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BiddiNg Advice From A geNerAL coNTrAcTor To TrAde coNTrAcTors proFessioNAL Advice oN ... PDF

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Preview BiddiNg Advice From A geNerAL coNTrAcTor To TrAde coNTrAcTors proFessioNAL Advice oN ...

7 1 0 2 L L A F 3 - e u s s i THe BusiNess issue BiddiNg Advice From A geNerAL coNTrAcTor To TrAde coNTrAcTors proFessioNAL Advice oN proposed FederAL TAx cHANges 0 1 5 4 3 9 0 4 t # everyTHiNg you Need To kNow n e m e e gr ABouT successioN pLANNiNg a l ai m s n o ati c li b u P Distributed by MR3A1718_IKO_BrandAd_SaskCA_WEBuild_0417.indd 1 2017-04-18 2:25 PM Distributed by Distributed by iN THis issue of 6 President’s Message 320 Gardiner Park Court Winter is coming. 8 Getting the Most out of your Membership Regina, SK S4V 1R9 10 P: 306-525-0171 Advocacy Update: The World Keeps Turning E: [email protected] We’ve got you 14 SCA Board of Directors W: www.scaonline.ca 16 A Message from the SCA Chair: Achievements and Setting Direction 2017 SCA Board of Directors covered. 18 JAsoN duke, cHAir Member Value: An Interview with Merit Contractors Association cory ricHTer, vice cHAir corey HuNcHAk, pAsT cHAir ATS Traffic has been a leader in traffic safety roB isTAce since 1966: we’ve seen a lot of winters. surviviNg growTH BriAN wALLAce 20 Nick wALBAum Our mission is to get people home safely every Leveraging the Planroom to Grow Your Business miLes dyck day, which is why we provide products and 22 cAroLe morsky services designed to keep both drivers and Entrepreneurship: Before and As You Begin sHAuN cripps workers safe on winter roads. 24 Combining Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Experience JusTiN Hoyes roN smiTH 26 Safety Always Matters moNique BuckBerger 28 deAN cocHrANe Future Construction Leaders Engaging Younger Workers ryAN LeecH 30 Empowering Women to Follow their Passion We provide the tools and systems to keep 32 Profile: New Saskatchewan Building Trades Council President & CEO – mArk cooper people safe and traffic running smoothly. Executive Director Dion Malakoff Senior Advisor to the President & CEO – derek LoTHiAN WE OFFER WE PROMISE mANAgiNg AN esTABLisHed BusiNess Director of Operations – AmANdA THick • Equifab Salt and • Consistent Quality Manager – JoHN LAx Sand Spreaders • Competitive Pricing 34 Professional Perspective: Tax Planning Considering Federal Proposals • Ver-Mac Message and Executive Coordinator – megAN JANe • Public & Worker 36 Arrow Boards Trade Bidding for Success Career Coach – sHAwN mccALL Safety • Salt and Sand 38 • Driver Satisfaction Hiring for the Win! Administrative Assistant – NicHoLAs mccAFFerTy Storage Boxes • Safer Winter 40 • Culvert Markers Our Customer Service Is Probably (Almost Definitely) Terrible Conditions 42 • Bridge Markers Enhancing Business through Corporate Social Responsibility © 2017 DEL Communications Inc. • Snow Fence, and 44 Saskatchewan’s Political Landscape and Its Impact on Business All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced more… by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the success ANd successioN accuracy of the information contained in and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way 46 guarantees nor warrants the information and is not It’s Never Too Early responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by 48 contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of Contact us today for your free consultation. Succession Planning – Review Early, Review Often the publisher, its directors, officers or employees. 50 Regina Division Saskatoon Division Will You Be Ready When It’s Time to Pass the Torch? Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable 410A Henderson Drive, Regina, SK 806C 43 Street E, Saskatoon, SK 52 Canadian addresses to: More than Just Building DEL Communications Inc. T 800.661.7346 E [email protected] Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2L 0G5 Email: [email protected] atstraffic.ca | Since 1966 4 sAskATcHewAN coNsTrucTioN AssociATioN PRINTED IN CANADA 9/2017 Winter is coming. We’ve got you covered. ATS Traffic has been a leader in traffic safety since 1966: we’ve seen a lot of winters. Our mission is to get people home safely every day, which is why we provide products and services designed to keep both drivers and workers safe on winter roads. We provide the tools and systems to keep people safe and traffic running smoothly. WE OFFER WE PROMISE • Equifab Salt and • Consistent Quality Sand Spreaders • Competitive Pricing • Ver-Mac Message and • Public & Worker Arrow Boards Safety • Salt and Sand • Driver Satisfaction Storage Boxes • Safer Winter • Culvert Markers Conditions • Bridge Markers • Snow Fence, and more… Contact us today for your free consultation. Regina Division Saskatoon Division 410A Henderson Drive, Regina, SK 806C 43 Street E, Saskatoon, SK T 800.661.7346 E [email protected] atstraffic.ca | Since 1966 HYDRAULIC DOORS presideNT’s messAge By the oldest and most trusted name in the industry Mark Cooper, President & CEO, Saskatchewan Construction Association This year has proved to be one of taxes, politics We will look at what General Contractors are and a hesitant economic recovery. It has been a looking for when they get bids from Trade trying year for our members and our industry. Contractors by having a discussion with one of The SCA has been at the forefront of several Saskatchewan’s leading construction managers, key issues this year – from PST and marijuana Aaron Yonke of PCL (page 36). New installations or retrofits with local legalization to prompt payment and federal We feature tax planning advice in a changing taxes. We will continue to monitor and advocate environment from MNP (page 34) and how to manufacturing, installation and support. on behalf of Saskatchewan’s construction sector. manage keeping your best people on board in That is, after all, our job: to do the policy, service today’s labour market (page 38). ZERO HEADROOM LOSS . NO MAINTENANCE . LIFETIME WARRANTY and research work so you can focus on growing your business. We look at succession planning from each of the legal (page 48), financial (page 50) and business With this in mind, I am glad to present our first (page 46) perspectives. For over 25 years, we have held quality, professionalism, Contact us today to learn more about ever Business Issue – from entrepreneurship to reliability and service at the forefront of our efforts. With what we can do to help you begin managing a business to succession planning – We also present some thoughts on the many industry patents to our credit and over 11,000 door your next project, or bring new life and we highlight the business needs and challenges construction industry from our outgoing Board systems installed, we continue to lead the industry in the facing construction companies. Chair Jason Duke (page 16) and profile the technology and development of the best door and hydraulic functionality to your existing structure. new Executive Director of the Saskatchewan systems for enclosures of virtually any size. Continuously For all our regular focus on trades, safety, Building Trades Council, Dion Malakoff (page developing and building these products since 1992 is a diversity, and innovation, we need to step back 32). claim that only PowerLift can make. every now and then to remember that when POWERLIFT DOORS SASKATCHEWAN we consider these issues we do so within the We take an informative look at Saskatchewan’s Our highly trained family of fabrication and support centers context of building successful construction current political landscape (page 44) and profile are strategically located across the continent and have HAUKAAS INDUSTRIES BCUESL 330066..633505..32676198 businesses. These businesses face common a longtime SCA member (page 52). extensive experience with enclosures of over 100’. MORTLAPC.0H. B, SOAXS 8K6. EML [email protected] challenges as they try to grow. Addressing these S0H 3E0 Finally, as always, we present a range of expert challenges benefits us all, as these companies opinions and articles from our partners and key employ 55,000 Saskatchewan workers and build The core of each PowerLift hinge is a Hinge blades have a solid players across the construction industry. 1” diameter 100,000 psi rated stress pass-through attachment our province. proof shaft running within our patented with multiple weld points for It is my sincere hope that you find value in greaseless bushing. Our hinge bushings maximum reinforcement. In this issue we cover topics related to launching consist of a high-grade steel and porous the material we have been able to present in a business, from marketing and attitude (page bronze matrix which is impregnated with this issue of We Build. Our goal in publishing a synthetic fluoropolymer (PTFE). PTFE 22) to the transition from tradesperson to We Build continues to be informing and has one of the lowest friction coefficients ownership (page 24). We present a feature on of any solid material without using any enlightening our stakeholders about the how to properly leverage the Online Planroom form of lubricant. industry, the economy and state of our to help new businesses succeed. province. All welded, solid steel hinge and door assembly. 6 sAskATcHewAN coNsTrucTioN AssociATioN HYDRAULIC DOORS By the oldest and most trusted name in the industry New installations or retrofits with local manufacturing, installation and support. ZERO HEADROOM LOSS . NO MAINTENANCE . LIFETIME WARRANTY For over 25 years, we have held quality, professionalism, Contact us today to learn more about reliability and service at the forefront of our efforts. With what we can do to help you begin many industry patents to our credit and over 11,000 door your next project, or bring new life and systems installed, we continue to lead the industry in the technology and development of the best door and hydraulic functionality to your existing structure. systems for enclosures of virtually any size. Continuously developing and building these products since 1992 is a claim that only PowerLift can make. POWERLIFT DOORS SASKATCHEWAN Our highly trained family of fabrication and support centers BUS 306.355.2718 are strategically located across the continent and have HAUKAAS INDUSTRIES CEL 306.630.3669 extensive experience with enclosures of over 100’. MORTLAPC.0H. B, SOAXS 8K6. EML [email protected] S0H 3E0 The core of each PowerLift hinge is a Hinge blades have a solid 1” diameter 100,000 psi rated stress pass-through attachment proof shaft running within our patented with multiple weld points for greaseless bushing. Our hinge bushings maximum reinforcement. consist of a high-grade steel and porous bronze matrix which is impregnated with a synthetic fluoropolymer (PTFE). PTFE has one of the lowest friction coefficients of any solid material without using any form of lubricant. All welded, solid steel hinge and door assembly. we BuiLd – FALL 2017 – THe BusiNess issue 7 Industrynews memBer eNgAgemeNT updATe: geTTiNg THe mosT ouT oF your memBersHip By Derek Lothian, Senior Advisor to the President & CEO My father always said, “You have two director a list of members they are demonstrated the importance of true ears and one mouth — you should responsible for getting to know. These membership engagement, which listen twice as much as you speak.” efforts may culminate in face-to-face is a two-part equation: It requires meetings, telephone discussions, or members to take an active interest Often times, membership-based e-mail communications. They’re all in the work of the association, as associations tend to assume what’s designed as opportunities for you to well as strong action on the part of on your mind — the challenges you speak and us to listen. the association to not only listen face and the opportunities you are but to hear the concerns and ideas pursuing. This is generally not done as Through the first three quarters of of members, and to act upon their a result of laziness, but rather out of 2017, we have participated in literally input in a timely manner. It is that hundreds of these conversations. They necessity. With limited resources and engagement that translates into have influenced advocacy positions budgets, it is difficult to connect with maximum value. we have taken with government, every member on a regular basis. have shaped new programming So, as we enter the final quarter of Just because a task is difficult, initiatives, and have improved our the year, I would ask you to consider however, does not make it any less ability to deliver you value for your how you can get the most out of worthwhile. We represent you, so it membership investment. Hopefully, your membership. Are you planning is vital we understand your business they’ve also served as a worthwhile to participate in SCA networking and how we can better help you forum for members to get to know events, such as the Annual Summer achieve your goals. more about the SCA — the services Meeting or the 2018 Saskatchewan we offer and the policy files we are Construction Week this spring? That’s why, earlier this year, the team already championing on your behalf. Have you capitalized on the savings at the SCA committed to an internal offered through the SCA’s Advantage ‘account management’ strategy — a Perhaps above all else, the Construction Savings Program? Are plan to designate each staff and board implementation of this strategy has you familiar with the work we have undertaken around prompt payment legislation or Priority Saskatchewan? Better yet, start with a conversation. Give us a call (306-525-0171), shoot us 24 Hour Emergency Services (306) 931-7371 an e-mail ([email protected]), or set up a time for us to come to you. Help Asbestos Abatement and Mould Remediation Specialists us learn more about the business We are ready to respond 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. conditions affecting your success, and Our goal is to make your disaster brief and our restoration permanent. the role we can play. Ask questions. We’re here to help — and listen. 219 47th Street East, Saskatoon, SK www.saskatoondisasterservices.com 8 sAskATcHewAN coNsTrucTioN AssociATioN Building with Teamwork westridge.ca WE MOVE THE EARTH brodagroup.com BE PART OF OUR PROJECT HEAD OFFICE: 4271 – 5th Ave East, Prince Albert, SK. S6V 7V6 | Phone: (306) 764 -5337 | Fax: (306) 763-5788 we BuiLd – FALL 2017 – THe BusiNess issue 9 Industrynews AdvocAcy updATe THe worLd keeps TurNiNg By John Lax, Manager, Saskatchewan Construction Association In the advocacy world, there is always collaboration. Our business continues businesses. The changes would limit another priority over the next hill. to be connecting people and securing or eliminate several beneficial tax Fighting for our members is a constant a positive business environment in structures currently employed by small battle with shifting priorities – the Saskatchewan. In pursuit of this goal businesses and sole proprietorships critical issue of tomorrow may not even we work with members, industry today. be on the radar today. To effectively associations, investors, governments The SCA has provided members with address this reality, we need to be and government agencies to foster open a template letter/email to voice their flexible, knowledgeable, and connected dialogue and a broad understanding of concerns directly to Finance Minister to our industry so we can identify the complex construction industry by Bill Morneau, Saskatchewan Cabinet rising concerns before they are all stakeholders. Minister Ralph Goodale, and all outright alarms. Our principal tools To meet these objectives, the SCA Saskatchewan Members of Parliament. are relationships – with government, is active in direct advocacy, civic industry partners, members, and expert The SCA also partnered with MNP engagement, data management, service providers throughout the to provide members and industry industry committees, and partnerships business world. stakeholders with clear information on with various stakeholders within and the proposed tax changes – an expert With ongoing leadership races for both adjacent to the industry. Our areas of major political parties in the province focus are determined by the business article by Trevor Friesen, CPA, CA and – particularly the Saskatchewan and political environment at any given Jaymon Hill, CPA, CA of MNP appears Party race which will decide the next time. Our policy direction is set by our in this magazine on page 34. premier – the upcoming few months Board of Directors and tested through The SCA is also supportive of the broad will provide a unique opportunity to the Advisory Council – Saskatchewan’s federal coalition the CCA has joined put our priorities in front of provincial only pan-industry committee with that is advocating against these tax leaders. At the same time, advocacy representation from every corner of the changes. That group sent a joint letter issues requiring government attention sector. the Finance Minister on August 30 or changes are likely to progress slowly, Federal Tax changes calling for: if at all, as new ministers acclimate to their portfolios and major initiatives Proposed federal tax changes are an • T he proposals to be taken off the table. wait on consideration from the next issue that didn’t exist two months ago. • The launch of meaningful premier. I delve into this more in a On July 18, the federal Department consultations with the business separate article on page 44. of Finance announced proposed community to address any changes for the taxation of family our work shortcomings in tax policy without businesses. The proposed changes will unfairly targeting independent The SCA represents the interests of affect private Canadian corporations businesses. its members and the non-residential and their shareholders, including construction sector through many in construction - an industry The SCA will update members as partnerships, relationships and overwhelmingly made up of small needed moving forward. 10 sAskATcHewAN coNsTrucTioN AssociATioN

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