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िनबंधन सं(cid:8) या पी0ट(cid:15)0-40 (cid:18)(cid:18)(cid:18)(cid:18)बबबबहहहहाााारररर गगगगजजजजटटटट (cid:18)(cid:18)(cid:18)(cid:18)बबबबहहहहाााारररर ससससररररककककाााारररर (cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)ाााारररराााा ूूूूककककााााििििशशशशतततत 22220000 पपपपौौौौषषषष 1111999933339999 ((((शशशश0000)))) ससससं(cid:8)ं(cid:8)ं(cid:8)ं(cid:8) यय ययाााा 00002222 पपपपटटटटननननाााा,,,, बबबबधधुुधधुु ववववाााारररर,,,, ———————— 11110000 जजजजननननववववरररर(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15) 2222000011118888 ((((ईईईई0000)))) (cid:18)(cid:18)(cid:18)(cid:18)ववववषषषषयययय----ससससचचूूचचूू ीीीी पपपपंंंंृृृृ ठठ ठठ पपपपंंंंृृृृ ठठ ठठ भाग-1—िनयु(cid:18)/, पदः थापन, बदली, श(cid:18)/, छु5ट(cid:15) और भाग-5—(cid:18)बहार (cid:18)वधान मंडल मY पुर:ः था(cid:18)पत अ8 य 9 य(cid:18)/गत सूचनाएं। 2-72 (cid:18)वधेयक, उ[ त (cid:18)वधान मडं ल मY भाग-1-क—ः वयंसेवक गु= म? के समादें टाओं के उपः था(cid:18)पत या उपः था(cid:18)पत Nकये जानेवाले ूवर सिमितय? के ूितवेदन और उ[त आदेश। --- (cid:18)वधान मंडल मY पुर:ः थापन के पूव J भाग-1-ख—मैश(cid:15)कुलेशन, आई0ए0, आई0एससी0, ूकािशत (cid:18)वधेयक। --- बी0ए0, बी0एससी0, एम0ए0, भाग-7—संसद के अिधिनयम Qजनपर रां शपित क] एम0एससी0, लॉ भाग-1 और 2, O यें ठ अनुमित िमल चुक] है। --- एम0बी0बी0एस0, बी0एस0ई0, ड(cid:15)प0-इन- एड0, एम0एस0 और मु(cid:8) तार(cid:15) पर(cid:15)Hाओ ं भाग-8—भारत क] संसद मY पुर:ः था(cid:18)पत (cid:18)वधेयक, के पर(cid:15)Hा-फल, कायबJ म, छाऽव(cid:18)ृM ूदान, संसद मY उपः था(cid:18)पत ूवर सिमितय? के आNद। --- ूितवेदन और संसद मY उपः था(cid:18)पत ूवर भाग-1-ग—िशHा संबंधी सचू नाए,ं पर(cid:15)Hाफल आNद --- सिमितय? के ूितवेदन और संसद मY पुर:ः थापन के पूव J ूकािशत (cid:18)वधेयक। --- भाग-2—(cid:18)बहार-राO यपाल और कायाJP यH? (cid:24)ारा भाग-9—(cid:18)व^ापन --- िनकाले गये (cid:18)विनयम, आदेश, अिधसूचनाए ं और िनयम आNद। --- भाग-9-क—वन (cid:18)वभाग क] नीलामी संबधं ी सूचनाए ं --- भाग-3—भारत सरकार, पQRम बगं ाल सरकार और भाग-9-ख—िन(cid:18)वदा सूचनाए,ं प_रवहन सूचनाए,ं उT च 8 यायालय के आदेश, अिधसूचनाए ं 8 यायालय सूचनाए ं और सवसJ ाधारण और िनयम, 'भारत गजट' और राOय सूचनाए ं इ` याNद। --- गजट? के उVरण। --- पूरक --- भाग-4—(cid:18)बहार अिधिनयम --- 73-73 पूरक-क 2 (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 भभभभाााागगगग----1111 िनयु(cid:18)/, पदः थापन, बदली, श(cid:18)/, छु 5ट(cid:15) और अ8 य 9 य(cid:18)/गत सूचनाएं ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ffffooooffff////kkkk ffffooooHHHHkkkkkkkkxxxx &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& vvvvffff////kkkkllllwpwpwpwpuuuukkkk,,,, aa aa 11117777 uuuuooooEEEEccccjjjj 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 7] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&7777333344449999@t0s ] fnukad 00004444----11110000----2222000011112222 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh xxxx....kkkks's's's'kkkk iiiizlzlzlzlkkkknnnn]]]] vvvvffff////kkkkooooDDDDrrrrkkkk]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 00004444----11110000----2222000011117777 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; ,o a ys[; izek.kd vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr d s uke O;olkf;d irk iath e sa uke dju s d s fy, vafdr gksu s dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k g S frfFk A A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh x.ks'k vf/koDrk] 04-10-2012 ch0,l0lh0 iwf.kZ;k ¡ izlkn flfoy dksV]Z ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk /kenkgk ¼l0a ,0@uksV&30@2007&6666999955558888@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 11117777 uuuuooooEEEEccccjjjj 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 8] ,l0vk0s 7] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxzsth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼l0a ,0@uksV&30@2007&6666999955558888@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ The 17th November 2017 S.O. 7, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section- 5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Ganesh Prasad and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule (4) of Rule- 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department Notification No. 7349/J dated 04.10.2012 to practice as notary again for the next five year from 04.10.2017. (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 3 Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks Notary profession the name of which al address the Notary Notary to has been practice entered in the Register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shri Advocate, 04.10.2012 B.Sc Purnea Ganesh Civil Court, L.L.B District Prasad Dhamdaha (File no. A/Not-30/2007-6958/J) By order of the Governor of Bihar, Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary-cum- Additional Legal Remembrancer, (Competent Authority). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11116666 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 9] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&3333555599992222@t0s ] fnukad 11115555----11110000----1111999999998888 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh xxxx....kkkks's's's'kkkk iiiizlzlzlzlkkkknnnn xxxxqIqIqIqIrrrrkkkk]]]] vvvvffff////kkkkooooDDDDrrrrkkkk]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 11115555----11110000----2222000011116666 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; ,o a ys[; izek.kd vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa vfHk;qfDr d s uke O;olkf;d irk iath e sa uke O;olk; dju s d s vafdr gksu s dh fy, izkf/kd`r frfFk A fd;k x;k g S A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh x.ks'k izlkn vf/koDrk 15-10-1998 ch0,0 dSewj xqIrk flfoy dksV]Z dSewj] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk HkHkvq k ¼l0a ,0@uksV&56@92&4444666622222222@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 11116666 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 10] ,l0vk0s 9] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxstz h e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼l0a ,0@uksV&56@92&4444666622222222@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ The 16th August 2017 S.O. 9, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section-5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Ganesh Prasad Gupta and whose detail according to Notary Register is 4 (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department Notification No. 3592/J dated 15.10.1998 to practice as notary again for the next five year from 15.10.2016. Name of Residental/ Date of Qualification Area in Remarks Notary profession which the which al address name of the Notary to Notary has practice been entered in the Register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shri Advocate, 15.10.1998 B.A Kaimur Ganesh Civil Court, L.L.B District Prasad Kaimur, Gupta Bhabua (File no. A/Not-56/92-4622/J) By order of the Governor of Bihar, Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary-cum- Additional Legal Remembrancer, (Competent Authority). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11116666 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 11] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&2222444488886666@t0s ] fnukad 22227777----00006666----1111999999997777 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj uuuuooooyyyys's's's'kkkk jjjjkkkk;;;;]]]] vvvvffff////kkkkooooDDDDrrrrkkkk]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 22227777----00006666----2222000011115555 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; ,o a ys[; izek.kd vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa vfHk;qfDr d s uke O;olkf;d irk iath e sa uke O;olk; dju s d s vafdr gksu s dh fy, izkf/kd`r frfFk A fd;k x;k g S A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh dqekj vf/koDrk 27-06-1997 ch0,0 y[khljk; uoys'k jk; uksVjh] flfoy dksV]Z ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk y[khljk;A ¼l0a ,0@uksV&49@94&4444666611116666@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 5 11116666 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 12] ,l0vk0s 11] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxzsth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼ l0a ,0@uksV&49@94&4444666611116666@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ The 16th August 2017 S.O. 11, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section-5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Kumar Navlesh Ray and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department Notification No. 2486/J dated 27.06.1997 to practice as notary again for the next five year from 27.06.2015. Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks Notary professiona the name of which l address the Notary has Notary to been entered practice in the Register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shri Advocate, 27.06.1997 B,A Lakhisarai Kumar Notary, Civil L.L.B District Navlesh Court, Ray Lakhisarai (File no. -A/Not-49/94-4616/J) By order of the Governor of Bihar, Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary-cum- Additional Legal Remembrancer, (Competent Authority). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22222222 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 13] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&7777333344447777@t0s ] fnukad 00004444----11110000----2222000011112222 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh ffffooootttt;;;; ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj ffffllllagagaagg]]]] vvvvffff////kkkkooooDDDDrrrrkkkk]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 00004444----11110000----2222000011117777 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa 6 (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; ,o a ys[; izek.kd vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa vfHk;qfDr d s uke O;olkf;d irk iath e sa uke O;olk; dju s vafdr gksu s dh d s fy, izkf/kd`r frfFk A fd;k x;k g S A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh fot; vf/koDrk 04-10-2012 ch0,0 tgkukckn dqekj flag uksVjh] flfoy dksV]Z ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk tgkukcknA ¼l0a ,0@uksV¼,l½&40@2008&4444777722225555@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 22222222 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 14] ,l0vk0s 13] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxzsth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼l0a ,0@uksV¼,l½&40@2008&4444777722225555@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ The 22nd August 2017 S.O. 13, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section-5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Vijay Kumar Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department Notification No. 7347/J dated 04.10.2012 to practice as notary again for the next five year from 04.10.2017. Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualific Area in which Remark Notary professional the name of ation Notary to s address the Notary practice has been entered in the Register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shri Vijay Advocate, 04.10.2012 B.A Jehanabad Kumar Notary, Civil L.L.B District Singh Court, Jehanabad (File no. -A/Not(s)-40/2008-4725/J) By order of the Governor of Bihar, Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary-cum- Additional Legal Remembrancer, (Competent Authority). (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 7 11116666 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 15] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&888866661111@t0s ] fnukad 00006666----00003333----2222000000002222 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh nnnn;;;;kkkkffffuuuuffff////kkkk iiiikkkk....MMMMs;s;s;;s ]]]] vvvvffff////kkkkooooDDDDrrrrkkkk]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 00006666----00003333----2222000011117777 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa ys[; izek.kd d s vkoklh; ,o a ys[; izek.kd iath vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa vfHk;qfDr uke O;olkf;d irk e sa uke vafdr O;olk; dju s d s gksu s dh frfFk A fy, izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k g S A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh n;kfuf/k vf/koDrk 06-03-2002 ch0,0 vkSjaxkckn ik.Ms; uksVjh fof/kK la?k] ,y0,y0ch0 ftykUrxZr nkmnuxj nkmnuxj vuqeaMy ¼ftyk&vkSjaxkckn½A ¼l0a l0a &,0@uksV&40@97&4444666622223333@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 11116666 vvvvxxxxLLLLrrrr 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 16] ,l0vk0s 15] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxzsth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼l0a l0a &,0@uksV&40@97&4444666622223333@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ The 16th August 2017 S.O. 15, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section-5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Dayanidhi Pandey and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department Notification No. 861/J dated 06.03.2002 to practice as notary again for the next five year from 06.03.2017. Name of Residental/ Date of Qualification Area in which Remarks Notary professional which the Notary to address name of the practice Notary has been entered in the Register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shri Advocate, 06.03.2002 B.A Daudnagar Dayanidhi Notary Bar L.L.B subdivision Pandey Association under Daudnagar Aurangabad (D-Aurangabad) District (File no. -A/Not-40/97-4623/J) By order of the Governor of Bihar, Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary-cum- Additional Legal Remembrancer, (Competent Authority). 8 (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 22220000 ttttqyqyqyqykkkkbbbb ZZ ZZ 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 17] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&1111666611113333@t0s ] fnukad 22224444----00002222----1111999988884444 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh uuuuUUUUnnnnyyyykkkkyyyy iiiizlzlzlzlkkkknnnn]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 22224444----00002222----2222000011117777 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa ys[; izek.kd d s vkoklh; ,o a ys[; izek.kd vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa vfHk;qfDr uke O;olkf;d irk iath e sa uke O;olk; dju s d s vafdr gksu s dh fy, izkf/kd`r frfFk A fd;k x;k g S A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh uUnyky izlkn vf/koDrk 24-02-1984 ,e0,0 iVuk flfoy dksV]Z ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk iVuk ¼l0a l0a &,0@,0ch0&159@82&4444000066662222@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 22220000 ttttqyqyqyqykkkkbbbb ZZ ZZ 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 18] ,l0vk0s 17] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxzsth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼l0a l0a &,0@,0ch0&159@82&4444000066662222@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ The 20th July 2017 S.O. 17, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section-5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Nand Lal Prasad and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department Notification No. 1613/J dated 24.02.1984 to practice as notary again for the next five year from 24.02.2017. (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 9 Name of Residental/ Date of Qualification Area in which Remarks Notary professional which the Notary to address name of the practice Notary has been entered in the Register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shri Nand Advocate, 24.02.1984 M.A Patna Lal Prasad Civil Court, L.L.B District Patna (File no. -A/AB-159/82-4062/J) By order of the Governor of Bihar, Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary-cum- Additional Legal Remembrancer, (Competent Authority). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22220000 ttttqyqyqyqykkkkbbbb ZZ ZZ 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 19] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&1111888888883333@t0s ] fnukad 33330000----00005555----2222000000002222 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh vvvv::::....kkkk ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj yyyykkkkyyyy]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 33330000----00005555----2222000011117777 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; ,o a ys[; izek.kd vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr d s uke O;olkf;d irk iath e sa uke dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r vafdr gksu s fd;k x;k g S A dh frfFk A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh v:.k vf/koDrk 30-05-2002 ch0,l0lh0 iVuk dqekj yky flfoy dksV]Z ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk iVuk ¼l0a l0a &,0@uksV&87@2000&4444000066661111@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 22220000 ttttqyqyqyqykkkkbbbb ZZ ZZ 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 20] ,l0vk0s 19] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxzsth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼l0a l0a &,0@uksV&87@2000&4444000066661111@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 10 (cid:18)बहार गजट, 10 जनवर(cid:15) 2018 The 20th July 2017 S.O. 19, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section-5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Arun Kumar Lal and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department Notification No. 1883/J dated 30.05.2002 to practice as notary again for the next five year from 30.05.2017. Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks Notary professional the name of which address the Notary Notary to has been practice entered in the Register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shri Arun Advocate, 30.05.2002 B.Sc Patna Kumar Lal Civil Court L.L.B District Patna (File no. -A/Not-87/2000-4061/J) By order of the Governor of Bihar, Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary-cum- Additional Legal Remembrancer, (Competent Authority). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22220000 ttttqyqyqyqykkkkbbbb ZZ ZZ 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 21] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018—uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&5 ¼2½ d s }kjk iznr 'kfDr;k sa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj&jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjht fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ d s fu;e&8 d s mi fu;e ¼4½ d s v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&1111000033339999@t0s ] fnukad 22222222----00003333----1111999999999999 d s }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh llllqjqjqjqjs's's's'kkkk ffffllllagagagag]]]] ftudk uksVjht iath d s vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr g]S dk s fnukad 22222222----00003333----2222000011117777 l s iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"k Z d s fy, ys[; izek.kd d s #i e sa dk; Z dju s d s fy, izkf/kd`r djr s gASa ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; ,o a O;olkf;d ys[; izek.kd iath e sa vgÙkk Z ftl {ks= e sa vfHk;qfDr d s uke irk uke vafdr gksu s dh O;olk; dju s frfFk A d s fy, izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k g S A 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Jh lqjs'k flag vf/koDrk 22-03-1999 ch0,0 iVuk flVh flfoy dksV]Z iVuk flVh ,y0,y0ch0 vuqeaMy ¼l0a l0a &,0@uksV&1@97&4444000066660000@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ 22220000 ttttqyqyqyqykkkkbbbb ZZ ZZ 2222000011117777 ,l0vk0s 22] ,l0vk0s 21] fnukad 10 tuojh 2018 dk vaxzsth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky d s izkf/kdkjh l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk g]S tk s Hkkjr lafo/kku d s vuqPNsn&348 d s [kaM ¼3½ d s v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk e sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA ¼l0a l0a &,0@uksV&1@97&4444000066660000@t0s ½ fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkns'k l]s eeeeuuuukkkkstststst ddddqeqeqeqekkkkjjjj]]]] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khAZ The 20th July 2017 S.O. 21, dated the 10th January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section-5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to authorise Shri Suresh Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 (1953 of 1952) and sub-rule

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