Big Data in Omics and Imaging Integrated Analysis and Causal Inference CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology Series Aims and scope: This series aims to capture new developments and summarize what is known over the entire spectrum of mathematical and computational biology and medicine. It seeks to encourage the integration of mathematical, statistical, and computational methods into biology by publishing a broad range of textbooks, reference works, and handbooks. The titles included in the series are meant to appeal to students, researchers, and professionals in the mathematical, statistical and computational sciences, fundamental biology and bioengineering, as well as interdisciplinary researchers involved in the techniques and examples, is highly encouraged. Series Editors N. F. Britton Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Bath Xihong Lin Department of Biostatistics Harvard University Nicola Mulder University of Cape Town South Africa Maria Victoria Schneider European Bioinformatics Institute Mona Singh Department of Computer Science Princeton University Proposals for the series should be submitted to one of the series editors above or directly to: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group 3 Park Square, Milton Park Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RN UK Published Titles An Introduction to Systems Biology: Bayesian Phylogenetics: Methods, Design Principles of Biological Circuits Algorithms, and Applications Uri Alon Ming-Hui Chen, Lynn Kuo, and Paul O. Lewis Glycome Informatics: Methods Statistical Methods for QTL Mapping and Applications Zehua Chen Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita An Introduction to Physical Oncology: Computational Systems Biology How Mechanistic Mathematical of Cancer Modeling Can Improve Cancer Therapy Emmanuel Barillot, Laurence Calzone, Outcomes Philippe Hupé, Jean-Philippe Vert, and Vittorio Cristini, Eugene J. Koay, Andrei Zinovyev and Zhihui Wang Python for Bioinformatics, Second Edition Normal Mode Analysis: Theory and Sebastian Bassi Applications to Biological and Chemical Systems Quantitative Biology: From Molecular Qiang Cui and Ivet Bahar to Cellular Systems Sebastian Bassi Kinetic Modelling in Systems Biology Oleg Demin and Igor Goryanin Methods in Medical Informatics: Fundamentals of Healthcare Data Analysis Tools for DNA Microarrays Programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby Sorin Draghici Jules J. Berman Statistics and Data Analysis for Chromatin: Structure, Dynamics, Microarrays Using R and Bioconductor, Regulation Second Edition Ralf Blossey Sorin Dra˘ghici Computational Biology: A Statistical Computational Neuroscience: Mechanics Perspective A Comprehensive Approach Ralf Blossey Jianfeng Feng Game-Theoretical Models in Biology Mathematical Models of Plant-Herbivore Mark Broom and Jan Rychtáˇr Interactions Zhilan Feng and Donald L. DeAngelis Computational and Visualization Techniques for Structural Bioinformatics Biological Sequence Analysis Using Using Chimera the SeqAn C++ Library Forbes J. Burkowski Andreas Gogol-Döring and Knut Reinert Structural Bioinformatics: An Algorithmic Gene Expression Studies Using Approach Affymetrix Microarrays Forbes J. Burkowski Hinrich Göhlmann and Willem Talloen Spatial Ecology Handbook of Hidden Markov Models Stephen Cantrell, Chris Cosner, in Bioinformatics and Shigui Ruan Martin Gollery Cell Mechanics: From Single Scale- Meta-Analysis and Combining Based Models to Multiscale Modeling Information in Genetics and Genomics Arnaud Chauvière, Luigi Preziosi, Rudy Guerra and and Claude Verdier Darlene R. Goldstein Published Titles (continued) Differential Equations and Mathematical Computational Hydrodynamics of Biology, Second Edition Capsules and Biological Cells D.S. Jones, M.J. Plank, and B.D. Sleeman C. Pozrikidis Knowledge Discovery in Proteomics Modeling and Simulation of Capsules Igor Jurisica and Dennis Wigle and Biological Cells C. Pozrikidis Introduction to Proteins: Structure, Function, and Motion Cancer Modelling and Simulation Amit Kessel and Nir Ben-Tal Luigi Preziosi RNA-seq Data Analysis: A Practical Computational Exome and Genome Approach Analysis Eija Korpelainen, Jarno Tuimala, Peter N. Robinson, Rosario M. Piro, Panu Somervuo, Mikael Huss, and Garry Wong and Marten Jäger Introduction to Mathematical Oncology Introduction to Bio-Ontologies Yang Kuang, John D. Nagy, and Peter N. Robinson and Sebastian Bauer Steffen E. Eikenberry Dynamics of Biological Systems Biological Computation Michael Small Ehud Lamm and Ron Unger Genome Annotation Optimal Control Applied to Biological Jung Soh, Paul M.K. Gordon, and Models Christoph W. Sensen Suzanne Lenhart and John T. Workman Niche Modeling: Predictions from Clustering in Bioinformatics and Drug Statistical Distributions Discovery David Stockwell John D. MacCuish andNorah E. MacCuish Algorithms for Next-Generation Spatiotemporal Patterns in Ecology Sequencing and Epidemiology: Theory, Models, Wing-Kin Sung and Simulation Algorithms in Bioinformatics: A Practical Horst Malchow, Sergei V. Petrovskii, and Introduction Ezio Venturino Wing-Kin Sung Stochastic Dynamics for Systems Biology Introduction to Bioinformatics Christian Mazza and Michel Benaïm Anna Tramontano Statistical Modeling and Machine The Ten Most Wanted Solutions in Learning for Molecular Biology Protein Bioinformatics Alan M. Moses Anna Tramontano Engineering Genetic Circuits Combinatorial Pattern Matching Chris J. Myers Algorithms in Computational Biology Pattern Discovery in Bioinformatics: Using Perl and R Theory & Algorithms Gabriel Valiente Laxmi Parida Managing Your Biological Data with Exactly Solvable Models of Biological Python Invasion Allegra Via, Kristian Rother, and Sergei V. Petrovskii andBai-Lian Li Anna Tramontano Published Titles (continued) Cancer Systems Biology Bioinformatics: A Practical Approach Edwin Wang Shui Qing Ye Stochastic Modelling for Systems Introduction to Computational Proteomics Biology, Second Edition Golan Yona Darren J. Wilkinson Big Data in Omics and Imaging: Big Data in Omics and Imaging: Integrated Analysis and Causal Inference Association Analysis Momiao Xiong Momiao Xiong Big Data Analysis for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Discoveries Shui Qing Ye Big Data in Omics and Imaging Integrated Analysis and Causal Inference Momiao Xiong MATLAB®isatrademarkofTheMathWorks,Inc.andisusedwithpermission.TheMathWorksdoesnot warranttheaccuracyofthetextorexercisesinthisbook.Thisbook’suseordiscussionofMATLAB®software or related products does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship by The MathWorks of a particular pedagogicalapproachorparticularuseoftheMATLAB®software. 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