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ttithe' .BIENNIAL REpORTS-OF THE······ . '. AIT()RN"EYGENERAL • .'OFFLORIDA '.' .,. '.- ·,PROl\i'189S"1960... , . and . . . A CITATOR TO .SECfIONS OFTHE'PLORlDA CONSTITUTIQN AND FLORIDA ST~1:trrESCITED' Part 1 ~ 1895 -1942 Part:l-:-1943 ~f960 The Purpose of this Publication: The Attorney General of Florida. as legal advisor to state, county. municipal Ind dhtrict officials has. through legal opinions issued over a period of many years. established 8 field of administrative legal precedents generally followed by public offtceu. These opinions, based on court decisions. constitutional and statutory law, Ire accepted by state administrative departments. state auditors and public officiah . 81 legal authority, short of a court deci8i.on. for carrying out administrative duties. The interpreting of legiSlative intent, the clarification of conflict in laws. and tbe practical application of the taw to changing conditions and problems are con­ Itant challenges which require frequent reference to prior opinions. The Statutory Revision Department has for the past four years been preparing a consolidated, alphabetical index and citator to reported opinions of the Attorneys General of Florida from 1895-1960. This publication represents the completed •• product of thiS effort. It 1s my hope that the compilation of this information will be a valuable reference to provide more continuity in administrative law. and to assist public . .. officials in finding a source of authority for carrying out their many aod varied public responsibilities. Richard W. Ervin .. ... Attorney General April!, 1962• • • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Alphabetical Index to Opinions -- 1895-1960 1-490 Citator to Opinions Part 1 .. - 1895-1942 491-572 Part 2 -- 1943-1960 573-637 • • • • • • et'ODlI$On.ll:DI!TIED JmlIJDlIEI 'lI'tD> IIIIEJl:IllB1nA\J1, /IlEIP'OIll.Y$ Olf' YBiE IA YYODIET aDlElMllElUIL 1895 1960 A Subject A & M university See: STATE A~POUNTANTS (cont.) UNIVERSITIES Board of accountancy (cont. ) Absent voters See: ELECTIONS Certificates (cont. ) Absentee ballots See: ELECTiONS Revocation and suspension Abstractors See: ABSTRACTS Vote of board necessary 1959 8 ABSTRACTS When not authorized 1929 264 Company owned by state and road Special, for registrants from . department employees; contracts other states, should be with 1949 384 .provided 1927 235 Minors' adoption records. "take-offs" Certified public accountants for abstract work; access 1955 333 and public accountants; con­ Tax records, purchase; violation 1904 41 struction of law re _ 1931 ,7'74 Accident insurance See: INSURANCE Chairman, authorized to elect 1931 408 Accident victims See: ACCIDENTS Construction of law 1931 407 ACCIDENTS Counsel See also: MOTOR VEHICLES Authorized to retain 1931 408 Confidential reports 1941 373 Employment of . 1945 587 Financial responsibility law Law authorizes employment Damage suits arising from acci· of, in certain matters only 1931 964 dents; construction of §324. 121 Examinations (1). F. S. 1959 660 C. P. A. ; prerequisites; waiver 1941 639 • Guest passenger. liability of own­ 640 er 1957 43 641 Propriety of "covenant not to Papers of applicants for li­ , sue" in lieu of release 1955 83 . cense, retaining 1957 358 Motor vehicles Regulations and rures,· au­ Accident reports; inspection; con­ thorized 1949 459 . ·.··struction of, re 1955 849 Waiver 1927 236 Drunken driving; admissibility 1943 413 {)f certain evidence . 19~5 649 1945 587 Reports; minois, restrictions Expenditures, when certain , contemplated by .§39. 03(6) are legal . 1927 237 not applicable .. , ". . 1957· 676 '. Florida accQuntants association; Seriolls Bodily injury; culpable corporate 1949 459 '. '. negligence; punishme,nt .. 1955· 926 Internal revenue agents; classi­ .Police officers; investigate automo­ fication 1943 412 bile accidents, make arrest for Law construed 1931 407 traffic violation committed on Licenses private property open for public Applicants for. experience . use; authorIty 1957: ,$63 requirement 1945 588 Victims, removal of bodies by pa­ Authorized to issue temporary 1927 232 trol officers without notifying Member, use of title C. P.A. ; not coroner; authority ., . 1953 389 authorized 1905 185 ACCOUNTANTS . Power to employ counsel 1945 587 Board of accountancy . Public accountants. if certain Accountancy act construed re individuals are deemed 1927 233 cancellation of reciprocity Records; storage. destruction 1943 414 certificates 1927 ,234 Regulations and rules authorized 1927 231 Accounts. registration of 1927 231 Rules. validity of 1945 589 Certain expenditures of board. Secretary; term of office 1945 587 legality 1927 237 Stattis of person who fails to re­ Certificates register 1927 237 Accountants. effect on, if re­ Violation of law, procedure 1927 235 moved from state 1927 238 British subjec~. practice six years 1927 132 Application received on cer· Certain individuals, if deemed to • tain date, granting 1927 234 be accountants 1927 233 Nonresidents must procure. Certificates to practice 1927 236 Effect on, if removed from Re~lations governing. au­ state 1927 238 thorization 1927 232 Internal revenue agents; classi­ Reinstatement, powers 1959 8 fication; right to 1943 412 413 1 ¥ear Page Subject • ACCOUNTANTS (com.) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (cont. ) . Certificates (cont. ) Prosecuting attorneys: informations Practicing without 1943 412 filed in county court; aclmowledg­ Registrants of other states, ments not required 1959 482 requirements 1927 235 Acting motor vehicle commissioner When entitled to, under law 1927 231 See: MOTOR VEHICLES Without examination 1943 413 ACTIONS Certified public . Arrest, violating state statutes, made . Certificate after suspension and by highway patrol, prosecution reinstatement; eligibility for 1947 464 in metropolitan court of Dade Examinations count}': without jurisdiction 1959 223 Eligibility of applicants 1947 465 County officers; bond; procedure 1943 132 Prerequisites 1941 639 Fees, civil cases 1931 620 640 Fictitious name statutes: person 641 doing business under: suits, main­ Internal revenue agents, waiver tenance 1957 342 of examination .by board 1941 641 Financial responSibility law, damage Reinstated public accountant, suits arising from accidents: con­ eligibility of . 1947 464 struction of §324. 121(1), F. S. 1959 660 Employment., by state auditing Forfeited bail bond in criminal department; authorized 1949 383 cases, action upon, after one- Internal revenue agents 1943 412 year date elapsed . 1957 620 Licenses Former county officials; recovery Practicing without, when termed of amounts alleged to be owed; to be . . ·1927 240 procedure 1957 710 Temporary issuance 1927 232 Foster parents, welfare workers: tort liability of 1959 710 Nonresidents. prerequisite to prac­ Grand jurors; civil action; defense tice 1927 236 attorney, compensation 1953 137 Partnership: unauthorized to prac­ Habeas corpus; nature; costs 1945 108 . tice when members not licensed 1929 263 Municipalities, power of arrest and 264 prosecution for violation of safety Persons who do not hold themselves code adopted under state workmen's as "public <;Ir certified account­ compensation prOVisions . 1959 76 ants"; occupational license re­ Petition; copy of law attached .. 1953 58 quirements 1957 496 Public health officers: suit for dam­ Reciprocity certificates, construc~ ages; legal counsel furnished by tion 1927 234 state 1959 59 Registration Railroad companies Construction 1927 231 Deliveries, delayed through neg­ Necessary 1927 240 ligence .. 1905 108 Repeals former act 1931 409· Livestock, transportation; im­ Sheriffs; clients of retired assistant properly fed, watered, etc. 1905 108 state auditor; legality 1949 167 Negligence, in handling de­ Status, upon failure to reregister 1927 237 liveries; damages 1905 115 Violation; procedure by board 1927 235 Suits, private parties 1905 109 ACCOUNTS Support, dependent children Compromise settlements of, owed Civil actions . 1951 532 to county, legal authority of Costs, payment 1953 56 county commissioners to enter 1959 582 Court costs, payment 1951 532 Mutual; definition; intangible tax; Prerequisite to state aid 1951 529 liability 1945 296 . . Legal aid association 1951 530 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Prosecuting attorney, duty 1951 530 Sc.e also: TAXATION Tax collector, suit against: collec­ Agri cultural cooperative market~ tion of li,cense tax ." 1905 73 . ing association; taxability . 1953 254 Torts See: 'TORTS Corporations; municipality, coun­ Witnesses See: WITNESSES ty, state; taxation· . 1949 249 Acts, legislative; law, effective date, Intangible personal property tax. without governor's approval . 1957 154 Corporations 1949 249 Ad valorem taxes See: TAXATION Situs 1953 253 ADC funds See: MINORS; WELFARE Valuation; assessment 1949 248 Adding machines: license tax required IntanRible tax 1947 236 of agents 1931 707 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Addressograph See: SCHOOLS . See also: DEEDS AND CONVEY~ Adjusters; insurance See: INSURANCE ANCES Adjustment boards See: COUNTY Declaration of international domi­ BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: TAXATION cile in Florid a 1949 287 ADJUTANT GENERAL • Expunging unaclmow1edged real See also: MILITARY FORCES . estate contracts from record 1945 714 Armory expenses .. 1923 119 Marriage license application; Bonds, payable to governor 1923 157 naval officer; authority 1949 568 Clerks, pay unnecessary 1917 206 Mortgages, husband and wife 1931 795 Compensation 1919 11)'3 2 (. Subject Year ~age Subject Year Page -;"0_.;-,_,.-.; ADJUTANT GENERAL (cont.) ADMINISTRA TION, BOARD OF (cont. ) Disposition. incidental funds col­ 59 Bonds (cont.) lected 1921 61 Judgment. merged in, method Holds office at pleasure of governor 1917 257 of payment 1941 466 Law foverning appointment 1927 131 Legal ca:ll. sufficiency 1941 475 Obso ete wezns, sale: disposition Motor vehicle fuel tax to be used of proce s 1947 586 to purchase. under Kanner bilI 1939 251 Printing incurred by departnlent: ·Original and refunding: duties payment out of appropriation 1905 66 with respect to payment of Salary apprOjriation 1935 422 interest and KrinClpal 1939 240 Weapons an firearms, usele~ for­ Procedure to fo low in purchasing 1939 237 feited; saleJ,roceeds; disposition 1949 571 Public deposits of insolvent bank. ADMINlSTRATIO , BOARD OF authority accepting refunding See also: TAXATION bonds as security for 1935 196 Administrative expenses , 1937 450 Purchase under section 16. article Alachua county; bonds; refunding IX, Florida constitution 1941 469 expenses not authorized 1937 448 · Rate, authority of county to lower 1941 476 AptliCatiOn Redemption, procedure , 1941 467 aw re: payment of charges, com­ 1943 325 missions, refunding expenses State treasurer, surrender by . 1941 154 anorney general'S office 1939 244 Brevard county specialle:l commanded in Bonds; sale, when authorized 1937 395 Meredi v. St. Lucie county 1939 239 ·Exchange of securities held in in­ Apportionment of indebtedness be­ terest and sinking fund . 1935 201 tween districts ' .1941 444 Funds, transfer and payment Assignment of note and mortgage pf interest 1939 258 held in sinking fund 1935 199 Kanner bill ~ker county . . Securities, sale 1935 133 County road and bridge f~nds. re­ Held iri interest and sinking celVe moneys afpropfla~d . fund 1935 160 to use state roa department 1937 419 Special levy, application Sinkin! funds .. proceeds alleged 1935 166 Ex ange bonds, authority 1939 266 Transfer of funds, payment of Investment in bonds 1941 422 interest, refunding bonds Balances, disposition, where bond­ and original bonds 1939 267 • ed debt paid 1941 ' 465 Refunding ~an; acceptance in mu­ Bankruptcy proceedings, Coral nicipal ankruptcy proceedings 1939 274 . Gables; acceptance of refund-. Broward county. .. ing bonds, , , 1939 266 .' Bonds; Bessemer pro~ties, pay­ Bay county '. . ment of interest after ma­ .'. Bonds; exchange form of in­ turity. when authorized 1937 409 vestmeni: authorized . 1937 . 400 ·Coupons. payment of outstanding 1941 423 Kanner bill· account 424 Trf.tlder of funds Highway bonds, payment <If 1941 425 Interest and sinking fund 1939 265 Interest coupons, past due pay­ Paymerit of interest, re­ . ment for Original bonds 1939 258 funding bonds, bank­ ·Judgment; .preference in payment 1939 278 .. ' .' rl1ptcy '. . HI39 271 Kanner hill ' . ." . Refilridin~ contracts. approval 1941 423 Mandamus proceedings f935 156 .Bonded irtde tedness Manatee couo­ Special levy, application of ty assumed by SarasOta county, proceeds of all~ed 1935 170 with interest '. , 1939 252 Purchase coupons, au ority to 1939 248 BondS Reappropriation of taxes 1939 237 Acceptance by county under Calhoun county Futch act . 1941 #3 Bonds CiZ of Miami 1937 387 Defaulted: payment of interest De ault. payment of interest after maturity 1941 425 . after . ." 1941 425 EXl:nses, bayment of refunds 1941 427 Defense, purchase from sinking Re unding onds, payment of fund 1941 478 interest 1941 426 Erroneously delivered, return Certain claim not allowed as a pre­ to county 1939 246 ferred claim 1931 320 Exchange b~ treasurer for re­ Changing form of securities held by funding onds 1939 265 it as statutory trustee: procedure Held as collateral to secure de­ for determining authorlty . 1933 184 ~sits. di~sitian; procedure 1935 196 Charlotte countl Hig way bon s, payment 1941 425 Funds, trans er and payment of Interest interest 1939 262 Maturity, payment after 1941 466 Kanner bill . Outstanding coupons, payment 1941 423 Gasoline tax moneys, return 1935 171 424 Purchase of judgment involving Investmeni of Sinki~funds 1941 422 road bonds and interest Inviting bids under nner act, coupons 1937 395 procedure 1941 470 ClahcountM atrorney's fee, payment om sin 'ng fund 1941 428 3 \ Subject Year Page Subject Year Page • ADMINISTRATION, BOARD OF (cont.) ADMINISTRATION, BOARD OF (cont.) Collier county; surplus funds. dis­ Gadsden county tribution 1939 242 Bonds; interest and sinking fund; Dade county sale authorized 1937 396 Ban kruptcy proceedings, Coral Gasoline tax; disbursement of Gables; acceptance of plan of proceeds, construction of composition subsequent to law 1937 417 acceptance of refunding Gas tax funds bonds 1939 266 Allocation 1941 472 Bonds and coupons; acceptance 1943 322 of funds from, to meet 1939 252 Application 1941 433 Kanner bill Distribution 1941 429 Interest after maturity, on past 451 due bonds, payment 1935 147 465 Resolution as to refunding 473 operations 1935 152 District funds, participation 1941 ·449 Securities, purchase and sale Refunding bonds, participation 1941 441 of sinking fund 1935 178 Gasoline tax Transfer of funds, cancellation Law repealed 1939 244 of bonds 1939 253 Surplus not authorized to be paid DeSoto county direct to state road department 1937 423 Attorneit fees'layment from Tax assessors' commissions, trav­ gaso me tax unds 1935 198 eling eXl:cnses and refunding Bonds, original adjustment fees, ef ect of law, to pay of interest 1939 281 bank service charges 1939 244 Judgment, payment by board 1941 428 Gilchrist county; gasoline tax; au­ Kanner act, notice required thorized to remit surplus; unau­ where district lies in more thorized to direct use 1937 414 than one county 1939 273 Glades county Dixie county; Kanner bill; coupons, Bonded debt, remittance to pa{ment on lost . 1935 137 county of excess funds 1941 431 Duva county Kanner bill Funds; transfer legal if approved 1937 430 Bonds, purchase 1935 145 Kanner bill Funds not earmarked, pay­ • Board to register bonds, duty 1935 138 ment'of judgment 1935 160 Resolution restricting alloca­ Gulfport, Pinellas county; claim tion and appropriation of against bankrupt municipality; levy, authority to comply 1935 187 filing proof 1939 235 E:scambia county Hardee county Lillian bridge bonds, I.:rticipa­ Certificates of deposit, purchase 1941 432 tion in gas tax fun s 1941 429 Funds; Kanner bill account, trans­ 430 fer authorized 1937 434 Santa Rosa time warrants, coupons, 437 cancellation 1941 430 Kanner bill Flatler county Apportionment gasoline tax 1935· 179 udgment; compromise 1937 411 Compromise settlement, Kanner bill litigation 1935 193 Bonds, purchase, sale and Transfers pursuant to peremptory exchange 1937 386 writ of mandamus 1939 277 Clerk circuit court to accept Haw Creek ~CiaI road and bridge ·bonds in payment of taxes, district; istribution of surplus authority 1935 149 gasoline tax funds 1939 243 Compliance, state board with Hernando county cl1apter 16809 of 1935 1935 159 Gas tax, application ·1941 433 Correction of omission of JUd~ent county obligations on ayment 1941 435 county division 1935 180 Sinking funds, application, Gasoline moneys, credit 1935 151 to payment 1941 433 Florida development commission 434 duties, certain, pending bond Kanner bill issues 1955 223 Distribution of gasoline tax Funds money for purchase of Delivery to other than desig­ bonds 1935 142 nated pa~ing agent 1941 471 Special levies, a£plication Levied sole y for payment re­ proceeds of al eged 1935 167 fundin~ bonds not legally ap­ Transfer of funds and purchase plicab e unrefunded bonds of bonds 1939 238 or interest coupons 1939 236 .Highlands county; refunding fee, Received to pay interest on 0­ payment from interest and sink­ • riginal bonds at refunding ing fund account 1941 436 rate, disposition 1941 471 Hillsborough county Under provision of senate bill Adjustment balances, payment 1941 440 40-XX, chapter 15770, dis­ Agent's charges, payment from poslli:m 1931 322 sinking fund 1941 441 4

Registration:' .. 1943 409. Old age assistance rolls, welfare board not authorized to exclude 1939 427 .Ownership of property. 1935 757. Property . Roosevelt apartments, housing proj ectj application of definition. Space heater installations; enforce. 1953 515. Marks and brands; Holmes county.
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