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278 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM BIOCHEMISTRY AND FUNCTION OF Opioid- and FMRFamide-like peptides have been deman- CRUSTACEAN NEUROHORMONES strated by HPLC, RLA and immunoeytochemistry Indecapod Triggered by various. environmental stimuli, the nervous crustaceans (Jaros, 199(1). The FMRFamide-like peptides yystem produces and releases several peplices which enable an (FLI3,4), isolated from Homarus, seem to be invalved in the organism to handle specific simations. The regulatory polencies modulation of cardiac neuromuscular junctions (Trimmer ev al., of the peptides so fur postululed include cardiay control, luco- 1987). The CHH release-inhibiting effect of leu-enkephalin, motion, feeding behaviour, migration of chromatophores and blocked by naloxone, was shown by Jaros er ai, (1985), Mer- retinal pigment, moult suppression/acceleration, the develop- enkephalin has been shown to stimulate the release of chroma- ment of (estis, voeyles and vitellogenin, limb regeneration, {ophorovopic hormones and other evidence exists for the blood glucose adjustment, endogenous rhythmicity, lipid, car- involvement of an opipid regulation of locomotor activity in bohydrale and protein metabolism, osmo- and hydrominers] Geearcinus lateralis. These different results demonsirate the and respiratory regulation, RNA/DNA synthesis, mito- broad spectrum of opioid effects on crustacean physiology, An chondrial respiration and carotingid metabolism: almpst overy exciing future field of study for the endocrinologis! is the aspect of crustacean life. The number of postulated factors is growing body of information regarding a possible neurshor- large (Kleinholz, 1985; Webster and Keller, 1988), the number monal-immunological axis even in invertebrates. Pilot siudies of fsolatect neurohormonal peptides, however, is small and our reveal un impiicalion of apioids on hemocyle aggregation. knowledge of their physiological fanctions is still Hmited, Several factors are based on inadequate evidence or are still Acknowledgement under discussion ¢.g. the neurodepressing hormone (Cooke and The work is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsp- Sullivan, 1982). In terms of the amino acid composition, the meinschall (1a 3972-4), moult-inhibiting hormone (MTH) from Cereinus ataenus, the crustacean hyperglycemic hormones (CHH) trom Grconectes Lileramure Cited limosus, Porcellio dilatatus and Procambarus bouvier! and the Cooke, 1M, and Sullivan, R.E. 1982, Hormones and Neu- neurodepressing hormone trom various species have heen char~ rosecretion, 205-291), In H.L. Atwood and D.C Sand- acterized. The primary sequence is reported for two FMRF-like eman (cds) <The biology of Crustaceu9, Vol. 3. peplides (FL), a member of the pigment concentrating hore (Academic Press: New York), mone family, from two pigment dispersing hormones, front laros PLP, Diteksen, H. and Keller, R. 1985, Occurrence Of ¢ardioactive peptides and from the CHH of Carewms maenac immunoreactive enkephaling in a teurohaemal organ and other neregus structures in the eyestalk of the share (Kegel e¢ af, (989). For this 8524 Da neuropeptide the complete coding sequence for the pre-pra CHH has been erah, Curcinus maenas L. (Crustacea, Decapody). Cell and Tissue Research 24%: LLL-117, obtained recently from a DNA-library (Weidernann er al, Jaros. P,P. 1990, Enkephalins, biologically active neuropep- 1989), MTH and the gonad (vitellogenin) inhibiing hormone (GIH/VIH) apparently belong to the CHH neuropeptide tides in inwertehrates, with special references (0 crustaceans 471/482. In K. Wiese, W.D. Krenz, J. family, judging by the comparison of amino acid sequences, Taui2, H. Reichert and B. Mulloncy (eds) <Frontiers in which have been analysed ta wpproximarely 80%, Recenr crustacean neurobiology9. (Birkhauser: Basel). observations are consistent with the hypothesis thal the spec- Keacl, G., Reichweln, B., Weese, S,, Gaus, (,, Peter-Katalinic, trum of functions of these identitied neurohormones might be J. and Keller, R. 1989, Amino ucid sequence of the broader than their names suggest. The red pigment concentrat- crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) from the shore ing hormone (RPCH), for example, affects not only the erythro- crab, Carcinus maenas, FEBS Letters 255; 1-14. phores hut also the pyloric rhythmy by alternating the Kleinholz, LH. 1985, Biochemistry of Crustaeean Hormones. membrane potential in the lateral pyloric and pyloric dilator Pp. 463-522. In D.E. Bliss and L.H. Mantel (eds) "The motor neurons, Therefore, RPCH (ora very similar molecule) binlogy of Crustaceans9, Vol, Y, (Academic Press; New is thought tO release 4 modulator tram the somatogastne gan- York), glion. A-similar modulation of proctolin on the pyloric network Trimmer, B.A., Kobietski, L.A. and Kravitz, B.A, 1987, has been reported, In addition to glocuse CHH aflects irehalose Purification and charactenzation of PMRFamide-like and maltose blood concentrarions and releases amylase from immunoreactive substances fram the lobster nervous the midgut gland in crayfish, The distribution of the crustucean- system: isolation and sequence ynalysis of two closely cardivactive peptide (CCAP) in the central nervous system elated peptides, Journal of Comparative Neurology suggests that CCAP might be a novel neurotransminer with Rote 1O-26, multiple functions, ¢.g. modulation of the matility of isolated Webster. $.G, and Keller, R, 198%, Physiology anu biochem- hindguts, In addition to these neuropeptides, which are derived wiry of crustacean neurohonmonal peptides. 173-196. trom) neutohemal sources such as the sinus gland or pericardial In M.C. Thorndyke and G.J. Goldsworthy (eds) *Néu+ organ, numerous, mainly vertebrate-type peptides, have been copeplides in invertebrates9, (Cambridge University Jescribed in Crusticean neuronal tissue using immurineyto- Press; Cambridge), chemical methods. The stained epitope does not necessanly Wedemaan, W,, Gromoll, J. anu Keller, R. 1989. Cloning prove the identity of the onginal antigen, either functionally or and sequence analysis of CDNA for precursar af 2 biochemically. Some of these X-like peptides with limited or cristacéan hyperglycemic hormone. FEBS Letters 257: no relation to vertebrate hormones, such as cholecys- 31-34, tokinln/gastrin-ilke or calcitonin-lke peptides have been ko- luted or sequenced. The physiological functions of these Peter P. Jaros, University of Oldenburg, Deparment peplides are mostly unknown or the subject of speculation of Animal Physiology, Germany.

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