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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1996: Vol 1310 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1996: Vol 1310 Table of Contents

Molecular Cell Research B B A : f | Vol. 1310, 1996 eBti oBcihoipmhiysciac a Acta Cumulative Contents Stimulation of prostaglandin E, synthesis by inter- leukin-18 B is amplified by interferons but inhib- Regular section ited by interleukin-4 in human amnion-derived WISH cells Information for Contributors L. Harding, Z. Wang and H.-H. Tai (USA) Retrovirus budding may constitute a port of entry for drug carriers Rapid reports C. Ropert, Z. Mishal, Jr., J.M. Rodrigues, C. Malvy and P. Couvreur (France) Polymorphonuclear leukocyte lysosomal proteases, Mastoparan elicits prostaglandin E, generation and cathepsins B and D affect the fibrinolytic system inhibits inositol phosphate accumulation via dif- in human umbilical vein endothelial cells ferent mechanisms in rabbit astrocytes Y. Kimura and K. Yokoi-Hayashi (Japan) N. Nakahata, K. Imata, T. Okawa, Y. Watanabe, Lipopolysaccharide decreases oxygen consumption H. Ishimoto, T. Ono, Y. Ohizumi and H. Nakan- by Mono Mac 6 cells; an electron paramagnetic ishi (Japan) resonance oximetry study Nuclear localization of a complex of fibroblast R.E. Glover, B. Mile, C.C. Rowlands and S.K. growth factor(FGF)-1 and an NH2-terminal frag- Jackson (UK) ment of FGF receptor isoforms R4 and Rla@ in human liver cells S. Feng, J. Xu, F. Wang, M. Kan and W.L. Regular papers McKeehan (USA) ‘N-NMR study of ammonium assimilation in Aga- IRS-I Expression on the luteinized rat ovary: IGF-I ricus bisporus and cyclic AMP effects on IRS-I tyrosine phos- J.J.P. Baars, H.J.M. Op den Camp, C. Van der phorylation Drift, J.J.M. Joordens, S.S. Wijmenga, L.J.L.D. F. Talavera, Z. Chen and K.M.J. Menon (USA) Van Griensven and G.D. Vogels (The Nether- Effect of K*-induced depolarization on carbachol- lands) stimulated inositol tetrakisphosphate accumulation Characterisation and antiproliferative activity of an in rat cerebrocortical slices a-type murine interferon from embryonic fibro- MLE. Myles and J.N. Fain (USA) blasts Isolation of pepsin-resistant laminin fragments from D. Beare, M. Learmonth, V. Wells, A. Aitken and human placenta: effect on epithelial cells cultured L. Mallucci (UK) from the kidneys of patients with autosomal dom- Heparin-steroid conjugates lacking glucocorticoid or inant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) mineralocorticoid activities inhibit the prolifera- M.J. Slade, I. Pécsi, R.B. Kirby, J.K. Jones, S.E. tion of vascular endothelial cells Ganz, S.A. Taylor and R.G. Price (United King- E.J. Derbyshire, Y.-C. Yang, S. Li, G.A. Comin, J. dom) Belloir and P.E. Thorpe (USA) Serine isotopomer analysis by ‘C-NMR defines The osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells synthesized C- glycine-serine interconversion in situ in the renal terminal propeptide of type I collagen, which proximal tubule promoted cell-attachment of osteoblasts G.J. Cowin, D.A. Willgoss, J. Bartley and Z.H. M. Mizuno, T. Kitafima, M. Tomita and Y. Kuboki Endre (Australia) (Japan) Modulation of glycine-serine interconversion by TCA Effects of peroxovanadate and vanadate on insulin and glycolytic intermediates in normoxic and hy- binding, degradation and sensitivity in rat poxic proximal tubules adipocytes G.J. Cowin, D.A. Willgoss and Z.H. Endre Z.-W. Yu, B.I. Posner, U. Smith and J.W. Eriksson (Australia) (Sweden, Canada) 356 Cumulative Contents In vivo processing of the precursor of the major Desensitization and internalization of adenosine A, exoglucanase by KEX2 endoprotease in the Sac- receptors in rat brain by in vivo treatment with charomyces cerevisiae secretory pathway R-PIA: involvement of coated vesicles R.D. Basco, R. Cueva, E. Andaluz and G. Larriba A. Ruiz, J.M. Sanz, G. Gonzdlez-Calero, M. Fer- (Spain) ndandez, A. Andrés, A. Cubero and M. Ros (Spain) Effects of N'-guanyl-1,7-diaminoheptane, an_ in- hibitor of deoxyhypusine synthase, on the growth Regular section of tumorigenic cell lines in culture X.-P. Shi, K.-C. Yin, J. Ahern, L.J. Davis, A.M. Regular papers Stern and L. Waxman (USA) Tumor necrosis factor-a induces the 85-kDa cytoso- lic phospholipase A, gene expression in human Subsection bronchial epithelial cells T. Wu, T. Ikezono, C.W. Angus and J.H. Shel- hamer (USA) Short sequence-paper Cell adhesion to substratum and activation of tyro- sine kinases are essentially required for G1/S Molecular cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encod- phase transition in BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts ing a f-thyroid hormone receptor in muscovy T. Kuzumaki, A. Matsuda, K. Ito and K. Ishikawa duckling (Japan) J. Lachuer, C. Legras, C. Ronfort, S. Barges, F. Synergistic and selective stimulation of gelatinase B Cohen-Adad, L. Quivet, C. Duchamp, G. Verdier production in macrophages by lipopolysaccharide, and H. Barré (France) trans-retinoic acid and CGP 41251, a protein kinase C regulator Regular papers M. Houde, P. Tremblay, S. Masure, G. Opden- akker, D. Oth and R. Mandeville (Canada, Bel- By-Transducin stimulates hydrolysis and synthesis of gium) phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate in bovine Cell-specific regulation of the stably expressed sero- rod outer segment membranes tonin 5-HT,, receptor and altered ganglioside IV. Grigorjev, A.J. Grits, I.D. Artamonov, L.A. synthesis Baranova and I.D. Volotovski (Belarus, Russian J.K. Singh, Q. Yan, G. Dawson and P. Banerjee Federation) (USA) Relationship between TGFa-induced DNA synthesis Suppression of Ca’** oscillations in glucagon-pro- and prostaglandin synthesis in human HaCaT ducing a,-cells by insulin/glucose and amino keratinocytes acids B. Hanke, G. Fiirstenberger and F. Marks A. Berts, A. Ball, E. Gylfe and B. Hellman (Germany) (Sweden) Membrane potential and cytosolic free calcium lev- Hormonal modulation of c-fos expression in isolated els modulate acetylcholine-induced inositol phos- hepatocytes. Effects of angiotensin II and phorbol phate production in insulin-secreting BTC3 cells myristate acetate on transcription and mRNA J. Gromada and §. Dissing (Denmark) degradation Protein kinase C inhibits the CAK-CDK2 cyclin- C. Gonzdlez-Espinosa and J.A. Garcia-Sdinz dependent kinase cascade and G1/S cell cycle (Mexico) progression in human diploid fibroblasts Analysis of the T-cell activation signaling pathway K. Hamada, N. Takuwa, W. Zhou, M. Kumada mediated by tyrosine kinases, protein kinase C, and Y. Takuwa (Japan) and Ras protein, which is modulated by intra- Involvement of protein kinase C in the modulation of cellular cyclic AMP | w,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D,-induced “*Ca?* up- T. Ohtsuka, Y. Kaziro and T. Satoh (Japan) take in rat and chick cultured myoblasts G. Vazquez and A. Russo de Boland (Argentina) Subsection Regulation of heparin-binding EGF-like growth fac- tor expression by phorbol ester in a human hep- Review atoma-derived cell line N. Ito, S. Higashiyama, S. Kawata, S. Tamura, S. Apyrases (ATP diphosphohydrolases, EC Kiso, H. Tsushima, T. Nakagawa, Y. Matsuzawa function and relationship to ATPases and N. Taniguchi (Japan) M. Komoszyhski and A. Wojtczak (Poland) Cumulative Contents Regular paper Distribution and subcellular localization of a growth inhibitory factor in hamster liver and its intra- Collisions and encounters in simulations of recep- cellular partner(s) tor/GTP-binding protein interactions via simple C. Hashimoto, M. Ayaki, K. Tanaka, R. Ya- diffusion mamoto, H. Fukuda, H. Funai, A. Wada and Y. D. Stickle and R. Barber (USA) Inui (Japan) Opposite regulation of IGF-I and IGF-I receptor Regular section mRNA and concomitant changes of GH receptor and IGF-II /M6P receptor mRNA in human IM-9 Hydrogen peroxide and superoxide modulate leuko- lymphoblasts cyte adhesion molecule expression and leukocyte Y. Yang, A. Hoeflich, O. Butenandt and W. Kiess endothelial adhesion (Germany, People’s Republic of China) A. Fraticelli, C.V. Serrano Jr., B.S. Bochner, M.C. Glucagon induces Ca?*-dependent increase of re- Capogrossi and J.L. Zweier (USA) duced pyridine nucleotides in mouse pancreatic Site of action of proteinases in the activation of B-cells steroidogenesis in rat adrenal gland L.-P. He and H. Kitasato (Japan) P.G. Mele, L.A. Dada, C. Paz, C.B. Cymeryng, M.F.C. Maciel, M.I. Neuman, C.V. Finkielstein, Subsection C.F. Mendez and E.J. Podesta (Argentina) Astrocytes synthesize and secrete prostaglandin D Neutralizing antibodies to nucleoside diphosphate synthetase in vitro kinase inhibit the enzyme in vitro and in vivo: S. Giacomelli, M.-G. Leone, J. Grima, B. Sil- evidence for two distinct mechanisms of activa- vestrini and C.Y. Cheng (USA, Italy) tion of atrial currents by ATPyS Metal binding and ferritin immunoreactivity in a X.B. Yi, N.M. Sweitzer and A.S. Otero (USA) high molecular weight fraction from rat brain KN-62, a calcium /calmodulin-dependent protein ki- S. San-Marina and D.M.E. Nicholls (Canada) nase II inhibitor, inhibits high potassium-stimu- Recovery from acute challenge with noradrenaline, lated prolactin secretion and intracellular calcium vasopressin and angiotensin II in isolated rat hep- increases in anterior pituitary cells atocytes Z.J. Cui, H. Hidaka and P.S. Dannies (USA, S.R. Aggarwal and T.N. Palmer (Australia) Japan) Effect of lipid peroxidation on transferrin-free iron Testosterone inhibits the basal and gonadotropin-re- uptake by rabbit reticulocytes leasing hormone-stimulated synthesis and release Z.M. Qian, P.L. Tang and E.H. Morgan (Hong of newly synthesized a- and lutropin (LH) B-sub- Kong, Australia) unit but not release of stored LH in cultured rat A point mutation within each of two ATP-binding pituitary cells motifs inactivates the functions of elongation fac- A.B. Starzec, Y. Lerrant, A. Bérault and R. Cou- tor 3 nis (France, Tahiti) H. Yang, K. Hamada, H. Terashima, M. Izuta, E. Yamaguchi-Sihta, O. Kondoh, H. Satoh, M. Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1310 Miyazaki, M. Arisawa, C. Miyamoto and K. Ki- tada (Japan) Author Index

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