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Bills as enacted, 1995-97, No.5-76 PDF

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Preview Bills as enacted, 1995-97, No.5-76

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO FIRST SESSION THIRTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT BILLS AS ENACTED SESSION From September 26, 1995 to December 14, 1995 and January 29, 1996 and from March 18, 1996 to June 27, 1996 and from September 24, 1996 to December 19, 1996 and January 13, 1997 to March 6, 1997 and April 1, 1997 to April 11, 1997 and April 21, 1997 to June 26, 1997 and July 3, 1997 and August 18, 1997 to October 9, 1997 and November 17, 1997 to December 18, 1997 Prorogued December 18, 1997 INDEX FIRST SESSION THIRTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT PUBLIC BILLS (Government and Private Members') Advocacy, Consent andSubstitute Decisions StatuteLaw. Hoa C. Harnick 19 AggregateandPetroleumResources StatuteLaw. Hoa C. Hodgson 52 Agriculture, Food andRuralAffairs (seeMinistryofAgriculture, Food andRural Affairs) Alcohol, Gaming and CharityFundingPublic Interest. Hoa D. Tsubouchi 75 AutomobileInsuranceRate Stability. Hoa E. Eves 59 B BetterLocal Government. Hoa A. Leach 86 BoxingDay Shopping. Hoa R. Runciman 95 Cancer(seeToronto Hospital) ChangeofName (see Community Safety) CharityFunding (seeAlcohol, Gaming and CharityFundingPublic Interest) ChildSupportGuidelines (see UniformFederalandProvincial ChildSupport Guidelines) CityofToronto. Hoa A. Leach 103 CityofToronto (No. 2). Hoa A. Leach 148 CollegeofTeachers (see Ontario) Commercialtruckingreforms (seeRoad Safety) Community Safety. Hoa R. Runciman 102 Community Safety (seePolice Services) ComprehensiveRoadSafety. Hoa A. Palladini. 138 ConsenttoTreatment (see Advocacy) Consumer Statutes Administration(see Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration) Co-operativeEducation (seeTax Credits andEconomic Stimulation) Corporations Informatioa Hoa N. Sterling 6 Cottagers andOthers VotingRights (seeEducationVotingRights) Courts Improvement. Hoa C. Harnick 79 Creighton-Davies (seeGeographic TownshipofCreighton-Davies) CrownFoundations. HonE. Eves 71 Delegation ofthe administrationofcertaindesignatedstatutes (see Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration) Development Charges. Hon. A. Leach 98 Disability SupportProgram (see Social AssistanceReform) Drinking anddrivingcountermeasures (seeRoadSafety) Economic Stimulation (seeTax Credits andEconomic Stimulation) Education. Hon. J. Snobelen 34 Education (seeFewerSchool Boards) EducationQuality and Accountability Office. Hoa J. Snobelen 30 Education Quality Improvement. Hoa D. Johnson (DonMills). 160 Education VotingRights (Cottagers andothers). Hoa J. Snobelen. 158 Electioa Hoa E. Eves 44 Employment Standards (seePublic SectorTransition Stability) Employment Standards Improvement. Hoa E. Winner 49 Environmental Approvals Improvement. Hoa N. Sterling 57 Environmental Assessment and ConsultationImprovement. Hoa N. Sterling 76 ExpandedNursing Services forPatients. Hoa J. Wilson 127 FairMunicipalFinance. Hoa E. Eves 106 FairMunicipalFinance (No. 2). Hoa E. Eves 149 Fairness forParents andEmployees (Teachers' Withdrawal ofServices). Hoa J. Flaherty 161 FamilyBenefits (see Social AssistanceReform) FamilyResponsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement. Hoa C. Hamick 82 FewerPoliticians. Hoa D. Johnson (DonMills) 81 Fewer School Boards. Hoa J. Snobelen. 104 Film IndustryTax Credits (seeTax Credits andEconomic Stimulation) Financial Services CommissionofOntario. Hoa E. Eves. 140 Financial support ofPublic Institutions (see CrownFoundations) Financingoflocal government (seeFairMunicipal Finance) FireProtection andPreventioa Hoa R. Runciman 84 Fish and Wildlife Conservatioa Hoa J. Snobelea 139 Freezing ofCompensation forMembers ofthe Assembly. Hoa E. Eves 32 Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation(see International Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation) Game andFish (seeFish andWildlife Conservation) Gaming (see Alcohol, Gaming and CharityFundingPublic Interest) General Welfare Assistance (see Social AssistanceReform) Geographic Township ofCreighton-Davies. MrF. Laughren 167 GoodFinancialManagement. Hon. E. Eves 93 GovernmentProcess Simplification (Ministry ofthe Attorney General). Hon-C. Hamick 61 GovernmentProcess Simplification (MinistryofCitizenship, Cultureand Recreation). Hoa I. Bassett 63 GovernmentProcess Simplification (Ministry ofConsumer and CommercialRelations). Hoa D. Tsubouchi 64 GovernmentProcess Simplification (Ministry ofEconomic Development, Trade and A Tourism). Hoa Palladini 65 GovernmentProcess Simplification(Ministry ofEnvironment and Energy). Hoa N. Sterling 66 GovernmentProcess Simplification(Ministry ofHealth). Hoa J. Wilson 67 GovernmentProcess Simplification(Ministry ofNorthernDevelopment and Mines). Hoa C. Hodgson 68 GovernmentProcess Simplification (Ministries ofthe SolicitorGeneral and Correctional Services). Hon. R. Runciman 69 H HealingArts RadiationProtection (seeExpandedNursing Services forPatients) Highway Transport Board (see Ontario HighwayTransport Board) Indemnities and Allowances ofMembers ofthe Assembly (seeFreezingofCompensation) InternationalFuelTax Agreement Implementation. Hoa D. Johnson (DonMills) 48 Job creationmeasures (seeTax Credits to Create Jobs) Job Growth andTax Reductioa Hoa E. Eves 129 Job Quotas. Hoa M. Mushinski ...8 LabourRelations andEmployment StatuteLaw. Hoa E. Winner 7 LandUsePlanning andProtectioa Hoa A. Leach 20 Lennox andAddington County BoardofEducation andTeachers Dispute Settlement Hoa J. Snobelen... 113 MedicalLaboratoryTechnology(seeExpandedNursingServices forPatients) Milk. Hoa N. Villeneuve 170 MinistryofAgriculture, FoodandRural Affairs StatuteLaw. Hoa N. Villeneuve 46 MinistryofCorrectional Services (see Community Safety) MinistryofNaturalResources StatuteLaw. Hoa C. Hodgson 36 MPPs Pension and CompensationReform. Hoa E. Eves 42 Municipal (seeBetterLocalGovernment) Municipal Accountability (see Development Charges) MunicipalElections (seeFewer SchoolBoards) N NaturalResources (seeMinistryofNaturalResources) Nursing(seeExpandedNursing Services forPatients) Occupational Health andSafety (see Workers' Compensation) Ontario CancerInstitute (seeToronto Hospital) Ontario CollegeofTeachers. Hoa J. Snobelen 31 Ontario Disability SupportProgram (see Social AssistanceReform) Ontario HighwayTransport Board andPublic Vehicles. Hoa A. Palladini 39 Ontario InstituteforStudies inEducatioa Hoa J. Snobelen 45 OntarioProperty Assessment Corporation (seeTax Credits to Create Jobs) Ontario Works (seeSocial AssistanceReform) PayEquity (seePublic SectorTransition Stability) Pension and CompensationReform (seeMPPs Pension and CompensationReform) PersonalProperty Security. Hoa N. Sterling 35 PetroleumResources StatuteLaw (see Aggregate andPetroleum Resources StatuteLaw)

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