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Bibliotheca Sacra 157 (October-December 2000): 509-12 Annual Index ARTICLES Arthurs, Jeffrey, and Andrew Gurevich, Theological and Rhetorical Per¬ spectives on Self-Disclosure in Preaching, 215-26 Beck, J. a.. Geography and the Narrative Shape of Numbers 13, 271-80 Chisholm, Robert B., Jr., “Drink Water from Your Own Cistern”: A Literary Study of Proverbs 5:15-23, 397-409 Cole, Sherwood O., Biology, Homosexuality, and the Biblical Doctrine of Sin, 348-61 Davis, Barry C., Is Psalm lio a Messianic Psalm? 160-73 Gleason, Randall C., The Old Testament Background of Rest in Hebrews 3:7-4:11, 281-303 _, “Letter” and “Spirit” in Luther’s Hermeneutics, 468-85 Hayes, Edward L., The Call to Ministry, 88-98 Hendricks, Howard G., On the Edge of Eternity—a Conversation about Ag¬ ing: 1. The Other Side of the Mountain, 3-14 2. Rethinking Retirement, 131—40 3. Me, Myself, and My Tomorrows, 259-70 4. Reaping Rewards of Senior Ministry, 387-96 Howe, Frederic R., Theological Themes in 1 and 2 Peter: 1. Christ, the Building Stone, in Peter’s Theology, 35—43 2. The Cross of Christ in Peter’s Theology, 190-99 3. The Christian Life in Peter’s Theology, 304-14 4. God’s Grace in Peter’s Theology, 432-38 MacLeod, David J., Expositional Studies of the Seven “Last Things” in the Book of Revelation: 5. The Fourth “Last Thing”: The Millennial Kingdom of Christ (Rev. 20:4-6), 44-67 6. The Fifth “Last Thing”: The Release of Satan and Man’s Final Rebel¬ lion (Rev. 20:7-10), 200-214 7. The Sixth “Last Thing”: The Last Judgment and the End of the World (Rev. 20:11-15), 315-30 8. The Seventh “Last Thing”: The New Heaven and the New Earth (Rev. 21:1-8), 439-51 Man, Ronald E., False and True Worship in Romans 1:18-25, 26-34 PETTEGREW, Larry D., The Rapture Debate at the Niagara Bible Conference, 331-47 Rhee, Victor (SUNG-YUL), Christology and the Concept of Faith in Hebrews 1:1-2:4,174-89 Santos, Narry F., Jesus’ Paradoxical Teaching in Mark 8:35; 9:35; and 10:43-44,15-25 Stevens, David E., Daniel 10 and the Notion of Territorial Spirits, 410-31 Tanner, J. Paul, Decoding the “Bible Code,” 141-59 Thomas, Robert L., The Doctrine of Imminence in Two Recent Eschatologi¬ cal Systems, 452-67 Woodcock, Eldon, The Filling of the Holy Spirit, 68-87 BOOK REVIEWS Abegg, Martin, Jr., Peter Flint, and Eugene Ulrich, The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible 510 Bibliotheca Sacra / October-December 2000 (Eugene H. Merrill), 503 Adamo, David Tuesday, Africa and Africans in the Old Testament (Eugene H. Merrill), 373 Anderson, Gerald H., ed.. Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions (Mark S. Young), 508 Arnold, Bill T., and Bryan E. Beyer, Encountering the Old Testament (Pam Betker), 498 Aune, David E., Revelation 17-22 (Roy B. Zuck), 249 Bauckham, Richard J., God Crucified: Monotheism and Christology in the New Tes¬ tament (J. Scott Horrell), 113 _, ed.. The Gospel for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences (Darrell L. Bock), 115 Blackburn, Simon, Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy (Kent D. Ber- ghuis), 369 Boa, Kenneth H., That I May Know God (William D. Lawrence), 252 Botterweck, G. Johannes, Helmer Ringgren, and Heinz-Josef Fabry, eds.. Theologi¬ cal Dictionary of the Old Testament, vol. 10 (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 499 Braaten, Carl E., and Robert W. Jenson, eds.. Union with Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther (Mason Beecroft with J. Scott Horrell), 250 Bray, Gerald, 1-2 Corinthians (Matthew S. DeMoss), 378 Brower, Kent, and Mark Elliott, eds.. Eschatology in Bible and Theology: Evangeli¬ cal Essays at the Dawn of a New Millennium (J. Lanier Burns), 371 Brown, Robert McAfee, Speaking of Christianity: Practical Compassion, Social Jus¬ tice, and Other Wonders (Robert A. Pyne), 109 Browning, Don S., et al.. From Culture Wars to Common Ground: Religion and the American Family Debate (Robert A. Pyne), 493 Brueggemann, Walter, Isaiah 1-39 (Eugene H. Merrill), 111 _, Isaiah 40-66 (Eugene H. Merrill), 111 _, Theology of the Old Testament (Eugene H. Merrill), 109 Clifford, Richard J., Proverbs: A Commentary (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 500 Clouser, Roy, Knowing with the Heart: Religious Experience and Belief in God (Kent D. Berghuis), 493 Cole-Turner, Ronald, ed.. Human Cloning: Religious Responses (Robert A. Pyne), 108 Corduan, Winfried, Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions (Joe Horn with J. Scott Horrell), 382 Couch, Mai, A Bible Handbook to the Acts of the Apostles (John A. Witmer), 246 Cutsinger, James S., ed.. Reclaiming the Great Tradition: Evangelicals, Catholics, and Orthodox in Dialogue (Robert A. Pyne), 238 Dawn, Marva J., A Royal “Waste” of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church for the World (Sandra Glahn with Timothy J. Ralston), 506 DePree, Max, Leading without Power (Kenneth 0. Gangel), 121 Eby, David L., Power Preaching for Church Growth (John D. Hannah), 119 Elwell, Walter A., and J. D. Weaver, eds., Bible Interpreters of the Twentieth Cen¬ tury (Roy B. Zuck), 379 Fahlbusch, Erwin, et al., eds.. The Encyclopedia of Christianity, vol. 1 (J. Scott Hor¬ rell) 104 Fields, Doug, Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry: Nine Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth (Jay L. Sedwick Jr.), 122 Gangel, Kenneth O., Ministering to Today’s Adults (Lin McLaughlin), 254 Geisler, Norman, Chosen but Free (Robert P. Lightner), 106 Grenz, Stanley J., The Moral Quest: Foundations of Christian Ethics (Robert A. Pyne), 242 Grenz, Stanley, David Guretzki, and Cherith Fee Nordling, Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms (J. Lanier Burns), 238 Gromacki, Robert, The Holy Spirit: Who He Is, What He Does (Glenn R. Kreider), 496 Grudem, Wayne, Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views (J. Lanier Burns), 490 Hall, Christopher A., Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers (Matthew S. Annual Index 511 DeMoss), 376 Hanson, K. C., and Douglas E. Oakman, Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflicts (David K. Lowery), 245 Hart, Larry D., Truth Aflame: A Balanced Theology for Evangelicals and Charis- matics (John A. Witmer), 108 Hendel, Ronald S., The Text of Genesis 1-11: Textual Studies and Critical Edition (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 375 Henderson, David W., Culture Shift: Communicating God’s Truth to Our Changing World (Timothy S. Warren), 118 House, Paul R., Old Testament Theology (Gordon H. Johnston), 367 Hunsberger, George R., Bearing the Witness of the Spirit: Leslie Newbigin’s Theology of Cultural Plurality (Mark S. Young), 123 Ice, Thomas, and Kenneth L. Gentry Jr., The Great Tribulation: Past or Future? (John A. Witmer), 116 Jeeves, Malcolm A., and R. J. Berry, Science, Life, and Christian Belief: A Survey of Contemporary Issues (Robert A. Pyne), 369 Kem, Philip H., Rhetoric and Galatians (Roy B. Zuck), 114 Kimnach, Wilson H., Kenneth P. Minkema, and Douglas A. Sweeney, eds.. The Sermons of Jonathon Edwards: A Reader (John D. Hannah), 117 Koehler, Ludwig, and Walter Baumgartner, The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 373 Kuhrt, Amelie, The Ancient Near East c. 3000-330 B.C. (Eugene H. Merrill), 502 Larson, Craig Brian, Pastoral Grit: The Strength to Stand and to Stay (Keith Will- hite), 380 Long, V. Philips, Israel’s Past in Present Research: Essays on Ancient Israelite Histo¬ riography (Eugene H. Merrill), 502 Lundgaard, Kris, The "Enemy” Within: Straight Talk about the Power and Defeat of Sin (John D. Hannah), 251 MacArthur, John, Jr., Revelation 1-11 (John A. Witmer), 248 Maxwell, John C., The Twenty-One Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Kenneth O. Gangel), 120 McDill, Wayne V., The Moment of Truth: A Guide to Effective Sermon Delivery (Timothy S. Warren), 253 McDowell, Josh, The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict (Roy B. Zuck), 242 McGrath, Alister, The Unknown God: Searching for Spiritual Fulfillment (J. Scott Horrell), 239 McKim, Donald K., Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms (Matthew S. DeMoss), 494 Merwe, Christo H. J. van der, Jackie A. Naude, and Jan H. Kroeze, A Biblical He¬ brew Reference Grammar (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 500 Millar, J. Gary, Now Choose Life: Theology and Ethics in Deuteronomy (Eugene H. Merrill), 243 Mueller, Walt, Understanding Today’s Youth Culture (Jay L. Sedwick Jr.), 507 Murphy, Roland B., Proverbs (Roy B. Zuck), 244 Nash, Ronald H., Life’s Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy (Kent D. Berghuis), 107 Olford, Stephen F., with David L. Olford, Anointed Expository Preaching (John W. Reed), 118 Parker, Simon B., Stories in Scripture and Inscriptions: Comparative Studies on Narratives in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 374 Quinn, Philip L., and Kevin Meeker, eds.. The Philosophical Challenge of Religious Diversity (Robert A. Pyne), 491 Rhodes, Stephen A., Where Nations Meet: The Church in a Multicultural World (Michael Pocock), 383 Roberts, Randall, ed.. Lessons in Leadership (Kenneth O. Gangel), 253 Ryrie, Charles C., Nailing Down a Board: Serving Effectively on the Not-for-Profit Board (John W. Reed), 506 Schreiner, Thomas R., Romans (David K. Lowery), 247 512 Biblioi HECA Sacra / October-December 2000 Scott, Brad, Streams of Confusion: Thirteen Great Ideas That Are Contaminating Our Thought and Culture (J. Lanier Burns), 492 Sheldrake, Philip, Spirituality and Theology: Christian Living and the Doctrine of God (Joe Horn with J. Scott Horrell), 370 Simon, Uriel, Jonah (Robert B. Chisholm Jr.), 244 Smith, Bailey E., Real Evangelism (Douglas M. Cecil), 505 Strobel, Lee, The Case for Christ (Matthew S. DeMoss), 241 Susek, Ron, Firestorm: Preventing and Overcoming Church Conflicts (John W. Reed), 382 Swindoll, Charles R., The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart and 1,501 Other Stories (John W. Reed), 252 Thiemann, Ronald F., and William C. Placher, eds.. Why Are We Here? Everyday Questions and the Christian Life (Robert A. Pyne) 106 Thomas, Robert L., and F. David Farnell, eds.. The Jesus Crisis: The Inroads of Historical Criticism into Evangelical Scholarship (Darrell L. Bock), 232 Twelftree, Graham H., Jesus the Miracle Worker: A Historical and Theological Study (Darrell L. Bock), 503 Volf, Miroslav, After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity (Roy Yabuki with J. Scott Horrell), 236 Wainwright, Geoffrey, For Our Salvation: Two Approaches to the Work of Christ (Glenn R. Kreider), 495 Watson, Francis, Text and Truth: Redefining Biblical Theology (Eugene H. Merrill), 497 Watson, J. R., The English Hymn: A Critical and Historical Study (Timothy J. Ral¬ ston), 119 Weaver, Walter P., The Historical Jesus in the Twentieth Century: 1900-1950 (Darrell L. Bock), 115 Webber, Robert, Planning Blended Worship: The Creative Mixture of Old and New (Timothy J. Ralston), 381 Wiersbe, Warren W., The Dynamics of Preaching (Timothy S. Warren), 380 Wilkin, Robert N., Confident in Christ (John A. Witmer), 240

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