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BID ADDENDUM #1 RFP NO. 01510 - Pest Management Through PDF

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Preview BID ADDENDUM #1 RFP NO. 01510 - Pest Management Through

New York State Office of General Services Procurement Services Group Mayor Erastus Corning 2nd Tower - 37th Floor The Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 BID ADDENDUM #1 RFP NO. 01510 - Pest Management Through Integrated Pest Management DATE: August 3, 2001 ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: Contract Period: January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2007 Barbara Dougall Group Number 71010 Phone (518) 486-2519 Bid Opening: August 16, 2001 Fax (518) 473-4050 E-mail: [email protected] The following revisions/clarifications apply to RFP 01510 - Pest Management through Integrated Pest Management. ! NEW INFORMATION NOT CONTAINED IN THE ORIGINAL RFP • Insert Section IV.4 NEW YORK STATE PROCURMENT CARD:, (page 33) See "Procurement Card" in Appendix B OGS General Specifications. All bidders shall indicated whether or not they will accept the NYS Purchasing Card for orders up to $2,500 (see Questions at end of bid document). Vendors wishing to set up a corporate account with AMEX should call AMEX at 1-800-686-5493. Integrated Pest Management - RFP Addendum #1 Page 2 ! UPDATED INFORMATION • Page 1 - Invitation for Bids Number: 01510 is changed to read Request for Proposal No: 01510 • Section I.1 SCOPE (page 6) and Section III.3 CONTINUOUS RECRUITMENT OF CONTRACTORS (page 25) Paragraph three of Scope and Paragraph one of Section III.3 are amended to read: Under the Continuous Recruitment of Contractors concept (once the initial bidding process is completed and the initial contracts are awarded) a vendor who requests to be placed on the prequalified bid list will be provided with an RFP and allowed to submit a bid. This proposal will be evaluated under the same terms and conditions as the original bids. If the contractor’s bid is accepted, a contract will be awarded and the contractor will be placed on the list of qualified vendors via an addendum to the contract award for the remaining term of the initial agreement. Once a contractor is placed on the qualified vendor list they must remain there under the terms of their initial bid and will not be allowed to submit a new bid under the Continuous Recruitment of Contractors provision. • Section I.5 KEY EVENTS/DATES (page 8) Closing Date for Inquiries is changed to read 8/07/01. Event Date Time RFP Release 7/16/01 Pre-Bid Conference 7/31/01 10:00AM-Noon Closing Date for Inquiries 8/07/01 Submission of Proposal 8/16/01 11:00 AM Time Estimates/Goals: Bid Evaluation and Selection 10/01/01 Contract Award 12/01/01 • Section II.1 (page 15) Paragraph T is amended to read: T. The contractor agrees that the resulting contract may not be assigned, transferred, or conveyed, without the previous written consent of the Office of General Services. Integrated Pest Management - RFP Addendum #1 Page 3 • Section II.3.C Rodent Management (page 23) Paragraph one is amended to read: Snap traps and other trapping devices (including glue boards) used in management of active rodent infestations must be checked daily. The contractor shall dispose of rodents killed or trapped within 24 hours. Trapping shall not be performed during periods when maintenance will be delayed by holidays, weekends, etc. Traps shall be placed out of the general view and located so as not to be affected by routine cleaning procedures. When using traps for monitoring, the visit interval may be adjusted as necessary. • Section III.10 EVALUATION OF PROPOSAL (page 28) Part Two Paragraph one is amended to read: After a contract is awarded, it is the mini-bid process whereby various State agencies will bid individual projects. The mini-bids will be restricted to those contractors who hold a contract (on the basis of this RFP) in the region in which the particular project exists. The individual projects will be based on the hourly rate submitted in the contract and awarded to the best value bidder who performs all work as outlined in the project description and this contract specification. In no event shall the contractor's hourly rate for the individual project descriptions (or facility) transcend the not to exceed price as bid in this proposal. The method of award through a mini-bid may be based on lowest price or best value. Best value is defined as, "The basis for awarding contracts for services to the offerer which optimizes quality, cost and efficiency, among responsive and responsible offerers. Such basis shall reflect, wherever possible, objective and quantifiable analysis." • Section III.16 PREVAILING WAGE RATES - PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING SERVICES CONTRACTS • Insert the following as paragraph two: Bidders are advised that backdrop "not to exceed" prices and subsequent mini bid prices, for the duration of the entire backdrop contract period plus the duration allowed under a mini bid award, shall be submitted in accordance with the Labor Law as outlined in paragraph 16 of Appendix B. Bidders offering "not to exceed" or mini bid prices less than the applicable prevailing wage rates shall be disqualified. Mini bid prices may never exceed backdrop "not to exceed" prices and subsequent mini-bid submittals must be offered at or higher than but not less than the applicable prevailing wages rates for the titles and regions bid. Integrated Pest Management - RFP Addendum #1 Page 4 • Section VII.2.1 TIME AND MATERIALS (page 39) Paragraph one is amended to read: The Contractor will provide the State a “time and materials” cost for any corrective measures not covered by the contract. Since this is a full service contract as specified herein, such corrective measures would be limited to vandalism, fire, Acts of God, negligence by the State, or other unusual circumstances or pests specifically excluded (See section I.4). The time and materials portion of the bid shall be computed as follows: 1) for the time charge, multiply the hourly rate for labor by the estimated number of hours that will be required. 2) for the materials charge, multiply the percent markup over the Contractors cost for parts and materials by the total dollar value of materials and parts that may be required. A copy of an invoice detailing the contractor's cost of materials may be required to be submitted with each invoice submitted under the Time and Materials Clause. • 6.0 METHOD OF AWARD (page 58) Paragraph one is amended to read: Award shall be made to the responsive, responsible vendor offering the lowest price or best value. Best value may include hours dedicated to the facility, monthly rate, etc. Selection may also include such issues as past performance. • 7.0 MINI-BIDS (page 58) Paragraph 7.1 is amended to read: 7.1 When submitting a mini-bid, the following items should be included: • Bid Proposal Form • Corporate Acknowledgement • Agency Certification • Site-visit Form • Insurance Certificate • Attachment No. 3 found on page 65 is changed as per the attached form. • APPENDICES (page 79) is amended to read: Note: The prevailing wage rate schedule for this project is extensive since it covers all counties Statewide. A review of the wage rates may be accomplished by contacting the Issuing Office listed on page 8. The Contractor is charged with having full knowledge and responsibility for the payment of applicable prevailing wages. Integrated Pest Management - RFP Addendum #1 Page 5 ! COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS The following comments address information discussed at the pre-bid conference. • The forms beginning on page 67 are available in original 11 x 14 size upon request from OGS. Attached are copies of the 8 x 10 forms with clearer headings. • Online Vendor Registration - If you have not already done so, please register your firm for the online vendor registration to receive electronic notification of bids and addenda as they become available. OGS is preparing to eliminate the paper format for bidder notification services. For further information and to register online, go to the OGS web site at www.ogs.state.ny.us and click "Contracts & Purchasing," click "Seller Information & Bidder Opportunities," click "Online Vendor Registration for Bidder Notification Service." • The bid pricing format has been changed from pricing based on 100,000 sq. ft. building to hourly rate. • Sales reports are very important and are required to be sent in semi-annually. • If sanitation or other problems exist that prohibit a contractor from implementing the IPM program, the problem should be referred to the agency by the contractor for corrective action and the contractor should clearly document the problems for the record. If further assistance is required, please contact the OGS Purchasing Officer. • Random inspections will be done at the agency levels to insure IPM procedures are being followed. • Contractor advertising is permitted provided prior written approval is received from OGS. (See Appendix B, paragraph 19.) • Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law Notification to the school community of potential pesticide applications is an additional component of IPM education. The Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law, Section 409-h of the Education Law, has formalized a notification process and provides specific direction on when and how notification must take place. The Neighbor Notification Law, effective July 1, 2001, applies to all public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools and details specific parties who must be notified, as well as the times and circumstances related to such notification. This requirement states that schools provide a written notice to all parents, guardians, and staff. It is the contractor's responsibility to advise schools of their intent to apply pesticides allowing for sufficient time for the schools to meet the requirements of the Education Law. The responsibility for notification rests at the school level in accordance with the law. Further information relative to the law may be found at the NYS Education Department's website at: www.emsc.nysed.gov/facplan/publicant/IPM/IPMNeighborNotificationDocument.htm Integrated Pest Management - RFP Addendum #1 Page 6 ! QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RECEIVED PRIOR TO PRE-BID CONFERENCE Q: If I disclose my customers, are they considered trade secrets therefore not FOILable? A: A vendor may designate information "confidential." If a FOIL request asks for a list of customers and it is designated confidential, the request would be forwarded to our legal department. Information will be kept confidential to the extent permitted under the New York State Public Officer's Law. Q: What is NY State Procurement Card referred to on page 47? A: The Procurement Card is the American Express Corporate Purchasing Card Work Group Card. It is a corporate credit card for an agency or an individual within an agency. (See excerpt from RFP below). IV.3 NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT CARD: See "Procurement Card" in Appendix B, OGS General Specifications. All bidders shall indicate whether or not they will accept the NYS Purchasing Card for orders up to $2,500 (see Questions at end of bid document). Vendors wishing to set up a corporate account with AMEX should call AMEX at 1-800-686-5493. Q: In last contract prices were all over the board. Are you looking for how much we pay our people or how much we charge per hour? A: The prices requested in the RFP are "not to exceed" charges per hour for your services that will carry you through potentially an eight year contract. (Five year contract with a three year mini-bid.) The prices requested are for the purpose of setting up a contract between NYS and the vendor community. The competitive portion of the contract exists in the mini-bid process. A vendor may never charge more than the "not to exceed" rate stated in the backdrop contract Q: I am not able to attend the pre-bid conference. Will I still receive a copy of the minutes. A: All questions and answers of a substantive nature will be given to all Prospective Bidders in the form of a formal addendum, which will be annexed to and become part of the RFP and ensuing contract. Integrated Pest Management - RFP Addendum #1 Page 7 Q: Should a company wish to add regions after the initial contract is awarded, what is the process for this? A: Continuous recruitment would allow additional regions to be offered by submitting the documentation required for the region to be considered. Q. I see no place in the current solicitation for the contractor to quote the 60 day fee and the monthly cost.(Except when a qualified company submits a bid for a mini-bid). Are those amounts not to be included in this initial RFP? A: The 60-day fee would only be in the mini-bid. The prices requested in the initial proposal are "not to exceed" hourly rates and percentage over cost. On page 59, during the competitive mini-bid process, the calculation arrived at for the initial fee is based on the competitive hourly rates for the titles specified multiplied by the estimated hours to complete the project. This allows for the flexibility in the mini-bids. Integrated Pest Management - RFP Addendum #1 Page 8 INTERATED PEST MANAGEMENT RFP ADDENDUM #1 Bidder's Signature Page __________________________________________________ (company name) ____________________________________________________ (signature) ___________________________________________________ (print name) ____________________________________________________ (title) ___________________________________________________ (date) Include two (2) original signature copies of this document, in your proposal package attached to the back of the Proposal pages. If submitting a bid, this addendum must be completed, signed and returned with your bid. The terms and conditions outlined in this addendum supersede the information contained in the original RFP and any previous addendums. All other terms and conditions remain the same. "OGS COMMITTED TO TOTAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION" State of New York Executive Department Office of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower - 38th Floor Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12242 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL IMPORTANT SEE “NOTICE TO BIDDERS” CLAUSE HEREIN BID OPENING TITLE: Group 71010 DATE: 8/16/01 Pest Management Through Integrated Pest Management (IPM) TIME: 11:00 AM INVITATION FOR BIDS NUMBER: SPECIFICATION REFERENCE : As specified herein 01510 CONTRACT PERIOD: 5 Years ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: Team 8 effective upon approval by the Office of the Barbara Dougall State Comptroller Telephone No. (518) 486-2519 [email protected] By signing you indicate your express authority to sign on behalf of yourself, your company, or other entity and full knowledge and acceptance of this INVITATION FOR BIDS, Appendix A (Standard Clauses For New York State Contracts), and Appendix B (OGS General Specifications). The bid must be fully and properly executed by an authorized person. Bidders are requested to retain Appendix A and Appendix B for future reference. Name of Company Bidding: Bidder's Federal Tax Identification No.: Street City State Zip County Cash Discounts will not be considered in determining low bid, but cash discounts of any size may be considered in awarding tie bids. __________________% Cash Discount for payment within 15 days of delivery and/or receipt of voucher __________________% Cash Discount for payment within 30 days of delivery and/or receipt of voucher If you are not bidding, place an “x” in the appropriate box and return this page only. ! WE ARE UNABLE TO BID AT THIS TIME BECAUSE___________________________________________________. ! WE REQUEST REMOVAL OF OUR NAME FROM THE MAILING LIST FOR THIS TITLE. Bidder’s Signature: Printed or Typed Name: Title: Date: Phone : ( ) - ext ( ) Toll Free Phone : ( ) - ext ( ) Fax : ( ) - ext ( ) Toll Free Fax : ( ) - ext ( ) E-mail Address: Company Web Site: FOR PROCUREMENT SERVICES GROUP USE ONLY P.R. # 01510 LIT ! MEMO ! MISSING PAGES BID # LET ! OTHER ! Group 71010 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES Page 2 IPM Procurement Services Group Date: 08/16/01 GENERAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: Receipt of these bid documents does not indicate that the Office of General Services' Procurement Services Group has pre-determined your company's qualifications to receive a contract award. Such determination will be made after the bid opening and will be based on our evaluation of your bid submission compared to the specific requirements and qualifications contained in these bid documents. NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Pursuant to the provisions of Article XI of the State Finance Law or the provisions of the State Printing and Public Documents Law, bids will be received by the Commissioner of General Services at the address shown on the front of this Invitation for Bids for furnishing the listed item(s). When submitting a bid, you must: 1. Prepare your bid in the manner and form instructed herein. 2. If your bid differs from the specifications, follow the instructions in Clause 14, Appendix B – “Extraneous Terms.” 3. Mail the bid promptly in order for it to be received before the time of the bid opening. Late bids may be rejected. It is important that you answer the Invitation for Bids. Failure to respond to three successive Invitation for Bids may result in your company being removed from the mailing list for this product group. 4. Record the required information on the envelope containing the sealed bid. Failure to complete all information on the bid envelope may necessitate the premature opening of the bid which may compromise its confidentiality. BIDDER'S PROTEST POLICY: It is the policy of the Office of General Services’ Procurement Services Group (PSG) to provide all vendors, prospective bidders, bidders, suppliers and contractors with an opportunity to resolve complaints or inquiries related to bid solicitations, contract awards, or other associated purchasing actions. PSG encourages vendors to seek resolution of complaints related to bid solicitations, contract awards or other associated purchasing actions through consultation with the program. All such complaints will be accorded impartial, non-discriminatory and timely consideration. Vendors may also file formal written protests. A copy of PSG’s Vendor Protest Policy and Procedures may be obtained by contacting the person shown on the front of this Invitation for Bids. APPENDIX A: Appendix A, Standard Clauses For New York State Contracts, dated November 2000, attached hereto, is hereby expressly made a part of this Bid Document as fully as if set forth at length herein. APPENDIX B: Appendix B, Office of General Services General Specifications (Commodities and Non- Technology Services), dated December 1999, attached hereto, is hereby expressly made a part of this Bid Document as fully as if set forth at length herein and shall govern any situations not covered by this Bid Document or Appendix A. CONFLICT OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Conflicts between documents shall be resolved in the following order of precedence: a. Appendix A b. This Invitation For Bids c. Appendix B d. Bidder’s Bid

Questions at end of bid document). • Online Vendor Registration knowledge of this contract and the detailed Integrated Pest Management Plan and
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