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Bibliotheca Sacra 158 (October-December 2001); 509-12 Annual Index ARTICLES BERGHUIS, Kent D., A Biblical Perspective on Fasting, 86-103 Bingham, D. Jeffrey, The Practice of Prayer in Early and Medieval Monas* ticism, 104-15 Brindle, Wayne A., Biblical Evidence for the Imminence of the Rapture, 138-51 Detwiler, David F., Church Music and Colossians 3:16,347-69 Galil, Gershon, The Message of the Book of Kings in Relation to Deuteron¬ omy and Jeremiah, 406-14 Gangel, Kenneth O., Marks of a Healthy Church, 467-77 Hays, J. Daniel, Applying the Old Testament Law Today, 21-35 HEISER, Michaels., Deuteronomy 32:8 and the Sons of God, 52-74 Hutchison, John C., Women, Gentiles, and the Messianic Mission in Mat¬ thew’s Genealogy, 152-64 iNGOLFSLAND, DENNIS, An Evaluation of Bart Ehrman’s “Historical Jesus,” 181-97 Johnston, Gordon H., The Rhetorical Use of Allusions in the Book of Na¬ hum 1. Nahum’s Rhetorical Allusions to the Neo-Assyrian Lion Motif, 287-307 2. Nahum’s Rhetorical Allusions to Neo-Assyrian Treaty Curses, 415-36 Laney, J. Carl, God’s Self-Revelation in Exodus 34:6-8,36-51 Lawson, Steven J., A Passionate Call for Expository Preaching 1. The Priority of Biblical Preaching: An Expository Study of Acts 2:42-47,198-217 2. The Power of Biblical Preaching: An Expository Study of Jonah 3:1-10, 331-46 3. The Pattern of Biblical Preaching: An Expository Study of Ezra 7:10 and Nehemiah 8:1-18, 451-66 MacLeod, David J., The Christological Hymn of Philippians 2:5-11 1. Imitating the Incarnation of Christ: An Exposition of Philippians 2:5-8, 308-30 2. The Exaltation of Christ: An Exposition of Philippians 2:9-11, 437-50 Montgomery, John Warwick, Luther and Canon Law, 218-31 Nakhro, Mazie, The Meaning of Worship according to the Book of Revela¬ tion, 75-85 _, The Manner of Worship according to the Book of Revelation, 165-80 Nebeker, Gary L., The Theme of Hope in Dispensationalism, 3-20 Pyne, Robert A., and Stephen R. Spencer, A Critique of Free-Will Theism, Part One, 259-86 _, A Critique of Free-Will Theism, Part Two, 387—405 WalVOORD, John F., Reflections on Dispensationalism, 131-37 510 Bibliotheca Sacra / October-December 2001 BOOK REVIEWS Alexander, Pat, and David Alexander, eds., Zondervan Handbook to the Bible (John A. Witmer), 489 Anderson, Leith, Leadership That Works (Kenneth O. Gangel), 507 Banks, Robert, Reenvisioning Theological Education: Exploring a Missional Alter¬ native to Current Models (Mark S. Young), 255 Bannister, Doug, The Word and Power Church (Kenneth O. Gangel), 251 Bateman, Herbert W., FV, Three Central Issues in Contemporary Dispensationalism: A Comparison of Traditional and Progressive Views (Kent D. Berghuis), 120 Berg, Jim, Changed into His Image: God’s Plan for Transforming Your Life (Roy B. Zuck), 486 Birch, Bruce C., Walter Brueggemann, Terence E. Fretheim, and David L. Petersen, A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament (Eugene H. Merrill), 494 Black, Jeremy, Andrew George, and Nicholas Postgate et al., A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian (Carl R. Anderson), 491 Block, Daniel I., Judges, Ruth ^Thomas L. Constable), 496 Boda, Mark J., Praying the Tradition: The Origin and Use of Tradition in Nehemiah 9 (Carl R. Anderson), 242 Byrskog, Samuel, Story as History—History as Story: The Gospel Tradition in the Context of Ancient Oral History (Darrell L. Bock), 245 Carson, D. A., The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God (J. Scott Horrell), 240 Carter, Charles E., The Emergence of Yehud in the Persian Period: A Social and Demographic Study (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 498 Chan, Simon, Spiritual Theology: A Systematic Study of the Christian Life (Timothy J. Ralston), 375 Collins, Owen, The Daily Book of Common Prayer: Readings and Prayers through the Year (Timothy J. Ralston), 506 Colyer, Elmer M., Evangelical Theology in Transition: Theologians in Dialogue with Donald Bloesch (Kent D. Berghuis), 237 Cook, Stephen L., and S. C. Winter, On the Way to Nineveh: Studies in Honor of George M. Landes (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 124 Couch, Mai, ed., A Biblical Theology of the Church (Roy B. Zuck), 375 Culver, Robert Duncan, The Earthly Reign of Our Lord with His People (Roy B. Zuck), 503 Dubay, Thomas, The Evidential Power of Beauty: Science and Theology Meet (Timo¬ thy J. Ralston), 238 Dunn, James D. G., The Christ and the Spirit (Robert A. Pyne), 123 Easley, Kendell H., Revelation (Roy B. Zuck), 247 Ekblad, Eugene Robert, Jr., Isaiah’s Servant Poems according to the Septuagint: An Exegetical and Theological Study (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 496 Erickson, Kathleen Powers, At Eternity’s Gate: The Spiritual Vision of Vincent van Gogh (Matthew S. DeMoss), 250 Erickson, Millard J., God the Father Almighty: A Contemporary Exploration of the Divine Attributes (Robert A. Pyne), 239 Freedman, David Noel, ed., Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (Matthew S. DeMoss), 378 Gibson, Scott M., Making a Difference in Preaching: Haddon Robinson on Biblical Preaching (Timothy S. Warren), 126 Gilmore, Alec, A Dictionary of the English Bible and Its Origins (Matthew S. DeMoss), 123 Glenny, W. Edward, and William H. Smallman, Missions in a New Millennium: Change and Challenges in World Missions (J. Ronald Blue), 508 Goldfajn, Tal, Word Order and Time in Biblical Hebrew Narrative (Robert B. Annual Index 511 Chisholm), 378 Grudem, Wayne, Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith (Robert A. Pyne), 241 Hanegraaff, Hank, The Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution (Roy B. Zuck), 377 Hodges, Zane, The Epistles of John: Walking in the Light of God’s Love (Roy B. Zuck), 501 Holloman, Henry, The Forgotten Blessing (John A. Witmer), 487 Hove, Richard W., Equality in Christ? Galatians 3:28 and the Gender Dispute (Har¬ old W. Hoehner), 246 Hurtado, Larry W., At the Origins of Christian Worship: The Context and Character of Earliest Christian Doctrine (Stuart Parsons with J. Scott Horrell), 505 Jeffers, James S., The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity (Darrell L. Bock), 125 Jones, Peter Rhea, Studying the Parables of Jesus (Stanley D. Toussaint), 500 Keel, Othmar, Goddesses and Trees, New Moon and Yahweh: Ancient Near Eastern Art and the Hebrew Bible (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 380 Keener, Craig S., A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (David K Lowery), 499 _, Revelation (David K. Lowery), 499 Kilner, John F., et al.. The Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexu¬ ality, Reproductive Technologies, and the Family (Robert A. Pyne), 376 Koessler, John, How to Preach a Sermon: An Electronic Guide from Formation to Delivery, Version 1.0, on Compact Disc (Keith Willhite), 252 Krapohl, Robert H., and Charles H. Lippy, The Evangelicals: A Historical, The¬ matic, and Biographical Guide (Kent D. Berghuis), 382 MacArthur, John, The MacArthur Topical Bible (Roy B. Zuck), 490 Marsh, Clive, and Gaye Ortiz, Explorations in Theology and Film: Movies and Meaning (Jeff Lawrence with Robert A. Pyne), 241 McGrath, Alister E., Christian Spirituality: An Introduction (Kent D. Berghuis), 374 McKim, Donald, Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters (John Brown with Jay E. Smith), 504 Moore, Charles E., ed.. Provocations: Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard (Kent D. Berghuis), 249 Morgan, Robert J., Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations, and Quotes (Roy B. Zuck), 253 Murphy, Roland E., and Elizabeth Huwiler, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Roy B. Zuck), 497 Parry, Ken, et al.. The Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity (J. Scott Hor¬ rell), 248 Penchansky, David, What Rough Beast? Images of God in the Hebrew Bible (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 492 Rainey, Dennis, Ministering to Twenty-first Century Families (Kenneth O. Gangel), 383 Reinhartz, Adele, “Why Ask My Name?” Anonymity and Identity in Biblical Narra¬ tive (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 379 Rofe, Alexander, Introduction to the Composition of the Pentateuch (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 495 Rose, Wolter, Zemah and Zerubbabel: Messianic Expectations in the Early Postexilic Period (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 498 Slater, Thomas B., Christ and Community: A Socio-Historical Study of the Christol- ogy of Revelation (Roy B. Zuck), 381 Soderlund, Sven K., and N. T. Wright, eds., Romans and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Gordon D. Fee on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (David K. Low¬ ery), 500 512 Bibliotheca Sacra / October-December 2001 Solomon, Robert, and Mark Murphy, V/hat Is Justice? Classic and Contemporary Readings (J. Lanier Bums), 485 Story, Dan, Engaging the Closed Minded (Douglas M. Cecil), 507 Streiker, Lowell D., Nelson’s Big Book of Laughter (Roy B. Zuck), 127 Strong, Douglas M., They Walked in the Spirit: Personal Faith and Social Action in America (Robert A. Pyne), 126 Van Voorst, Robert E., Building Your New Testament Vocabulary (Kyle Meeker with Jay E. Smith), 243 _, Jesus outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evi¬ dences (Darrell L. Bock), 381 Wallace, Ronald S., On the Interpretation and Use of the Bible: With Reflections on Experience (Glenn R. Kreider), 488 Williams, James B., From the Mind of God to the Mind of Man (Robert P. Lightner), 485 Wofford, Jerry C., Transforming Christian Leadership (Andy Seidel), 384 Yancey, Philip, Reaching for the Invisible God (J. Scott Horrell), 483 Yang, Fenggang, Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities (William Franklin with Timothy J. Ralston), 127 Yount, William R., Called to Teach (Linden D. McLaughlin), 254

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