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DOCUMENT RESUME SP 009 035 ED 103 428 Clift, J. C.; Malley, J. I. AUTHOR Bibliography of Microteaching with Selected TITLE Annotations. Oct 74 PUB DATE 45p.; Compiled by the University Teaching and NOTE Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington HC-$1.95 PLUS POSTAGE MF-$0.76 EDRS PRICE Abstracts; Bibliographies; Literature Reviews; DESCRIPTORS *Microteaching; Preservice Education; Teaching Methods ABSTRACT This bibliography is part of a larger study on the the cost effectiveness of microteaching, which was conducted by from Higher Educational Research Unit of Monash University on a grant Development in the Australian Advisory Committee for Research and and Unvin (1973) Education. The bibliography supplements the McAleese et. al. bibliography and the list of references contained in Turney This document (1973) "Microteaching Research, Theory and Practice." sections contain 467 is divided into four sections. The first three reviews, and general unannotated entries and include bibliographies, for 86 documents. references. The last section contains annotations Entries are listed alphabetically by author. (PB) f1 AVAILABLE BEST COPY N-1 cD SCOPE OF INTEREST NOTICE w The ERIC Facility has assigned this docurriOnt for processing to% In our judgement, this document also of Interest to the clearing- haunts noted to the right. Index. ing should reflect their special points of view. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MI CROTEACH I NG WITH SELECTED ANNOTATIONS U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO J.-. CLIFT DuCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN J.I. MALLEY AT1NG IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATEb DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY October 1974 (interim edition 1971) the part of a project investigating This bibliography was prepared as The project was microteaching technique. cost effectiveness of the supported in part by a grant from the conducted at Monash University and The and Development in Education. Australian Committee for Research Teaching and completed by the University final compilation has been Zealand. University of Wellington, New Research Centre, Victoria m,rilhbr Lind ISBN, Netionci Library of ISSN 0 909931 06 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE PREFACE with Microteaching which provides a scaled down, non threat teaching situation the stage of feedback for teachers to practice elements of a teaching task, is at The concept of technique. development 'where it can no longer be considered a nov although it is only since paelotachihg originated from Stanford University in 1963, The has taken place. 1969 that tree significant body of research on microteaching which have arrived on number of research studies and higher degree dissertations 1969 are in stark contrast to the rather amorehorous journal the description of what constituted microteaching, in the pre 1969 era. appropriate time, The availability of these research writings occurs at ar microteaching in Australia, Turney et al (1973), slect: a recent survey on the use of used on a relatively exten- indicates that even though microteaching techniques are ristitutions generally teacher training sive scale, implementation programs within It paid to theory and research evidence. are adopted with scant attention being together the titles contained within is hoped that this bibliography, by bringing situation. the following pages, will help remedy this effectiveness of This bibliography is part of a larger study on the cost Unit of Monash microteaching, 'which was conducted by the Higher Educational Research Committee for Research and University on a grant from the Australian Advisory Development in Education. compilation had been carried out An interim bibliography for which the initial Teis published in 1971. by Mrs. Vivian Nash of the Monash University Library was search conducted by the bibliography was then added to by an extensive literature The final compilation was Unit. research staff of the Higher Educational Research victoria University of carried out by the University Teaching and Research Centre at number of annotations The updated and revised edition also contains a Wellington. provided the entry in the of the more important entries, where an annotation is bibliographical list is marked with an aeterisk (*). (1973) bibliography and This bibliography supplements the McAleese and Unwin Research, (1973) Microteaching the list of references contained in Turney et al Theory and Practice. prefixed by the letters LID When an entry is followed by a six figure number available in microfilm. this refers to the E.R.I.c. document number J,c. CLIFT J.I. MALLEY BIBLIOGRAPHY MICROTEACHING CONTENTS page 1 - 7 entries 1 BIBLIOGRAPHIES A. page 8 - 16 entries 1 REVIEWS 8. 1 - 24 page entries 17 - 467 GENERAL REFERENCES C. page 25 - 41 1 - 86 entries ANNOTATIONS D. AVAILABLE BEST C011 tTIAJOGRAPHIL,4 I' :::vm ;1 (1969). V1DEPAT1ON OANADIA 1. ttawa, ED 03r. 480. W hol 1.. of JM. N...e.to4 (1972) PI- k." ED 036 466. Ldution, University of Massaehusette, U.S.A. Soviet an annotated bibliography. Simulation: HOGAN, A.J. (196H) 32. 242-244. n, A bibliography of zicroteaching. and UNW1N, O. (1T11) W. R. 4. Ti:ch).o7.%):), 10, 1, 40-544 Microteaching and the technical Comps. (1969). and tARAL, D.P. M,AN1GHT, a bibliography of research and development. ',oachinq: skills, of :,!.?/,;(14. Stanford University, U.S.A. Stanford University, 1963-69. . ED June. t: ,10 021. Centre for b!bli.jra.,k on mi:r-rote- SHORE, B.M lea n (1072). McGill Luart111-0 and Di-veloprni.snt. Sources in simulation and academic gaming: (1969). TAN.3EY, r.o, and UNWiN, D. 7. ,7!-adies, 17, 93-208. brtt. an annotated bibliography. REVIEWS H. A review of Re- The Professional Training of Teachers: ALLEN, E.A. (1963). 8. Ejtotional RcscarA, 5, 3, 200-215. sear,-h. history and present status. Microteaching: COOPER, J.M. and ALLEN, D.W. (1971) . *9. Bur7ct!n. e Pda.itora Also in itoso??in Ed 036 471. No. 9, Washington. D.C. A con- se1f-6)nfrontation Reviewed: FULLER, i.e. and MANNING, I.A. (1973) . 10. ii,-co'ew of F.iNoation- Education. ceptualization for Video Playback in Teach 43, 4, 469-52A4 c: ;1',017-.W; the Training of Teachers. A Now Tool it Maczoteaching: AzALEESE, W.I, (197J). ii. 25, 2, 131-141. P:,vitz.', a selective survey. Microteaching: McALEESE, W.R. and UNWIN, D. (1971). and Ifdu...ational TochnTock., 8, 1, 10-21. Prognzemid L.ailnin a review of research. Microteaching in teacher training: (1971). McKNIGHT, P.C. *13. 6, 24-38. :/1 Elu-Jat!on. Chapter 30 Research on teacher education. PECK, R.F. and TUCKER, J.A. (1973). 14. Second Handbook of Research on Tachin;:. in R.M.W. Travers (edit.), American Edurationai Research Association, Rand McNally. IntcPmitional R1 Oio0 of Ritoatiln, Microteaching. PERLBERG, A. (1972). 15. 16, 4, 547-559. Centre for Learning and Microtedehiqi: a brf rPvz:cw. (1972 ). SHORE, B.M. *16. (Mimeo). McGill University. Development. GENERAL REFERENCES C. Effects of feedback from tdlevision rac,%.4,dinga and three ACHESON, K. (1964). 17. Doctoral Diss. teacher behaviour. tppes of superviaory treatment on selected University Microfilms 64-1352. Stanford University. Review ,I Related Audio Tape' and Video Tape Peedback: ACHESON, K.A. (1971). 18. Publication Series Report No. A71-24 Teacher Education Division. Literature. Development. Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and asked The development of a me ±'zod for analRais of qucationa ADAMS, T.H. (1969). 19. Rutgers State University, New Brunswick, teachers in claseroom discourae. h :g (Doctor Dissertation). New Jersey, U.S.A. BEST COPY AVAILABLE the teacher intern. A new design for teachez education: ALLEN, O.W. (11664) 20. 17 296-30. Journal of Teacher Education, vrograme at Stanford University. Stanford Secondary Teacher Educ- Peachere and claeaes. (1466b). ALLEN, 1..W. 21. Stanford bnivexsity, California. ation Programme. New dimensions in trade and technical teacher education. ALLEN, D.W. (1966c). 22. A*;,:ri;an sv'o.?atL,nal dnonaZ, 41, 20-22. Microteaching... a new framework for inservice education. ALLEN, D.W. (1966d). 23. ED 013 240. 4::.)zirnal, 49 Nay, 355-62 Stanford University, U.E.A. ALLEN, O.W. Ne..?poteaohing, a dPsLtr:pti:.m. (1968). 24. ED 019 224. Education edssatte Series, What is it? Microteaching: ALLEN, D.W. (1970). 25, Superior St., Available from Instructional Dynamics Inc., 16E No. 111. ED 041 674. Chicago, Illinois, 60611. Effects of feedback and (1966). ALLEN, D.W., McDONALD, F.J. and ORME, M.E.J. 26. School of practice conditions on the acquisition of a teaching strategy. (mimeo). Stanford University, California, U.S.A. Education. A comparison of different modeling procedures in ALLEN, D.W. ui (1967). 21. American Educational PeLearch Assoc- the acquisition of a teachinl skill. ED 011 261. iation, Cnnferonce Report. its rationale. Microteaching: ALLEN, D.W. and CLARK, R.J. Y1)11 (1967) *28. School Journal, 51, 75-9. Eric Micreteachinp. P. FP - 17. ALLEN, D.W. and COOPER, J.M. (1970) 29. ED 041 190. Washington, D.C. Clearinghouse on Teacher Education . Theory into practice, Microteaching. ALLEN, D.W. and EVA, A.W. (1968). *30. 7, 181-5. new An analysis in microteaching: ALLEN, D.V. and FORTUNE, J.C. (1966). 31. School of a description. Microteaching: procedure in teacher education. ;Mimeo). Education, Stanford University, U.S.A. Effects of feedback and ALLEN, D.W. and McDONALD, F.J. and ORME, M.E. (1966). 32. School of practice conditions on the acquisition of a teaching strategy. Also paper read at A.E.R.A., Education, Stanford University, U.S.A. Chicago, 1967. Microteaching - a new beginning for ALLEN, D.W. and GROSS, R.E. (1965). 33. beginners. N.E.A. 1rournA77, 55, 25-29. Stanford A noo face fer supervision. ALLEN, D.W. and RYAN, K.A. (1965). 34. University, U.S.A. A reroprotive on the ALLEN, D.W. and RYAN, K.A. . du. -ttion of tofv.hors (1966). 35. State of California Dept. Sacramento, California. in California in 1980. of Education, U.S.A. Reading, Addison Wesley. Mi,rotcw.hino. ALLEN, D.W. and RYAN, K. (1969). *36. Mass. U.S.A. Tso,,hin ALLEN, D.W. and RYAN, K., BUSH, R.N. and COOPER, J.M. (1969). 37. New York, U.S.A. for el...4entur:4 and .4er.ondary school tonehnrs. Television recordings, a new dimension in ALLEN, D.W. and YOUNG, D. (1966). 38. School of Education, Stanford University, California, teacher education. U.S.A. (Mimeo). Videotape techniques at Stanford University ALLEN, D.W. and YOUNG, D.B. (1967). 39. Multi-state teacher education 7"7 and re!ated media in toach,r Eqw.ation. project Baltimore (M-Step), U.S.A. 2 MINABLE COPT BEST (1'02) . TIPIRENSON, O. and WRIGHT, T. +-!.x. ALLER, 40. Stanford .441.e.:rk).m r..c.)7r,,o, t . : Stantold Un71ver- P s D Memorandum No. 9). '0 in teaching. i::entiv fel R sity, oAlifornia Wisconsin State University, La Micro tOar 1,7.4t!)7,7. ALTMAN, ILE. (1964) . 41. ED 023 o32. Cross, U.S.A. inatractor, Micro team teaching with student teachers. ALTMAN, B.E. (19(,9). 42. 79, 98-1. Inte.action analysis and its application to student teach- (196). AM100N, E. 43. laboratory experiences in teacher ing in theoretical 'PdauS for professional Association for Student N-k, Cedar Falls, Iowa: education. -;4t;! Y. Teaching, 71-94. otudrnt no effot upon the' beha;''Pur and artit'idcs C, AM1DON, E. (1967) . 44. teachvrs, it the uoe z,N7r.hom :tot2u.r.1 Of 4rain;n::: .r.).--Torfztfnu College of t,..hniqu. 1.1 a clacarom obccrvational c? Education, Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Interaction analysis as a feedback system, AMIDON, E. and FLANDERS, N. 45. (Amidon & Houxp, A%-.`earch are/ A*7ieation. in ./vz,,mttin An1N3i.1 edit.) . Effects of direct and indirect teacher AMIDON, F. and FLANDERS, N. (1961) . Journal 4.f influence on dependent-prone studehts learning geometry. 'F'schol-s, 52, 286-91. Clas.1- ..impron.: T.-4ohino: AMIDON, E. and HUNTER, E. (1966) . 47. rm Holt, Rinehart and Winston. N.Y.: Interaction analysis and microteaching (1968). AMIDON, E. and ROSENSHINE, B. 48. development in a model for skill in an urban teacher education program: Educational Paper read at the annual meeting of the American teaching. Research Association. (Skill Development S.K.I.T. (1969). AMIDON, E., AMIDON, P. and ROSENSHINE, B. 49. Association for Productive Teaching, Minneapolis, Work Manual. in Teaching) Minnesota. the The Pole of the tozchc?/. (1967). AMInON, E.G. and FLANDERS, N.A. 50. Association for Productive Teaching. Minneapolis: student The effects of teaching interaction analysis to (1967). AMIDON, E.,>. 51. Temple Philadelphia: Rt-search Ppoje.lt No. !J3.7;7. teachers. University. assessment procedures. Teaching practice: (1969). ANDERS-RICHARDS, D. 52. No. 80, 71-2. F.,iu(!ation for Toachina, of Fresh approaches to microteachinq within the University ANON (1971). 53. (Mimeo) . No. 4, Melbourne University. EduearZonal n,,chno7ogj, Melbourne. Microteaching for preparing teachers of ANDERSON, D.W. and ANTES, J.M. (1972) *54. Eiernvntemy School Journal, vol. 72. culturally diverse children. Microteaching in an elementary science methods course. (1968). ASHLOCK, R.B. 55. Ord mathematics, 68, 52-6. School scienec improvement Some evaluation problems in a course content (1963). ATKIN, J.M. 56. toa,141. 129-132. 1, of wneaP,.4: prof ct. ,71-4rvaZ and its An .Treriment in the Bet induction process (1965). AUBERTINE, H.E. 57. California. Unpublished disc. Stanford University, aprli.cation in tcaiAing. superv.sing teachers. Use of microteaching in training (1967). AUBERTINE, H.E. *58. 99-106. High school journal. 51, Nov of training The use of microteaching in the process (1968). AUBERTINE, H.E. 59. New York, U.S.A. AERA (*onference Report, clinical supervisors. 3 .ti BEST COPY, AVAILABLE Personality corrLlates of teacher performance in a micro AUSTAD, C.A. (1T72). 60, 40, 3. JouPvil Of P.17).-piwntta teaching laboratory. (1970). AUTAD, 'C.A. and EMMER, E.T. P.:vac:no:Fit:4 COV1-'7,2till of teilcher el. Texas Onivo,sity, Austin Research ?,1b,vaory. ED 049 160. and D.,velopment Centre. Ottawa University, Students' guide to microteaching. SABIN, P. (1969) 62, ED 033 9184 Ontario. Canada, Microteaching at Brigh Young University. ED (1967) BAIRD, 3.H. 63. '2Z 011 260. Relationship between learner achievement and instructional BAKER, E.E. (1969). v64, journal of Educatiolal principles stressed during teacher preparation. hvvorch, 63, 1. Nebraska symposium on Social learning through imitation. BANDURA, A. (1962). 65, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 211- Lincoln: mwtiVqt::,,,n, ed. Marshall R. Jones. 261. a case of no-trial learning. Vicarious processes: BANDURA, A. (1965a). 66. N.Y. Adoan.ya in Fxrizrimenta? Socia: Psychology, vol. 2, ed. L. Berkowitz. Academic Press, 1-55(a). Influence of models' reinforcement contingencies on the BANDURA, A. *67. (1965b). Journal of pemona!ty and siv.z!al acquisition of imitative responses. poi..4-7. 589-95. 14 Transmission of patterns of self- 11964). BANDURA, A. and KUPERS, C..1. 69. urnat of Abnormal (.:nel noo!;;7) reinforcement through modeling. 69: 1-9. Imitation of film-mediated BANDURA, A. and ROSS, D. and ROSS, S. (1963). 69, Journal zi.7bnormea and social psychology, 6, 3-11. aggressive models. Influence of antecedent reinforcement and BANDURA, A. and WHALEN, K.C. (1966). 70. Journal of personality divergent modeling cues on patterns of self reward. and 4400Fol proolology, 3, 373 -82. Micro-consultation and behavioural changes. American BARCLAY, 7.R. (1968), 71. ED 030 136. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. psychological association. Wisconsin studies of the measurement and prediction BARR, A.S. .t al. 72. (1961). Journal of exer- a summary of investigations. of teacher effectiveness: imen-al .sucation, 10, 5-156. Investigation of the effect of videotape and microteaching BARRON., B.G. (1969) 73. techniques on "openness" in students enrolled in an elementary language arts ED 031 486 & D.A. 28/90A/3522. methods course. rationale, procedures and application Micro-teaching: (1969). BARTLEY, D.E. 74. Audiovisual language journal, 7, 139-144. to foreign language. Some aspects of the application of videotape recordings: (1970). BATTEN, H.D. 75. The Australian Science Tnevlhers Journal, 16, the education of teachers. (2), 33-36. Microteaching in the training of BEATTIE, N.M. and TEATHER, D.C.B. (1971). 76. Audio-visual some preliminary comments. teachers of modern languages: language ,gournal, 9, 3. 117-121. A report of an investigation of microteaching in the BELL, Camille. (1968). 77. development of teaching performance in home economics education at Texas School of Home Economics, Texas Tech- Lubbock: Technological College. nological College. Journal of Home Can the art of teaching be structured? BELL, C.G. (1970). 78. Economion, 62, 34-9. 4 r-- COI AVAILABLE BEST zlelf Confrontutwi via x-CTV In Tovo'her Education: (1`)72. 8IEPS"BUI:P, P. Vapel presented at the Inter- 1,01-immendatit. bel11.. Lellegee. A3ermany. natix3n.1 N.V. tit). (1963). and 1,AV1T2, .1.R. 111:i 1.Ax1: t;z, , . rolleye, col umbia tin i VOT'S i t y . ira,!,i Observed and ctitiqued by a group of Mictoteaehing: BELT, LP, 11961), 81. AVM reefrree.:, Report, Now York V. tint instrecter and one trainee. t:1,a1141 U.3.A. Mieroteachiug in the training of teachers, BELT, D. and BAIRD. H. (1967), 82. Nev:'aion Multi-state teacher education project. Progress and problems. 20-22, Baltimore, U.S.A, !altd m0.1111 7:n ton:kcP ,2te.Jtice. The student teacher looks at himself. 'Utah BELT, D. and WEBB. C. (1961). 61., 18-19, 31-12, roriow. ObsLrver practie and learnina during exposure to a model. BERGCR S.M. (1966). 8.1, 3, 696-7'01. aw. Film violence and the cue properties of BFPNOWITZ, L. and GREEN, B.C. (1966), B5. 1, 92s..30. 1,4"al cfpom.-n:1?. availahle targets. A comparison of diftetcnt modelinu procedures in the BERLINEP, D.C. (1967). 66. New York, U.S.A. 1%1:,11. acquisition of a teachinq AE1:A Microteaching and the technical sXills approach to BERLINKX, D.C. (1969). 7. ,7n..m? Prp.rt Stanford Univorsity, california, P. teat:110r training. ED 034 707, U.S.A. r,4iti721;ort,/,* 1.....2P441 on teackor effect- (1969) BIDDLE, B.J. and ELhENA, W.3. 88. New York, U.S.A. ':hart and W,Auton, Inc, Bolt, )ii California zlneedi4 and ti.N.loher t,duortion. BIRCH, D.P. (1969) . '99. ,';'4,±47 ED 040 118. University, Berkelev, of Interaction - oriented approaches to the asscs.!:ement BJERSTEDT, A. (1967) . 90, 31.)-357. 18., student teachers. 3,, WRSTEDT, A. fM1 vidvu-n ")%1-.!ngs ae nobeirvati.on eviv.?',:qPrT" (1968). 91. Dept. of Educational and Psychological Roboarch, School !..2cher. tWl.!nv. of Education, Malmo, Sweden. Invokti:n oi,Wd ciPou:t telooialon (1970). ABOLRSTEDT, A. 92. fnttond6d .17.1i7'atud ae ,:4-:)mponent ojetem Qf Stockholm School of Education, InstitUte of Psychology. train::4J. citum47. of Videotape and the vitalization of teaching. (1969). BLOOM, J.M. *93. educatIon, 20, 311-315. Feedback from interaction analysis, some implications for (1970). BONDI, 3.'7. 94. toaci:;.), education, 21, Nn. 2. Journal the improvement of teaching. :,f Pco,:qopment of c7Inical akM, le epPech BOONE, D.R. and STECH, E.L. (1970). 95. Speech and Hearing h: aud17otapo and ride.ltapr ec-nfrontation. pait;i,.:o ED 042 366. Centre, University of Denver. Ilducation ratimale and WOO .7!ti ineerPic The minicouree; BORG, W.R. (19681. 96. Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, of teachers. ED 024 627. Berkeley, California, U.S.A. The balance between educational research and development: (1969a). BORG, N.R. 97. Educational Technology, 5-11. aguestion of strategy. Theminicourseas a vehicle for changing teacher behaviour: (1969b). BORG, W.R. 98. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the the research evidence. American Educational Research Association. AERA Annual Conference, Minicourse instructional model. BORG, W.R. (1970). *99. En 0s7 388. Minneapolis. 5 BEST COPY AVIIIIABIZ The minicourse as a vehicle for changing teacher behaviour: BoRG. W.R. 1197.:). *lee., P1,,a'on41 Pos.-log;., 63, 6, 572-579. a three-year fnllow-un. ./m(rttil W.R. ct Tho minicoursel tationale and uses in the inservice 1V1, z:. education nt teachers. AERA Conference Report, eh: wage, U.S.A. ED 024 627. Videotape feed- MOMS, M. and FR1EBEL, A. *102. BORG, W.R., KALLENBACH, W. , (1969) , back and micrnroaching le a teacher training model. tio:Irnal of oxperimolto/ ,-tittota0N4 31, 14, 9-1c, also ED 024 650. a BORG, V., KELLEY, M.L., LANGER, P., and GALL, M. *103, Tilts. minicourse: (1910). Collier-Macmillan. London: Loather oducativn. microtoaching 11.,1,roach n4. The mincourse BORG, W.P., KELLEY, M.L., LANGER, P. And KALLENBACH, W. (1968). - changing teacher behaviour through microteaching. Far West Lab. for Educ. Research and Development, California, U.S.A. (Mimeo). Television and related media in teacher education: BOSLEY, H.E. et c2, Some 105. exemplary practices. ED 018 978. Persistence of teaching laboratory BRo::HEAR,R.M. and DAVIS, O.L. 106. (1970) effects into student teaching: a comparative study of verbal teaching be- haviours and attitudes, ED 039 176. Microtoaching at Brigham Young University, BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY 101. (1966). Provo, Brigham Young University, Utah, U.S.A. AmePican education, BRIGHT, R.L. The time is now. 3, 12-14. 108. (1967). *10. Unpublished Cost effectiveness models in microteaching. BROWN, A. (1971a). of Education, Monash University, Australia. paper. Faculty Measurement of costs and benefits of microteaching. Un- BROWN, A. 110. (1971b). published paper, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia. Diss. Wayne Microteaching and classroom teaching skills. BROWN, D.P. (1968). State University, U.S.A. Control of aggression in a nursery school BROWN, P. and ROGERS, E. 112. (1965). class. J 'f Exp..:r.:r:onte. Child Psychology, 2, 103-107. Videotape and kinescope BUCHLEIMER, A., GOODMAN, J. and SIRCUS, G. (1965). 113. recordings as situational test and laboratory exercises in empathy for the National Defence Education Act Title VIII Research training of counsellors. Hunter College of the City University of New Projeot 7-4.'4650-1670. York, U.S.A. The use of television for inservice teacher training. BURGER, E. (1960). 114. Doct. Dissert. University of Virginia, Ann Arbor, Michigan. University microfilms No. 60-4629. controlled practice in the R.N. and ALLEN, D. Microteaching: (1964). 115. BUSH, Paper presented at the Santa Barbara Conference on training of teachers. Also in Communication, Teacher Education sponsored by the Ford Foundation. 48, 201-207, July 1969. Audio- Microteaching and the foreign language teacher. cALABRO, H. 116. (1969). visual Inatruct?:on, 14, 62-3. Remote feedback techniques for inservice CAMERON, A. and COTRELL, C.J. (1970). *117. Assessment of microteaching and video-recording in vocational education. R & D Series Report No. 40, Ohio State and technical teacher education. ED 042 901. University. The use of CCTV in the assessment of teacher effective- CARTMELL, A.E. (1971). 118. Programmed learning and educational technology, 8, 173-185. ness. Al study of student teacher reactions to ml:croteaching. CHANG, N.C. 119. (1970). Dissert. Abst. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Ph.D. Dissert. 31/A/2226/2227. 6

Mieroteachiug in the training of teachers,. Progress and problems. Multi-state teacher education project. Nev:'aion !altd m0.1111 7:n ton:kcP ,2te.Jtice.
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