Ana Virgínia Pinheiro / Prefaciadora / Professora da UNIRIO
Trata-se de uma das obras inaugurais neste âmbito que poderá se transformar em literatura de referência para profissionais da Ciência da Informação, no sentido de contribuir com a construção de uma epistemologia antirracista. Portanto, parabenizo fortemente esta iniciativa. Estou segura de que os que chegaram até aqui, nesta leitura – bibliotecários ou não – muito se beneficiaram com estes escritos que nos ajudam a enveredar no atendimento ao que é preconizado pela Lei nº 10.639/03 e no que nos recomenda bell hooks, quando nos incentiva a “Erguer a voz”.
Joselina da Silva / Posfaciadora / Professora da UFRRJ
To preface a book like “Black Librarians: Research and Experiences in the Application of Law 10.639/2003 in Librarian Training and Libraries”, considering its contribution and qualities, it was necessary to enter into the dialogue established between authors and authors and listen, wanting to talk, about the said and the unsaid on every page. The text boils down the understanding that one has about words and expressions such as Africanities, black consciousness, decolonization, anti-racist education, intersectionality, invisibility, black women, multiculturalism, quilombola, ethnic-racial relations, under the context of the necessary dissemination of history and African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous cultures, through the school, the library and the librarian, in light of the racism practiced in Brazil.
Ana Virgínia Pinheiro / Prefacer / Professor at UNIRIO
It is one of the inaugural works in this area that could become reference literature for Information Science professionals, in the sense of contributing to the construction of an anti-racist epistemology.
Therefore, I strongly congratulate this initiative. I am sure that those who have come this far, in this reading – librarians or not – have benefited a lot from these writings that help us to pursue what is recommended by Law No. 10.639/03 and what bell hooks recommends to us when encourages “Raise our voice”.
Joselina da Silva / Postfaciator / Professor at UFRRJ