyledons (Liliopsida) - 18 species additional sedges present native taxa Dicotyledons (Magnoliopsida) - 32 species mistletoe present ? native taxa 102 Lake and other Beeliar wetlands. the biodiversity of a study area, No nocturnal birds were survey objectives should include observed, and the only mammals assessment of invertebrates. We were non-native species can only begin estimating the (Appendix 1). relative value of diversity if we enhance the ecological in¬ To date 50 species of native formation that is obtained. vascular plants have been identified at the site (Table 1, Plants and animals (particularly Appendix 2) and others were vertebrates) are the most familiar recorded. Strata components types of organisms and the include six trees, 17 varieties of easiest to identify accurately, shrubs, and the majority of the hence the level of expertise and plant diversity in the under¬ state of knowledge is far superior storey layer, particularly amongst to that for other groups. They are the herbs and sedges (Appendix consequently the focus of the 2). More than 16 exotic (intro¬ majority of biological surveys; duced) plant species occur - our principle source of data for mainly herbs and grasses; estimating biodiversity. They are additional species would flourish assessed in preference to micro¬ in winter. organisms, fungi, invertebrate animals, or non-vascular plants. The vertebrate fauna and DISCUSSION vascular plants of the Swan Coastal Plain and vicinity have The persistence of a diverse been capably described and community of animal and plant annotated (e.g. How 1998; Storr species at Cocos Reserve is and Johnstone 1988; Marchant et exceptional given the small size al. 1987), and in some cases, of the reserve (< 1 ha), particularly analysed (How and Dell 1994, as the site is completely isolated 2000). Although there have been from adjacent bushland. The some surveys of terrestrial en¬ major contribution to bio¬ vironments that have examined diversity (-80% of fauna taxa) is specific invertebrate groups (e.g. due to the invertebrate com¬ Andersen 1986; Rossbach and munity. Harvey et al. (1997) also Majer 1983; Gwynne et al 1988), documented a rich assemblage of comprehensive surveys of invertebrates at urban bushland invertebrate diversity are rare. remnants near Perth, including many spiders and Baeine wasps. Vertebrates are used as the main That the majority of diversity is faunal indicators of environ¬ amongst the invertebrates is not mental health for environ¬ unexpected, because globally mental impact assessment, but it there are vastly more inverte¬ is frequently the absence of rare brates than vertebrates (Barnes, species, rather than the presence 1980; Wilson, 1987). This suggests of a diverse community, that tips that in order to fully evaluate the balance in favour of 103 development. The comparative plants based on the number of ‘value’ of bushland remnants is species recorded at Cocos Reserve therefore determined on the and using data for several other basis of few taxonomic groups, comprehensively surveyed but and may in some cases be relatively homogeneous sites on strongly, and somewhat subject¬ the Swan Coastal Plain (Shenton ively influenced by the existence Park bushland and Talbot Road of populations of a single species. bushland), indicates an Reduced vertebrate diversity approximate relationship of the (particularly of prominent taxa form S = 45A0415 where S is plant such as mammals) in remnants species richness and A is area in due to isolation may not hectares. Sites such as the Brixton correspond to overall faunal Street wetlands (Keighery and diversity. Indeed, if we ex¬ Keighery 1993) with multiple trapolate biodiversity attributes habitats and a complex array of of the better known faunal understorey species, greatly groups to the invertebrates, we exceed this average expectation would anticipate that many based on area alone. This index is species of insects and arachnids more appropriate for surveys of a are likely to be restricted to the single vegetation type such as Swan Coastal Plain and, by Banksia woodland or Eucalypt extension, to specific habitats forest, but requires compre¬ within the landscape mosaic. If hensive, detailed floristic any legitimate attempts are to be information to be a useful and made to retain biodiversity, then potentially meaningful measure. we have an obligation to Flora surveys often focus on examine other components of vegetation communities rather the biota in greater detail, refine than floristic composition per se methods of investigation and (although composition may be analysis to establish criteria and used to delineate communities), guidelines for preservation of and assessment of representation biodiversity values, determine is usually made on this basis, as is the full range of taxa that exist, the case for the Perth region and investigate ecological (Government of Western relationships more thoroughly. Australia 2000). The analysis Considering the small size of the presented here, although highly Cocos Reserve remnant, it simplistic in its current form, supports a diverse array of plant suggests an alternative or taxa. Over 50 native species have complementary method for been recorded and more are evaluating sites that is specific¬ likely to occur, particularly ally relevant to interpretations additional sedges, low shrubs, based on biodiversity. herbs (including orchids), Limitations of the current mistletoes and weeds. Species- survey are primarily in relation area curve extrapolations for to duration, in that the data for 104 fauna were collected over a five although they would have to week period (longer than most traverse areas of bare soil with no fauna assessment surveys), and in shelter. Invertebrates appeared to timing, because although be relatively active at the time of summer is an appropriate time to trapping, but 1 am not aware of survey reptiles (How 1998) and any studies that give a clear many insects, it may be less indication of the most appro¬ suitable for other fauna. Most priate time (or times) to collect floristic work was carried out in invertebrates in the south-west summer, so while the list is of Western Australia. comprehensive for that season, it Bushland remnants often is possible that plants without support a range of fauna species remnant dry season structures (How and Dell 1994; Kitchener could have been missed. and How 1982; this study) and Additional fauna species would vegetation communities (e.g. be recorded during trapping in Keighery and Keighery 1993), and other seasons, and certain species have value as habitat (Hodgson et are not amenable to capture by al. 2006) even when of small size trapping, hence further (Jellinek et al. 2004). However, in opportunistic searches would urban areas these sites are so contribute to a more compre¬ sparsely distributed that hensive evaluation. The com¬ effective and comprehensive paratively small size of the study retention of all biological attri¬ area facilitated complete bird butes is no longer a feasible surveys on each occasion based objective. The emphasis must on observation and call identi¬ instead be placed on the fication, but migrant or nomadic retention and persistence of as species may use the area in other great a variety of ecosystem seasons. The reptile list is likely components as possible. Given to be adequate but incomplete the rapid rate of attrition of because species accumulation bushland in the Perth region, the through trapping may take only reasonable conclusion many years (How 1998). Familial seems to be, that in order to composition is however similar maintain biodiversity (including to other herpetofaunal surveys all its components), any remain¬ (e.g. Davidge 1979; How and Dell ing areas of bushland in urban 1994; Maryan et al. 2002) in that and suburban areas must be the majority of species were retained, and areas on the skinks. The presence of the expanding fringe should be Moaning Frog Heleioporus cyrei in protected from degradation and summer was unusual as there loss. Proposals to delete portions was no rain at the time. Other of the landscape and their frog species may move through biological components need to the area from local wetlands be examined very closely, during the winter months, particularly, strategically and 105 specifically in areas of urban obtained to inform relevant and expansion where so few reasonable management de¬ examples of diverse bushland cisions, including selection and remain, and in a region where allocation of areas with the sole there are numerous endemic objective of nature conservation. taxa (Hopper 1979; Keighery 1996; Beard et al. 2000). The choices that are made now will ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS determine the future of K. McCreery assisted with plant biodiversity in the region. collection and identification. V. In order to fully appreciate the Mawson, M. Naunton and K. biodiversity attributes of a Christian provided comments on bushland area, we need to take a a previous version of the manu¬ fine-scale local viewpoint, but a script. Trapping and floristic regional perspective. These two work was carried out under aspects are not always com¬ licences from the WA Depart¬ patible, and it is not until the ment of CALM. level of knowledge becomes adequate that rational decisions can be made about biodiversity REFERENCES conservation within the context of representative reservation. ANDERSEN, A.N. 1986. Diversity, The Swan Coastal Plain is a seasonality and community special case in that it is the focus organization of ants at adjacent of urban expansion, but it has heath and woodland sites in also been the focus of detailed south-eastern Australia. Australian biological study. However, even Journal of Zoology 34: 53-64. in this instance where there is an ARRHENIUS, O. 1921. Species and acceptable level of under¬ area. The Journal of Ecology 9: 95- standing of biodiversity com¬ 99. ponents, there is an inadequate BARNES, R.D. 1980. Invertebrate basis for approaching bushland Zoology. 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The habitat fragmentation in Western Australian Naturalist 19: structuring lizard communities in 174-183. 108

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