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Bibliotheca Sacra 1995: Vol 152 Index PDF

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Preview Bibliotheca Sacra 1995: Vol 152 Index

Bibliotheca sacra 152 (October-December 1995): 508-12 Annual Index ARTICLES Barker, David G., “The Lord Watches over You”: A Pilgrimage Reading of Psalm 121,163-81 CHISHOLM, ROBERT B., jR., Does God “Change His Mind”? 387-99 Decker, Rodney J., The Church’s Relationship to the New Covenant: L Part 1,290-305 2. Part 2,431-56 DEMY, Timothy j., and Thomas D. ice. The Rapture and an Early Medieval Citation, 306-17 DETWILER, David F., Paul’s Approach to the Great Commission in Acts 14:21- 23,233-41 Erickson, Millard j.. The Destiny of the Unevangelized: L The Fate of Those Who Never Hear, 3-15 2. Is There Opportunity for Salvation after Death? 131-44 3. Is Hell Forever? 259-72 ESTES, DANIEL J., The Hermeneutics of Biblical Lyric Poetry, 413-31 GLENNY, W. Edward, The “People of God” in Romans 9:25-26, 42-59 HOLMYARD, HAROLD R., Ill, Does Isaiah 33:23 Address Israel or Israel’s En¬ emy? 273-78 HULLINGER, JERRY M., The Problem of Animal Sacriflces in Ezekiel 40-48, 279-89 Hutchison, John C., Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory and 19th-Century Natu¬ ral Theology, 334-54 Johnson, John E., The Old Testament Offices as Paradigm for Pastoral Identity, 182-200 King, Greg a. The Day of the Lord in Zephaniah, 16-32 LANCASTER, JERRY R., and R. LARRY OVERSTREET, Jesus’ Celebration of Hanukkah in John 10,318-33 MacLeod, David j.. The Cleansing of the True Tabernacle, 60-71 Merrill, EUGENE H., The Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition and the Emergence of Israel, 145-62 PENNER, James a.. Revelation and Discipleship in Matthew’s Transflguration Account, 201-10 PYNE, ROBERT A, The “Seed,” the Spirit, and the Blessing of Abraham, 211-22 README, JOHN D., Another Look at 1 Corinthians 15:29, “Baptized for the Dead,” 457-75 Slaughter, James R., The importance of Literary Argument for Under¬ standing 1 Peter, 72-91 BOOK REVIEWS Adam, Adolf, Foundations of Liturgy: An Introduction to Its History and Practice (T. J. Ralston), 379 Albertz, Rainer, A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period. Vol. 1: From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy (E. H. Merrill), 494 Bibliotheca sacra 152 (October-December 1995): 508-12 Annual Index ARTICLES Barker, David G., “The Lord Watches over You”: A Pilgrimage Reading of Psalm 121,163-81 CHISHOLM, ROBERT B., jR., Does God “Change His Mind”? 387-99 Decker, Rodney J., The Church’s Relationship to the New Covenant: L Part 1,290-305 2. Part 2,431-56 DEMY, Timothy j., and Thomas D. ice. The Rapture and an Early Medieval Citation, 306-17 DETWILER, David F., Paul’s Approach to the Great Commission in Acts 14:21- 23,233-41 Erickson, Millard j.. The Destiny of the Unevangelized: L The Fate of Those Who Never Hear, 3-15 2. Is There Opportunity for Salvation after Death? 131-44 3. Is Hell Forever? 259-72 ESTES, DANIEL J., The Hermeneutics of Biblical Lyric Poetry, 413-31 GLENNY, W. Edward, The “People of God” in Romans 9:25-26, 42-59 HOLMYARD, HAROLD R., Ill, Does Isaiah 33:23 Address Israel or Israel’s En¬ emy? 273-78 HULLINGER, JERRY M., The Problem of Animal Sacriflces in Ezekiel 40-48, 279-89 Hutchison, John C., Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory and 19th-Century Natu¬ ral Theology, 334-54 Johnson, John E., The Old Testament Offices as Paradigm for Pastoral Identity, 182-200 King, Greg a. The Day of the Lord in Zephaniah, 16-32 LANCASTER, JERRY R., and R. LARRY OVERSTREET, Jesus’ Celebration of Hanukkah in John 10,318-33 MacLeod, David j.. The Cleansing of the True Tabernacle, 60-71 Merrill, EUGENE H., The Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition and the Emergence of Israel, 145-62 PENNER, James a.. Revelation and Discipleship in Matthew’s Transflguration Account, 201-10 PYNE, ROBERT A, The “Seed,” the Spirit, and the Blessing of Abraham, 211-22 README, JOHN D., Another Look at 1 Corinthians 15:29, “Baptized for the Dead,” 457-75 Slaughter, James R., The importance of Literary Argument for Under¬ standing 1 Peter, 72-91 BOOK REVIEWS Adam, Adolf, Foundations of Liturgy: An Introduction to Its History and Practice (T. J. Ralston), 379 Albertz, Rainer, A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period. Vol. 1: From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy (E. H. Merrill), 494 Annual Index 509 Bagchi, David V. N., Luther’s Earliest Opponents: Catholic Controversialists 1518-1525 (S. R. Spencer), 120 Balz, Horst, and Gerhard Schneider, eds., Exegetical Dictionary of the New Tes¬ tament, vol. 3 (D. L. Bock), 116 Bama, George, Today’s Pastors (S. L. Canine), 122 Beckwith, Francis J., Politically Correct Death: Answering Arguments for Abor¬ tion Rights (R. A. Pyne), 367 Benedict, Daniel E., and Craig Kennet Miller, Contemporary Worship for the 21st Century: Worship or Evangelism? (T. R. Ralston), 502 Bennett, Arthur, ed.. The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions (J. D. Hannah), 121 Berkley, James D., Word and Worship (T. J. Ralston), 125 Berry, Donald K., The Psalms and Their Readers: Interpretive Strategies for Psalm 18 (R. B. Chisholm Jr.), 496 Betz, Otto, and Rainer Riesner, Jesus, Qumran, and the Vatican: Clarifications (D. L. Bock), 499 Bierling, Neal, Giving Goliath His Due: New Archaeological Light on the Philistines (R. A. Taylor), 111 Blaising, Craig A., and Darrell L. Bock, Progressive Dispen^ationalism: An Up-to- date Handbook of Contemporary Dispensational Theology (J. L. Bums), 101 Breneman, Mervin, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (T. L. Constable), 113 Brichto, Herbert Chanan, Toward a Grammar of Biblical Poetics: Tales of the Prophets (R. B. Chisholm Jr.), 241 Bridwell, Debra, The Ache for a Child (R. J. Choun Jr.), 256 Brodie, Thomas L., The Quest for the Origin of John’s Gospel: A Source-Oriented Approach (W. H. Harris III), 375 Brotzman, Ellis R., Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction (E. H. Merrill), 111 Brueggemann, Walter, Old Testament Theology: Essays on Structure, Theme, and Text (E. H. Merrill), 238 Burge, Gary M., Interpreting the Gospel of John (W. H. Harris III), 244 Bush, L. Russ, A Handbook for Christian Philosophy (S. R. Spencer), 104 Carson, D. A., and John D. Woodbridge, eds., God and Culture: Essays in Honor of Carl F. H. Henry (T. D. Gault with R. A. Pyne), 365 Carson, D. A., ed.. Worship: Adoration and Action (T. J. Ralston), 250 Chandler, Russell, Racing toward 2001 (K. O. Gangel), 249 Chapell, Bryan, Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon (T. S. Warren), 252 Clark, Kenneth E., and Miriam B. Clark, Choosing to Lead (K. O. Gangel), 123 Comfort, Philip Wesley, The Quest for the Original Text of the New Testament (D. L. Bock), 374 Coogan, Michael D., J. Cheryl Exum, and Lawrence E. Stager, eds.. Scripture and Other Artifacts: Essays on the Bible and Archaeology in Honor of Philip J. King (R. D. Ibach), 365 Corduan, Winfried, Mysticism: An Evangelical Option? (S. R. Spencer), 491 Costen, Melva Wilson, African American Christian Worship (T. J. Ralston), 127 Crabb, Larry, Jr., Finding God (J. L. Bums), 105 Curran, Neil, Biblical Christianity for Catholics (J. A. Witmer), 105 Darr, John A., On Character Building: The Reader and the Rhetoric of Character¬ ization in Luke-Acts (D. L. Bock), 375 Davies, Horton, Bread of Life and Cup of Joy: Newer Ecumenical Perspectives on the Eucharist (T. J. Ralston), 500 Davis, Dale Ralph, Looking on the Heart: Expositions of the Book of 1 Samuel, 2 vols. (R. B. Zuck), 112 Duduit, Michael, ed.. Handbook of Contemporary Preaching (T. S. Warren), 123 Dyer, Charles H., and Roy B. Zuck, eds.. Integrity of Heart, Skillfulness of Hands: Biblical and Leadership Studies in Honor of Donald K. Campbell (J. A. Wit¬ mer), 96 Erickson, Millard J., Where Is Theology Going? (R. P. Lightner), 482 Fagerberg, David W., What Is Liturgical Theology? A Study in Methodology (T. J. Ralston), 378 510 Bibliotheca sacra / October-December 1995 Feinberg, John S., The Many Faces of Evil: Theological Systems and the Problem of Evil (R. A. Pyne). 486 Finzel, Hans, The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make (R. J. Choun Jr.), 507 Fournier, Keith A., with William D. Watkins, A House United? Evangelicals and Catholics Together: A Winning Alliance for the 21st Century (J. R. Blue), 228 Fuller, Cheri, How to Grow a Young Music Lover (R. J. Choun Jr.), 256 Gaede, S. D., When Tolerance Is No Virtue: Political Correctness, Multicultural- ism, and the Future of Truth and Justice (R. A. Pyne), 235 Geivett, R. Douglas, and Brendon Sweetman, eds.. Contemporary Perspectives on Religious Epistemology (S. R. Spencer), 103 George, Timothy, Galatians (T. L. Constable), 244 Gerrish, B. A., Grace and Gratitude: The Eucharistic Theology of John Calvin (S. R. Spencer), 231 Grenz, Stanley J., Revisioning Evangelical Theology: A Fresh Agenda for the 21st Century (R. A. Pyne), 361 _, Theology for the Community of God (R. P. Lightner), 232 Gow, Murray D., The Book of Ruth: Its Structure, Theme and Purpose (M. Bias with E. H. Merrill), 372 Guinness, Os, The American Hour (K. O. Gangel), 248 Haak, Robert D., Habakkuk (R. B. Chisholm Jr.), 115 Hendricks, Howard G., and William D. Hendricks, Living by the Book (M. L. Bai¬ ley), 97 Henry, Carl F. H., Gods of This Age or God of the Ages? (R. A. Pyne), 485 Hess, Richard S., and David Toshio Tsumura, eds., “I Studied Inscriptions from be¬ fore the Flood": Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11 (E. H. Merrill), 495 Hodges, Zane C., The Epistle of James: Proven Character through Testing (T. L. Constable), 245 Horton, Michael S., Beyond Culture Wars: Is America a Mission Field or a Battle¬ field? (J. D. Hannah), 492 House, Paul R., Beyond Form Criticism: Essays in Old Testament Literary Criti¬ cism (R. B. Chisholm Jr.), 237 Hughes, R. Kent, Hebrews: An Anchor for the Soul, 2 vols. (T. L. Constable), 377 Icenogle, Gareth Weldon, Biblical Foundations for Small Group Ministry: An In- tegrational Approach (M. C. Sullivan), 126 Jacobs, Philip Walker, A Guide to the Study of Greco-Roman and Jewish and Christian History and Literature (H. W. Bateman IV), 242 Japhet, Sara, I and H Chronicles (E. H. Merrill), 112 Jewett, Robert, Paul the Apostle to America: Cultural Trends and Pauline Schol¬ arship (R. A. Pyne), 499 Johnson, William Stacy, and John H. Leith, eds.. Reformed Reader: A Sourcebook in Christian Theology. Vol. 1; Classical Beginnings 1517-1799 (S. R. Spencer), 364 Juengst, Sara Covin, Sharing Faith with Children: Rethinking the Children’s Sermon (R. J. Chmm Jr.), 128 Kaiser, Walter C., Jr., and Moises Silva, An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning (J. B. Spikes with R. B. Zuck), 367 Klein, George L., ed.. Reclaiming the Prophetic Mantle: Preaching the Old Testa¬ ment Faithfully (T. S. Warren), 253 Koehler, Ludwig, and Walter Baumgartner, The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Vol. 1: K-n (R. B. Chisholm Jr.), 370 Koivisto, Rex A., One Lord, One Faith: A Theology for Cross-Denominational Re¬ newal (G. L. Nebeker with R. A. Pyne), 362 Kouzes, James M., and Barry Z. Posner, Credibility (K. O. Gangel), 250 Kyle, Richard, The Religious Fringe: A History of Alternative Religions in Amer¬ ica (R. A. iS^ie), 489 LaHaye, Tim, No Fear of the Storm (J. A. Witmer), 229 Lalonde, Peter, and Paul Lalonde, Racing toward the Mark of the Beast (J. F. Walvoord), 247 Lawrence, William D., with Jack A. Turpin, Beyond the Bottom Line: Where Faith and Business Meet (S. B. Hopkins with S. L. Canine), 247 Annual Index 511 MacArthur, John, Jr., Colossians and Philemon (D. L. Bock), 119 Malphurs, Aubrey M., Vision America: A Strategy for Reaching a Nation (T. S. Warren), 254 Marsden, George, The Soul of the American University: From Protestant Estab¬ lishment to Established Nonbeliefs (S. R. Spencer), 489 Martin, Jobe, The Evolution of a Creationist (F. R. Howe), 366 Martinez, F. Garcia, A. Hilhorst, and C. J. Labuschagne, eds.. The Scriptures and the Scrolls: Studies in Honour of A. S. van der Woude on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (R. A. Taylor), 239 Mason, Mike, The Gospel according to Job (R. B. Zuck), 374 Matheny, Janies F., and Maijorie B. Matheny, Collision Course: The Ram and the Goat of Daniel 8 (J. A. Witmer), 498 McCartney, Dan, and Charles Clayton, Let the Reader Understand: A Guide to In¬ terpreting and Applying the Bible (D. J. Boyne with R. B. Zuck), 369 McDill, Wayne, The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching (T. S. Warren), 381 Michaels, J. Ramsey, Interpreting the Book of Revelation (H. W. Hoehner), 120 Moloney, Francis J., Belief in the Word: Reading John 1-4 (W. H. Harris III), 117 Moreland, J. P., ed.. The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelli¬ gent Designer (R. A. Pyne), 233 Morris, Leon, Expository Reflections on the Letter to the Ephesians (T. L. Consta¬ ble), 245 Mouw, Richard, and Sander GrifTioen, Pluralism and Horizons: An Essay in Pub¬ lic Philosophy (S. R. Spencer), 483 Nash, Ronald H., Is Jesus the Only Savior? (R. A. Pyne), 107 Noll, Mark A., The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (J. D. Hannah), 234 O’Leary, Stephen D., Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric (J. F. Walvoord), 500 Osborne, Grant R., The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (K. D. Berghuis with R. B. Zuck), 236 Parker, T. H. L., Calvin’s Preaching (S. R. Spencer), 380 Parsons, Mikael, and Richard Pervo, Rethinking the Unity of Luke and Acts (D. L. Bock), 116 Pazmino, Robert W., Principles and Practices of Christian Education (K. O. Gan- gel), 506 Perdue, Leo G., Bernard Brandon Scott, and William Johnston Wiseman, eds.. In Search of Wisdom: Essays in Memory of John G. Gammie (R. B. Zuck), 373 Perdue, Leo G., and W. Clark Gilpin, eds., The Voice from the Whirlwind: Inter¬ preting the Book of Job (R. B. Zuck), 114 Peterson, David, Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship (T. J. Ralston), 252 Phillips, John, Exploring Proverbs. Vol. 1: Proverbs 1:1-19:5 (R. B. Zuck), 497 Pinnock, Clark H., A Wideness in God’s Mercy: The Finality of Jesus Christ in a World of Religions (R. Richard), 108 _et al.. The Openness of God (G. R. Kreider), 487 Polcyn, Richard, and Verlyn D. Verbrugge, eds., Zondervan NIV Bible Commen¬ tary, 2 vols. (J. A. Witmer), 492 Ramsey, Paul, Basic Christian Ethics (J. L. Bums), 487 Richard, Ramesh P., The Population of Heaven (R. A. Pyne), 107 Roehlkepartain, Eugene C., The Teaching Church (K. O. Gangel), 384 Ryrie, Charles C., Dispensationalism (R. B. Zuck), 481 Schuller, David S., Rethinking Christian Education: Explorations in Theory and Practice (M. S. Lawson), 504 Segovia, Fernando F., The Farewell of the Word: The Johannine Call to Abide (W. H. Harris III), 117 Selman, Martin J., 1 Chronicles: An Introduction and Commentary (E. H. Merrill), 372 _, 2 Chronicles: A Commentary (E. H. Merrill), 372 Senn, Frank C., The Witness of the Worshiping Community: Liturgy and the Prac¬ tice of Evangelism (T. R. Ralston), 501 Shanks, Hershel, William G. Dever, Baruch Halpera, and P. Kyle McCarter Jr., The Rise of Ancient Israel (E. H. Merrill), 240 512 Bibliotheca Sacra / October-Oecember 1995 Shaw, Mark, Doing Theology with Hack and Jim: Parables for Understanding Doc¬ trine (R. A. Pyne), 236 Sjogren, Steve, Conspiracy of Kindness (A. M. Malphurs), 383 Smith, D. Moody, John among the Gospels: The Relationship in Twentieth Century Research (W. H. Harris III), 243 Smith, David L., With Willful Intent (R. P. Lightner), 485 Stegner, Werner, Introduction to New Testament Exegesis (D. L. Bock), 243 Stein, Robert H., Playing by the Rules: A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible (R. B. Zuck), 493 Stott, John R. W., The Contemporary Christian: Applying God’s Word to Today’s World (K. O. Gangel), 102 Stroup, George, ed.. Reformed Reader: A Sourcebook in Christian Theology. Vol. 2: Contemporary Trajectories 1799-Present (S. R. Spencer), 364 Talbert, Charles H., Reading John: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles (W. H. Harris III), 376 Terry, John Mark, Evangelism: A Concise History (D. M. Cecil), 383 Turretin, Francis, Institutes ofElenctic Theology. Vol. 1: First through Tenth Top¬ ics (S. R. Spencer), 363 Van Rheenen, Gailyn, Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts (M. Pocock), 127 Wall, Robert W., Colossians and Philemon (H. W. Bateman IV), 118 Wells, David F., No Place for Truth, or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theol¬ ogy? (R. A. Pyne), 360 Westphal, Merold, Suspicion and Faith: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism (S. R. Spencer), 230 Whipple, Gary T., Beyond the Rapture! (J. F. Walvoord), 110 Wiersbe, Warren W., Be Available (R. B. Zuck), 241 Willis, Wesley R., and John R. Master, eds.. Issues in Dispensationalism (D. L. Bock), 98 Winter, Bruce W., and Andrew D. Clarke, eds.. The Book of Acts in Its First Cen¬ tury Setting. Vol. 1: The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting (T. L. Con¬ stable), 377 Witherington, Ben, Jesus, Paul and the End of the World (D. L. Bock), 375 Wright, Timothy, A Community of Joy: How to Create Contemporary Worship (T. J. Ralston), 504 Zeller, George W., and Renald E. Showers, The Eternal Sonship of Christ (R. P. Lightner), 106 Zuck, Roy B., ed.. Reflecting with Solomon: Selected Studies on the Book of Eccle¬ siastes (E. H. Merrill), 498 Zvi, Ehud Ben, Maxine Hancock, and Richard Reinert, Readings in Biblical He¬ brew: An Intermediate Textbook (R. B. Chisholm Jr.), 494 N ■ I . \

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