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BifidobacteriumasteroidesPRL2011 Genome Analysis Reveals Clues for Colonization of the Insect Gut Francesca Bottacini1, Christian Milani2, Francesca Turroni1, Borja Sa´nchez3, Elena Foroni2, Sabrina Duranti2, Fausta Serafini2, Alice Viappiani2, Francesco Strati2, Alberto Ferrarini4, MassimoDelledonne4,BernardHenrissat5,PedroCoutinho5,GeraldF.Fitzgerald1,AbelardoMargolles3, Douwe van Sinderen1*, Marco Ventura2* 1AlimentaryPharmabioticCentreandDepartmentofMicrobiology,BioscienceInstitute,NationalUniversityofIreland,Cork,Ireland,2LaboratoryofProbiogenomics, DepartmentofGenetics,BiologyofMicroorganisms,AnthropologyandEvolutionUniversityofParma,Parma,Italy,3DepartamentodeMicrobiologiayBioquimicade Productos Lacteos, IPLA – CSIC, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain, 4Functional Genomic Center, Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 5Glycogenomics,DatabasesandBioinformatics,ArchitectureetFonctiondesMacromole´culesBiologiques,Universite´sAix-Marseille,Marseille,France Abstract Bifidobacteria are known as anaerobic/microaerophilic and fermentative microorganisms, which commonly inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of various animals and insects. Analysis of the 2,167,301 bp genome of Bifidobacterium asteroides PRL2011,astrainisolatedfromthehindgutofApismelliferavar.ligustica,commonlyknownasthehoneybee,revealedits predicted capability for respiratory metabolism. Conservation of the latter gene clusters in various B. asteroides strains enforcesthenotionthatrespirationisacommonmetabolicfeatureofthisancientbifidobacterialspecies,whichhasbeen lost in currently known mammal-derived Bifidobacterium species. In fact, phylogenomic based analyses suggested an ancient origin of B. asteroides and indicates it as an ancestor of the genus Bifidobacterium. Furthermore, the B. asteroides PRL2011 genome encodes various enzymes for coping with toxic products that arise as a result of oxygen-mediated respiration. Citation:BottaciniF,MilaniC,TurroniF,Sa´nchezB,ForoniE,etal.(2012)BifidobacteriumasteroidesPRL2011GenomeAnalysisRevealsCluesforColonizationof theInsectGut.PLoSONE7(9):e44229.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044229 Editor:MatthiasHorn,UniversityofVienna,Austria ReceivedMay16,2012;AcceptedJuly30,2012;PublishedSeptember20,2012 Copyright:(cid:2)2012Bottacinietal.Thisisanopen-accessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:ThisworkwasfinanciallysupportedbytheCariparmaBankFoundationtoMV.ThisworkwasalsofinanciallysupportedbyaFederationEuropean Microbiologysociety(FEMS)AdvancedFellowship2011andanIrishResearchCouncilforScience,Engineering&Technology(IRCSET)Embarkpostdoctoral fellowshiptoFT.DVisamemberofTheAlimentaryPharmabioticCentreandtheAlimentaryGlycoscienceResearchCluster,bothfundedbyScienceFoundation Ireland(SFI),throughtheIrishGovernment’sNationalDevelopmentPlan(grantnos.07/CE/B1368and08/SRC/B1393,respectively).Thefundershadnoroleinthis studydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected](DV);[email protected](MV) Introduction metabolic pathway has prompted the identification of a group of bacterial anaerobes, that can benefit from nanomolar concentra- Bifidobacteriaarecommoncommensalsofthemammaliangut, tionsofoxygen[16].Incontrasttoobligateanaerobes,facultative where they are considered to contribute to the host’s metabolism anaerobes, such as Escherichia coli, grow most rapidly when and physiology [1–8]. However, bifidobacteria have also been respiringinthepresenceofoxygen,andintheabsenceofoxygen isolated from the intestine of invertebrates such as insects [9,10]. willswitchtoeitheranaerobicrespiration,ortofermentationifno Inmicrobiomicsurveysofthehindgutofsocialinsects(honeybees, alternative electron acceptors areavailable [17]. wasps and bumble bees) Bifidobacterium asteroides was the most The toxic effects of oxygen on bifidobacterial growth and frequently isolated Bifidobacterium species [11,12,13]. Such and survival have been covered by several studies [18,19]. Bifidobac- otherfindingssupporttheideathatmembersofthisgenusenjoya terial growth is reportedly inhibited by oxygen, and prolonged wide-spread distribution in a large variety of hosts, including aerationofbifidobacterialculturescanleadtocelldeathandDNA animalsthatraisetheiroffspringbyparentalcare(e.g.,mammals, degradation [20]. Within the genus Bifidobacterium only a few birds, social insects), and it may thus be that such an ecological species, i.e. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis and Bifidobacterium distribution is the consequence of direct transmission of bifido- psychraerophilumhavebeenfoundtotolerateoxygen[21,22],butat bacterial cells from parent/carer to offspring [14]. The gut of a lower level compared to that observed for the insect isolate B. mammals/birdsisbelievedtobeananaerobicbodycompartment asteroides [10]. In fact, growth of B. animalis subsp. lactis and B. and consequently members of the genus Bifidobacterium and many psychraerophilum species is arrested at atmospheric levels(,20%) of other gut commensals exhibit a strict anaerobic/microaerophilic oxygen,whereasthislevelwouldstillallowgrowthinthecaseofB. metabolism [15]. However, the previously presumed anaerobic asteroides [10,18,23]. gut commensal Bacteroides fragilis can perform respiration at low Genome sequencing of bifidobacteria have so far been oxygen levels [16]. Identification of an oxygen-dependent respi- motivated predominantly by the interest to unravel the intricate ratory chain that allows this microorganism to use an alternative interactions between the bacterium and its mammalian host PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 1 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides [1,24–30].Here,wereportonthegenomeanalysisofB.asteroides putativelyspecifiedbyB.asteroidesPRL2011,only12share.90% PRL2011, revealing predicted metabolic traits that underpin the aminoacididentitywithproteinsencodedbyotherbifidobacterial first reported caseof respiration withinthegenus Bifidobacterium. genomes, while 435 share an identity level that ranges between 50%and 30%(Fig.1B). Results and Discussion Metabolism and transport of B. asteroids General genome features Homologs of all enzymes necessary for the fermentation of The chromosome of B. asteroides PRL2011 (accession number glucose and fructose to lactic acid and acetate through the CP003325)wasdeterminedtoconsistof2,167,301basepairs,with characteristic ‘‘fructose-6-phosphate shunt’’ [36], as well as a G+C content of 60.49%, which is similar to that of other enzymesforapartialEmbden-Meyerhoffpathwaywereannotated bifidobacterial genomes [24–29], and falling within the typical intheB. asteroides PRL2011 chromosome. range of Actinobacteria [15]. Furthermore, PRL2011 contains an Interestingly, the chromosome of PRL2011 contains a genetic extra chromosomal element consisting of 2,111bp. Salient locus encoding a malate carrier, a malolactic enzyme and a genome features are presented in Table S1. Clusters of possible regulator mleR (BAST_0548–BAST_0550) (Fig. S6), orthologous groups (COGs) analysis of the PRL2011 predicted representingkeyplayersoftheso-calledmalolactatefermentation proteome allowed a functional assignment for 79.7% of the total pathway, which is commonly employed by lactic acid bacteria number of predicted ORFs. Homologs from other bacterial [37]. Notably, this DNA region is absent in all other so far species with unknown function were identified for an additional sequenced bifidobacterial genomes with the exception of the B. 20.3% of the B. asteroides PRL2011 ORFs, while the remaining dentium Bd1chromosome. Themalolactate fermentation pathway 12.8% appear to be unique to B. asteroides, a percentage that is isresponsiblefortheconversionofmalicacidtolactate, whichis considerably higher compared to that obtained for other then removed from the cells by a malate antiporter, thus bifidobacterial genomes [24–29] generating a proton gradient [38]. PRL2011 is predicted to Acomparativestudywasundertakentofindorthologsbetween encode two such malate antiporters, one in the putative malate the B. asteroides PRL2011 ORFs and all other currently available locus (BAST_0550), while another is positioned elsewhere andfullysequencedBifidobacteriaceaegenomes.Theresultsobtained (BAST_0038). revealed 678 putative orthologs that were shared among these Like other bifidobacteria, the genome of PRL2011 encode genomes(Fig.1A).Themostcommonfunctionalclassrepresented almost 10% of genes dedicated to the carbohydrate metabolism, by these assumed core proteins was, as expected, the class thus reinforcing the notion that this COG category is highly corresponding tohousekeeping functions. represented in all bifidobacterial genomes, including those from Notably, about 40% of the B. asteroides unique proteins were insect gutorigin. functionallycategorized(TableS2)accordingtoCOGassignment Genomic data combined with carbohydrate-fermentation in the carbohydrate metabolism and transport family (15.7%), experiments suggests that B. asteroides is capable of metabolizing inorganic ion transport and metabolism (11.6%) and in energy a broader range of simple carbohydrates than any other tested production and conversion family (5.8%). This suggests that B. bifidobacterial species (Fig. S1), many of which (e.g., glucose and asteroidespossessesanumberofmetabolicfeaturesthatareunique fructose)arepresumedtobeabundantinthehoneybeehindgut, among theso farcharacterized bifidobacteria (see below). representingthenaturalecologicalnicheoftheB.asteroidesspecies Among these B. asteroides PRL2011-specific proteins, we in [39]. Classification in accordance to the Carbohydrate Active particular noted the presence of 19 nearly identical copies of a Enzymes(CAZy)systemofCoutinho&Henrissat(1999)revealed gene predicted to specify an extracellular protein with RCC1- that the B. asteroides PRL2011 genome specifies 72 carbohydrate- domains and an anonymous Listeria-Bacteroides domain activeproteinsincludingglycosidehydrolases(GH),glycosyltrans- (PFAM09479),whichdisplaysab-propellerarchitectureconsisting ferases (GT) and glycosyl esterases (CE), which are distributed in of modular b-sheet building blocks that are circularly arranged 22GHfamilies, seven GTand twoCEfamilies(Fig.S1). [31,32](Fig.S7).Suchproteins,towhichnodistinctfunctionhas ThegenomeofB.asteroidesPRL2011contains44genesthatare yet been assigned, are widely distributed in eukaryotes, yet have predictedtoencodecomponentsofABC-typetransporters,and,as only occasionally been detected in bacteria [33]. The RCC1 basedontheTCdatabase[40],14oftheseproteinsarepredicted proteins encoded by the PRL2011 genome were shown to be tobeinvolvedintheinternalizationofcarbohydrates,eightinthe phylogeneticallyclosertohomologsofbacterialoriginratherthan uptake of amino acids/peptides, four in the internalization of those foundin eukaroytes (Fig.S7). metals, nine inconferring variousresistances, while ninehave no ToinvestigatethephylogeneticpositionofB.asteroidesPRL2011 definedfunction(TableS3).Furthermore,thetransporterarsenal within the genus Bifidobacterium [15],while also comparing this to of PRL2011 includes one putative phosphoenolpyruvate-phos- Gardnerellavaginalis,whichisacloselyrelatedmemberofthefamily photransferasesystem(PEP-PTS),fourproteinsthatarepredicted Bifidobacteriaceae,a phylogenomic analysiswas performed that was to be responsible for metal ion uptake and a further eight that based on 471 protein sequences representing the minimal core represent suspected transporters foramino acids. proteinsetoftheBifidobacterium/Gardnerellagenera,andexclusively Similartootherbifidobacteria,completebiosyntheticpathways encompassinghousekeepinggenesthatarepresentinasinglecopy for purines and pyrimidines from glutamine, as well as for folate [34].Interestingly,theresultingneighbour-joiningtree,whichhas (vitamin B9) were annotated in the genome of B. asteroides been constructed accordingtoa previous describedmethod [35], PRL2011, while it did not encode known biosynthetic pathways revealed a clear evolutionary split of B. asteroides from a distinct for other B vitamins, such as riboflavin and thiamine, which are phylogenetic cluster that consists of the other currently available also variably distributed in published bifidobacterial genomes bifidobacterial genomes (Fig. 1C–D). This apparent ancient [25,27,28,29,41].Wealsofoundevidenceofcompleteaminoacid evolutionary diversification of the B. asteroides PRL2011 genome biosyntheticpathways formost aminoacids. is corroborated by the low abundance of encoded gene products TheB.asteroidesPRL2011genomecontainsseveralconventional with high similarity to proteins that are encoded by currently mobilome candidates that may have been acquired through available bifidobacterial genomes: of the predicted 1686 proteins HorizontalGeneTransfer(HGT)(seefordetailsTextS1,Fig.S5), PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 2 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides Figure1.ComparativegenomicanalysisofB.asteroidesPRL2011withotherfullysequencedbifidobacterialgenomes,aswellas Gardnellavaginalis.PaneladisplaysaVenndiagramofhomologssharedbetweensequencedbifidobacterial-Gardnellagenomes.Panelbshowsthe percentageofaminoacididentityofthetop-scoringself-matchesforprotein-codinggenesintheanalysedbacteriausingthepredictedproteomeof PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 3 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides B.asteroidesPRL2011asareference.Foreachbacterium,thededucedprotein-codingregionsforeachgenewerecomparedwiththosederivedfrom theB.asteroidesPRL2011genome.PanelcdepictsaphylogeneticsupertreebasedonthesequencesofBifidobacterium-Gardnellacoreproteins.Panel d indicates the generated phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences from the same set of bacteria. Three other members of the Actinobacteriaphylum,N.farcinia,T.whippleiandL.xyli,werealsoincludedintheanalysesdepictedinpanelscandd,whilethetreeswererooted usingL.salivariusasoutgroup. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044229.g001 and that may have provided ecological advantages, while also points into the respiratory chain. In B. asteroides PRL2011 impacting on chromosome structure andfunction[15]. COMPLEX I is predicted to be represented by an NADH dehydrogenase and a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and iron- Growth of bifidobacteria in presence of oxygen sulfurcluster-containingprotein,whereelectronsfromNADHare Incontrasttofermentativecarbohydratemetabolism,whichhas transferred to the FMN domain, and then passed on to the beenextensivelydescribedinbifidobacteria[42,43],theutilization membrane-associated quinone carrier molecule with the simulta- of oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor through a respiratory neous extrusion of protons. COMPLEX II is represented by a metabolic pathway has not been identified or even suspected in succinate dehydrogenase and is composed by two subunits bifidobacteria. correspondingtoaperipheralflavoproteinportionwiththeactive Oxygen is reported to generally elicit a toxic effect on siteforsuccinate(SdhA)andamembraneiron-sulfurportionwith bifidobacterial growth [18]. Although various bifidobacterial anactivesiteforquinone(SdhB),encodedbysdhAandsdhBgenes, strains have been evaluated for their ability to grow in the respectively(BAST_1008andBAST_1009).TheseCOMPLEXII presence of oxygen [15], only a small number of strains, all genesareconservedinallsequencedbifidobacterialgenomes(Fig. belonging to the B. asteroides species, were capable of growing S2), probably because their activities are required for certain under aerobic conditions [10]. When oxygen consumption by housekeeping functions (most likely to fulfil biosynthetic tasks). various bifidobacteria was analyzed, only B. asteroides PRL2011 This complex in E. coli can use the conversion of succinate to wasabletouse6.2 nmol/minofO permgdrycells,whereasno fumarate and FAD to FADH2 to provide electrons to quinones 2 O consumptionwasdetectedforanyoftheotherbifidobacterial without proton extrusion [44].Such enzymes are predicted tobe 2 strainstestedincludingotherspeciesphylogeneticrelatedtotheB. linked to the terminal reductase COMPLEX III (cytochrome d asteroidesspeciessuchasB.coryneforme,B.indicum,B.actinocoloniforme oxidase) by electron carrier quinones, which are supplying andB.bohemicum(Fig.2).Thisfindingrepresentsaclearhintthat electrons to the enzyme cytochrome oxidase and then to the respiration does take place in B. asteroides PRL2011, but for terminal electron acceptor (oxygen), upon which this is then unknown reasons at a much lower level compared to other reduced to water [45]. The suspected B. asteroides PRL2011 bacteriaforwhichrespirationasanalternativemetabolicpathway COMPLEXIIIsubunitsareencodedbyfourgenes,includingthe to fermentation has been observed, e.g. Lactococcus lactis. It is cydB (BAST_0290) and cydA (BAST_0293), which specify the possible that the lower level of oxygenation of the insect gut has structural subunits of the cytochrome, as well as the cydD resulted in the evolution of a low respiratory level of B. asteroides, (BAST_0291) and cydC (BAST_0292) (Fig. S3), which code for similar to that observed for nanoaerobes [16]. However, it may predicted ABC-type transporter proteins believed to be required also be that we simply did not apply the correct environmental forcytochrome assembly [47]. parameters to fully induce respiratory metabolism in B. asteroides Finally, COMPLEX IV of B. asteroides PRL2011 consists of a PRL2011. typicalF F -ATPase,whichiscomposedbytwosub-complexes,a 1 0 membrane-extrinsic F part and a membrane-intrinsic F part 1 0 Genomics of putative respiratory metabolism in B. [48,49]. The primary role of this enzyme in respiring microor- asteroids ganisms is to couple the electrochemical potential difference for Respiration requires a functional electron transfer chain, H+ across the membrane to synthesize ATP from ADP and consisting of a number of primary dehydrogenases, terminal phosphate [48]. In B. asteroides PRL2011 the F1F0-ATPase is reductases/oxidasesanddifferentcytochrometypes,thechoiceof encodedbytheatpoperon(BAST_1475–1482)consistingofeight whichbeingdependentonperformingeitheraerobicoranaerobic genes, displaying an overall homology of around 80% with respiration, and the availability of particular electron donors and corresponding genes inother bifidobacterial genomes [50]. acceptors [44]. A large proportion of the ‘unique’ genes (i.e. Additionalenzymesthatmightbeinvolvedinthegenerationof uniquecomparedtootheravailablebifidobacterialgenomes)ofB. a proton-motive force include a predicted pyruvate oxidase, a asteroides PRL2011 is predicted to encode enzymes for aerobic lactate dehydrogenase and two glycerol dehydrogenases [51]. respiration (Table S2). Unlike E. coli, the B. asteroides PRL2011 Pyruvate oxidase may catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of genome does not appear to specify cytochrome types other than pyruvate to acetate and CO using quinone as the electron 2 oxidase type d. This cytochrome type possesses a high oxygen acceptor.ItsexistenceinB.asteroidesPRL2011issupportedbythe affinity and in E. coli is mostly expressed at low oxygen levels identification of a poxB homologue (BAST_1463) on its genome. [45,46]. Furthermore, inspection of the genome sequences of PRL2011 ThepredictedB.asteroideselectrontransportchainisassumedto revealed two genes predicted to encode L-lactate dehydrogenase be assembled in the cytoplasmic membrane so that the electron (lldD, BAST_0523) and D-lactate dehydrogenase (dldD, flow can be coupled to proton extrusion across the membrane to BAST_0909). These enzymes are predicted to use quinones as generate a proton motive force (Delta pH gradient and electrical electron acceptor when lactate is used as carbon and energy potential) essential for generating ATP from ADP and inorganic source. The B. asteroides PRL2011 genome encodes two glycerol phosphate by the enzyme ATP synthase. The electron transport dehydrogenases(BAST_0304andBAST_0696),enzymescatalyz- chainiscomposedoffourmaincomplexesnamedCOMPLEXI- ing the oxidation of glycerol to dihydroxyacetone and reduces II-III-IV (Fig. 3), where COMPLEX I and COMPLEX II are quinonein thecytoplasmicmembrane [52]. primary electron donor species representing the two main entry PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 4 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides Figure2.Oxygenconsumptionofbifidobacteria.Panelarepresentstheoxygenuptakeofdifferentbifidobacterialspecies.Bifidobacteriawere growntomid-logphaseintheabsenceofoxygenandplacedinanoxygraphchamber.Lactococcuslactissubsp.lactisIL1403wasusedaspositive control.Panelb,showstheoxygenutilizationofdifferentB.asteroidesculturesgrowninthepresenceof6.54–6.60ppmofoxygentomid-logphase PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 5 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides inMRSplussuccinate1%asuniquecarbonsourceandwithoutcysteine(curve1),inMRSplusglucose2%andcysteine(curve2),inMRSpluscitrate 1%asuniquecarbonsourceandwithoutcysteine(curve3),inMRSplusglucose2%withoutcysteine(curve4)inMRSwithglucose2%without cysteineandhemin0.5mg/ml(curve5),andinMRSwithglucose2%withoutcysteineandprotoporphyrin10ug/ml(curve6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044229.g002 Genome analysis of PRL2011 allowed the identification of PRL2011-based microarrays (Fig. 4) and involving three B. several genes that might be involved in the synthesis of asteroides isolates revealed that the presumed respiratory genes menaquinone from chorismate, the latter being an intermediate are conserved within these three B. asteroides strains. The CGH in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. These include menF dataalsorevealedregionsofdiversity,mostofwhichcorrespondto (BAST_1596), encoding a isochorismate synthetase, menC thepredicted mobilome ofPRL2011. (BAST_174) coding for an O-Succinylbenzoate synthetase, menE (BAST_0720),codingforO-succinylbenzoyl-CoAsynthetase,and Functional genomics analyses of B. asteroides PRL2011 menA (BAST_1279), specifying a 1,4-dydroxy-2-naphthoate pre- and adaptation to putative respiratory metabolism nyltransferase. Similarly, the predicted proteome of B. asteroides Global transcription profiling of PRL2011 cultivated in the PRL2011 revealed enzymes that could perform the final three presence of oxygen did not reveal any major expression changes steps of heme biosynthesis from coproporhyrinogen III [51]. respect tothetranscriptomeof PRL2011 grown underanaerobic Comparativeanalysisamongbifidobacterialgenomesdisplaythat conditions (Fig. 5). However, when the mRNA amounts were relative to other characterized bifidobacterial genomes cydABCD investigatedforeachidentifiedgeneofPRL2011whencultivated genesareuniquelypresentinthechromosomeofB.asteroides,and under these conditions, it was noticed that many of the genes thatthisalsoappliestootherrespiratorychain-relatedgenes(Fig. predicted to encode respiratory chain components were also S4). B. asteroides seems therefore to represent the only respiring transcribed in the absence of oxygen. A similar scenario was representativeofthegenusBifidobacteriumsofardescribed.Sucha previously noticed for other respiring microorganisms such as L. conclusion is also corroborated by the ecological niche that it lactis [55,56] (Fig. 5). Crucial genes such as those encoding occupies, where the level of oxygen is relatively high [53]. With cytochrome oxidase were shown to be highly expressed in both regards to possible regulation of the cydABCD operon, genome aerobicandanaerobicconditions,whichsuggeststhatPRL2011is analysisofB.asteroidesPRL2011revealedtheexistenceofputative constitutively expressing the enzymes involved in respiration or homologues of ArcA/B (BAST_0946/0947) and a putative FNR thataspecificenvironmentalsignalisneededto(further)enhance regulator(BAST_0395),whichinE.coliareinvolvedincontrolling theexpressionofthesegenes.TheputativeregulatorsarcA/Band the cydD gene [54]. The ArcA/B homologs of B. asteroides FNR encoding genes of PRL2011 did not reveal any significant PRL2011representatwo-componentregulatorysystemcomposed changeintranscriptionlevelswhenPRL2011wascultivatedunder of a membrane-linked sensor (ArcB) and a regulatory DNA- aerobicvs.anaerobicconditions,andtogetherthesefindingsmay binding domain (ArcA), while FNR is a cytoplasmatic O2- indicatethatinductionoftheputativerespirationnetworkrequires responsiveregulatorwithasensoryandaregulatoryDNA-binding as yet unknown cultivation conditions or additional regulatory domain [44]. As aerobic respiration would confer a significant molecules. advantagetobacteriainthepresenceofoxygen,itisalsotruethat Instead the genes encoding for ROS-protecting enzymes, such the resulting reactive oxygen species (ROS) exert a severe toxic as the OsmC-like protein, did not reveal difference in its effect to proteins, lipids and nucleic acids [55]. Thus, respiring transcription level between anaerobic and aerobic conditions, bacteria would also need protection against such ROS [55]. B. thus indicating that itisconstitutively expressed (Fig.5). asteroides PRL2011 genome analysis revealed genes that are Since respiration-directed ATP generation requires ATP predicted to encode several protective enzymes: a catalase synthase, we tested the ATPase activity of B. asteroides PRL2011 (BAST_0262), a superoxide dismutase (BAST_1057), and an membranes, which was shown to be around 5-fold higher under osmC-like encoding protein potentially induced under oxidative aerobicrelativetoanaerobicconditions,regardlessofthepresence stress (BAST_1188). Furthermore, analysis of the PRL2011 or absence of 10mg/mL protoporphyrin IX (Fig. S8; Fig. S9). genome did not reveal the existence of any ROS-sensitive iron- Different ATPase inhibitors were tested in order to identify the sulfurclusters.Notably,comparedtootherbifidobacteriacultures, type of ATPase responsible for the observed (increased) activity. PRL2011 cells display a higher survival rate upon exposure to Neitherortho-vanadate,whichspecificallyinhibitsP-typeATPas- hydrogen peroxide (Text S1). Altogether these findings corrobo- es, nor K NO , which targets V-type ATPases, were found to 2 3 rateourassumptionthatB.asteroidesPRL2011containsaparticular significantly affect the total ATPase activity (data not shown) genesetwhichallowsthisbacteriumtoutilizeoxygenbymeansof [57,58]. In contrast, DCCD significantly decreased ATPase arespiratorypathway,andwhichalsoprovidesprotectionagainst activity, suggesting that F F ATPases are responsible for around 1 0 thetoxic effects of aerobicmetabolism. the32–38%ofthetotalATPaseactivityinB.asteroidesmembranes. To determine the distribution of these presumed genetic Interestingly, F F -ATPase activity represented 57–63% of the 1 0 determinants for respiration, the draft genome sequences of totalactivitywhenprotoporphyrinIXwasincludedinthegrowth several other Bifidobacterium species isolated from insects, i.e. media, whereas in the absence of protoporphyrin IX the specific Bifidobacterium bohemicum DSM22767 [9], Bifidobacterium coryneforme F F -ATPase activity was significantly lower, representing ap- 1 0 LMG18911 [10], Bifidobacterium actinocoloniiforme DSM22766 [9] proximately 38% of the total membrane ATPase activity, as and Bifidobacterium indicum LMG11587 [10] (Bottacini et al., deducedfromthevaluespresentedinFigureS8.Thissuggeststhat unpublished data), were used for comparative genomic analyses. the presence of protoporphyrin IX, a heme precursor [59], Notably, apart from the catalase and superoxide dismutase- promotes an increase in the ATPase activity of the membrane- encodinggeneswhichappeartobeabsentintheseorganisms,all bound enzymatic complexIV. other respiratory genes identified in this study were shown to be In previous work, we observed that F F ATPase was 1 0 present within this set of genomes (Fig. 4). Furthermore, responsible for most of the ATPase activity found in membrane- comparative Genome Hybridization (CGH) using B. asteroides containingfractionsoftwostrainsofB.animalissubsp.lactis[60].It PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 6 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides Figure3.ThegenesandencodedproductsofB.asteroidesPRL2011predictedtobeinvolvedinrespirationandoxygendamage. PanelarepresentsacirculargenomeatlasofB.asteroidesPRL2011(circle1)withmappedorthologs(definedasreciprocalbestFastAhitswithmore than30%identityoveratleast80%ofbothproteinlengths)insevenpubliclyavailableBifidobacteriumgenomes.Fromtheoutercircle,circle(2) PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 7 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides showsB.breveUCC2003,circle(3)B.animalissubsp.lactisDSM10140,circle(4)B.longumsubsp.infantisATCC15697,circle(5)B.dentiumBd1,circle (6)B.longumNCC2705,circle(7)B.bifidumPRL2010,circle(8)B.adolescentisATCC15703.Circle(9)illustratesB.asteroidesPRL2011G+C%deviation followedbycircle(10)thathighlightsB.asteroidesPRL2011GCskew(G2C/G+C).Moreover,theouterinsetsindicatethemaingeneticlociencoding enzymesinvolvedinrespiratorymetabolism,whicharemappedonthecirculargenomeatlasofB.asteroidesPRL2011.Panelbshowsaschematic representation of a cell and metabolic pathways for respiration. The different ORFs of B. asteroides PRL2011 encoding the presumed enzymes involvedintherespiratorychainareindicated. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044229.g003 is known that in other bifidobacteria lacking a functional The present study represents a firm basis from which we can respiratory chain, this enzyme is crucial for the maintenance of further define the factors that shape microbial ecology in a theinternal pH[61]. particular environment such as the insect’s intestine, which may represent a valuable model to investigate intricate microbe- Conclusions microbe as well as microbe-host relationships within complex ecosystemssuch asthat of themammalian gut. Bifidobacteria have for long been considered anaerobic or microaerophilicmicroorganisms,withoutanyindicationthatthese Materials and Methods micro organisms may harbor any capabilities for respiratory metabolism [51]. Genome analysis of B. asteroides predicted the Bacterial strains, growth conditions and chromosomal presenceofarespiratorychainthatmayallowaerobicrespiration DNA extraction by these bacteria. Our findings suggest that B. asteroides represent Cultures were cultivated anaerobically/aerobically in MRS thefirstreportedcaseofsuchametabolicabilitywithinthegenus (Sharlau, Barcelona, Spain) and incubated at 37uC for 16h. Bifidobacterium. Among members of the Actinobacteria phylum a Bacterial DNA was extracted as described previously [66] and respiratory pathway has been identified in representatives of the subjected to further phenol/chloroform purification using the CMN group, which includes the genera Corynebacterium, Mycobac- protocol describedpreviously [67]. terium and Nocardia [51,62]. Here, we have provided solid genetic andphysiologicalevidencethatB.asteroidesPRL2011isadaptedto Carbohydrate growth assay being exposed to oxygenated environments, and may avail of CellgrowthonsemisyntheticMRSmediumsupplementedwith oxygen by adjusting its metabolism, which is consistent also with 1%(wt/vol)ofaparticularsugarwasmonitoredbyopticaldensity its ecological niche, but that this apparently requires specific at600nmusingaplatereader(Biotek,Vermont,USA).Theplate growth conditions that have not yet been defined. Notably, reader was run in discontinuous mode, with absorbance readings phylogenomics-based analyses revealed the distant relationship performedin60minintervals,andprecededby30secshakingat between B. asteroides and other bifidobacterial species, thus medium speed. Cultures were grown in biologically independent reinforcingprevious findingsabouttheevolutionarydevelopment triplicates and the resulting growth data were expressed as the of thisspecies [63]. mean of these replicates. Carbohydrates were purchased from OnemaythusarguethattherespiratorygenesetispresentinB. Sigma andCarbosynth (Berkshire, UK). asteroidestoallowadaptationtotheaeratedinsectgut,whereasthis propertywaslostornotacquiredinbifidobacteriathatinhabitthe Genome sequencing and assembly anaerobicgutofmammals.Furthermore,thegenesetinvolvedin Chromosomal DNA was mechanically sheared via a Hydro- theputativerespirationmetabolismdonotdisplayanycharacter- sheardevice(Genemachine,SanCarlos,CA),thepreparedinserts istic evidence of recent HGT acquisition (e.g., atypical codon were then ligated into appropriate vectors. A two-fold fosmid usage and/or deviation from GC content). In addition, from an library was constructed using the CopyControlTM Fosmid evolutionary prospective it is interesting to underline that insects Production Kit (Epicentre). DNA was sheared and fragment size roamed the earth well before mammals did, and one may thus selectedonanagarosepulsed-fieldgelelectrophoresis,excisedand argue that insects may have been the original host of bifidobac- purified before ligation in the pCCqFos vector. A 30-fold teria. Apart from the putative respiratory metabolism, the sequencing coverage using pyrosequencing technology on a 454 presence of B. asteroides PRL2011 genes specifying bacterial FLX instruments was used. The files generated by the 454 FLX structuresthatareknowntomediatetheinteractionwiththehost instrument were assembled with Newbler software to generate a inotherbifidobacteria,suchascapsularpolysaccharidesandtype consensussequence,whichwasthenusedforassemblyusingdata IVb pili [1,30,64], may represent genetic signatures of an fromSanger sequencing oftheFosmid libraryusing theArachne evolutionary development that leadtothebifidobacterial adapta- genome assembly software. Two rounds of additional sequencing tion to colonize the mammalian gut. The predicted ability of B. walks were performed resulting in a single contig (2,167,301 bp). asteroides to grow in the presence of oxygen has important Quality improvement of the genome sequence involved sequenc- implications for the interaction of this bacterial species with its ingofover500PCRproducts(3000sequencingreads)acrossthe oxygenated hosts. With respect to its role as a member of the entire genome to ensure correct assembly, double stranding and hindgut microbiota of bees [11,12,13], the ability to tolerate and the resolution of any remaining base-conflicts. The genome metabolically exploit O may account for theobservation that B. sequence was finally edited to a Phred confidence value of 30 or 2 asteroides is frequently found in high numbers in this particular more.Basedonthefinalconsensusqualityscores,weestimatean ecological niche. overall error rate ofless than 1error per 105nucleotides. Another intriguing finding that supports the ability of B. asteroides PRL2011toutilize oxygenisthepresencein itsgenome Sequence annotation of genes encoding enzymes such as a catalase and superoxide Protein-encoding open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted dismutase, which are involved in the protection against the usingacombinationofBLASTX[68]andProdigal[69].Results negative effects produced by oxygen in an aerobic environment of these gene finder programs were combined manually and a [65]. preliminaryidentificationofORFswasperformedonthebasisof PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 8 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides Figure4.GenomicdiversityintheB.asteroidesphylogeneticgroupwithreferencetotheB.asteroidesstrainPRL2011genome.Panel ashowsthecomparativegenomichybridizationdataobtainedusingdifferentmembersoftheB.asteroidesspecies.Eachhorizontalrowcorresponds toaprobeonthearray,andgenesareorderedverticallyaccordingtotheirpositiononthePRL2011genome.Thecolumnsrepresenttheanalysed strains,andstrainsareindicatedbytheirstraincodes.Thecolourcodecorrespondingtothepresence/absenceisgivenatthetoprightofthefigure: PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 9 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229 GenomeAnalysisofBifidobacteriumasteroides thegradientgoesfromblacktoyellowtoindicatethepresence,divergenceorabsenceofagenesequence.Thepredictedfunctionofparticular genesisshownontheright-handmargin.BlacktypeddescriptionsrelatetomostsignificantDNAregionsthatareabsentintheinvestigatedstrains. RedtypeddescriptionsrepresentDNAregionsthatencodeenzymespredictedtobeinvolvedinrespirationinPRL2011.Panelbdetailsthepresence (black) or absence (yellow) of key genes predicted to be involved in respiration within the B. asteroides phylogenetic group as well as in other genomesequencedbifidobacteriabasedongenomicdata. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044229.g004 BLASTP [68] analysis against a non-redundant protein database were determined using Microarray Imager 5.8 software (Combi- provided by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information. Matrix,Mulkiteo,USA).Signalbackgroundwascalculatedasthe Artemis[70]wasemployedtoinspecttheresultsofthecombined meanofnegativecontrolsplus2timesthestandarddeviation[76]. genefindersanditsassociatedBLASTPresults,whichwasusedfor A global quantile normalization was performed [77] and log2 amanualeditingeffortinordertoverify,andifnecessary,redefine ratiosamongthereferencesample(B.asteroidesPRL2011)andthe the start of every predicted coding region, or to remove or add other samples analyzed were calculated. The distribution of the coding regions. log2-transformed ratios was calculated for each hybridization AssignmentofproteinfunctiontopredictedcodingregionsofB. reaction separately. Log2-transformed ratios of each probe were asteroides PRL2011 genome was performed manually. Moreover, visualized and ranked by position on the B. asteroides PRL2011 therevisedgene/proteinsetwassearchedagainsttheSwiss-Prot/ genomebyaheatmapusingTMev4.0software(http://www.tm4. TrEMBL, PRIAM, protein family (Pfam), TIGRFam, Interpro, org/mev.html). Hierarchical clustering was performed with KEGG, and COGs databases, in addition to BLASTP vs. nr. average linkage and euclidean distance [78] using TMev 4.0 Fromalltheseresults,functionalassignmentsweremade.Manual software. corrections to automated functional assignments were completed on an individual gene-by-gene basisas needed. RNA isolation RNA was isolated according to the protocol described Bioinformatic analyses previously[79].ThequalityoftheRNAwascheckedbyanalysing Transfer RNA genes were identified using tRNAscan-SE [71]. theintegrity ofrRNA moleculesbyExperion (BioRad). Ribosomal RNA genes were detected on the basis of BLASTN searches and annotated manually. Insertion sequence elements Expression microarray and data analysis were identified using Repeat-finder [72], and BLAST [68] and Microarray analysis was performed with a B. asteroides annotated manually. IS families were assigned using ISFinder PRL2011-based array.A total of 6432probes, representing 1680 (http://www-is.biotoul.fr/is.html). Carbohydrate-active enzymes ORFsoftheB.asteroidesPRL2011genome,of35–40bpinlength were identified based on similarity to the carbohydrate-active were designed using OligoArray 2.1 software [80]. Oligos were enzyme(CAZy)databaseentries[73]andtransporterclassification synthesized in 4 replicates on a 2640k CombiMatrix array was performed accordingtotheTCDBscheme [74]. (CombiMatrix, Mulkiteo, USA). Replicates were distributed on Variances in GC content were profiled by the DNA segmen- the chip at random, non-adjacent positions. A set of 29 negative tation algorithm hosted at http://tubic.tju.edu.cn/GC-Profile/ control probes designed on phage and plant sequences were also [75],atypicalcodonusageregionsweremappedusingthefactorial included on the chip in 60 replicates at randomly distributed correspondence analysis through the assistance of the GCUA positions. software. Reversetranscriptionandamplificationof500ngoftotalRNA wasperformedwithMessageAmpII-Bacteriakit(Ambion,Austin Oxygen consumption TX)accordingtothemanufacturer’sinstructions.5mgofmRNA Evaluation of oxygen consumption was performed using B. wasthenlabelledwithULSLabellingkitforCombimatrixarrays asteroidesPRL2011cellscollectedatearlystationaryphase(OD600 with Cy5 (Kreatech, The Netherlands). Hybridization of labeled value of 1). Briefly, PRL2011 cells were harvested by centrifuga- cDNAtoB.asteroidesPRL2011arrayswasperformedaccordingto tion3000rpmfor5minandresuspendedin1 mlofwater.Then, CombiMatrix protocols (http://www.combimatrix.com/ 100ml bacterial cell suspension was placed in the electrode support_docs.htm). chamber of an oxygraph instrument (Hansatech Instrument) Followinghybridization,microarrayswerewashedasdescribed where oxygenconsumption wasmonitored for5 min. inthemanualandscannedusingInnoscanconfocallaserscanner (Innopsis,France).A genewasconsidereddifferentially expressed Hydrogen peroxide resistance level of PRL2011 betweenatestconditionandacontrolwhenanexpressionratioof TolerancetoH O exposureofPRL2011strainwasevaluated between0.2and5relativetotheresultforthecontrolwasobtained 2 2 by cultivating cells in presence of hydrogen peroxide at a withacorrespondingPvaluethatwaslessthan0.001.Finaldata concentration of 0.002% or 0.004%, which were previously presented are the averages from at least two independent array shown to be inhibitory for bifidobacteria [19]. Growth was experiments. monitored using a microplate reader (Biotek, Vermont, USA), whichhavebeensetasdescribedabove.Furthermore,toleranceof Analyses of enzymatic activities PRL2011 to hydrogen peroxide was monitored by exposing an Specific ATPase activitywas calculated fromthemeasurement exponential culture to 0.002% or 0.004% H2O2 for 2 h, after of the inorganic phosphate released using the malachite green which survival was then evaluated by viable count determination assay [60]. Inside-out membrane vesicles, obtained from cells on MRS agar (incubation at 37uC for 16h; Sharlau, Barcelona, grown in the absence/presence of 10mg/mL protoporphyrin IX Spain). (Sigma-Aldrich),andunderaerobicoranaerobicconditions,were prepared as previously described [60]. Five mg of membrane CGH microarray data acquisition and treatment protein were incubated in the absence/presence of the following FluorescencescanningwasperformedonanInnoscanconfocal ATPase inhibitors: 0.2 mM N,N9-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide laser scanner (Innopsis, France). Signal intensities for each spot (DCCD) (Sigma-Aldrich), 0.2 mM ortho-vanadate (Sigma-Al- PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 10 September2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44229

Sep 20, 2012 Analysis of the 2,167,301 bp genome of Bifidobacterium asteroides and physiology [1–8]. birds, social insects), and it may thus be that such an ecological Genomics of Actinobacteria: tracing the evolutionary history of an . thresholds in DNA microarrays: exemplary applicatio
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