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BIFURCATION RESULTS FOR THE YAMABE PROBLEM ON RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY 7 1 ELKIND.CARDENAS 0 2 n Abstract. WeconsidertheproductofacompactRiemannianmanifoldwith- a out boundary and null scalar curvature with a compact Riemannian mani- J foldwithboundary,nullscalarcurvatureandconstantmeancurvatureonthe 6 boundary. Weusebifurcationtheorytoprovetheexistenceofainfinitenum- 2 berofconformalclasseswithatleasttwonon-homotheticRiemannianmetrics of nullscalar curvature andconstant meancurvature of the boundaryon the ] productmanifold. G D . h t 1. Introduction a m Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary of dimension [ m 3.Itiswellknowthatthemetricsofconstantscalarcurvatureintheconformal cla≥ss [g] of g can be characterized variationally as critical points of the Hilbert- 1 Einsteinfunctionalontheconformalclass[g].Theexistenceofmetricswithconstant v 2 scalar curvature in conformal class [g] was established trough the combined works 5 of Yamabe [18], Trudinger [17], Aubin [3] and Schoen [15]. 5 Once the existence of constantscalarcurvature metrics conformalto g has been 7 established, it is natural do ask about its uniqueness. For instance, if the Yam- 0 abe constant Y[M,[g]] defined as the minimum of the normalized Hilbert-Einstein . 1 functional on [g] is non-positive then there exists only one of these metrics (up to 0 homotheties). Also, if g is an Einstein metric which is not conformal to the round 7 metric on the sphere Sn, there exists one unique metric of unit volume and con- 1 : stant scalar curvature in [g] by a result of Obata [13]. However, Pollack proved v in [14] that if the Yamabe constant Y[M,[g]] is positive then there are conformal i X classes with an arbitrarily large number of metrics of unit volume and constant r scalar curvature sufficiently C0- close to [g]. a Bifurcation techniques have been successfully used to study multiplicity of solu- tions for the Yamabe problem, both in the compact and the nonimpact case, see for instance [7], [5] and [6]. In particular, Lima et al. in [12] using bifurcation techniquesprovedaresultofmultiplicity inaninfinite numberofconformalclasses on product manifolds. ForcompactRiemannianmanifoldswithboundaryanddimensionm 3similar ≥ problems to those mentioned above have been studied by different authors. For instance, Escobar proved in [?] that almost every compact Riemannian manifold withboundaryisconformallyequivalenttoawithnullscalarcurvatureandconstant mean curvature on the boundary. Uniqueness results were obtained by Escobar in [11]. Date:April2016. 1 2 ELKIND.CARDENAS Motivated by the results in [12] in this paper using the bifurcation theory we studythe multiplicity ofmetrics withnullscalarcurvatureandconstantmeancur- vature on conformal class of a product metric. More precisely, consider (M ,g(1)) 1 a compact Riemannian manifold, without boundary, null scalar curvature and (M ,g(2)) a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary, null scalar curvature 2 and constant mean curvature. Consider now the product manifold M =M M 1 2 × and the family of Riemannian metrics (g ) with null scalar curvature and con- t t>0 stant mean curvature on M defined by g = g(1) tg(2). The main result of the t ⊕ paper (Theorem11) states that if (M ,g(2)) has positive constant curvature mean 2 onthe boundary,then thereisa sequence(t )strictlydecreasingtending to 0such n that every element of this sequence is a bifurcation instant of the family (g ) . t t>0 For all other value of t the family (g ) is locally rigid. The fact that every t t t>0 n is a bifurcation instant gives an entirely new sequence (g ) of Riemannian metrics i withnullscalarcurvatureandconstantmeancurvatureonboundarysuchthateach g [g ] for some t close to t with g non-isometric to g . This proves multiplicity i t n i t ∈ for an infinite number of conformal classes. The paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we recall some basic fact about variational characterization of the Riemannian metrics with null scalar curvature and constant mean curvature on boundary conformally related to a metric g. In section3 we give an abstractresult of bifurcationand we examine the convergence of a bifurcating branch. Finally, in section 4 we show our main result. 2. Variational setting of the Yamabe problem Let(M,g)beacompactRiemannianmanifoldwithboundaryandm=dimM 3. We will denote by H1(M) the space of functions in L2(M) with first wea≥k derivatives in L2(M). Endowed with the inner product ϕ ,ϕ = g( ϕ , ϕ )+ϕ ϕ υ , ϕ ,ϕ H1(M), 1 2 1 2 1 2 g 1 2 h i ZM(cid:16) ∇ ∇ (cid:17) ∈ H1(M) is a Hilbert space. Let E :H1(M) R be defined by −→ m 2 m 2 E(ϕ)= g( ϕ, ϕ)+ − R ϕ2 υ + − H ϕ2σ . ZM(cid:16) ∇ ∇ 4(m−1) g (cid:17) g 2 Z∂M g g It is well known in literature that ϕ H1(M) is a critical point of E under the constraint C = {ϕ ∈ H1(M)| ∂Mϕ2∈(mm−−21) σg = 1} if and only if the conformal metric g˜ = ϕm4−2g has null scaRlar curvature and constant mean curvature, see for instance [?, Proposition 2,1] . 2.1. The manifold of the normalized harmonic functions. To study the bi- furcation of metrics with null scalar curvature and constant mean curvature we will need to characterize these as critical points of E on a special submanifold of H1(M). For this purpos, remember that a function ϕ H1(M) is harmonic if ∈ g( ϕ, φ)υ =0, g Z ∇ ∇ M for all φ H1(M), where H1(M) is the kernel of trace operator, i.e., ∈ 0 0 H1(M)= φ H1(M) φ =0 . 0 { ∈ (cid:12) |∂M } (cid:12) (cid:12) BIFURCATION FOR YAMABE PROBLEM IN MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY 3 Let H1(M) denote the subspace of H1(M) given by all harmonic functions. ∆ We know that H1(M)=H1(M) H1(M). Hence, H1(M) is a closed subspace of HilbertspaceH1(M),andt0herefo⊕rea∆nembeddedsubm∆anifoldofit. BytheSobolev embedding, there is a continuousinclusionH1(M) Lp(∂M)with p= 2(m−1), see ⊂ m 2 for instance [10, Th. 2.21, pg. 19]. Let (M,g) denote the subset of−H1(M) H1 2(m−1) ∆ consisting of those functions ϕ such that ∂Mϕ m−2 σg =1. R Proposition 1. (1) (M,g) is an embedded codimension 1 submanifold of H1(M). In addi- H1 ∆ tion, for ϕ (M,g) the tangent space T (M,g) of (M,g) in ϕ is 1 ϕ 1 1 ∈ H H H given by (2.1) TϕH1(M,g)=nφ∈H1∆(M)(cid:12) Z∂Mϕmm−2φσg =0o. (cid:12) (2) Suppose that the metric g has null s(cid:12)calar curvature. Then ϕ (M,g) 1 ∈ H is a critical point of E on (M,g) if and only if ϕ is a smooth function, 1 H positive and the conformal metric g˜=ϕm4−2g has null scalar curvature and ∂M has constant g˜-mean curvature.1 Assume that σ = 1, and ϕ = 12 is a critical point of E on ∂M g 0 1(M,g) (i.e., ifRg has null scalar curvature and constant mean curvature) H then: (3) The second variation d2E(ϕ ) of E at ϕ is given by 0 0 (2.2) (φ ,φ ) 2 g( φ , φ )υ H φ φ σ , 1 2 1 2 g g 1 2 g −→ nZM ∇ ∇ − Z∂M o where φ H1 (M) is such that φ σ =0, i=1,2. (4) There exii∈sts a∆(unbounded) self-aRd∂Mjoinit ogperator Jg :L2(∂M) L2(∂M) −→ such that (2.3) d2E(ϕ )(φ ,φ )=2 J (φ )φ σ , 0 1 2 g 1 ∂M 2 g Z | ∂M where φ H1 (M) satisfies φ σ =0, i=1,2. i ∈ ∆ ∂M i g R Proof. Consider the function :H1(M) R defined by Vg ∆ −→ 2(m−1) g(ϕ)= ϕ m−2 σg. V Z ∂M In order to prove (1), it is sufficient to show that is a submersion at ϕ, for all g V ϕ (M,g). Note than is smooth and its differential in ϕ (M,g) is 1 g 1 ∈ H V ∈ H given by dVg(ϕ)φ = 2(mm−21) ∂Mϕmm−2φσg, for all φ ∈ H1∆(M). In particular, for φ = ϕ we get dVg(ϕ)φ =− 2(mRm−21) > 0, therefore dVg(ϕ) is surjective. Clearly the kernel of d (ϕ) is compleme−nted in H1 (M), hence is a submersion. Now for Vg ∆ Vg ϕ (M,g), the tangent space T (M,g) of (M,g) in ϕ is the kernel of 1 ϕ 1 1 ∈ H H H d (ϕ) which establishes (2.1). g V 1Withaslightabuseofterminology,wewillsaythatametricgonamanifoldM withboundary has constant mean curvature meaningthattheboundary∂M hasconstant meancurvaturewith respecttog. 2here1denote theconstant function1onM 4 ELKIND.CARDENAS If the metric g has null scalar curvature, it is easy to see that ϕ (M,g) 1 ∈ H is a critical point of E on (M,g) if and only if it is a critical point of E under 1 the constraint C = {ϕ ∈ HH1(M)| ∂Mϕ2(mm−−21) σg = 1}. This proves (2). Assume σ =1andletϕ =1 be acrRiticalpointofE on (M,g). The formula(2.2) ∂M g 0 H1 iRs a straightforwardcomputation based on the method of Lagrange multipliers. Finally, given φ , φ H1(M) we have 1 2 ∈ g( φ , φ )υ = (φ )φ σ , 1 2 g g 1 ∂M 2 g Z ∇ ∇ Z N | M ∂M where denotes the Direchlet-Neumann map, see for instance [2]. Hence from g N (2.2) we have d2E(ϕ )(φ ,φ )=2 ( (φ ) H φ )φ σ , 0 1 2 g 1 ∂M g 1 2 g Z N | − ∂M which proves (3) with J (φ )= (φ ) H φ . g 1 g 1 ∂M g 1 N | − (cid:3) We will call (M,g) the manifold of normalized harmonic functions. 1 H 2.2. Jacobi Operator. TheunboundedlinearoperatorJ :L2(∂M) L2(∂M) g −→ defined by J (φ)= (φ) H φ g g g N − is called the Jacobi operator. From the equation (2.3) follows that the dimension of KerJ and the number (counted with multiplicity) of negative eigenvalues of J g g are the nullity and the Morse index of ϕ as a critical point of d2E in (M,g). 0 1 H The spectrum of J restricted to L (M), where g 0 L (M)= φ L2(∂M) φ=ϕ , ϕ H1 (M) , 0 { ∈ | |∂M ∈ ∆ } is given by H <ρ ( ) H ρ ( ) H ρ ( ) H , g 1 g g 2 g g 3 g g − N − ≤ N − ≤ N − ≤··· where the ρ ( ) are repeated according to multiplicity. This proves the following j g N Proposition 2. Assume that ϕ 1 is a critical point of E : (M,g) R. 0 1 ≡ H −→ Then: (1) The Morse index i(g) of ϕ is given by 0 i(g)=max j ρ ( )<H . j g g { | N } (2) The nully of ϕ , denoted with ν(g), is 0 ν(g)=dimKerJ . g Remark 3. Observe that −Hg is not included in the spectrum of Jg|L0(M) since the only constant function on L (M) is the function null. We also recall the well 0 known fact that eigenfunctions of J are smooth and form an orthonormal basis of g L (M). 0 BIFURCATION FOR YAMABE PROBLEM IN MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY 5 2.3. Manifold of normalized Riemannian metrics on M. For k 2, let Sk(M) denote the space of k sections of the vector bundle T M T M≥of sym- ∗ ∗ metric (0,2)-tensors of clasCs −k on M. Sk(M) has natural struc⊗ture of Banach C space. The set of all Riemannian metrics of class k on M Metk(M) is an open subset of Sk(M) and hence an embedding submanifCold of it. For all g Metk(M) the tangent space T Metk(M) of Metk(M) in g is given by T Metk(M∈)=Sk(M) g g (see [8] and the reference given there for more details on the manifold Metk(M)). Let :Metk(M) R be defined by V −→ (g)= σ . g V Z ∂M It is easy to check that is a submersion and therefore V = g Metk(M) σ =1 , g M (cid:26) ∈ (cid:12) Z∂M (cid:27) (cid:12) it is an embedding submanifold of Metk(M(cid:12) ). We will call the manifold of M normalized Riemannian metrics on M. 3. Bifurcation of solutions and convergence of bifurcation branches Let us consider a smooth curve [a,b] t g with ϕ = 1 is a critical t 0 ∋ −→ ∈ M point of E on (M,g ) for all t [a,b] (i.e., g has null scalar curvature and 1 t t H ∈ constant mean curvature for all t). Definition 1. Let [a,b] t g be a curve as above. An element t [a,b] t ∋ −→ ∈M ∗ ∈ said to be a bifurcation instant for the family (g ) if there exists a sequence t t [a,b] (t ) [a,b] and a sequence (ϕ ) H1(M) such tha∈t n n ⊂ ⊂ (a) ϕ is a critical point of E on (M,g ) for all n; n H1 tn (b) ϕ =1 for all n; n 6 (c) t t as n + ; n (d) ϕ −→ 1∗ as n−→ +∞ on H1(M). n −→ −→ ∞ If t [a,b] is not a bifurcation instant, then we say that the family (g ) is t t [a,b] loca∗lly∈rigid at t . ∈ ∗ Given g with null scalar curvature and constant mean curvature H , we g ∈ M say that g is nondegenerate if either H =0 or H is not an eigenvalue of . The g g g N following bifurcation criterion is used to guarantee the conclusion of this work. Theorem 4. Let M be a compact manifold with boundary, with m = dimM 3. ≥ Let [a,b] t g be a smooth curve of Riemannian metrics, with zero t ∋ −→ ∈ M scalar curvature and constant mean curvature for all t [a,b]. Given t [a,b] let us denote by n the number of eigenvalues (counted wit∈h multiplicity) of∈ that t Ngt are less than H . Suppose that: gt (1) The metrics g and g are nondegenerate, a b (2) n =n . a b 6 Then, there exists a bifurcation instant t ]a,b[ for the family (g ) . t t [a,b] ∗ ∈ ∈ Proof. The result follows from the non-equivariant bifurcation theorem [12, Theo- rem A.2] (cid:3) 6 ELKIND.CARDENAS Remark 5. It follows from implicit function theorem that if t is a bifurcation ∗ instant for the family (g ) , then the mean curvature H of the metric g is t t [a,b] gt∗ t∗ a nonzero eigenvalue of ∈ , see for instance [12, Prop. 3.1]. An instant t [a,b] Ngt∗ ∈ suchthatthemeancurvatureH isanonzeroeigenvalueof iscalleddegeneracy gt Ngt instant of (g ) . t t [a,b] ∈ 3.1. Convergence of bifurcation branches. Our purpose in this section is to settle the type of convergence of a bifurcating branch of solutions of the Yamabe problem in manifolds with boundary. Proposition 6. Let (g ) be a family of Riemannian metrics as above. If t t t [a,b] is a bifurcation instant for∈the family (g ) then ∗ t t [a,b] ∈ (1) H H as n + , where H denotes the mean curvature of the n −→ t∗ −→ ∞ n 4 metric g =ϕm−2g ; n n tn (2) If m≥4 then ϕn −→1 in Ws,p for all integer s and p= 2(mm−2); (3) If m 4 then ϕ 1 on s(M) for all integer s. n ≥ −→ C Proof. By Proposition 1 for each n ∈ N, the conformal metric gn = ϕm4−2gtn has nullscalarcurvatureandconstantmeancurvatureH . Asϕ satisfiestheequations n n ∆ ϕ =0 in M, gtn n (3.1) ∂ϕn + m 2H ϕ = m 2H ϕmm−2 on ∂M, ∂ηtn 2− gtn n 2− n n  partial integration in (3.1) yields: 2 (3.2) H = g ( tnϕ , tnϕ )υ +H ϕ2 σ , n m 2Z tn ∇ n ∇ n gtn gtn Z n gtn − M ∂M where∇tn denotesthegradientoperatorcalculatedrespecttothemetricgtn. Since g g in the k-topology then H H , υ = ψ υ and σ = tn −→ t∗ C gtn −→ gt∗ gtn n gt∗ gtn ψˆ σ whereψ 1andψˆ 1inthe k-topology. Moreover,sinceϕ 1 n gt∗ n −→ n −→ C n −→ in H1(M) then m ∂ϕ ∂ϕ n n υ 0 as n + . Z ∂xi ∂xj gt∗ −→ −→ ∞ MiX,j=1 Hence g ( tnϕ , tnϕ )υ 0 as n + . Z tn ∇ n ∇ n gtn −→ −→ ∞ M On the other hand the continuity of the embedding H1(M) into L2(∂M) yields ϕ2 σ 1 as n + . Z n gt∗ −→ −→ ∞ ∂M Thus ϕ2 σ 1 as n + . Z n gtn −→ −→ ∞ ∂M Therefore of (3.2) we get H H as n + . n −→ t∗ −→ ∞ BIFURCATION FOR YAMABE PROBLEM IN MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY 7 In order to prove (2) note that v =ϕ 1 satisfy n n − ∆ v =0 in M, gtn n (3.3) ∂vn + m 2H ϕ = m 2H ϕmm−2 on ∂M. ∂ηtn 2− gtn n 2− n n Itisfollowsfromstandardellipticestimates(seeforinstance[1,Th.15.2,pag. 704]) that (3.4) ϕn 1 Ws,p(M) k − k ≤ m 2 m 2 m Cn(cid:26)(cid:13)− 2− Hgtnϕn+ 2− Hgnϕnm−2(cid:13)Ws−1−p1,p(∂M)+kϕn−1kLp(M)(cid:27), (cid:13) (cid:13) wonhesr,ethseims(cid:13)panosifiotilvdeMin,tethgeerL, 1≤npo=rm2o(mfmt−h2e)c<oe(cid:13)2ffiacniednttshoefctohnesetallnipttCicnopdeerpaetnodrs∆only, ∞− gtn the ellipticity constant of ∆ , and the moduli of continuity of the coefficients of gtn ∆ . As g tend to g in the k-topology then the coefficients of ∆ tend gtn tn t∗ C gtn uniformly to the coefficients of the operator ∆ . Thus, in (3.4) we can choose a gt∗ constantC C thatdoesnotdependonn. Tracetheoremsaysthattheinclusion n Ws,p(M)֒ ≡Ws−p1,p(∂M) is continuous hence of (3.4) we have → m 2 m 2 m (3.5) kϕn−1kWs,p(M) ≤Cn(cid:13)(cid:13)− 2− Hgtnϕn+ 2− Hgnϕnm−2(cid:13)(cid:13)Ws−1,p(M) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) + ϕn(cid:13) 1 Lp(M) , k − k o for some positive constant C. Since the inclusion H1(M)֒ Lp(M) is continuous, then ϕn 1 Lp(M) 0. Furthermore, the inclusion→H1(M) ֒ W1,p(M) is k − k −→ → continuous because 1 p < 2. Hence for s = 2 we get that ϕ 1 in Ws 1,p. n − m ≤ −→ We claim that ϕm−2 1 in W1,p(M). Indeed: n −→ ZM(ϕnmm−2 −1)2(mm−2) υgt∗ ≤Volgt∗(M)m2(cid:16)ZM(ϕnmm−2 −1)2υgt∗(cid:17)mm−2 =Volgt∗(M)m2 ZMh(cid:0)ϕnm2m−2 −1(cid:1)−2(cid:0)ϕnmm−2 −1(cid:1)iυgt∗. The continuity of the inclusions H1(M) ֒ Lm2−m2(M) and H1(M) ֒ Lmm−2(M) → → imply that Z (ϕnmm−2 −1)2(mm−2) υgt∗ −→0. M Moreoverfor each 1 i m ≤ ≤ ZM(∂iϕnmm−2)2(mm−2) υgt∗ =(cid:16)mm−2(cid:17)mm−2 ZMϕnm4 (∂iϕn)2(mm−2) υgt∗ m m−2 m−2 2 m (∂ ϕ )2υ m ϕ2 υ m. ≤(cid:16)m−2(cid:17) (cid:16)ZM i n gt∗(cid:17) (cid:16)ZM n gt∗(cid:17) As the right side of the above inequality tends to zero then Z (∂iϕnmm−2)2(mm−2) υgt∗ −→0, M 8 ELKIND.CARDENAS thisprovesourclaim. By(3.5)wehavethatϕ 1inW2,p(M). Usinginduction n onsinequation(3.4)weobtainϕ 1inWs−,p→forallintegers. Thisproves(2). n −→ Finally, the proof of statement (3) is a direct consequence of the continuous inclusion Wr+1,p(M)֒ s(M), which holds when r >s 1+ m, see for instance →C − p [?, Th.2.30, pag. 50]. (cid:3) Remark 7. It is important to stress that, for all t (0, ), one has ∆ = tg ∈ ∞ 1∆, H = 1 H and ηtg = 1 ηg. This means that the spectrum of the t tg √t g √t operator H is invariant by homethety of the metric. On the other hand, g g N − σ =tm 1/2σ . When needed, we will normalize metrics to have volume 1 on the tg − g boundary, without changing the spectral theory of the operator H . g g N − 4. Bifurcation of solutions for the Yamabe problem on product manifolds Let (M ,g(1)) be a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary and null 1 scalarcurvature,andlet(M ,g(2))beacompactRiemannianmanifoldwithbound- 2 ary, null scalar curvature and constant mean curvature. Consider the product manifold, M = M M , which boundary is given by ∂M = M ∂M . Let 1 2 1 2 × × m and m be the dimensions of M and M , respectively, and assume that 1 2 1 2 m = dimM = m +m 3. For each t (0,+ ), define g = g(1) tg(2) a 1 2 t ≥ ∈ ∞ ⊕ metric on the product manifold M. It is easily see that the Riemannian manifold (M,g ) have null scalar curvature and constant mean curvature t m 1 Hˆ H = 2− H = g(2), for all t>0, gt (m 1)√t g(2) √t − where Hˆg(2) = (mm2−11)Hg(2). Let Ht denote the subspace of L2(∂M) consisting of functions ψ such t−hat ψ =ϕ ,ϕ H1 (M) and ψσ =0 and let denote |∂M ∈ ∆ ∂M gt Et thesubspaceofL2(∂M)ofthosemapsφsuchthat R φσ =0. Let : ∂M gt Jt Ht −→Et be the Jacobi operator defined by R (ψ)= (ψ) H ψ. Jt Ngt − gt Denote by 0=ρ(0) <ρ(1) <ρ(2) <... the sequence of all distinct eigenvalues of ∆ ,withgeometricmultiplicityµ(i), i 0,andbyρ(i)(t)thej ´esimoeigenvalue g(1) ≥ j − of the problem ∂ϕ (4.1) ∆ ϕ+tρ(i)ϕ=0 in M , =ρϕ on ∂M , g(2) 2 ∂η2 2 with t > 0. We will denote by µ(i) the geometric multiplicity of ρ(i)(t) and we j j emphasize that ρ(i)(t)’s are not necessarily all distinct. The spectrum Σ( ) of the j Jt Jacobi operator is given by t J ρ(i)(t) Hˆ Σ( )= j − g(2) i+j >0, i,j N , t ∗ J n √t (cid:12) ∈ o (cid:12) where N = N 0 . We are interested(cid:12)in determining all values of t for which ∗ ∪{ } ρ(i)(t)= Hˆ , for some i,j N with i+j > 0. In this case, the Jacobi operator j g(2) ∈ ∗ is degenerate. t J Remark 8. BIFURCATION FOR YAMABE PROBLEM IN MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY 9 (a) For i = 0 and j N , ρ(i)(t) is an eigenvalue for . Hence if Hˆ ∈ ∗ j Ng(2) g(2) is an eigevalue for then the Jacobi operator is degenerate for all Ng(2) Jt t>0. (b) Given ρ(i) >0 and j N , using the variational characterization of ρ(i)(t) ∈ ∗ j it is easily seen that ρ(i)(t )<ρ(i)(t ), j 1 j 2 for all 0<t <t . 1 2 Proposition 9. Assume that Hˆ is not an eigevalue for . For i N, let g(2) Ng(2) ∈ ρ(i)(t) denote the first eigenvalue of the problem (4.1). Then, 0 (1) The map (0, ) t ρ(i)(t) R is continuous; ∞ ∋ −→ 0 ∈ (2) ρ(i)(t) 0, as t 0; 0 −→ −→ (3) ρ(i)(t) , as t ; 0 −→∞ −→∞ (4) If H >0, there exists an unique t >0 satisfying ρ(i)(t )=Hˆ . g(2) i 0 i g(2) Proof. Since the map (0, ) t ρ(i)(t) R is strictly increasing, in order to ∞ ∋ −→ 0 ∈ establish (1) we will show that given t > 0 and any two sequences (t(1)) , (t(2)) 0 n n n n such that t(1) t and t(2) t we have n 0 n 0 ց ր (4.2) infρ(i)(t(1))=ρ(i)(t )=supρ(i)(t(2)). 0 n 0 0 0 n n n It is clear that ρ(i)(t ) < ρ(i)(t(1)) for all n N, hence ρ(i)(t ) infρ(i)(t(1)). 0 0 0 n ∈ 0 0 ≤ n 0 n On the other hand, by the variational characterizationof ρ(i)(t ), there exists ϕ 0 0 ∈ (M ) such that ∞ 2 C ρ(i)(t )=E (ϕ):= g( ϕ, ϕ)+t ρ(i)ϕ2 υ . 0 0 t0 ZM2(cid:16) ∇ ∇ 0 (cid:17) g(2) Thus of the variational characterizationof ρ(i)(t(1)) follows that 0 n ρ(i)(t(1)) E (ϕ):= g( ϕ, ϕ)+t(1)ρ(i)ϕ2 υ , for all n N. 0 n ≤ t(n1) ZM2(cid:16) ∇ ∇ n (cid:17) g(2) ∈ Therefore infρ(i)(t(1)) infE (ϕ)=E (ϕ)=ρ(i)(t ), n 0 n ≤ n t(n1) t0 0 0 which proves the left equality in (4.2). We will show now the equality of the right handside in(4.2). Giventhe sequence(t(2)) suchthatt(2) t ,itis evidentthat n n n 0 ր supρ(i)(t(2)) ρ(i)(t ). Given n N, let ϕ (M ) be such that 0 n ≤ 0 0 ∈ n ∈C∞ 2 n ρ(i)(t(2))=E (ϕ ), ϕ2 σ =1, and ϕ σ =0, 0 n t(n2) n Z∂M2 n g(2) Z∂M2 n g(2) this ϕ exists because of the variational characterization of ρ(i)(t(2)). Note that n 0 n ϕ is a bounded subset in H1(M ). Since bounded sets are weakly compact in n 2 { } a Hilbert space, there exists a subsequence of ϕ , denoted also by ϕ , that n n converges weakly to a function ψ H1(M ). {The}n ψσ = 0.{Sin}ce the ∈ 2 ∂M2 g(2) R 10 ELKIND.CARDENAS embeddingsH1(M )intoL2(∂M )andintoL2(M )arecompact,thenthesequence 2 2 2 ϕ satisfies n { } ϕ2 σ ψ2σ and ϕ2σ ψ2σ . Z n g(2) −→Z g(2) Z n g(2) −→Z g(2) ∂M2 ∂M2 M2 M2 Hence ψ2σ = 1. From the variational characterization of ρ(i)(t ) we get ∂M2 g(2) 0 0 ρ(i)(t )R E (ψ). Since 0 0 ≤ t0 g( ψ, ψ)σ limsup g( ϕ2, ϕ2)σ , ZM2 ∇ ∇ g(2) ≤ n ZM2 ∇ n ∇ n g(2) then E (ψ) limsupE (ϕ )=limsupρ(i)(t(2))=supρ(i)(t(2)), t0 ≤ n t(n2) n n 0 n n 0 n the inequality above establishes the equality of the right hand side in (4.2), which completesthe proofof(1). Nowwewillprove(2). Tothisendnotethat0 ρ(i)(t) ≤ 0 for all t>0. Thus 0 infρ(i)(t). On the other hand, it is known that there exists ≤t>0 0 C >0 such that ϕ2υ C g( ϕ, ϕ)υ + ϕ2σ , Z g(2) ≤ (cid:26)Z ∇ ∇ g(2) Z g(2)(cid:27) M2 M2 ∂M2 for all ϕ H1(M ). Thus 2 ∈ E (ϕ) g( ϕ, ϕ)υ +tρ(i)C g( ϕ, ϕ)υ + ϕ2σ . t ≤Z ∇ ∇ g(2) (cid:26)Z ∇ ∇ g(2) Z g(2)(cid:27) M2 M2 ∂M2 Hence Et(ϕ) (1+tρiC) M2g(∇ϕ,∇ϕ)υg(2) +tρiC, ϕ2σ ≤ R ϕ2σ ∂M2 g(2) ∂M2 g(2) R R for all ϕ H1(M ) 0 . Using the variational characterizationof ρ(i)(t), it follows ∈ 2 \{ } 0 from the inequality above that 0 ρ(i)(t) tρ(i)C, for all t>0. ≤ 0 ≤ Therefore ρ(i)(t) 0 as t 0. 0 −→ −→ In order to prove (3) suppose the assertion is false. Let ρ R be such that ∈ lim ρ(i)(t)=ρ. Clearly ρ(i)(t) ρ. Let ϕ (M ) be such that t 0 0 ≤ t ∈C∞ 2 −→∞ ρ(i)(t)=E (ϕ ) and ϕ2σ =1. 0 t t Z t g(2) ∂M We claim that ϕ2υ 0 at t . In fact, otherwise M2 t g(2) −→ −→∞ R inf ϕ2υ >0, t>0ZM2 t g(2) hence there exists t>0 such that ρ<tinf ϕ2υ ρ(i)(t), t>0ZM2 t g(2) ≤ 0

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