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archaeologie – bibLATEX for archaeologists∗ 2015–2020 LukasC.Bossert 2015 JohannesFriedl [email protected] Version: 2.4.5(2020/08/08) Abstract Thiscitation-stylecoversthecitationandbibliographyrulesoftheDeutsches ArchäologischesInstitut(DAI).Variousoptionsareavailabletochangeand adjusttheoutcomeaccordingtoone’sownpreferences. Thestyleiscompati- blewiththeEnglish,German,Italian,SpanishandFrenchlanguages,sinceall bibstringsusedaredefinedineachlanguage. ThispackageisdedicatedtoJohannesFriedlwhoinspiredmetocode,helped establishing this biblatex-style and introduced me to GitHub and its world beyond. Contents 2.3.5 smartciteandsmartcites 8 2.3.6 autocite . . . . . . . . . 9 1 Introduction 2 2.3.7 fullciteandfootfullcite . 9 1.1 Installationofthebundle . . . 2 2.3.8 citeauthorandcitetitle . 10 1.2 Changelog. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3.9 citetranslator . . . . . . 11 1.3 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.4 Entrieswith@String . . . . . . 12 2 Overview 3 3 Detailsofoptionalpreferences 13 2.1 Preambleoptions . . . . . . . . 4 3.1 Preambleoptions . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.1 Additional bibliogra- 3.1.1 bibancient . . . . . . . . 14 phiesandmacrolists. . 4 3.1.2 bibcorpora . . . . . . . 15 2.1.2 Notationofnames . . . 4 3.1.3 lstabbrv . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.3 Mannerofciting . . . . 4 3.1.4 lstlocations . . . . . . . 16 2.1.4 Global bibliography 3.1.5 lstpublishers . . . . . . 16 settings . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1.6 seenote . . . . . . . . . 16 2.2 EntryOptions. . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1.7 biblabel . . . . . . . . . 17 2.3 Citecommands . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1.8 eventdatelanguage . . . 17 2.3.1 citeandcites . . . . . . 5 3.1.9 translation . . . . . . . 17 2.3.2 parenciteandparencites 6 3.1.10 inreferencesasfullcite. . 18 2.3.3 textciteandtextcites . . 7 3.1.11 yearseries . . . . . . . . 20 2.3.4 footcite . . . . . . . . . 8 3.1.12 citeauthorformat . . . . 21 ∗Alsoveryhandyforscholarsof(ancient)historyorclassics,too. Forfurtherinformationabout thecodevisitbiblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de: Commentsandcriticismsarewelcome. Wethank especiallyM.WemheuerandH.Voßfortheirgreathelpwiththecode. 1 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) 3.1.13 yearinparens . . . . . . 24 6.2 Onlinereferencing . . . . . . . 63 3.1.14 scshape . . . . . . . . . 24 6.3 Brackets(with@Inreference) . 64 3.1.15 bibfullname . . . . . . . 25 6.4 Unknownwork . . . . . . . . . 64 3.1.16 noabbrv . . . . . . . . . 26 6.5 Publicationstatus. . . . . . . . 65 3.1.17 publisher . . . . . . . . 26 6.6 Printtheusedoptions . . . . . 66 3.1.18 edby . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.7 Printthecitedauthorsofsec- 3.1.19 width . . . . . . . . . . 29 ondaryliterature . . . . . . . . 67 3.1.20 counter . . . . . . . . . 29 6.8 Variant ways of entries in 3.1.21 initials . . . . . . . . . . 30 year/date-field . . . . . . . . . 68 3.2 Bibliographyentryoptions . . 30 3.2.1 ancient . . . . . . . . . 30 7 ListofExamples 69 3.2.2 frgancient . . . . . . . . 32 8 Additional bibliography with an- 3.2.3 uniqueme . . . . . . . . 33 cientauthorsandworks 71 3.2.4 corpus . . . . . . . . . . 37 9 Additional bibliography with cor- 4 Examplesofentrytypes 37 pora 86 4.1 Type@Book . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.1.1 ›Festschrift‹, com- 10 Listoflocations 87 memorative volume, catalogueetc. . . . . . . 38 11 Listofpublishers 88 4.1.2 Translatedbook . . . . 39 4.1.3 Multiplevolumesofa 12 Listofabbreviationaccordingtothe monograph (cf. sec- DeutschesArchäologischesInstitut- tion4.3) . . . . . . . . . 40 guidelines 89 4.2 Type @Inbook / 12.1 Shortform. . . . . . . . . . . . 89 @Incollection . . . . . . 41 12.2 Longforms . . . . . . . . . . .103 4.2.1 Shortseries . . . . . . . 42 4.2.2 Inventorycatalogue . . 43 13 Bibliography(.bbx) 132 4.2.3 SectionofMonograph . 44 4.3 Type@MvBook. . . . . . . . . 45 14 Citation(.cbx) 158 4.4 Type@Article . . . . . . . . 46 15 Locales 171 4.5 Type@Proceedings . . . . 47 15.1 English:english-archaeologie.lbx171 4.6 Type@Inproceedings . . 48 15.2 German: german- 4.7 Type@Reference . . . . . . 50 archaeologie.lbx . . . . . . . .174 4.8 Type@Inreference . . . . 51 15.3 French:french-archaeologie.lbx174 4.9 Type@Review. . . . . . . . . 53 15.4 Italian:italian-archaeologie.lbx 175 4.9.1 Reviewswithanindi- 15.5 Spanish: spanish- vidualtitle . . . . . . . 54 archaeologie.lbx . . . . . . . .175 4.9.2 multiple reviewed worksinonereview . . 55 16 archaeologie-lstpublishers.bib 176 4.10 Type@Thesis. . . . . . . . . 56 4.11 Type@Talk . . . . . . . . . . 56 17 archaeologie-lstlocations.bib 176 5 Bibliography 57 18 archaeologie-lstabbrv.bib 177 18.1 Shortnames. . . . . . . . . . .177 6 FAQ:ForAncient(scholarsofhigh) 18.2 Longnames . . . . . . . . . . .207 Quality 63 6.1 Followingpages . . . . . . . . 63 19 archaeologie-bibancient.bib 244 1 Introduction 1.1 Installationofthebundle archaeologie is part of the distributions MiKTeX and TeXLive – thus, you can easily install it using the respective package manager. If you would like to installarchaeologieintoyourlocalfoldermanually,dothefollowing: Goto yourterminal,browsetothefolderofthisbundleandrun biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 2 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) make install IfyouareusingmacOSyouwillbeaskedforyouruseraccountpasswordforthe installation. Furtheroptionsofthismakefileare: • clean: deletesallunnecessaryfiles • cleanbundle: deletesallfilesexcept.dtx,.md. Youwillgettheplain versionofthisbundle. Thismightbehelpfulifyousendthebundletosome- oneelse. • ctan: thiswillcreateazipfilewhichcanbeusedtosendtoCTAN. • files: willonlycreatethefilesfromthe.dtx-scratch. • uninstall: willerasethelocallyinstalledfiles. Thisbundleisconstantlyupdated. Forhints,errorsorsuggestionsusetheGitHub repositoryhttps://github.com/LukasCBossert/biblatex-archaeologie. 1.2 Changelog AllnotablechangestothisprojectwillbedocumentedintheREADME.md. This projectdoesnotadheretoSemanticVersioning. Themarkdownsyntaxisinspired bytheconventionsproposedbykeepachangelog.com. 1.3 Usage archaeologie ThenameofthebibLATEX-styleisarchaeologiewhichhastobeactivatedin thepreamble. \usepackage[style=archaeologie,% (cid:104)further options(cid:105)]{biblatex} \addbibresource{(cid:104)bib-file.bib(cid:105)} WithoutanyfurtheroptionsthestylefollowstherulesoftheDeutschesArchäol- ogischesInstitut. Noadditionalsettingsareneeded,butyoucanchangetheout- comebyusingsomeoptionswhichareexplainedbelow.1 Attheendofyourdocumentyoucanwritethecommand\printbibliography toprintthebibliography. Sincearchaeologiesupportsdifferentcitationsof various texts such as those of ancient authors and modern scholars we suggest havingthemlistedinseparatebibliographies. Furtherinformationcanbefound below(section5). 2 Overview Therefollowsaquickoverviewofpossibleoptionsofthestylearchaeologie. Contrarytothealphabeticallyordereddescriptionlater(section3)theyhereare 1 ForaneasyandunproblematiccompilingwesuggesttouseXƎLATEXorLuaTEX;seethe informationnoteinsection18. biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 3 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) listed by topic. Furthermore you can – at your own risk – also use the conven- tional bibLATEX-options relating to indent, etc. For that please see the excellent documentationofbibLATEX. 2.1 Preambleoptions 2.1.1 Additionalbibliographiesandmacrolists bibancient Aseparatebibliography-fileisloaded,inwhichroundabout600ancientauthors andworksarelistedandcanbecitedrightaway;cf. section3.1.1. bibcorpora Aseparatebibliography-fileisloaded,inwhichthecommoncorporaforancient studies are stored cf. section 3.1.2. Additionally this activates the bibliography archaeologie-lstabbrv.bib. lstabbrv Activatestheadditionalbibliographyfilearchaeologie-lstabbrv.bib. It provides a list of journals and series according to the abbreviations of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut which can be used as @String macros in bibliographyentries;cf. section3.1.3. lstlocations Activatestheadditionalbibliographyfilearchaeologie-lstlocations.bib with@Stringmacrosoflocationswhichcanbeusedtoautomaticallyprintout theircorrectexonymintheselectedlanguage;cf. section3.1.4. lstpublishers Activatestheadditionalbibliographyfilearchaeologie-lstpublishers.bib with@Stringmacrosofseveralpublisherswhichcanbeusedtoeasilyprintout theirnames;cf. section3.1.5. 2.1.2 Notationofnames bibfullname In the bibliography full names of authors and/or editors are shown; cf. sec- tion3.1.15. v.2.3.6 citeauthorformat Youcanchosehowthenameofauthorsoreditorsaredisplayedwithinyourtext whentheyarecitedwith\citeauthor{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}. Youcanchosebetween the options (cid:104)initials(cid:105), (cid:104)full(cid:105), (cid:104)family(cid:105), (cid:104)firstfulltheninitials(cid:105), (cid:104)firstinitialsthenfamily(cid:105), (cid:104)firstfullthenfamily(cid:105);cf. section3.1.12. scshape Cited names are shown with small capital letters cf. section 3.1.14. Bibliogra- phy entries with option={ancient} or option={frgancient} (sec- tions3.2.1and3.2.2)arenotaffectedbythisoption. 2.1.3 Mannerofciting edby Switches“ed.”/“Hrsg.” to“ed. by”/“hrsg. v.”;cf. section3.1.18. inreferences Eachbibliographyentrywhichisan@Inreferenceisfullyreferencedaccord- ingtothespecialrulesoftheDeutschesArchäologischesInstitutformanualsand encyclopaedias;cf. section3.1.10. noabbrv Bydefaulttheshorttitlesofjournalsandseries(shortjournalandshortseries) biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 4 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) are shown in the bibliography. With this option full titles are printed instead (journaltitleandseries);cf. section3.1.16. publisher Alllocationsandthepublisherisshown. Italsochangestheformatoftheedition andthefirstprint;cf. section3.1.17. seenote Bydefaultarchaeologieprintsauthor-year-system. Withthisoptionyoucan changeittoadifferentoutcome(butstillaccordingtotherulesoftheDeutsches Archäologisches Institut). So the first citation will be a full citation and all the followingcitationswillrefertothefirstfullcitation;cf. section3.1.6 translation Originaltitle,translatorandoriginallanguageareshowninthebibliography. Set- tingabibliographyentrytooption={ancient}thisbehaviourisdefault;cf. section3.1.9. yearinparens Theyearisshowninparentheses;cf. section3.1.13. yearseries Switchestheorderofseriesandyear;cf. section3.1.11. 2.1.4 Globalbibliographysettings width width={value}definesthebibliographywidthbetweenlabelandreference; cf. section3.1.19. counter Reveals at the end of each reference a summary of citations in the text; cf. sec- tion3.1.20. 2.2 EntryOptions Asinglebibliographyentrycancontainavalueinitsoptions-field. Depending ontheoptionitchangesthebehaviourofhowthatentryiscited;cf. sections3.2 and 4. Beside their distinctproperties all of these optionshavein common that theseparatingcommabetweencitationandpagerecordismissing. Actuallythis concerns citation of ancient texts and corpora where usually the shorthand- fieldisprintedincitations. ancient Theentryisanancientsource(e.g. Cicero,Plutarch,etc);cf. section3.2.1. frgancient Theentryisafragmentaryancientsource(e.g. Festus);cf. section3.2.2. corpus Only the shorthand-field is printed. This is needed especially for corpora of inscriptionsorcoins(CIL,AE,RIC,etc.);cf. section3.2.4. uniqueme Incasestherearedifferenttranslationsofanancientworkyoucandecidewhich one is the standard translation and which ones should be made unique by dis- playingthetranslator/series/editor;cf. section3.2.3. 2.3 Citecommands 2.3.1 citeandcites \cite Asalwayscitingisdonewith\cite: biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 5 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) \cite[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} (cid:104)prenote(cid:105)setsashortpreliminarynote(e.g. “Vgl.”) and(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)isusuallyused forpagenumbers. Ifonlyoneoptionalargumentisusedthenitis[(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]. \cite[(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} The(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)correspondstothekeyfromthebibliographyfile. Public space is part of a city says (cid:44)→\cite{Osland2016}. PublicspaceispartofacitysaysOsland2016. \cites Ifonewantstociteseveralauthorsorworksaveryconvenientwayisthefollowing usingthe\cites-command: \cites(pre-prenote)(post-postnote) [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}… Public space is part of a city say (cid:44)→\cites(cf.)(){Osland2016}{Evangelidis2014}. Publicspaceispartofacitysaycf.Osland2016;Evangelidis2014. 2.3.2 parenciteandparencites \parencite Sometimesacitationhastobeputinparentheses. Thereforeweimplementedthe command\parencite: \parencite[(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} Thiscitecommandtakescareofthecorrectcorrespondingparenthesesandbrack- ets. Especiallyin@Inreferencecitationstheparentheseschangeto(square) brackets. Theexampleshowninsection6.3makesitclear. Public space is part of a city (cid:44)→\parencite{Osland2016}. biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 6 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) Publicspaceispartofacity(Osland2016). \parencites Ofcoursethereisalsothepossibilitytociteseveralauthors/worksinparentheses. Thisisdonewith\parencites: \parencites(pre-prenote)(post-postnote)% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}… Public space is part of a city (cid:44)→\parencites(cf.)(){Osland2016}{Evangelidis2014}. Publicspaceispartofacity(cf.Osland2016;Evangelidis2014). 2.3.3 textciteandtextcites \textcite Besidethelisted\citecommandsabovethereisathirdwayofciting:\textcite isusefuliftheauthorshouldbementionedinthetextandtheremainingcompo- nentssuchasyearandpagewillimmediatelyfollowinparentheses. \textcite[(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} Public space is part of a city says (cid:44)→\textcite{Osland2016}. PublicspaceispartofacitysaysOsland(2016). \textcites Andagainthereisalsoa\textcitesincaseofseveralauthors: \textcites(pre-prenote)(post-postnote)% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}… Public space is part of a city say (cid:44)→\textcites{Osland2016}[cf.][]{Evangelidis2014}. PublicspaceispartofacitysayOsland(2016)andcf.Evangelidis(2014). biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 7 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) Just be aware that using [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)] may be give a odd sounding sentence de- pendingwhatyouuse[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)]for. 2.3.4 footcite \footcite Beside the listed \cite commands above there are more possibilities citing: There is also the possibility to put the citation into a footnote at once with \footcite: \footcite[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} Public space is part of a city.\footcite{Osland2016} Publicspaceispartofacity.a a Osland2016. Thisistheequivalentto\footnote{\cite{Osland2016}.}butitsaves \footcites youalotoftimetyping. Andthereisaswell\footcites: Public space is part of a (cid:44)→city.\footcites(cf.)(){Osland2016}{Evangelidis2014} Publicspaceispartofacity.a a cf.Osland2016;Evangelidis2014. 2.3.5 smartciteandsmartcites \smartcite And there is also a clever way citing with \smartcite. \smartcite de- pends on its environment it is used in. If it is your normal text it behaves like \footciteandwillprintthecitationwithinafootnote. Ifitisalreadywithin afootnoteitwillbehandledlike\cite. isaclever \smartcite[(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} Public space is part of a city.\smartcite{Osland2016} And sometimes more than (cid:44)→that.\footnote{\smartcite[cf.][]{Evangelidis2014}.} Publicspaceispartofacity.aAndsometimesmorethanthat.b a Osland2016. biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 8 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) b cf.Evangelidis2014. \smartcites Andagainthereisalsoa\smartcitesincaseofseveralauthors: \smartcites(pre-prenote)(post-postnote)% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}% [(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)}… Public space is part of a (cid:44)→city.\smartcites{Osland2016}{Evangelidis2014} And sometimes more than (cid:44)→that.\footnote{\smartcites{Osland2016}[cf.][]{Evangelidis2014}.} Publicspaceispartofacity.aAndsometimesmorethanthat.b a Osland2016;Evangelidis2014. b Osland2016;cf.Evangelidis2014. 2.3.6 autocite \autocite With \autocite there is a flexible way of citing. We set up \autocite as \footcitebydefault. Ifyouwanttochangeityoucanalsowriteinthepream- blee.g. autocite=inline. \autocite[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} Public space is part of a city.\autocite{Osland2016} Publicspaceispartofacity.a a Osland2016. 2.3.7 fullciteandfootfullcite \fullcite With\fullciteand\footfullciteyoucanprintthecompleteentryin \footfullcite yourcurrenttext. \fullcite[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} \footfullcite[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 9 bibLATEX-stylearchaeologie 2.4.5©byLukasC.Bossert(2015–2020)|JohannesFriedl(2015) Public space is part of a (cid:44)→city.\footfullcite{Osland2016} As can be read in \fullcite{Evangelidis2014} Publicspaceispartofacity.aAscanbereadinV.Evangelidis,Agorasand Fora. Developments in the Central Public Space of the Cities of Greece during the Roman Period, BSA 109, 2014, 335–356, doi: 10.1017/ s006824541400015x a D.Osland,AbuseorReuse?PublicSpaceinLateAntiqueEmerita,AJA120,1,2016, 67–97. 2.3.8 citeauthorandcitetitle \citeauthor Furthermoreandinadditiontothe›normal‹\cite-commandsonecanalsocite \citetitle onlytheauthorortheworktitleinthetextandinthefootnotes. \citeauthor[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} andfortheworks \citetitle[(cid:104)prenote(cid:105)][(cid:104)postnote(cid:105)]{(cid:104)bibtex-key(cid:105)} Public space is part of a city says (cid:44)→\citeauthor{Osland2016} in (cid:44)→\citetitle{Osland2016}. PublicspaceispartofacitysaysD.OslandinAbuseorReuse? (2016). Forfurtherinformationcf. section3.1.12. Notethatthe\citetitle-commandworksdifferentlywithancientworks(for allthosewhohaveoption={ancient}). Firstthefieldorigtitlewillbe shownifthisfieldisemptyitwillshowitstitleinstead. \citetitle* Sometimes you don’t need the year of publication but still want the published title. Then\citetitle*iswhatyouneed: v.2.3.4 In 2016 \citeauthor{Osland2016} says in (cid:44)→\citetitle*{Osland2016} public space is part of a city. In2016D.OslandsaysinAbuseorReuse? publicspaceispartofacity. Notethatthe\citetitle*-commandwillalwaysshowthefieldtitlewith- outtheyearofpublicationitdoesn’tmatterifthereisoption={ancient}. biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de 10

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