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Preview Bidding Book for Hosting 37th IGC-St. Petersburg, Russia

TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 RUSSIA – A COUNTRY WITH UNIQUE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE . . . 6 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 VENUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME . . . . . . 16 FIELD TRIPS IN RUSSIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 SOCIAL PROGRAMME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 SUPPORT AND CONSENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 37th IGC 2024 RUSSIA be highly symbolic, since this is the city SUMMARY where Russian geology originated as well as first State geological institutions: Kun­ stkamera – a prototype of the first Russian Russian National Committee of Geolo­ museum of natural sciences (1719), Russian gists, a member of the International Union Academy of Sciences (1724), and Geological of Geological Sciences, on behalf of the Committee (1882). Russian Federation proposes that the 37th The Russian Federation occupies about a Session of the International Geological third of Eurasia. The vast territory of the Con gress (IGC) be held in 2024 in St. country gives the opportunity to examine a Pe ters burg, Russia. variety of landscapes and geological com­ The initiative of the Russian National plexes, and formations of almost the entire Committee of Geologists has been sup­ time scale – from ancient shields and crystal­ ported by the Government of the Russian line massifs to recent sediments and volcanic Federation. activity products. Russia has unique reserves St. Petersburg Governor G. S. Poltav­ of mineral and hydrocarbon resources as chen ko has also given his consent to hold well as several thousand mineral deposits. the IGC in St. Petersburg in 2024 and ex­ The suggested topic for the 37th IGC is pressed the willingness to fully support the “International geological projects – the ba- organization of the Congress. sis for integration of scientific schools of In September 2015, the CIS Intergovern­ the World” under the slogan “Uniting the mental Council for Exploration, Use and Earth and time”. Conservation of Mineral Resources came In the last decades of the 20th century to a decision to partner up with national and particularly in the early 21st century, geological organizations of the CIS in pre­ large international scientific projects, in­ paring the bid and holding the 37th IGC. cluding those in the field of geology, en­ So far, this decision has been approved by vironment protection, geohazards, etc., be­ the geological survey of Tajikistan and the came increasin gly important. The Russian Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources Fede ration is engaged in the implementa­ of the Republic of Moldova. tion of ambitious international projects on The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Circumpolar Arctic, Northern, Central Environment of the Russian Federation has and Eastern Asia, the CIS countries etc. in assigned A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geolo­ close cooperation with foreign geological gical Research Institute (VSEGEI) the surveys, national academies of sciences and orga nization responsible for the bid prepa­ universities. A great number of projects car­ ration. ried out with the support of the UNESCO As long as the IGC functions, our country Commission for the Geological Map of the has hosted three IGC sessions: 7th IGC (1897, World and other international organizations St. Petersburg), 17th IGC (1937, Moscow), contribute decisively to the development of 27th IGC (1984, Moscow). the world geological science and culture. The choice of St. Petersburg to host the 37th International Geological Congress would 2 INTRODUCTION gral part of world cartography, absorbing INTRODUCTION the best achievements of foreign geological science and, in turn, having a considerable influence on it. Geology and the use of mineral resources The three previous IGC sessions held in have always played a key role in economics Russia (7th in 1897, St. Petersburg, 17th in and in various branches of science and tech­ 1937, Moscow, and 27th in 1984, Moscow) nology of our country. Due to remoteness were of great importance both for Russian and inaccessibility of geological sites and geologists and for the international geologi­ mineral deposits, and vast areas requiring cal community. On the one hand, they served thorough geological investigations, geology to demonstrate scientific achievements and became one of the most important sectors scientific methods used in different coun­ for the development of Russia. tries; on the other hand, they gave an op­ The rapid growth of geological studies portunity to cooperate and coordinate efforts was initiated by Peter the Great, who created for the further development and broadening in the early 18th century the basis for the geological knowledge and the possibility to state mining and geological survey, mining overcome linguistic, ideological and meth­ and technical control authorities, and estab­ odological barriers. lished the Russian Academy of Sciences. The idea to hold the 7th IGC in 1897 in In 1882, the Geological Committee – the St. Petersburg was proposed to the Russian first governmental geological institution, was delegation during the 5th IGC and confirmed established in Russia. Its purpose and objec­ by A. P. Karpinsky at the 6th IGC, who tives were “systematic study of the geologi- headed the Organizing Committee of the cal structure of Russia and compilation of 7th Session. the detailed geological map of the State.” Russian geologists displayed to the par­ Prominent Russian geologists from the ticipants of the 7th IGC (703 persons from Geological Committee of Russia G. P. Gelm­ 27 countries) the Geological Map of the Eu­ ersen, A. P. Karpinsky, F. N. Chernyshev, ropean Part of Russia and the Russian part V. G. Erofeev, S. N. Nikitin, I. V. Mush­ of the Geological Map of Europe, which ketov and many of their followers always served as a basis for further international sought international cooperation, implement­ integration of national geological and car­ ing it, among other issues, within the frame­ tographic materials. Congress participants work of international projects. One such were offered long geological field trips to project was dedicated to the preparation and the Urals, Caucasus, Donbass, and Crimea. publication of the International Geological After the Congress, journals with pub­ map of Europe, scale 1 : 1 500 000, with leg­ lications by major scientists about the 7th end, proposed by A. P. Karpinsky. This was Session began to arrive to St. Petersburg the first map accomplished by GeolCom as from different countries. In particular, a result of international cooperation. “Rus­ Dr. Philippson wrote, “Congress gave all sian” sheets were compiled by 1893, and participants an excellent opportunity to get the map itself was published for 10 years acquainted with Russia ... mainly thanks to from 1903 to 1913 in Berlin. the numerous trips to various regions in the Thus, from the very inception, Russian European part of Russia and in the Urals geological mapping developed as an inte­ and Caucasus. Numerous members of Con­ 3 37th IGC 2024 RUSSIA gress are sincerely grateful for this generous Attention of the delegates was called to gift presented to us by Russia. Events in the international exhibitions “GEOEXPO­84” this scale have not been conducted so far and “GEOMAP-84”, as well as to the field at any Congress.” trips all over the USSR, to Czechoslovakia The 17th Session of the IGC was opened and Hungary. on July 20, 1937 in Moscow. The Congress A new meeting of geologists in St. Pe­ was attended by 2,362 geologists from 50 tersburg will facilitate closer international countries. President of the Organizing Com­ cooperation in the field of fundamental and mittee was the head of the country’s Geolog­ applied investigations of global geological ical Survey in the 1930–1939 I. M. Gubkin, processes as well as the study and prevention and Secretary General, a famous geologist of natural and man­made disasters. It is a and mineralogist A.E. Fersman. great opportunity to become aware of ex­ Main topics of the 17th IGC dealt with the tensive geological knowledge accumulated assessment of the world’s oil reserves, coal by Russian geologists and to visit unique deposits, Permian and Precambrian systems, geological sites of Russia, most of which Asia tectonics and geology of the Arctic, are practically inaccessible to travellers. geophysical and geochemical investigations. Today, creation of large international map­ North (Karelia, Kola Peninsula), South ping projects is a new innovative stage in (Crimea, Ukraine), Perm (Urals), Oil (Azer­ the development of geological science of baijan, Georgia, Dagestan, Perm, Bashkiria), the 21st century. Atlases including a series Siberia (from Sverdlovsk to Novosibirsk), of thematic geologic maps (tectonic, geo­ Urals, Novaya Zemlya, and Moscow Region physical fields, deep structure, geochemical, excursions were organized for the Congress metallogenic forecast, space geological, geo­ participants. hazards, etc.) that cover large blocks of the At the 17th Session of the IGC, it was Earth’s crust and entire continents, including decided to recognize Russian language as the areas of continent­ocean transition, shelf, one of the official languages of the Inter­ and deep ocean margins are compiled under national Geological Congress. these projects. The 27th Session of the IGC was held International projects are implemented on 4–14 August 1984 in Moscow. It was jointly by experts from the geological sur­ attended by more than 5,700 persons from veys, national academies of sciences, and 110 countries. International organizations – universities in more than 40 countries, with IUGS, IAEA, UN, UNESCO were represent­ the support of the International Union of ed at the Congress. The program included Geological Sciences (IUGS), Association symposia and plenary sessions, which con­ of the European Geological Surveys (EGS), sidered modern issues of geology and envi­ UNESCO Commission for the Geological ronmental protection, energy resources of the Map of the World, CIS Intergovernmental world, paleooceanology, Arctic geology and Council for Exploration, Use, and Conser­ tectonics of Asia – the two topics discussed vation of Mineral Resources and other in­ as far back as during the IGC in 1937. ternational commissions, foundations, and Completion of the International Geologi­ institutions. This was made possible thanks cal Map of the World and Tectonic Map of to the development of new principles and the World was associated with opening of organizational forms of cooperation success­ the Congress. fully implemented in practice. 4 INTRODUCTION One of the main objectives of these in­ strengthening the role of international geo­ ternational projects is their further integra­ logical commissions coordinating this work. tion with other international projects and The recent globalization has led to the research programs such as the International growing significance of large international Geoscience Program (IGCP), International projects. Studying the Earth as a single body Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), in order and the “common home” and as an integral to solve major scientific geological problems part of the solar system, awareness of shared for the benefit of mankind. responsibility for the use and conservation In future, this will contribute to better of the environment, prevention of geologi­ convergence of national scientific schools, cal hazards, natural and man­made disasters further development of integration processes necessitate the humanity joining efforts and between the Geological Surveys and Na­ overcoming national, ideological and political tional Academies of Sciences in the frame­ differences. The success can only be achieved work of major international projects, to a in close international cooperation in various wide exchange of young professionals, and fields, including geology. 5 37th IGC 2024 RUSSIA Aldan, Anabar shields to the newly formed RUSSIA – A COUNTRY WITH oceanic crust of the southern end of the UNIQUE GEOLOGICAL Gakkel Ridge. The Baltic Shield hosts the STRUCTURE world’s oldest ophiolite – Paleoproterozoic and Late Archean. Evidence of the role of plate tectonics in the early evolution of the Formations of various genesis (sedimenta­ Earth is common in associations of volcanic ry, volcanogenic, volcanogenic­sedimentary, arcs, in greenstone belts and the deep marine magmatic) and age (from the Archean to series of Precambrian orogens. the Recent) are widespread in Russia. Its Areas of Baikal folding occupy vast areas, territory is washed by the waters of shelf framing the souternh and southeastern parts seas of two oceans – the Arctic Ocean in of the Siberian Craton. Baikal folded region the north and the Pacific Ocean in the east in the long process of development under­ – and combines two major ancient cratons went the most powerful Mesozoic activation with the Precambrian basement: East Euro­ resulted in the emergence of an enormous pean and Siberian, young Epipaleozoic plate assembly of various Archean to Mesozoic within the West Siberian Plain, and a variety igneous complexes. of microcontinents and fold­thrust system The most beautiful mountain systems of of a wide range of tectonic activities, from the Altai and Sayan are composed of Cale­ the Precambrian to the Cenozoic. donides. Extended fold system of the Ural Russia has rocks from oldest to youngest Mountains and the mountain structure of in the world, i.e., from the Archean Baltic, Taimyr formed during the Hercynian folding. Industrial development of the Urals began in the 18th century. And now it is the largest and most important mining province. Mesozoic fold­thrust systems are in North­ Eastern Russia and the Far East. Cenozoic fold-thrust belts cover the territory of Kam­ chatka, Kuril and Commander Islands, Sa­ khalin, and the Caucasus. Tectonic processes accompanied by active volcanism continue there to the present. In the Far East, there are the largest Meso­ zoic­Cenozoic continental­margin volcanic belts – Okhotsk­Chukotka and Sikhote­Alin. The Russian Federation offers many clas­ sic examples for understanding the geologi­ cal processes. Pleistocene glacial deposits are described and interpreted almost two hundred years ago. Russia has the world’s largest reserves of mineral and hydrocarbon resources. It is developing several thousands of fields, in­ cluding the world’s largest in hydrocarbon 6 RUSSIA – A COUNTRY WITH UNIQUE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE reserves oil and gas basin in Western Siberia, rare and non­ferrous metals (North Caucasus, coal deposits of the Kuznetsk Basin, iron ore Urals, Altai, Northeast, Sikhote­Alin), cop­ in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, and oth­ per­nickel ores (Norilsk area), salts, bauxite, ers. Russia is actively exploring deposits of precious and semiprecious stones. 7 37th IGC 2024 RUSSIA ORGANIZING COMMITTEE VENUE The Organizing Committee of IGC­2024 St. Petersburg, a city with five million will consists of representatives from the Min­ inhabitants, is the second largest after Mos­ istry of Natural Resources and Environment cow. It is situated on the coast of the Gulf of of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency Finland and at the mouth of the Neva River. on Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of The city was founded by Peter I in 1703. Sciences, leading universities of the country, From 1712 to 1918, St. Petersburg was the mining companies, and geological surveys capital of the Russian Empire. Cultural at­ of the CIS countries. tractions of St. Petersburg (Peter and Paul Special Commissions are responsible for Fortress, St. Isaac’s and Kazan cathedrals, scientific program and excursions. Hermitage, Russian Museum, temples, St. Petersburg State University was established in 1724 Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute was founded in 1773 8 VENUE A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI) churches, Summer Garden, suburbs) are state geological institution. Its successor, world­famous. Many of the monuments are A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Re­ under the UNESCO protection. search Institute, is the leading institution Participants of the 37th International Ge­ of the Ministry of Natural Resources and ological Congress have a unique opportu­ Environment of the Russian Federation and nity to get acquainted with the historical, the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources. architectural, and cultural attractions of St. Petersburg. Transport infrastructure St. Petersburg in all respects is worthy of being the capital of the 37th Session of Saint Petersburg is one of the few cities in the International Geological Congress. It is Russia that has almost all kinds of transport. one of top ten cities in the world, the most Pulkovo Airport is the largest air trans­ attractive in their beauty, diversity of mu­ port hub. In 2015, the construction of the seums, theaters, sports arenas. Yielding to new passenger terminal was completed. The the status of the capital, St. Petersburg did airport is connected with the city by two not lose the status of cultural and scientific highways – Western High Speed Diameter capital of the country. The oldest educational and the Belt Highway, allowing access to institutions are located there. any place in the city in 20–25 minutes. It was in St. Petersburg in 1882, that Railway is one of the most reliable and Emperor Alexander III constituted the commonly used types of communication in Geological Committee, the first Russian St. Petersburg, not only domestically, but 9

RUSSIA – A COUNTRY WITH UNIQUE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE . 6. ORGANIZING 37th International Geological Congress would be highly symbolic, since this is At the excursion you will visit the Throne,. Arabesque . va has gratefully received the invitation to participate in the forthcoming.
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