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Gazetteer of India : Bihar BHAGALPUR Bihar District Gazettcers BHAGALPUR By P. G ROY CHAUDHURY, 304, ox, Socal Offer, Gatesiee Revision Soesiery, Reswune Departrent, Behar, Patna, PRINTED Ry TRF BUPERLNTEKDERY. SEORMTAMIAH PRIS, BITTAR, PAINA 109 srice-— Rupees Fiftect only. | PREFACE ‘The first Disexfot Gsgettcor of Bhagalpur hy J. Hymne, cos, wat publithed in I91F 24 oup of che seties. of Songel Disrice Garetteors, Th ald aerleg uf Disisige Gavetlners. altbongh replete swith facts and br iantly written bad rory liaited objective ‘They ate now quite out of date ‘Tho State Goremiaeat ia the Hove Departinnat have wader taxon tbe work of mamiting end publishing the uutize sovioe uf ‘Bihas Gasottoors. Tus ube Tnqt few desudce there ad een very aay DBrsio changes iy the dietriot ond the county. With th indopendenon of tha somtey the very clnenetsr of the Blate Government hor changed. ‘ae old Dietrick Gacettorr of Dhagiper oven, AF available, is of Little ely now: ‘This roanitten Distcioh Gavatees of Mhaglyur ie my 9h, poblication in the uow ‘ecian Thy seoveitten District Gazottecce fur Hazaribagh, Macatfarpng, Gave, Singlibhum, Saran, Champarin, Mougliye and Falaman hove sltendy Leen published Ths work of ro-witing of the Djstriot Gazsideer af Bhagalpue har ita own diienttis, ‘Thore hiers bean no csoout Surrey aid Eetulemest Opasssinna. No comiprobincive acakeeonumie murvey ‘of sho distiot hea bom andastalen. Oifecrs in op position hero thnic ua profiles sud oven if interested in this typect woth, Uy bac wity liutle Jsieir fo give any sctive omlahoration ‘the Dintsiot Ganetteeta Gf the hordor dbteicts jn other Stptan save sot sat boon publi Tis, howover,fortauate in soeeiving holy feo varigna sources. L wan fies poston to Bhogalpur in 1051 followed oy & soeona posing in 1948. T have hed frequoat oacasions ta vit Bhegapur fn ewer oflvisl eapsetty from the Stato Weal, [hire bud the privilge of shiping tho distrist Gutiag the fatcdul yoarsof 1842-87 sad aftor. Regesding old docuniests wna almot! unavailable publishd Iilecatune, Lam indcblsd to igetitutions les Rational Arehovon, ‘Now Dalhi, National Library, Csloutta snd. the Auiatic Society of Bougol, Thess ingttations eve ungralgingly placed heir books at ty diapatal, ‘Whe suhotition uf the Nationel Archives face gone nut of twit way ta trace gld documents te help say arodg. T bas alto looked into the old Evgish sormeapandence joy Bhugalynr Collette. Wye thu lutor exons, T have outained Delp from vationt Contan Wgporls, manueninte auul data ectiacte ad om tho ealshortonn and ponsonsl snvestigation. Ta pare ularly indebted te Dr GK, Bata, rh for hie collabumution ia the compilaliun of the teat on Huttory, Some uf the old. vexidents of Bhngehvur Uke Sai Austys Kevhna Rey, Kbitieh Chanda MOkkerjoe eve, have belpud_ me considerably ia various manner, BHD. €. Singh, Seoior Deputy Collsctor portod at Bhagalpnr hat ‘aup fied wl the phutut for this Gazattecr. 4 hoon atndnct of Auelent Tudlen History’ und Arohiloctur, Sri P.O. Siggh took s work larger oumtee of putes and wanted 40 give them aif 49 me Bur it wat aut possible bo includ: ll the plites, The Ministry of Scientific Re.buyoh and Cultueal Affiee, New eth have takin up the omek of evwordinating tho new District Gareleerra of the Btise% anid publishing Zour volumes of Central Gazotiooenfor Kadin. Tn conmattution with she Scate the Mniery ho» draws ganeral plan ta be followed hy ube Siete for Lbsir District Gauslesers aa, fer ap puseile. ‘Phe general potter laid down by the Misielry ef Bslontific Resesreh and Caltaral Affaire has boon gensrally fllowed, My thanks ate dus to the Concval Cesettoors Unit for some eulvalile suggests Toon gentefi fe the quillnen ad ener continued seoviving from the Chiof Minister Pardit Binc dar Tha, Kewunus Minisler Sci Maher Prwod Sinks, and Her Cake Beerecaep, SHS. J. Marwwdns, 162, They have wlrey® tuken fe vory Been Hnterost inthis” work. T hase tied 19 provide an objective book fox a wide mngs of ronioe —iniitilane, wellery,eeblans, adminis mature, tourite acd by ue emus, the last, Hae lncenestnd marin tho wivat. Pesannslly Eheve onjoyol writing a oul and le will be @ privileg ed F. 6 ROY CHAUDHURY, PaDeh \ Ist Qevbr, 1982, CONTENTS cuarmas 1 oven AERistiny TI --Pooyle EF Ayrievibaw,ané Irigarion yoIndasevies YU --Banbing, Toate aul Comineree VEL -Giitaunivations VITA Runnoie trode PR—Geasedl Adie istaaien XLwe, Deder aud sptice RiHowal Sele uasemmet XIR-Edurabien aul Cut arto XUBLof iol aud Eoubtle Feds sot—sak ATV onher Sonal Serviens cd XYAPublie Life etn : a5 XVE--Plance of fatness . sre 051 XPIT-Jhayd Rewerhuo asiministzation tg VNU -Mikecilausoue Desupations 47008 Appendiso ” . ror-T08 ‘Appeedin UL : : you 712 ‘Supendix - , : ng ris Agpondis -1Y : : ne Glossy - - . 1h 187 lots . : pao a7) oclesa.oe = ~ ~ - URVH--EX Plates— 1 The Aah So HIS? OF PLATES . The Magsolenm of Feraiom Hucesin Kau, ‘Cleveland Monuzent Midas TIL ‘Morher Goddene ala tome - Neve Singh Avatar (Man-tion ineaenation of Vishna} . The temple of Afgaibinedd, Haigeiva, 3. Vishnu viding on Garaza ‘The Neaqus at Moughalpurs Clerslaad Hews, Gold eorsiag, Morgue: Gold chain, manent: Omani, ‘Fanalytgure. ‘The Crist Church. Rock sculpture st Sabvanger}, “Matiahesaremerdivi. CHAPTER I ORNERAL Ontoas ot te Nam No authentic report ia evalala a4 10 tho origin of the name af BRogapur. This matine hae been partaty deat wit in the text tity. Te taht strange eatin apie of toe wren fier within the disric, namo, Karangat, Champusear ast Howe TRL aod alge €he ose wana Vikeamatacat athe inten tho distice shout ty Hono ay Bhagalar Sr"Bropatpar #3 Ud Bagh docsnenta, Ean dttion wan art Gf Auge sia of the Aabiorsia duro wid iis 8 matey bo ‘the headquarters of Ange fet didnot eome to have the tat Dlac-nsaa. ‘The aig of the plagesren of ho tbe pcan lowe ta tls Sine mec Calgomg: Sevangany.Ihhpur, Burks Ktcaurie or Amarpur is nls) not ikeiwn Getto. The. mane Galgong ie commonly ster, ds Toouo Kibo! Men ot) Tho liv hare. Sonte wip Ghat tha place being tr tov fal ot guercele sul tovinony (Sow Malady mone quate) cams tn Jineo thie stato. Sultaagan] bts evidently rived to aaive doe 4 btn Sulannse, ann ape of the fost shut Jennogee vl ea the tanoon Bhive tonples on a bilook In ite. ange Weber's journal (84-28) tbo peepltane of tie Pll Uae tho cation of datnogir. Bank nh’ age dneeot tho tame. having Seen looted ater a sharp ctere of te toad or beats wan toe tivo of hecoee Gill Pina meme a hero ore Sekadur. "Tho fasmo Serorin masks of jonghrlie yo to area mer oot fall of jongen,Bihpor and Aslacjve niente obviouy ue fe smne {heal Gediion vs Tot. It By hove, pradant nos tw robe too dep lnto the origin of the plese wan Lackner Bhogupur, tho chi and the centyat dietrlet of the division o€ the caus name, ia cicnaied betwoon 22°50" wil 25°30" worth latitude end beéwoen 86°80" xd 8°90" cect lougtude, Tee length ia about 70 mileo from orth tw vouth and it width varien fom 20 10 46 miles, Tt extends over 2123 oquaro alles, ‘This hae been arcived at by totalling the figowoa ef the courtituent walla ag. police stations. ‘The Survoyur-Ganctal of odie has reporcod (bo trea OF the distiet wx 213s agancn mit. The difereneo boteeon the two agures is not lorge and cau bo igaured. ‘Ttu popalation ‘ras 1,428,009 far 1951 coneun which rose to 1,715,126 in 1é6k Bousoaars Te je bounded on tho north by Ue Sebarvat district, on tho censt, north of the Cangas. by the diario of Pynen, om the south (ast, coud of the Ganga, ly Cao Suavial Parganas, wad on tho ‘Prat lyf tke dlbset of Monghsr= The ad-ataretrative bendquacters ave ab Bhagalpor town, aituated on che Gangs, whisl enstes the Ulseiey from est to ea und slivideait mate to uuevow pasts, the sullor purion vf north Blagulpur cuapriane the tree pte Stations viz, Novgaehbia. Vikmar-end Copalpur of tha Sadar Subs Givision sna the lower portion of south Bhagalper compris che seit of the Syfar Robdisiainn ard Banke Subdivicion Of tap nara. Bhaguipar eomes to. ebout 860 xqlare miles or o: approximately one-savonth eth af Lie tals) grunt nf the aitsiet Fonqavion 4xp CRASOES Ir "HD AREAS oF THR Tustiror*© “The ditret oompiod Uae SUB. mer of te Mag Peoriace ot Bibs ogetian ith papal plon of Boras. Hake Be SIhen'hs eht Inde Colang we scaly Psa. Rosi Juristioe nat auge Gust [a the ons of Soar Bonga Subek Biko Iiegstognier es tie vou uf the iaen Save the poiptnn of hinds The exact hyenas of maith tis Forfa coasts 'the mie and seat ware eather indetnpianc, no Tieehste One ote soca ing urtwontponnte hagas End Crlgoug aed ohe hte i fore unealled tho rote fi tartans te along tes Th ane ht 11st ihe ctler was expuilly dete picts eee Bs. “The arene of the dntriot widur@int aumgrans changes incr the Bericeh ourapatinn of Cha strce ducing the Jost canwars. The cartiet waa dn 1799, wuon 4 fan villages foun Tishut um Manat Facpur aud Dacbhouge districts! wew abled on tho nerth-wenar ‘ronnie. sett EPR va cea Seo it cesmuaL 3 ‘Tho anou uf the Phaglpur diewigh coams to bo wiwieldy ducing 181012 wow Feepeie Buahensn visited tho district, aa iv ay S24 wquate ules ® Tn 1492, tbe atswa! the distor wus tosily diminished. by the exteblicidene of « wepenato Mugistracy nutd Depary Wallectorehip wt ought, selees there bod Been a Joint Magisttatesinee 191%, euboedisnts Uy the Magistare of Bhagat, A greet addicion, however, soon fullowed bi 1885, when the threo sxtensive parginar of Nevedigar, Mliurigoval and ienntepur Buchs tere ttandtarned frou “Tabut to this ditnog, tog Revenue 90d Sees Court juriadition of Kabkbaad oud Uttackhana boing. ut Gh? came Gime, tenored from Terhub to Bhagulpae, aut their Magisterial pod feat jovisdiution yo Blonghyz. This inevenso, agen, woe moe then sounterhalaneed be (he operation of shot XXRVIE Df 1853, hy whioh Un, Sanibel Penganaa wore crested into @ sqymrnts Now keyulasicn District, and the Daminikch payganas, Tisgethi, Tamvunt, Chitwaliza, Kasil, Bajadoqmr, Awharnager. Toavat= ‘uigas, Mokzaln, ‘Sibtanges[, Costas, Sulvenabaa,” Godda, Vallee Biouivs, Pussy, ‘Hurl, eogither yh Zopian Mandar, Helpasca ‘aud portion of garyrane Bhodhlpan and Sathiort were detected from Bhugalpor discret. Tn 1808, Llggelpur still further love the hneacter cf wmuath Ganga digtict ‘hich it hed. Pooveased in the Seghteowth contery, bythe adltion of seven bundret squnce eile nPeounery un tho quith uf tbe nee, Pangaaae Kobkhasd ai Creankbur ore entirely vvaneferad from Manghye, witl yneganee Dhaphar aad Natupar fom Putte, ermal petay changes of jasiadiotion had sines coken place, auch em Ube trancice of pregame Kkatkpor to" Monghsr in 3654,” bot reeots,mogleteriel, nal Srerouel juviadodions. became <ontePainwan ihe 10 thhee, change, ‘Gon non of the disrfl in 2872 wae cha aquane rlles™™ shiek came 104.326 in 1011"; the dlfarohee Uotwias the tra ie nee ‘greak and ‘ean be ignored, ‘Tap area of the dinteieh reumwined practioay Jatact since. 1011 wwhog the last District Gaccetoor vf Elegalpar tae published. igoeat ebsuge ccounred sh 1454 whoa about half of the potion af ‘he dlisirnt wat deiache? for the formation of Sabana. isiict Saliva beoame a subvtietict fuse ia 1044 with aa Additional Di rich Magistrate ond (hen fallcndged ssstaice Tm 1954, Almont whole cf Uae. 2orh Bhagalpar except Bilpur. Nacgecbta and Copslpur pallee mstions ment over to Gabares diataieh, thish iy nok'w superite. Ghtrice, “the sugponal Jariedition of Plogalpu Sill reamed as thy Gistefor and Seavous Judge of Rhaualeae hes jvielicion oa Sehans district nln “mre Boman cake mina ea 4 nacaLron ‘The disicies ly now divised, ime tro subivieowe, viz. Bhagalpur (Gadac) and Banks 2nd 7 roveuve thames, via. Sultapgec}, Bbw pon, Colgoug and. Bikpwe iw Sadar Subliiior. od Amor, Eaconia and Banke iu Hank Sabdivision, For ravente parpes the new revere thinay ane fle units, Uhagulyar trot hetore ie was Nifuyontet iota Baogaipar and Sshares ditehce Ooheined of the flloing 28 pergeeess— Colgvngy Talwogira, Bhagalpur, Musdi, Lakbaupor, Keri, Ghai, Dharaaper, Kulbieei, Shabrei, Went, Chondad Rater, Tagen iswre, Wararrala, Chante, Naredignr, Mapiout Gopal, Yeana¥dipor Kors, Dhaphac, Natur, Tiarawat, Kabuhend, and Citarklund, Aftor Raluzen woe sonryted ne a Uitiet the billowing yargenae rovesined in Whtgalpur dietiet:— Colgorg, Jahangore, Dhagelpar, Masdi, Lakianpus, eel, Chai, 'Barainper, Sothiars- Shabook, Wate, Chandan Katrin, Barve Khatvn, Hasienis, nnd. Chander. Tor polise purposes Une ase yoliny shanae which are noe tho ani ap teveioe thin.” Digan ene 18 ollee thangs in Bada ‘udivnios and 0 police shanan 3a Ta Robaiviion. The palice snes haa beet eatsibud ip Roy atalle the ioxt ou Ea. Omar wad ete. Tercrin: ‘Faq Shick of Bhagnlpwe shices in the pars vberacterstion ‘of ricet prete of The Bile Suate The car tanga separates naeth Bungle fem sont Bhugilpie and thie northern svlvon about onesorenth picts of tha disthce fynma ae enstvur goutieuation ‘af tho grea: alluvial plain of Tithut, Iho eufate of cae. lava is fiaia and the douinage fe frou west to sagt. ‘Ube land ia -nocth Bhagslour le vory fortile and Navgeahhia is one of tho principal vuntres of trade in gain in the Misi of har Thenuutheen disinun of de distri iv bousdet along jee wurtbern face by the viper Gang, snd lina # gouerally level swrfyen, exert hear the rcuthern frentie., ‘The eoutkern divin, mated by fsceral wromaca, Baring thoit aouroet inde hits wf whi Sagehal Purgaens, tho mourt lnportant oF whieh ik the banda, This fiver sues the dirteor ¢ brosd tnd Smpetnois tere, bur as ie approvahes Ue fow Itud, it aproaly eer che coubley in shoe siftern diferert ohannls, only three of which ever reyrh tke Gangs, ‘Owe vt Hees ebreanay retain the nome of Chandan, bul il in rere water-cuurve hirh Rowing through & nd sull af nedolae Hiniewone, pov 8 water ineu the Gangs a Chanspancgay (Chasse punalny, twa mils eel af che town Ebngalpue, A ktord and well

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