The Amsterdam School of Communications Research Annual report ’07 The Amsterdam School of Communications Research ASCoR Production: Drukkerij De Raat & De Vries Design: P. Stroomberg Editors: C. de Vreese & S. Zwier Coordinator: M. Smit TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. About ASCoR 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 The research program 2006-2010 8 2.3 PhD program 11 2.4 Organizational structure 13 2.5 Personnel 14 2.6 Faculty profiles 16 3. Review per research program 27 3.1 Persuasive Communication 27 3.2 Media, Journalism and Public Opinion 37 3.3 Media Entertainment and Popular Culture 53 Appendix A Faculty 67 Appendix B Scientific output 73 Appendix C Honorary events 75 Appendix D PhD program 79 Appendix E Sponsoring 89 Appendix F Key publications 93 Appendix G Professional publications 113 Appendix H Scientific meetings 119 Table of Contents Chapter 1 1. Introduction Welcome to the 2007 annual report of The Amsterdam School of Communications Research ASCoR. The 2007 annual report is a special edition because it celebrates ASCoR’s 10th anniversary. A bit of history is in place here. Communication research has been part of the University of Amsterdam since the late 1940s, and from this tradition have sprung very renowned researchers such as Kurt Baschwitz and Denis McQuail, and research programmes such as those of the Dutch Press Institute and the Kurt Baschwitz institute. ASCoR’s own institutional history of ten years starts in 1997, with prof. dr. Jan J. van Cuilenburg as the founder and the first scientific director of ASCoR. Having served as the communication science Department Chair for over ten years previously, Jan van Cuilenburg possessed the experience, qualities and courage to engage in the launch of own-institute for communication research at the University of Amsterdam which was to be named The Amsterdam School of Communications Research Jan van Cuilenburg ASCoR. Still professor of media and telecommunications policy and management at ASCoRtoday, Jan van Cuilenburg is also chair of the Dutch Media Authority. The foundation of ASCoRin 1997 also came with the launch of a PhD program in communication science at UvA. Whereas the Department had known PhD students previously, among whom Edith Smit, presently associate professor and adjunct professor of Customer Media in ASCoR, the launch of an own PhD program meant further institutionalization of PhD training and a significant rise in the number of PhD students. Introduction 1 The first group of ASCoRPhD students in 1997 was a group of six: Sudeep Dasgupta, Mark Deuze, Thom Duyvené de Wit, Marjolein Moorman, Hans van Nieuwpoort, and Tijs Timmerman. Sudeep Dasgupta Mark Deuze Marjolein Moorman They were the pioneers in a program that has hosted over 70 PhD candidates since then, and they contributed much to what the program at present looks like. Moreover, Sudeep Dasgupta, Mark Deuze and Marjolein Moorman have advanced to hold senior academic research positions in academia nowadays. Prof. dr. Peter C. Neijens was Jan van Cuilenburg’s successor as ASCoRscientific director in 1998. Little did he know at the time that his period of serving as ASCoR scientific director would last for seven years until 2005. During those years, Peter Neijens showed his talents not only as a researcher and professor of Persuasive Communication, but also his exceptional skills for directorship while at the same time contributing greatly to the further internationalization and programmatic coherence of communication research at UvA. ASCoR Peter Neijens undoubtely owes much of its current strengths and successes to Peter Neijens’ qualities. Prof. dr. Claes H. de Vreese took over the scientific directorship in late 2005. Having obtained his PhD from the ASCoR PhD program himself, Claes de Vreese’s directorship is one sign of what has been achieved over the last ten years by the ASCoR faculty and PhD students. ASCoR’s 10-year track record includes: π 337 articles in ISI-ranked, international peer-reviewed journals, 219 articles in other international peer-reviewed journals, and 155 articles in national peer reviewed journals π 1st in Europe in number of ISI-ranked articles published by a European research institute in communication (1994-2004) 2 Annual Report 2007 π 4 ASCoRresearchers among the top-10 most productive communication researchers in Europe (1994-2004) π 5 NWO Veni-grants, 1 NWO Vidi-grant, and 2 NWO Vici-grants π 15 NWO-sponsored PhD projects π 46 PhD dissertations π Zero unemployment and 60% of ASCoR PhD graduates employed as academic faculty As ASCoRis coming of age, we will work hard to further improve the scope and quality of our research activities while remaining in the spirit of 70 years of communication research at the University of Amsterdam. ASCoRis facing its biggest challenge yet when the search for replacement for the Research Manager dr. Sandra Zwier will commence. Having served ASCoRfor a decade, dr. Zwier is moving on to new challenges. Her commitment, capacities and skills shall be dearly missed by ASCoR. We look back at a year of celebrations. A number of internationally renowned scholars in our field were invited for expert seminars, and during the 2007 conference of the International Communication Association ICA, the first ASCoRDenis McQuail Article of the Year prize was awarded. The beginning of what certainly is to become a tradition in our field. Other ASCoRfaculty were awarded: Prof. dr. Loet Leydesdorff was awarded an honorary professorship at China’s Institute for Scientific and Technical Information; Claes de Vreese was awarded the ICA Young Scholar Award, which was the first time in the history of this important award for a body of work that has contributed to knowledge in the communication science field that a non US-based scholar was awarded; dr. Hajo Boomgaarden and dr. Rens Vliegent- hart both received a cum laudefor their PhD dissertation; prof. dr. Liesbet van Zoonen was awarded a grant for a postdoc and PhD student in the NWO- Contested Democrary program, dr. Stijn Reijnders was awarded an NWO Veni- grant, and prof. dr. Claes de Vreese was awarded an NWO Vici-grant. Dr. Mark Leenders and dr. William van der Veld left ASCoR during 2007 to take up research positions at other academic institutes. So did dr. Wouter van der Brug, who became UvA’s chair of general political science. The number of new faculty members however far outnumbered those leaving: We welcomed dr. Wouter de Nooy as new associate professor, and dr. Hajo Boomgaarden, dr(s). Guda van Noort, dr. Eva van Reijmersdal, dr. Nel Ruigrok, dr. Rens Vliegenthart, and dr. Julia van Weert as new assistant professors, and dr. Isabel Awad Cherit as postdoctoral fellow. Moreover, nine new PhD students joined whereas nine others successfully defended their PhD theses in 2007. Introduction 3 It will be a big challenge for 2008 to beat or equal this year’s achievements, but initiatives to try are in the making. Worth mentioning is among others the implementation of the Amsterdam Graduate School of Communications Science, a joint venture of ASCoRand the teaching institute M&CI, in which the Master, Research Master, and PhD program in communication research will be united. Equally worth mentioning is the creation of a new Chair in Journalism Studies, for which recruitment has recently begun. Finally, but not lastly, 2008 is the year in which communication research in the Netherlands will be externally assessed. In 1995 and 2001 respectively, communication research in the country was assessed together with political science and public administration research. 2008 will be the first year in which communication science research will be assessed as a discipline on its own. Among the best researchers in our field wordwide are in the review committee, and this ensures that the 2008 external research assessment will be a rewarding experience. Claes de Vreese (left), ASCoR scientific director, and Sandra Zwier, ASCoR research manager 4 Annual Report 2007 Chapter 2