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Bifurcation and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: Proceedings, Université de Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, France, October 2–4, 1978 PDF

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Preview Bifurcation and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: Proceedings, Université de Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, France, October 2–4, 1978

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 782 noitacrufiB dna Nonlinear Eigenvalue smelborP Proceedings, Universite de Villetaneuse, Paris XIlI, France, October 2-4, 1978 detidE yb C. Bardos, .J .M Lasry, and .M Schatzman galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York 1980 Editors C. Bardos D6partement de Math6matiques Universite Paris-Nord Avenue .J B. Clement 93430 Villetaneuse France ,J M. Lasry CEREMADE Universit~ de Paris 9 - Dauphine 75775 Paris Cedex 16 France M, Schatzman Analyse Numerique Tour 55-65 5eme ~tage Universite Pierre et Marie Curie ?5230 Paris Cedex 05 France AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 35 G 20 ISBN 3-540-09?58-9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-09758-9 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin yrarbiL of Publication in Cataloging Congress ,ataD title: Bifurcation under entry Main dna eigenvalue nonlinear ,smelborp in notes (Lecture ;scitamehtam 782) Bibliography: .p index. Includes .1 equations, Differential .sessergnoC--laitraP .2 Differential ,snoitauqe .sessergnoC--raenilnoN .3 .sessergnoC--seulavnegiE .4 Bifurcation .sessergnoC--yroeht .I ,sodraB 1940- Claude, .II ,yrsaL .J .M III. ,namztahcS .M .VI in notes Lecture Series: scitamehtam (Berlin; 782, QA3.L28 .on [515.3'53] 782 [QA374] 510s 85311-08 NBSI 0-387-09758-9 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1980 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2141/3140-543210 PREFACE + This volume contains the notes of a session organized on October 2,3 and 4,1978 at the Departement of Mathematics of the University Paris 13 ,Centre Scientifique et Polytechnique ,Villetaneuse. The aim of this session was to gather mathematicians and scientists of other fields : chemistry,biology ,physics and astrophysics, and to let them exchange information and methods. The common points to all the lectures are partial differential equations,non linear phenc~9/~a,study of the dependence with respect to a parameter,and the methods used are very diverse. The lectures can be classified into three groups accordingt o their relation to applied science : papers belonging to the first cluster deal with a phenomenolo- gical approach;in this case,a conplete system of equations describing the experimen- tal phenomenon is either too oonplicated or not entirely known and understood;there- fore,a simpler system is studied which mimicks the behavior of the complete system, and one expects qualitative results.Here belong the talks of J.Heyvaerts,J.M.Lasry, M.Schatzman & P.Witomski,of G.Iooss,of J.P.Kernevez,G.Joly,D.Thomas & B.Bunow,and of P. Ortoleva. The second group is made of mathematical and nt~rerical studies of more cor~01ete modelizations:here,them odel is better understood,and the study is more precise,so that it may give quantitative results;this group contains the contributions of C.M. Brauner & B.Nicolaenko,of C.Guillop~,of G.Iooss & R.Lozi,and of J.Mossino. Though the papers of the third group are not directly concerned with natural phenorrena,they develop theoretical tools and an understanding of non-linear pheno- mena,which are intended to meet the needs and preoccupations of the applied scientists. We include here the papers of H.Berestycki & P.L.Lions,of C.Bolley,M.Barnsley, F.Mignot,F.Murat & J.P.Puel,of J.C.Saut,and of D.Serre. Striking observational data were brought by M.D~peyrat who showed a beautiful dynamic periodic chemical phenomenon with a movie film. We added a paper of J.P.Chollet and M.Lesieur.They show how the nonlinearity of the Navier-Stokes equation can create turbulence and give a phenomenological model that fits with the Kolmogorov law. We thank all the participants for their active presence and interesting contributions C. Bardos, M. J. Lasry,M. Schatzman. +Supported by the University Paris 13,and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,A.T.P. Math~matiques pour les Sciences de l'Ing~nieur. CONTENTS Parameter Dependence of Solutions of Classes of Quasilinear Elliptic and Parabolic Differential Equations, M.F. Barnsley. Some Applications of the Method of Super and Subsolutions, H. Berestycki and P.L. Lions. 16 Multiple Solutions of a Bifurcation Problem, C. Bolley. 42 On non linear eigenvalue problems which extend into free boundary problems, C.M. Brauner and .B Nicolaenko. 16 Introduction aux Theories statistiques de la Turbulence pleinement d~velopp~e, M. Lesieur and J.P. Chollet. 10I Experimental Study of the Mechanism of a new hydrodynamical Instability observed at some Interfaces between immiscible Liquids, M. Dupeyrat. 122 Remarques sur un Probl~me de Valeurs Propres non lin~aires faisant intervenir des Fonctions non diff~rentiables, .C Guillop~. 130 Solar Flares: a non linear eigenvalue Problem in an unbounded Domain, J. Heyvaerts, J.M. Lasry, M. Schatzman, and P. Witomski. 160 Bifurcation of invariant Tori in]R ,3 G. looss. 192 Pattern Formation and Wave Propagation in the s-a System, J.P. Kernevez, .G Joly, D. Thomas and B. Bunow. 102 Variation d'un point de Retournement par rapport au Domaine, F. Mignot, .F Murat et J.P. Puel. 222 Dynamic Padg Approximants and Behavior Singularities in non linear Physico- chemical Systems, °P Ortoleva. 255 Remarks on a non linear Equation arising in Population Genetics, J.C.Saut. 265 Triplets de Solutions d'une Equation aux D~riv~es partielles elliptique non lin~aire, D. Serre. 283 The contributions of J.Mgssino,A non Linear Eigenvalue Problem and a Variational Problem connected with In--sing Rearrangement in Plasma Physics,and of G.Iooss and R.Lozi,Convection between two ~Otating Plates and Dynamo Effect occuring f~m a Secondary Bifurcation will ai~pear elsewhere. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ORGANIZERS .C Bardos,D~partement de Math~matiques,Universit~ Paris XIII,Av. J.B. Cl~ment, 93430 Villetaneuse. J.M. Lasry,CEREMADE,Universit~ Paris IX,Place De Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris CEDEX .61 .M Sehatzman,C.N.R.S.,L.A. 981 Analyse Num~rique,Universit~ Pierre et Marie Curie,2 Place Jussieu,75230 Paris CEDEX 05. CONTRIBUTORS M.F. Barnsley,C.E.A.,Division de la Physique,B.P.2,91190 Gif sur Yvette. H.Berestycki,C.N.R.S.,Laboratoire d'Analyse Num~rique,Universit~ Pierre et Marie Curie,2 Place Jussieu;75230 Paris CEDEX .50 C.Bolley,Laboratoire d'Analyse Num~rique,l.N.S.A. de Rennes,B.P. 41 A, 35031Rennes CEDEX. C.M. Brauner,Laboratoire de Math~matiques-lnformatique-Syst~mes,Ecole Centrale de Lyon,69130 Ecully. B.Bunow,National Institute of Health,Bethesda,Maryland 20014,U.S.A. J.P. Chollet,lnstitut de M~canique de Grenoble,B.P. 53 X,38041 Grenoble CEDEX. M.Dupeyrat,Laboratoire de Chimie Physique,Universit~ Pierre et Marie Curie, II Rue Pierre et Marie Curie,75230 Paris CEDEX 05. C.Guillop~,C.N.R.S.,Analyse num~rique et Fonctionnelle,B~t. 425,Universit~ Paris-Sud,91405 Orsay. J.Heyvaerts,Observatoire de Meudon,92|90 Meudon. .G looss,lnstitut de Math~matiques et de Sciences Physiques,Pare Valrose, 06034 Nice. G.Joly,Universit~ de Technologie de Compi~gne,B.P. 233,60206 Compi~gne. J.P. Kernevez,Universit~ de Technologie de Compi~gne,B.P. 233, 60206 Compi~gne. P.L. Lions,C.N.R.S.,Laboratoire d'Analyse Num~rique,Universit~ Pierre et Marie Curie,2 Place Jussieu, 75230 Paris CEDEX 05. M.Lesieur,lnstitut de M~canique de Grenoble,B.P. 53 X,3804! Grenoble CEDEX. .R Lozi, Institut de Math~matiques et de Sciences Physiques,06034 Nice. .F Mignot,U.E.R. de Math~matiques,Universit~ de Lille 1,59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq. J.Mossino,C.N.R.S.,Analyse Num~rique et Fonctionnelle,B~t. 425,Universit~ Paris-Sud,91405 Orsay. IIIV .F Murat,Laboratoire d'Analyse Num~rique,Universit~ Pierre et Marie Curie, 2 Place Jussieu, 75230 Paris CEDEX 05. B.Nicolaenko,University of California,Math. Anal. Group,T7,Los Alamos scientific Laboratory,Los Alamos,New Mexico 87545,U.S.A. P.Ortoleva,Department of Chemistry,Indiana University,Bloomington,Indiana 47401,U.S.A. J.P. Puel,D~partement de Math~matiques et Informatique,Universit~ de Nancy ,II 42 Avenue de la Liberation,54000 Nancy. J.C. Saut,Analyse Num~rique et Fonctionnelle,B~t. 425,Universit~ Paris-Sud, 91405 0rsay. .D Serre,C.N.R.S.;Analyse Num~rique et Fonctionnelle,B~t. 425,Universit~ Paris-Sud,91405 Orsay. .D Thomas,Universit~ de Technologic de Compi~gne,B.P. 233660206 Compi~gne. .P Witomski, Laboratoire IMAG,B.P. 53 ,X 3804l Grenoble CEDEX. PARAMETER DEPENDENCE OF SOLUTIONS OF CLASSES OF QUASI-LINEAR ELLIPTIC AND PARABOLIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS by M.F. Barnsley Service de Physique th~orique C.E.N. Saclay B.P. n°2 9||90 Gif s/Yvette ABSTRACT Earlier work, on the dependence of solutions of certain classes of quasi-linear elliptic and parabolic differential equations on embedded parameters, is extended and generalized. In particular, generic classes of linearly perturbed, and inhomogeneously perturbed, quasi-linear elliptic and parabolic boundary values problems whose stable positive solutions are Laplace transforms of positive measures, are identified. For a particular class of such problems the conjecture that the solution is a Stieltjes transform of a positive measure is explored. It si shown that low order rational fraction Pad~ approximants provide useful bounds, independently of whether or not the conjecture itself is true. .I INTRODUCTION We consider some extensions and generalizations of earlier work [1'2] concerning the dependence of solutions of certain quasi-linear elliptic and parabolic differen- tial equations on an external parameter. Our interest is in those cases where the solution, as a function of the external parameters, can be expressed as a trans- form of a positive measure. In such cases one can use moment theory to yield convergent sequences of upper and lower bounds on the solution throughout the range of the parameter, as described in [2]. To construct the bounds one needs to know either an initial sequence of terms in a perturbation expansion of the solution in the parameter (in some cases these can be obtained by solving a set of linear equations), or a set of experimental points corresponding to different values of the parameter. The latter possibility is attractive because the resulting bounds [I] are to some extent "model-independent" as described in In II and III we describe two generic situations which, in the elliptic case, have positive stable solutions which are Laplace transforms of positive measures. As such, they are amenable to analysis using generalized Pad6 approximants. In IV we consider a class of nonlinearly perturbed elliptic boundary value problems for which it is conjectured that the positive stable solution is a Stieltjes transform of a positive measure in the perturbation parameter. In certain cases this conjecture has been established, and then rational fraction Pad~ approximants provide not only convergent sequences of bounds on the solution but also they yield bounds on the associated turning point. It is shown that, for low order Pad6 approximants, similar results pertain in general, whether o/ not the conjecture itself is true. II. LINEARLY PERTURBED NONLINEAR EQUATI, ,S,NO We consider quasi-linear differential equations of the form L~ + F(~) + %p~ = f in D~ B~ = 0 on SD J (2.1) Here D denotes a bounded domain of real N-space ~N with boundary ~D and closure D. We assume that ~D belongs to the class C 2+~, where & E (0,I) is fixed. L is the uniformly elliptic differential operator N N ~(x) L~ =- Z (x) ~2~(x) Z ak(x) + a(x)~(x) (2.2) i,j=l ai'j ~ + 1 3 k=l with real coefficients ai, j 6 C2+a(D), k 6 a CI+~(D), and a 6 Ca(D) where we assume that,for all x = (xl,x x ..... 2 N) 6 a(x) k 0 (2.3) The matrix (aij) is supposed to be uniformly positive definite over D. B is either of the boundary operators B~ m ¢(x) on SD, (2.4) Be m ~(x)¢(x) + ~¢(x)/$w on ~D, (2.5) where B(x) 6 CI+~(~D) and satisfies ~(x) ~ 0 for all x 6 ~D, (2.6) ~/~ denotes the outward conormal derivative. In the case where (2.5) applies we assume that a(x) and B(x) do not both vanish identically. The functions p and f in (2.1) belong to C~(D) and satisfy p(x) > O, and f(x) ~ 0 for all x 6 D, (2.7) with f # 0. The real valued function F(~) = F(x,~) may depend explicitly on both x 6 and ~. We suppose that it has the following properties (i) F(0) - f ! 0 for all x 6 D. (ii) There exists a constant C > 0 such that F(C) - f ~ 0 for all x 6 D. (iii) F(~) is C in ~ for all ~ 6 [O,C], each of its derivatives in this range belonging to C~(D) in x, and such that uniformly in x 6 D and n = 2,3,4 .... -F i F(n)(~) ! 0 for all ~ 6 [0,C] for some constant F > O. (iv) F(1)(#) ~ 0 for all x 6 D and ~ 6 [O,C]. This means that the linear operator in~2(D) corresponding to L + F(1)(~) together with the boundary condition in (2.1) has strictly positive least eigenvalue for all smooth ~(x) £ [0,C]. The conditions above on (L,B) are such that are such that the Maximam Principle ]3[ and the Positivity Lena ]4[ apply. Moreover, the smoothness conditions of F(~) mean that A~ann's Theorem ]5[ on the existence of solutions via sandwiching between upper and lower solutions, applies to (2.1). The key condition on F(~) which ensures the establishment of the Laplace transform property (Proposition 1.2) is (iii). Proposition (2.1). The problem (2.1) with % k 0 possesses exactly one solution 6 C2+a(D) which satisfies 0 ~ t(x) ~ C for all x 6 .D Proof : The existence of at least one solution in. the desired range is provided by conditions (i) and (ii), upon application of Amann's Theorem. Zero is a lower solution while the constant C is an upper solution, for all % ~ O. To establish uniqueness let ~I and ~2 be two solutions. Then Taylor's Theorem with remainder provides F(@ )l - F(@ )2 = F(1)(@3)(~ - 1 @2 ) )8.2( for some @3 lying between I@ and @2' so that @3 6 [0,C]. Hence [e + %p + F(1)(@3)](@I - @2 ) = 0 in 1 D (2.9) B(~ 1 - ~2 ) = 0 on ~D j and condition (iv) now yields l~q = "2~c Q.E.D. We will denote the solution referred to above by @(%). In order to examine its analytic nature let %0 >- 0 be held fixed, let % E C be given, and set # = % - %0 (2.10) Then we will investigate the formal series co 1 7~ = ~[%0,p] = ~ ~-~ ~n[%0]p n (2.11) n=0 where the p-independent functions ~n = 0%[n#~ ] are supposed to satisfy the set of equations obtained by equating the coefficients of the different powers of p which occur in the formal expansion of L~ + )7~(F + + (%0 p)p~ = f in D,I (2.12) B~ = 0 on ,D3 and where ~0 si constrained by 0 S ~0 i C, for all x E 5 (2.13) The equations to be satisfied by the ~n'S are found to be L~0 + F(~0) + %0P~0 = f in D] (2.14.0) B~0 = 0 on ,D~ ~0 E [0,C] [L+F(1)(~O) +%0P]~l +p~0 = 0 in D~ J (2.14.1) = ~I 0 B on ~D [L+F(1)(~O) +%0P]~2 + F(2)(~O)~ + 2p@] = 0 in D,I (2.14.2) B ~2 = 0 on SD, [L+F(1)(~O) + %oP]~n + nP~n_ 1 + ~ F(m) (@) f E C(n;k ..... I km_l)~(n_km_l ) m= 2 0 \O<kl<k2<...<km_l< n (2.14.n) ~(km_ l_km_2)-..@(k2_kl ) ~kl } = 0 in D B~n= 0 on ~D, = n 2,3,4,... /'n-1 ~k m 1 -1~ .,/k 2- ~1 where C(n,k I ..... km_l) = kkm_l/\km- 2 j.. \kl 7 I

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