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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1992: Vol 1106 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1992: Vol 1106 Table of Contents

Biomembranes Vol. 1106, 1992 Cumulative Contents Regular Papers Calcitonin-induced changes in the organization of sulfatide-containing membranes Properties of oligomycin-induced occlusion of P. Viani, G. Cervato, P. Gatti and B. Cestaro Na” by detergent-solubilized Na,K-ATPase (Italy) from pig kidney or shark rectal gland Glycosphingolipid phase behaviour in_ unsatu- M. Esmann (Denmark) rated phosphatidylcholine bilayers: a 7>H-NMR Mediation of inorganic anion transport by the study hydrophobic domain of mouse erythroid band M.R. Morrow, D. Singh, D. Lu and C.W.M. 3 protein expressed in oocytes of Xenopus Grant (Canada) laevis Studies of alcohol-induced interdigitated gel S. Lepke, A. Becker and H. Passow (Germany) phase in phosphatidylcholine multilamellar Effects of GTP analogues and activation of en- vesicles by the excimer method dogenous protein kinases on photoaffinity la- M. Yamazaki, M. Miyazu and T. Asano (Japan) beling with [*H\(+)PN200-110 of crude mem- Heterogeneity of the Na*-H~™ antiport systems in branes from rat heart and brain renal cells S. Ichida, A. Masada, T. Yoshioka, H. Kishino, S. Viniegra, E.J. Cragoe Jr. and C.A. Rabito T. Akimoto and T. Wada (Japan) (USA) The stability and functional properties of proteo- Characterization of essential arginine residues liposomes mixed with dextran derivatives bear- implicated in the renal transport of phosphate ing hydrophobic anchor groups and glucose M.G.L. Elferink, J.G. De Wit, G. In ’t Veld, A. J. Strévey, V. Vachon, B. Beaumier, S. Giroux Reichert, A.J.M. Driessen, H. Ringsdorafn d W.N. and R. Béliveau (Canada) Konings (Netherlands, Germany) Rapid purification and reconstitution of a plant Effect of pCMBS on anion transport in human vacuolar ATPase using Triton X-114 fractiona- red cell membranes tion: subunit composition and substrate kinet- Z.-h. Zhang and A.K. Solomon (USA) ics of the H*-ATPase from the tonoplast of Interaction of cholesterol with conformationally Kalanchoé daigremontiana restricted phospholipids in vesicles M. Warren, J.A.C. Smith and D.K. Apps (UK) R. Bittman, L. Fugler, S. Clejan, M.D. Lister Involvement of cytoskeletal proteins in the bar- and A.J. Hancock (USA) rier function of the human erythrocyte mem- Transport function and subcellular distribution of brane. I. Impairment of resealing and forma- purified human erythrocyte glucose trans- tion of aqueous pores in the ghost membrane porter reconstituted into rat adipocytes after modification of SH groups I. Jo, J.S. Hah, A.L. Rampal, R. Chakrabarti, S. Klonk and B. Deuticke (Germany) A.R.P. Paterson, J.D. Craik, C.E. Cass, C.R. Involvement of cytoskeletal proteins in the bar- Zobel and C.Y. Jung (USA, Canada) rier function of the human erythrocyte mem- Assay of the Ca pump ATPase activity of intact brane. II. Formation of membrane leaks in red blood cells ghost membranes after limited proteolysis of L. Wu, T.R. Hinds and F.F. Vincenzi (USA) skeletal proteins by trypsin Numerical simulation of assay of the calcium S. Klonk and B. Deuticke (Germany) pump of intact red blood cells Involvement of cytoskeletal proteins in the bar- F.F. Vincenzi and T.R. Hinds (USA) rier function of the human erythrocyte mem- K*-site-directed pyridine derivative, AU-1421, brane. III. Permeability of spectrin-depleted activates hydrolysis of the K*-sensitive phos- inside-out membrane vesicles to hydrophilic phoenzyme of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca’*- nonelectrolytes. Formation of leaks by chemi- ATPase and inactivates that of K*-transport- cal or enzymatic modification of membrane ing ATPases proteins Y. Fukushima, S. Asano and J. Takada (Japan) S. Klonk and B. Deuticke (Germany) 346 The ionization behavior of retinoic acid in aque- Interfacial pH modulation of membrane protein ous environments and bound to serum albumin function in vivo. Effect of anionic phospho- N. Noy (USA) lipids The ionization behavior of retinoic acid in lipid V. Calderén and J. Cerbon (México) bilayers and in membranes Uptake of L-leucine and L-phenylanine across the N. Noy (USA) basolateral cell surface in isolated oxyntic Improvement of reconstitution of the Cl -trans- glands locating ATPase isolated from Acetabularia L. Sobrevia, V. Medina, K. Reinicke and I. acetabulum into liposomes and several anion Bravo (Chile) pump characteristics An electrophysiological and spectroscopic study T. Ohhashi, T. Katsu and M. Ikeda (Japan) of the properties and structure of biological Monensin-mediated transports of H*, Na*, K + calcium channels. Investigations of a model and Li* ions across vesicular membranes: T- ion channel jump studies D.G. Reid, L.K. MacLachlan, C.J. Salter, M.J. B.S. Prabhananda and M.H. Kombrabail (In- Saunders, §.D. Jane, A.G. Lee, E.J. Tremeer dia) and S.A. Salisbury (UK) Spontaneous domain formation of phospholipase Molecular packing parameters of bipolar lipids A, at interfaces: fluorescence microscopy of F. Cavagnetto, A. Relini, Z. Mirghani, A. Gliozzi, the interaction of phospholipase A, with mixed D. Bertoia and A. Gambacorta (Italy) monolayers of lecithin, lysolecithin and fatty Interaction of retinol and retinoic acid with phos- acid pholipid membranes. A differential scanning A. Reichert, H. Ringsdorf and A. Wagenknecht calorimetry study (Germany) A. Ortiz, F.J. Aranda and J.C. Gomez-Fernandez Evidence for an internal pool of nucleoside trans- (Spain) porters in mammalian reticulocytes Identification and purification of the aspartate/ L. Liang and R.M. Johnstone (Canada) glutamate carrier from bovine heart mito- Effects of intracellular signals on Na*/K’- chondria ATPase pump activity in the frog skin epithe- F. Bisaccia, A. De Palma and F. Palmieri (Italy) lium Lack of effect on the sodium efflux of the micro- J. Ehrenfeld, I. Lacoste and B.J. Harvey (France) injection of p-Ins(1,4,5)P, into ouabain-poi- Interaction of clathrin with large unilamellar soned barnacle muscle-fibers phospholipid vesicles at neutral pH. Lipid de- E.E. Bittar and Y.-P. Huang (USA) pendence and protein penetration Nucleoside transport in cultured LLC-PK, ep- J. Seppen, J. Ramalho-Santos, A.P. De Carvalho, ithelia M. Ter Beest, J.W. Kok, M.C. Pedroso de Lima D.A. Griffith, A.J. Doherty and S.M. Jarvis (UK) and D. Hoekstra (Netherlands, Portugal) Uptake of tyramine cellobiose by rat liver Molecular evidence for two renal Na*/glucose Z.-D. Zhong, M. Jadot, S. Wattiaux-De Coninck cotransporters and R. Wattiaux (Belgium) A.M. Pajor, B.A. Hirayama and E.M. Wright Effect of bacteriorhodopsin on the orientation of (USA) the headgroup of 1,-2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero- Characterization of Na*/H* exchange in FRTL- 3-phosphocholine in bilayers: a *'P- and 7H- 5 thyroid cells. Evidence for dependence on NMR study activation of protein kinase C P. Gale and A. Watts (UK) K. Tornquist and S. Alinen (Finland) Effects of local anesthetics on the Chara plas- Monte Carlo studies of a model for lipid- malemma gramicidin A bilayers S. Nosaka, T.-a. Ohkawa, K. Okihara and K. J. Xing and H.L. Scott (USA) Yoshikawa (Japan) Protein sorting between mitochondrial outer and Alcohol interaction with high entropy states of inner membranes. Insertion of an outer mem- macromolecules: critical temperature hypothe- brane protein into the inner membrane sis for anesthesia cutoff J.-M. Li and G.C. Shore (Canada) Y. Kaminoh, S. Nishimura, H. Kamaya and I. Interdigitated bilayer packing motifs : Raman Ueda (USA) spectroscopic studies of the eutectic phase be- havior of the 1-stearoyl-2-caprylphosphatidyl- Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1106 choline /dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine binary mixture J.L. Slater, C.-h. Huang and I.W. Levin (USA) Author Index 5. BSaiis t

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