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Bibliotheca Sacra 162 (October-December 2005): 509-12 Annual Index ARTICLES Beck, John A., The Narrative-Geographical Shaping of 1 Samuel 7:5-13, 299-309 Block, Daniel I., Rediscovering the Gospel according to Moses 1. The Grace of Torah: The Mosaic Prescription for Life (Deut. 4:1-8; 6:20-25), 3-22 2. The Joy of Worship: The Mosaic Invitation to the Presence of God (Deut. 12:1-4), 131-49 3. The Burden of Leadership: The Mosaic Paradigm of Kingship (Deut. 17:14-20), 259-78 4. The Privilege of Calling: The Mosaic Paradigm for Missions (Deut. 26:16-19), 387-405 BOZUNG, Douglas C., An Evaluation of the Biosphere Model of Genesis 1, 406-23 Brown, A. Philip, II, Studies in the Book of Ezra 1. Chronological Anomalies in the Book of Ezra, 33-49 2. Nehemiah and Narrative Order in the Book of Ezra, 175-94 3. Point of View in the Book of Ezra, 310-30 4. The Problem of Mixed Marriages in Ezra 9-10, 437-58 Jones, Timothy Paul, The Necessity of Objective Assent in the Act of Chris¬ tian Faith, 150-57 KNUTESON, Roy E., Elijah’s Little-Known Letter in 2 Chronicles 21:12-15, 23-32 MacLeod, David J., Eternal Son, Davidic Son, Messianic Son: An Exposition of Romans 1:1-7,76-94 _, Christ, the Believer’s High Priest: An Exposition of Hebrews 7:26-28, 331-43 _, The Finality of Christ: An Exposition of Hebrews 1:1-4, 210-30 Porter, Virgil V., Jr., The Sermon on the Mount in the Book of James, Part 1,344-60 _, The Sermon on the Mount in the Book of James, Part 2,470-82 Powell, Charles E., The “Passivity” of Jesus in Mark 5:25-34, 66-75 Smillie, Gene R., Isaiah 42:1-4 in Its Rhetorical Context, 50-65 _, Jesus’ Response to the Question of His Authority in Matthew 21, 459-69 STEINMANN, Andrew E., Is the Antichrist in Daniel 11? 195- 209 Tanner, J. Paul, The New Covenant and Paul’s Quotations from Hosea in Romans 9:25-26, 95-110 Smith, Bryan, The Central Role of Judah in Genesis 37-50, 158-74 Smith, Michael J., The Failure of the Family in Judges, Part 1: Jephthah, 279-98 _, The Failure of the Family in Judges, Part 2: Samson, 424—36 510 Bibliotheca Sacra / October-December 2005 BOOK REVIEWS Alcom, Randy, Heaven (Larry J. Waters), 492-93 Allen, Leslie C., and Timothy S. Laniak, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Israel Loken), 498 Bailey, Richard A., and Gregory A. Willis, eds.. The Salvation of Souls: Nine Previ¬ ously Unpublished Sermons on the Call of Ministry and the Gospel by Jonathan Edwards (Glenn R. Kreider), 127-28 Banks, Robert, and Bernice M. Ledbetter, Reviewing Leadership (Kenneth O. Gan- gel), 252-53 Benware, Paul N., The Believer’s Payday: Why Standing before Christ Should Be Our Greatest Momejit-iharry J. Waters), 374-75 Berlin, Adele, Lamentations: A Commentary (Jake R. McCarty with Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 121-22 Boene, Lieven, Interrupting Tradition: An Essay on Christian Faith in a Postmod¬ ern Context (Glenn R. Kreider), 238-39 Botterweck, G. Johannes, Helmer Ringgren, and Heinz-Josef Fabry, eds.. Theologi¬ cal Dictionary of the Old Testament, vol. 12 (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 241—42 Brodie, Thomas L., Genesis as Dialogue: A Literary, Historical, and Theological Commentary (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 496 Brueggemann, Walter, An Introduction to the Old Testament (Eugene H. Merrill), 375-76 _, Reverberations of Faith: A Theological Handbook of Old Testament Themes (Eugene H. Merrill), 495-96 Cecil, Douglas M., The Seven Principles of an Evangelistic Life (J. Ronald Blue), 253-54 Clark, David K., To Know and Love God: Method for Theology (Glenn R. Kreider), 487-88 Collins, Raymond F., I & H Timothy and Titus: A Commentary (Larry J. Waters), 247-49 Custer, Stewart, From Patmos to Paradise: A Commentary on Revelation (Roy B. Zuck), 249 Davis, Ellen F., and Richard B. Hays, eds.. The Art of Reading Scripture (Terry Hebert with Glenn R. Kreider), 494-95 Dever, William G., Who Were the Israelites and Where Did They Come From? (Jake R. McCarty with Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 377-78 Dobbs-Allsopp, F. W., Lamentations (Brian Webster), 244 Donaldson, Amy M., and Timothy B. Sailors, eds.. New Testament Greek and Exege¬ sis: Essays in Honor of Gerald F. Hawthorne (Joseph D. Fantin), 123-27 Donfried, Karl Paul, Paul, Thessalonica, and Early Christianity (Joseph D. Fantin), 502-3 Erickson, Millard J., What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? The Current Controversy over Divine Foreknowledge (J. Scott Horrell), 118-19 Escobar, Samuel, The New Global Mission: The Gospel from Everywhere to Everyone (J. Ronald Blue), 254 Ferreiro, Alberto, ed.. The Twelve Prophets (Jake R. McCarty with Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 378-79 Fyall, Robert S., Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 498-99 Garrett, Duane, A Modern Grammar for Classical Hebrew (Brian Webster), 120-21 Gentry, Kenneth L., Jr., The Beast of Revelation (James M. Larsen with Glenn R. Annual Index 511 Kreider), 382-83 Godfrey, W. Robert, Reformation Sketches: Insights into Luther, Calvin, and the Confessions (Glenn R. Kreider), 383-84 Grudem, Wayne, Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth: An Analysis of More Than One Hundred Disputed Questions (Larry J. Waters), 491-92 Herrick, James A., The Making of the New Spirituality: The Eclipse of the Western Religious Tradition (Robert A. Pyne), 117-18 Hitchcock, Mark, What Jesus Says about Earth’s Final Days (Roy B. Zuck), 383 Horrell, David, An Introduction to the Study of Paul (Joseph D. Fantin), 246-47 House, H. Wayne, Charts on Open Theism and O-thodoxy (Roy B. Zuck), 238 Jenkins, Philip, The Next Christendom: The Coming Global Christianity (Alex Didea with J. Scott Horrell), 254-56 Kessinger, Tony, Come Out of Her, My People: The Encouragement and Exhortation of the Book of Revelation Chapters 1-3 (Roy B. Zuck), 249-50 Kitchen, Kenneth A., On the Reliability of the Old Testament (Eugene H. Merrill), 242-44 Koptak, Paul E., Proverbs (Roy B. Zuck), 500-501 La Due, William J., The Trinity Guide to the Trinity (J. Scott Horrell), 369-70 LaHaye, Tim, and Ed Hindson, eds.. The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy (Roy B. Zuck), 237 Lawson, Steven J., Job (Roy B. Zuck), 499-500 Logos Bible Software Series X: Scholar’s Library Silver Edition (Matthew Blackmon with W. Hall Harris III), 366-67 Lubenow, Marvin L., Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of Human Fos¬ sils (Roy B. Zuck), 488-89 Matera, Frank J., 2 Corinthians: A Commentary (Stanley D. Toussaint), 381-82 McCann, J. Clinton, Judges (Thomas L. Constable), 496-97 McMullen, Michael D., ed.. The Blessing of God: Previously Unpublished Sermons of Jonathan Edwards (Glenn R. Kreider), 504-5 Michael, Larry J., Spurgeon on Leadership: Key Insights for Christian Leaders from the Prince of Preachers (Andrew B. Seidel), 506-7 Morgan, Christopher W., and Robert A. Peterson, eds.. Hell under Fire (Roy B. Zuck), 493-94 Musk, Bill, The Unseen Face of Islam (Roy B. Zuck), 508 Nichols, Stephen J., An Absolute Sort of Certainty: The Holy Spirit and the Apologet¬ ics of Jonathan Edwards (Glenn R. Kreider), 251-52 Oakes, Peter, Rome in the Bible and the Early Church (Joseph D. Fantin), 379-81 Piper, John, The Passion of Jesus Christ (Roy B. Zuck), 381 Premnath, D. N., Eighth Century Prophets: A Social Commentary (Jake R. McCarty with Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 245 Provan, Iain, V. Philips Long, and Tremper Longman III, A Biblical History of Is¬ rael (Eugene H. Merrill), 376-77 Rydelnik, Michael, Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Roy B. Zuck), 384 Sandy, D. Brent, Plowshares and Pruninghooks: Rethinking the Language of Bibli¬ cal Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature (Elliott E. Johnson), 119-20 Sanneh, Lamin, Whose Religion Is Christianity? The Gospel beyond the West (Chris Bowen with J. Scott Horrell), 239-41 Schreiner, Thomas R., 1, 2 Peter, Jude (Roy B. Zuck), 503-4 Simpson, Michael L., Permission Evangelism: When to Talk, When to Walk (Ramesh P. Richard), 128 I 1 512 Bibliotheca Sacra / October-December 2005 Sire, James W., Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept (J. Scott Honell), llfr-17 _, The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog (J. Scott Horrell), 116-17 Strawbridge, Gregg, The Case for Covenantal Infant Baptism (Roy B. Zuck), 372-74 Surfield, Richard, and Renee Surfield, Raising Pure Kids in an Impure World (Roy B. Zuck), 507 Sweeney, Douglas A., Nathaniel Taylor, New Haven Theology, and the Legacy of Jonathan Edwards (Glenn R. Kreider), 250 Sweeney, Marvin A., and Ehud Ben-Zvi, eds.. The Changing Face of Form Criticism for the Twenty-first Century (Robert B. Chisholm Jr), 367-69 Travers, Michael E., Encountering God in the Psalms (Roy B. Zuck), 500 Williams, Michael D., This World Is Not My Home: The Origins and Development of Dispensationalism (Roy B. Zuck), 370-72 Winston, George, and Dora Winston, Recovering Biblical Ministry by Women: An Exegetical Response to Traditionalism and Feminism (Larry J. Waters), 505-6 Woodward, Thomas, Doubts about Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design (Robert A. Pyne), 370 Yong, Amos, Beyond the Impasse: Toward a Pneumatological Theology of Religions (Jay A. Womack with J. Scott Horrell), 489-91 Zaka, Anees, and Diane Coleman, The Truth about Islam: The Noble Qur’an’s Teaching in Light of the Holy Bible (Roy B. Zuck), 507-8 I ■i r 'I. I ■ • • r ■ I ' :■ . f

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