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Preview Bills, 1995-97, No.21-39

Q/\2. 0I\J ^ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO FIRST SESSION THIRTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT BILLS AS INTRODUCED IN THE HOUSE TOGETHERWITH REPRINTS AND THIRD READINGS SESSION From September 26, 1995 to December 14, 1995 and January 29, 1996 and from March 18, 1996 to Jmie 27, 1996 and from September 24, 1996 to December 19, 1996 and January 13, 1997 to March 6, 1997 and i^rU 1, 1997 to AprU 11. 1997 and April 21, 1997 to June 26, 1997 and July 3, 1997 and August 18, 1997 to October 9, 1997 and November 17, 1997 to December 18, 1997 Prorogued December 18, 1997 'UBRÂRV^ TORONTO ^/f^ INDEX FIRST SESSION THIRTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT PUBUC BILLS (GoTenunent and Private Members') Accountability Improvement. Mr B. Maves 89 Advocacy, Consent and SubstituteDecisions StatuteLaw. Hon. C. Hamick 19 Aggregate andPetroleum Resources StatuteLaw. Hoa C. Hodgson 52 Agriculture, FoodandRural Affairs (seeMinistryofAgriculture, Food andRural Affairs) Alcohol, Gaming and CharityFundingPublic Interest. Hoa D. Tsubouchi 75 AlternativeFuels. MrD. McGuinty 97 Audit MrB. Grandmaître 74 Audit (see Accountability Improvement) Automobile Insurance. MrM. Sergio 29 AutomobileInsuranceRate Stability. Hoa E. Eves 59 B BetterLocal Government. Hoa A. Leach 86 Bill 160Repeal. MrH. Hamptoa 168 Boxing Day Shopping. Hoa R. Runciman 95 Cancer (seeToronto Hospital) ChangeofName (see Community Safety) CharityFunding (see Alcohol, Gaming and CharityFundingPublic Interest) Charter ofRights for Victims ofCrime. Ms A. Castrilli 12 Child andFamily Services. MrJ. Gerretsen 94 Children's LawReform. MrJ. Hastings 27 ChildSupport Guidelines (seeUniformFederal andProvincial Child Support Guidelines) Citizens AssemblyProject. MrR. Chiarelli 18 City ofHamiltoa MrD. Agostino 88 CityofToronto. Hoa A. Leach 103 CityofToronto. MsF. Lankin 144 City ofToronto (No. 2). Hoa A. Leach 148 Qass Sizes (see School Qass Sizes) CollegeofTeachers (see Ontario) Commercialtrucking reforms (seeRoad Safety) Community Safety. Hoa R. Runciman 102 Community Safety (seePoliceServices) ComprehensiveRoad Safety. Hoa A. Palladini. 138 Consentto Treatment (see Advocacy) Construction Workforcefrom Quebec. MrJ.-M. Lalonde 60 ConsumerProtectioa MrB. Crozier 83 Consumer Statutes Administration (see Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration) Co-operativeEducation (seeTax Credits andEconomic Stimulation) Corporations Informatioa Hoa N. Sterling 6 Cottagers and Others VotingRights (seeEducationVotingRights) Courts ofJustice andMinistryofCorrectional Services StatuteLaw. MrJ. Ouellette. 130 Courts Improvanent. Hoa C. Hamick 79 Creighton-Davies (seeGeographic Township ofCreighton-Davies) CrownFoimdations. HonE. Eves 71 DeferxiLocalDemocracy (seeBUI 160Repeal) Delegationofthe administrationofcertaindesignated statutes (seeSafety and Consumer Statutes Administration) Development Charges. Hoa A. Leach 98 Disability SupportProgram (see Social AssistanceReform) Dress Codes (seeMunicipal (by-laws respecting dress codes)) Drinking anddriving countermeasures (seeRoad Safety) Drivertraining course (see HighwayTraffic (drivertraining course)) DropthePenny. MrD. TUson 14 Economic Stimulation (seeTax Credits andEconomic Stimulation) Educatioa Hoa J. Snobelen 34 Educatioa MrR. Bartolucci 124 Education (seeFewer School Boards) Education (seeTechnology for Qassrooms Tax Credit) Education (Co-operation Among Boards). MrB. Wildman 37, 58 Education Quality and Accoimtability Office. Hoa J. Snobelen 30 Education Quality Improvement. Hoa D. Johnson (DonMills). 160 Education VotingRi^ts (Cottagers andothers). Hoa J. Snobelea 158 Election. MrD. McGuinty 2 Electioa Hoa E.Eves 44 ElectoralRepresentation (seeFewerPoliticians) Employees Association Financial Accountability (see Labour Union and Employees Association) Employees AssociationFinancialDisclosure (seeTrade Union andEmployees Association) Employees'Rights andFreedoms Act. MrF. Sheehaa 131 Employment Standards (seePublic SectorTransition Stability) Employment Standards Improvement. Hoa E. Witmer 49 Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable Species. MrB. Wildman 62 Environmental Approvals Improvement. Hoa N. Sterling 57 Environmental Assessment andConsultation Improvement. Hon. N. Sterling 76 EnvironmentalProtectioa MrJ. Carroll 177 Environmental Protection (see ImportationofWaste StatuteLaw) EnvironmentalProtection StatuteLaw. MrB. WQdman 24 Equal Opportunity inEmployment (seeHumanRights Code) Executive Council. Hoa E. Eves 1 Exotic Animals Control. MrJ. Paricer. 159 ExpandedNursing Services forPatiaits. Hoa J. Wilson 127 Expropriations (seePropertyRights) FairMunicipalFinance. Hoa E. Eves 106 FairMunicipalFinance (No. 2). Hoa E. Eves 149 Fairness forParents andEmployees (Teachers' WithdrawalofServices). Hon. J. Flaherty 161 FamilyBenefits (seeSocial AssistanceReform) FamilyLaw. MrD. Tilson 169 FamilyResponsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement. Hoa C. Hamick 82 Farming andFooaProductionProtectioa Hoa N. Villeneuve 146 FewerPoliticians. Hoa D. Johnson (DonMills) 81 Fewer School Boards. Hoa J. Snobelea 104 Film Industry Tax Credits (seeTax Credits andEcorwmic Stimulation) Financial Accountability (seeLabour Union andEmployees Association) Financial Disclosure(seeTrade Union andEmployees Association) Financial Services CommissionofOntario. Hoa E. Eves. 140 Financial support ofPublic Institutions (see CrownFoundations) Financingoflocal government (seeFairMunicipalFinance) FireProtectionandPreventioa Hoa R. Runciman 84 Fish andWildlife Conservatioa Hoa J. Snobelea 139 Franchises. MrT.Martin 13 Franchises' Arbitrations. MrR. Chiarelli 101 Freezing ofCompensation forMembers ofthe Assembly. Hoa E. Eves 32 Fuel andGasolineTax. Hoa C. Hodgson 173 FuelTax Agreemait Implementation (seeInternationalFuelTax Agreement Implementation) Game andFish (seeFish and Wildlife Conservation) Gaming (see Alcohol, Gamingand CharityFundingPublic Interest) GasolineTax (seeFuel andGasolineTax) General WelfareAssistance (seeSocial AssistanceReform) GeographicTownship ofCrei^ton-Davies. MrF. Laughren 167 GoodFinancialManaganait. Hoa E. Eves 93 Good Samaritan. MrS. Gilchrist 166 GovernmentProcess Simplification(Ministryofthe AttorneyGeneral). HoaC. Hamick 61 GovernmentProcess Simplification(MinistryofCitizenship, Culture and Recreation). Hoa I. Bassett 63 GovernmentProcess Simplification(Ministry ofConsumer and CommercialRelations). Hoa D. Tsubouchi 64 GovernmentProcess Simplification (Ministry ofEconomic Development, Trade and Tourism). Hoa A. PaUadini 65 GovemmoitProcess Simplification (MinistryofEnvironment and Energy). HoaN. Sterling 66 GovemmaitProcess Simplification (MinistryofHealth). Hoa J. Wilson 67 GovernmentProcess Simplification (MinistryofNorthern Developmoit and Mines). Hoa C. Hodgson 68 GovernmentProcess Simplification (Ministries ofthe SolicitorGeneral and Correctional Services). Hoa R. Runciman 69 H Hamiltoa (see CityofHamilton) 88 Healing Arts RadiationProtection (seeExpandedNursing Services forPatients) Health Care Consent (Parental Consultation). MrF. Klees 91 HealthInsurance. MrD. Duncan 87 Highway Improvement (seePublic Transportation) Highway Traffic. MrP. Kormos 72 HighwayTraffic. MrP. Hoy 78 HighwayTraffic (drivertraining course). MrW. Wettlaufer 171 Highway Traffic (Impaired Driving). Mrs M. Marland 85 Highway Traffic (Impaired Driving). Mr J. Brown(Scarborough West). 1(X) Highway Traffic (licence suspensions). Mr B. Grimmett 154 HighwayTraffic (school buses). MrT. Froese .137 HighwayTraffic (see Worona, Tyrrell, Campbell andJessimanTruckSafety) Highway TransportBoard (see Ontario HighwayTransport Board) HumanRights Code Amendment (Equal Opportunity intheMunicipal andNon-Profit Sectors). MrJ. Hastings .165 HumanRi^ts Code (seePropertyRights) ImportationofWaste StatuteLaw. MrD. Ramsay 56 IncomeTax (seeTechnology for Qassrooms Tax Credit) Indemnities and Allowances ofMembers ofthe Assembly (seeFreezing ofCompensation) InternationalFuel Tax Agreement Implementation. Hon. D. Johnson (DonMills) 48

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