BBIIOO MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT OOFF EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTTAALL WWAASSTTEE BBYY VVEERRMMIITTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGYY FFOORR TTHHEE BBEENNEEFFIITT OOFF AAGGRROO––IINNDDUUSSTTRRYY Thesis submitted to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli For the award of the degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By SELLADURAI.G Under the guidance of Dr. N. ANBUSARAVANAN POST GRADUATE AND RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY PERIYAR EVR COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) TIRUCHIRAPPALLI - 620 023 TAMIL NADU, INDIA SEPTEMBER - 2010 PERIYAR EVR COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) TIRUCHIRAPPALLI, 620 023, TAMIL NADU, INDIA Dr. N. ANBUSARAVANAN PhD Professor and Head Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology Phone: +91 431 2420079 Mobile: +91 96006 99390 Email: [email protected] CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Bio management of Environmental Waste by Vermitechnology for the benefit of Agro- Industry,” submitted by Mr. G. SELLADURAI for the award of the degree, DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in ZOOLOGY, to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024, Tamilnadu, India is based on the Research carried out by him under my guidance and supervision at Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Periyar EVR College, Tiruchirappalli- 620 023, Tamilnadu, India. The thesis or any part of thereof has not been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or any other similar title. Dr. N. Anbusaravanan Professor and Head i G. SELLADURAI Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology Research Scholar Periyar EVR College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli- 620 023, Tamilnadu, India Mobile: +91 9566800764 Email: [email protected] DECLARATION I do hereby declare that this thesis entitled “Bio management of Environmental Waste by Vermitechnology for the benefit of Agro- Industry” was the original research work carried out by me, at Post graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Periyar EVR College, Tiruchirappalli- 620 023, Tamilnadu, India, under the guidance and supervision of Dr.N. Anbusaravanan, Professor and Head, Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Periyar EVR College, Tiruchirappalli, 620 023, Tamilnadu, India. I, further confirm that the thesis or any part of thereof has not been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or any other similar title. SELLADURAI .G ii This work is dedicated to MMyy BBeelloovveedd PPaarreennttss,, BBrrootthheerr aanndd MMyy RReesseeaarrcchh SSuuppeerrvviissoorr iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this thesis. I want to thank the Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Periyar EVR College, for giving me permission to commence this thesis in the first instance, to do the necessary research work and to use departmental resource. I am deeply indebted to my Research Supervisor and Head of the Department, Dr. N. Anbusaravanan Ph.D., Professor, whose stimulating suggestions, thought provoking discussions and encouragement helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I have furthermore to thank for his effective guidance and suggestion in the completion of this Research project and Departmental Faculty members those who supported my research work and encouraged me to go ahead with my thesis. I also wish to thank Dr. B. Kadalmani Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, and his lab team members Mr. K. Prakash Shyam, Mr. K. Palanivel, Mr. S. Senthilnathan for their evoked discussion and suggestions, indeed they helped me in all the dimensions for the successful completion of work. I am bound to thank Prof. K. Rajeswari, Principal, Periyar EVR College, for granting me permission to do the research in the college. I express my deep sense of gratitude to the Doctoral Committee Member Dr. C Ravichandiran Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Environmental Science, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, for his kind support, encouragement, and guidance. iv I wish to thank Dr. George John Ph.D., Professor, P.G and Research Department of Zoology, discussion and suggestions, for the successful completion of statistical work. I wish to deep sense of gratitude and special thanks to Dr.N. Karmegam Ph.D., Professor, Department of Biotechnology, VMKV Engineering College, Selam, for the discussion and suggestions of this Research work. I wish to record my sincere gratitude to, fellow Research scholars of the department Mr. Balasundaram, Mr. Babunath, Mr.S. Tamilarasan, Mr. P. Sekar, Mrs. B. Vani, and Mr.G. Sathishkumar and other Research Scholar’s of Post Graduate and Research department of Zoology, Periyar EVR College,Tiruchirapalli. In the array, I would like to convey my sincere thanks to Guest Lectures for their periodical suggestion and moral support during the entire course of work. I am obliged to my friends Mr. Jeyachandiran, Mr. Vadivel, Mr.Tamilmani and Mr. N. Kumar Department of Economics, Periyar EVR College, Tiruchirappalli, India. I wish to thank Mr. S Chellaiah and Mr. Prabakaran, Lab Assistants for their stimulating support during the entire work. I would like to give my special thanks to my parents Mr.Ganesan, Ms Saraswathi Ganesan and my brother Rajkannu. In addition, not all is possible without the grace of Almighty; I thankfully pray the almighty for giving this great support and strength. The financial support from University Grants Commission (UGC) through Rajiv Gandhi National Research Fellowship Scheme (RGNFS), Government of India, New Delhi was gratefully acknowledged. v ABBREVIATIONS AAS - Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists AR - Analytical Reagent BOD - Biological Oxygen Demand C:N - Carbon Nitrogen ratio CFU - Colony Forming Units COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand CP - Collection point CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board CSM - Cattle Shed Manure DAP - Days after Planting DDT - Di-ethylene Di-phenyl Tri- chloromethane DPX - Dihydroxy Phthalate Xylol DS - Distillery Sludge DTPA - Diethylene-Triamine Penta Acetic acid DTPA-TEA - Diethylene TriaminePenta Acetic acid–Tri Ethanol Amine EC - Electrical Conductivity EE - Eudrilus eugeniae EF - Eisenia fetida FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization FG - Fore Gut GHG - Green House Gas HA - Humic Acid HCH - Hexa Chlorocyclo Hexane HD - Horse Dung Hg - Mercury HG - Hind Gut HHCD - House Hold Cow Dung LC - Lethal Concentration 50 MAP - Maintain the yield and Productivity of previous years MG - Mid Gut MOW - Municipal Organic Waste MSW - Municipal Solid Waste MSWM - Municipal Solid Waste Management MT - Million Tons vi NEERI - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute NPK - Nitrogen Phosphate Potassium PAH - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon S Pb - Lead PCA - Principal Component Analysis PCBs - Poly Choloride Biphenyls PE - Periyonyx excavatas PGPR - Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria PSS - Primary Sewage Sludge PW - Poultry Waste RSVC - Rice Saw Vermi Compost SMFC - Sugar Mill Filter Cask SPSS - Statistical Package in Social Science STMS - Solid Textile Mill Sludge TCa - Calcium TCDD - TetroCholoro Dibenzo-p-p Dioxin TCO - Cobalt TCu - Copper TERI - The Energy Research Institute TMg - Total Magnesium TMn - Total Manganese TOC - Total Organic Carbon TS - Total Sulfur TS - Tannery Sludge WH - Water Hyacinth WSC - Water Soluble Carbon TZn - Total Zinc TCd - Cadmium TK - Total Potassium TP - Total Phosphorus TNi - Total Nickel TCo - Total Cobalt vii LIST OF CONTENTS i. Certificate of the Guide i ii. Declaration of the Candidates ii iii. Dedication iii iv. Acknowledgement iv v. Abbreviation vi vi. List of Tables ix vii. List of Figures xii viii. Sella’s Page xiv Chapter Contents Page No. I INTRODUCTION 1 II LITERATURE REVIEW 9 III RESEARCH BACKGROUND 11 IV MATERIALS AND METHODS 60 V VERMITECNOLOGY IN RECYCLING OF TANNERY 70 SLUDGE VI VERMITECNOLOGY IN RECYCLING OF DISTILLERY 84 SLUDGE VII VERMI SOLUTION IN MANAGEMENT OF POULTRY 98 WASTE VIII VERMI SOLUTION IN MANAGEMENT OF MUNICIPAL 111 WASTE IX HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES OF EARTHWORMS ON THE 128 TREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL SLUDGE X STUDY ON PLANT GROWTH USING VERMI 135 TREATED ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 143 REFERENCES METHODOLOGY PUPLICATION viii LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No. No. 5.1 Determination of LC for Eudrilus eugeniae, Eisenia fetida 72 50 and Perionyx excavatus at various dosages for tannery sludge before treatment 5.2 Macro nutrient analysis of tannery sludge before and after 77 treatment using selected earthworms 5.3 Micro nutrient analysis of tannery sludge before and after 78 treatment using selected earthworms 5.4 Mean statistical value for the macronutrient analysis of tannery 79 sludge before and after treatment using selected earthworms 5.5 Mean statistical value for the micronutrient analysis of tannery 80 sludge before and after treatment using selected earthworms 5.6 Biochemical characteristics and identification of dominant 81 colonies of microbes found in the gut region of earthworms, Eudrilus eugeniae introduced in tannery sludge 5.7 Biochemical characteristics and identification of dominant 82 colonies of microbes found in the gut region of earthworms Eisenia fetida introduced in tannery sludge 5.8 Biochemical characteristics and identification of dominant 83 colonies of microbes found in the gut region of earthworms Perionyx excavatus introduced in tannery sludge 6.1 Determination of LC50 for Eudrilus eugeniae, Eisenia fetida 86 and Perionyx excavatus at various dosages for distillery sludge before treatment 6.2 Macro nutrient analysis of distillery sludge before and after 91 treatment using selected earthworms 6.3 Micro nutrient analysis of distillery sludge before and after 92 treatment using selected earthworms 6.4 Mean statistical value for the macronutrient analysis of 93 distillery sludge before and after treatment using selected earthworms ix