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BB. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1199 (1994) 320-322 Author Index Adachi, T., see Aoki, N. (1199) 87 Cattapan, F., see Bordin, L. (1199) 266 Alferova, 1.V., see Shashkov, A.S. (1199) 96 Cerini, C., see Kerjan, P. (1199) 293 Alvarado-Swaisgood, A.E., see Zajac, G.W. (1199) 271 Cervefiansky, C., Engstrém, A. and Karlsson, E. Aoki, N., Kuroda, H., Urabe, M., Taniguchi, Y., Adachi, T., Naka- Study of structure-activity relationship of fasciculin by acetylation mura, R. and Matsuda, T. of amino groups (1199) 1 Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies di- Chawla, R.K. and Jones, D.P. rected against bovine milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) (1199) Abnormal metabolism of S-adenosyl-_-methionine in hypoxic rat 87 liver. Similarities to its abnormal metabolism in alcoholic cirrho- Arantes, E.C., Neto, F.R., Sampaio, S.V., Vieira, C.A. and Giglio, sis (1199) 45 J.R. Cheng, J., see Zajac, G.W. (1199) 271 Isolation and characterization of TsTX-V, a new neurotoxin from Cherel, Y., see Belkhou, R. (1199) 195 tityus serrulatus scorpion venom which delays the inactivation of Chidwick, K., see Zhang, Z. (1199) 224 NA®* channels (1199) 69 Choli, D., see Simos, G. (1199) 52 Arunkumar, A.I., see Bhaskaran, R. (1199) 115 Clari, G., see Bordin, L. (1199) 266 Asiedu, D.K., see Demoz, A. (1199) 238 Coccia, R., see Rosei, M.A. (1199) 123 Azam, N., see Baburaj, K. (1199) 253 Constantin, J., see Bracht, A. (1199) 298 Crevat, A., see Gallice, P. (1199) 305 Baburaj, K., Azam, N., Udgaonkar, D. and Durani, S. HOCGO and DMACGO. Two coumarin derived a-dicarbonyls Davis, F.B., see Smith, T.J. (1199) 76 suitable as pH and polarity sensitive fluorescent reporters for Davis, P.J., see Smith, T.J. (1199) 76 proteins that can be targeted at reactive arginines (1199) 253 De Marco, C., see Rosei, M.A. (1199) 123 Bachhawat, B.K., see Mumtaz, S. (1199) 175 Demoz, A., Asiedu, D.K., Lie, @. and Berge, R.K. Balduini, C., see Ramaschi, G. (1199) 20 Modulation of plasma and hepatic oxidative status and changes in Barlow, D.J., see Myles, A.M.C. (1199) 27 plasma lipid profile by n-3 (EPA and DHA), n-6 (corn oil) and a Bause, E., see Dieckmann-Schuppert, A. (1199) 37 3-thia fatty acid in rats (1199) 238 Béchet, D., see Belkhou, R. (1199) 195 Deziel, M.R., see Smith, T.J. (1199) 76 Belkhou, R., Béchet, D., Cherel, Y., Galluser, M., Ferrara, M. and Dhalla, N.S., see Meij, J.T.A. (1199) 6 Le Maho, Y. Dich, J., see Elsner, P. (1199) 157 Effect of fasting and thyroidectomy on cysteine proteinase activi- Dieckmann-Schuppert, A., Bause, E. and Schwarz, R.T. ties in liver and muscle (1199) 195 Glycosylation reactions in Plasmodium falciparum, Toxoplasma Berge, R.K., see Demoz, A. (1199) 238 gondii, and Trypanosoma brucei brucei probed by the use of Berland, Y., see Gallice, P. (1199) 305 synthetic peptides (1199) 37 Bhaskaran, R., Arunkumar, A.I. and Yu, C. Di Simplicio, P. and Rossi, R. NMR and dynamical simulated annealing studies on the solution The time-course of mixed disulfide formation between GSH and conformation of Urotensin II (1199) 115 proteins in rat blood after oxidative stress with tert-butyl hydro- Bilitz, J.M., see Krieg, M. (1999) 149 peroxide (1199) 245 Blake, D.R., see Zhang, Z. (1199) 224 Durani, S., see Baburaj, K. (1199) 253 Blarzino, C., see Rosei, M.A. (1199) 123 Bordin, L., Cattapan, F., Clari, G., Toninello, A., Siliprandi, N. and Eisner, M., see Zajac, G.W. (1199) 271 Moret, V. Elsner, P., Dich, J. and Grunnet, N. Spermine-mediated casein kinase I]-uptake by rat liver mito- Quantification of protein turnover in primary cultures of rat chondria (1199) 266 hepatocytes (1199) 157 Bracht, A., Constantin, J., Ishii-lwamoto, E.L. and Suzuki-Kem- Engstrém, A., see Cervefiansky, C. (1199) 1 melmeier, F. Zonation of gluconeogenesis from lactate and pyruvate in the rat Ferrara, M., see Belkhou, R. (1199) 195 liver studied by means of anterograde and retrograde bivascular France, G., see Myles, A.M.C. (1199) 27 perfusion (1199) 298 Fujii, H., Shimomura, Y., Tokuyama, K. and Suzuki, M. Modulation of branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase complex Cadet, J., see Gallice, P. (1199) 305 activity in rat skeletal muscle by endurance training (1199) 130 Callahan, J.W., see Novak, A. (1199) 215 Carrell, R.W., see Zhang, Z. (1199) 224 Gallas, J.M., see Zajac, G.W. (1199) 271 Castelain, C. and Genot, C. Gallice, P., Sarrazin, F., Polverelli, M., Cadet, J., Berland, Y. and Conformational changes of bovine serum albumin upon its ad- Crevat, A. sorption in dodecane-in-water emulsions as revealed by front-face Ascorbic acid-2-0-8-glucuronide, a new metabolite of vitamin C steady-state fluorescence (1199) 59 identified in human urine and uremic plasma (1199) 305 Author Index / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1199 (1994) 320-322 Galluser, M., see Belkhou, R. (1199) 195 Moss, S.C., see Zajac, G.W. (1199) 271 Ganesh, K.N., see Joshi, R.R. (1199) 285 Mou, J., see Yang, J. (1199) 105 Genot, C., see Castelain, C. (1199) 59 Mourao, P.A.S., see Pavao, M.S.G. (1199) 229 Georgatsos, J.G., see Simos, G. (1199) 52 Mumtaz, S. and Bachhawat, B.K. Giglio, J.R., see Arantes, E.C. (1199) 69 Enhanced intracellular stability and efficacy of PEG modified Grunnet, N., see Elsner, P. (1199) 157 dextranase in the treatment of a model storage disorder (1199) 175 Henriksen, O., see Masson, S. (1199) 166 Murphy, G., see Zhang, Z. (1199) 224 Higuchi, T., Imamura, Y. and Otagiri, M. Musci, G., see Rosei, M.A. (1199) 123 Chemical modification of arginine and lysine residues in coen- Myles, A.M.C., Barlow, D.J., France, G. and Lawrence, M.J. zyme-binding domain of carbonyl reductase from rabbit kidney: Analysis and modelling of the structures of B-cyclodextrin com- indomethacin affords a significant protection against inactivation plexes (1199) 27 of the enzyme by phenylglyoxal (1199) 81 Nagamatsu, A., see Yamakawa, N. (1199) 279 Imamura, Y., see Higuchi, T. (1199) 81 Nakamura, R., see Aoki, N. (1199) 87 Ishii-lwamoto, E.L., see Bracht, A. (1199) 298 Nakano, Y., see Kajihara, J.-i. (1199) 202 Ishikawa, K., see Washio, K. (1199) 311 Nakayama, R., Kumagai, H. and Saito, K. Evidence for production of platelet-activating factor by yeast Jones, D.P., see Chawla, R.K. (1199) 45 Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells (1199) 137 Joshi, R.R., Likhite, S.M., Kumar, R.K. and Ganesh, K.N. Naumova, I.B., see Shashkov, A.S. (1199) 96 DNA cleavage by Cu(II)-desferal: identification of Cl’-hydroxyl- Nelson, D.L., see Pech, L.L. (1199) 183 ation as the initial event for DNA damage (1199) 285 Neto, F.R., see Arantes, E.C. (1199) 69 Nishimuro, S., see Kajihara, J.-i. (1199) 202 Kajihara, J.-i., Shibata, K., Nakano, Y., Nishimuro, S. and Kato, K. Novak, A. and Lowden, J.A. Physicochemical characterization of PEG-PPG conjugated hu- Gy ganglioside activator occurs in multiple forms (1199) 209 man urokinase (1199) 202 Novak, A., Callahan, J.W. and Lowden, J.A. Kamata, Y., Kimura, Y. and Kozaki, S. Classification of disorders of Gy, ganglioside hydrolysis using Involvement of phospholipids in the intoxication mechanism of 7H-Gyp> as substrate (1199) 215 botulinum neurotoxin (1199) 65 Karlsson, E., see Cervenansky, C. (1199) 1 Otagiri, M., see Higuchi, T. (1199) 81 Kato, K., see Kajihara, J.-i. (1199) 202 Ouzounis, C., see Simos, G. (1199) 52 Kerjan, P., Cerini, C., Sémériva, M. and Mirande, M. The multienzyme complex containing nine aminoacyl-tRNA syn- Panagia, V., see Meij, J.T.A. (1199) 6 thetases is ubiquitous from Drosophila to mammals (1199) 293 Panagiotidis, C.A., see Simos, G. (1199) 52 Kimura, Y., see Kamata, Y. (1199) 65 Park, S.H. and Strobel, G.A. Kozaki, S., see Kamata, Y. (1199) 65 Cellular protein receptors of maculosin, a host specific phytotoxin Krieg, M., Bilitz, J.M., Srichai, M.B. and Redmond, R.W. of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa L.) (1199) 13 Effects of structural modifications on the photosensitizing prop- Pascual, M., see Martinez, A.J. (1199) 101 erties of dialkylcarbocyanine dyes in homogeneous and heteroge- Pavao, M.S.G., Rodrigues, M.A. and Mourao, P.A.S. neous solutions (1999) 149 Acidic polysaccharides of the ascidian Styela plicata. Biosynthetic Kumagai, H., see Nakayama, R. (1199) 137 studies on the sulfated L-galactans of the tunic, and preliminary Kumar, R.K., see Joshi, R.R. (1199) 285 characterization of a dermatan sulfate-like polymer in body tis- Kuroda, H., see Aoki, N. (1199) 87 sues (1199) 229 Pech, L.L. and Nelson, D.L. Larralde, J., see Martinez, A.J. (1199) 101 Purification and characterization of calmodulin (lysine 115) N- Lawrence, M.J., see Myles, A.M.C. (1199) 27 methyltransferase from Paramecium tetraurelia (1199) 183 Le Maho, Y., see Belkhou, R. (1199) 195 Polverelli, M., see Gallice, P. (1199) 305 Lie, @., see Demoz, A. (1199) 238 Likhite, S.M., see Joshi, R.R. (1199) 285 Quistorff, B., see Masson, S. (1199) 166 Lowden, J.A., see Novak, A. (1199) 209 Lowden, J.A., see Novak, A. (1199) 215 Ramaschi, G., Balduini, C., Torti, M. and Sinigaglia, F. Effect of cAMP on the association of small GTP-binding proteins Martinez, A.J., Pascual, M. and Larralde, J. with the cytoskeleton of human platelets (1199) 20 Acute effects of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) on bone Ramsden, D.B., see Smith, T.J. (1199) 76 protein synthesis in rats (1199) 101 Redmond, R.W., see Krieg, M. (1999) 149 Masson, S., Henriksen, O., Stengaard, A., Thomsen, C. and Quis- Rodrigues, M.A., see Pavao, M.S.G. (1199) 229 torff, B. Rosei, M.A., Mosca, L., Coccia, R., Blarzino, C., Musci, G. and Hepatic metabolism during constant infusion of fructose; compar- De Marco, C. ative studies with *! magnetic resonance spectroscopy in man Some biochemical properties of melanins from opioid peptides and rats (1199) 166 (1199) 123 Matsuda, T., see Aoki, N. (1199) 87 Rossi, R., see Di Simplicio, P. (1199) 245 Meij, J.T.A., Suzuki, S., Panagia, V. and Dhalla, N.S. Roth, M., see Stérl, K. (1199) 143 Oxidative stress modifies the activity of cardiac sarcolemmal phospholipase C (1199) 6 Saito, K., see Nakayama, R. (1199) 137 Mirande, M., see Kerjan, P. (1199) 293 Sampaio, S.V., see Arantes, E.C. (1199) 69 Moret, V., see Bordin, L. (1199) 266 Sarrazin, F., see Gallice, P. (1199) 305 Mosca, L., see Rosei, M.A. (1199) 123 Schoenl, M., see Smith, T.J. (1199) 76 322 Author Index / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1199 (1994) 320-322 Schwarz, R.T., see Dieckmann-Schuppert, A. (1199) 37 Taniguchi, Y., see Aoki, N. (1199) 87 Sémériva, M., see Kerjan, P. (1199) 293 Terekhova, L.P., see Shashkov, A.S. (1199) 96 Shao, Z., see Yang, J. (1199) 105 Thomsen, C., see Masson, S. (1199) 166 Shashkov, A.S., Streshinskaya, G.M., Naumova, I.B., Terekhova, L.P. Tokuyama, K., see Fujii, H. (1199) 130 and Alferova, I.V. Toninello, A., see Bordin, L. (1199) 266 The cell wall polysaccharide of Actinoplanes sp. INA 3697 com- Torti, M., see Ramaschi, G. (1199) 20 posed of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-B-p-mannopyranosyl-(1 — 3)-2- acetamido-2-deoxy-a-p-glucopyranosyl 1-phosphate repeating Udgaonkar, D., see Baburaj, K. (1199) 253 units (1199) 96 Urabe, M., see Aoki, N. (1199) 87 Shibata, K., see Kajihara, J.-i. (1199) 202 Shimeno, H., see Yamakawa, N. (1199) 279 Vieira, C.A., see Arantes, E.C. (1199) 69 Shimomura, Y., see Fujii, H. (1199) 130 Siliprandi, N., see Bordin, L. (1199) 266 Wardell, M., see Zhang, Z. (1199) 224 Simos, G., Panagiotidis, C.A., Skoumbas, A., Choli, D., Ouzounis, C. Washio, K. and Ishikawa, K. and Georgatsos, J.G. Cloning and sequencing of the gene for type I carboxypeptidase Barley B-glucosidase: Expression during seed germination and in rice (1199) 311 maturation and partial amino acid sequences (1199) 52 Winyard, P.G., see Zhang, Z. (1199) 224 Sinigaglia, F., see Ramaschi, G. (1199) 20 Skoumbas, A., see Simos, G. (1199) 52 Yamakawa, N., Shimeno, H., Soeda, S. and Nagamatsu, A. Smith, T.J., Davis, F.B., Deziel, M.R., Davis, P.J., Ramsden, D.B. Regulation of prolyl oligopeptidase activity in regenerating rat and Schoenl, M. liver (1199) 279 Retinoic acid inhibition of thyroxine binding to human Yang, J., Mou, J. and Shao, Z. transthyretin (1199) 76 Molecular resolution atomic force microscopy of soluble proteins Soeda, S., see Yamakawa, N. (1199) 279 in solution (1199) 105 Srichai, M.B., see Krieg, M. (1999) 149 Yu, C., see Bhaskaran, R. (1199) 115 Stengaard, A., see Masson, S. (1199) 166 Storl, J., see St6rl, K. (1199) 143 Zajac, G.W., Gallas, J.M., Cheng, J., Eisner, M., Moss, S.C. and Stdrl, K., Stdrl, J., Roth, M. and Zimmer, C. Alvarado-Swaisgood, A.E. DNA topoisomerases from Streptomyces noursei: Influence of The fundamental unit of synthetic melanin: a verification by coumarins and quinolones on the enzymic activity (1199) 143 tunneling microscopy of X-ray scattering results (1199) 271 Streshinskaya, G.M., see Shashkov, A.S. (1199) 96 Zhang, Z., Winyard, P.G., Chidwick, K., Murphy, G., Wardell, M., Strobel, G.A., see Park, S.H. (1199) 13 Carrell, R.W. and Blake, D.R. Suzuki-Kemmelmeier, F., see Bracht, A. (1199) 298 Proteolysis of human native and oxidised a,-proteinase inhibitor Suzuki, M., see Fujii, H. (1199) 130 by matrilysin and stromelysin (1199) 224 Suzuki, S., see Meij, J.T.A. (1199) 6 Zimmer, C., see St6rl, K. (1199) 143

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