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Preview Bianchi Type III String Cosmological Models with Time Dependent Bulk Viscosity

Bianchi Type III String Cosmological Models with Time Dependent Bulk Viscosity BALI Raj 1 and PRADHAN Anirudh2 1Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302 004, India E-mail : [email protected] 7 0 0 2Department of Mathematics, Hindu Post-graduateCollege, Zamania-232 331, 2 Ghazipur, India n E-mail : [email protected],[email protected] a J 1 2 v 8 1 Abstract 0 1 BianchitypeIIIstringcosmological modelswithbulkviscousfluidfor 1 massivestringareinvestigated. Togetthedeterminatemodeloftheuni- 6 verse,wehaveassumed thatthecoefficientofbulkviscosity ξ isinversely 0 proportionaltotheexpansionθinthemodelandexpansionθinthemodel / c is proportional totheshear σ. Thisleads toB=ℓCn,where ℓand nare q constants. The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of bulk - r viscosity, is discussed. The physical implications of the models are also g discussed in detail. : v i Keywords: Cosmic string, viscous models, Bianchi type III model X PACS: 98.80.Cq, 04.20.-q r a 1 Introduction Inrecentyears,therehasbeenconsiderableinterestinstringcosmology. Cosmic strings are topologically stable objects which might be found during a phase transition in the early universe (Kibble [1]). Cosmic strings play an important role in the study of the early universe. These arise during the phase transition after the big bang explosion as the temperature goes down below some critical temperatureaspredictedbygrandunifiedtheories(Zel’dovichetal. [2];Kibble [1, 3]; Everett [4]; Vilenkin [5]). It is believed that cosmic strings give rise to density perturbations which lead to the formation of galaxies (Zel’dovich [6]). These cosmic strings have stress-energy and couple to the gravitational field. Therefore it is interesting to study the gravitational effects that arise from strings. 1 The general relativistic treatment of strings was initiated by Letelier [7, 8] andStachel[9]. Letelier[7]hasobtainedthesolutiontoEinstein’sfieldequations for a cloud of strings with spherical, plane and cylindrical symmetry. Then, in 1983, he solved Einstein’s field equations for a cloud of massive strings and obtained cosmological models in Bianchi I and Kantowski-Sachs space-times. Benerjeeetal. [10]haveinvestigatedanaxiallysymmetricBianchitypeIstring dust cosmological model in presence and absence of magnetic field. The string cosmological models with a magnetic field are also discussed by Chakraborty [11], Tikekar and Patel [12]. Patel and Maharaj [13] investigated stationary rotating world model with magnetic field. Ram and Singh [14] obtained some newexactsolutionsofstringcosmologywithandwithoutasourcefreemagnetic field for Bianchi type I space-time in the different basic form considered by Carminati and McIntosh [15]. Exact solutions of string cosmology for Bianchi typeII,VI ,VIIIandIXspace-timeshavebeenstudiedbyKrorietal. [16]and 0 Wang [17]. Singh and Singh [18] investigated string cosmological models with magnetic field in the context of space-time with G symmetry. Lidsey, Wands 3 and Copeland [19] have reviewed aspects of super string cosmology with the emphasis on the cosmologicalimplications of duality symmetries in the theory. Baysaletal. [20]haveinvestigatedthe behaviourofastringinthe cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous universe. Bali et al. [21 - 25] have obtained Bianchi types IX, type-V and type-I string cosmological models in general relativity. Yavuz [26] have examined chargedstrange quark matter attached to the string cloud in the spherical symmetric space-time admitting one-parameter group of conformal motion. Recently Kaluza-Klein cosmological solutions are obtained by Yilmaz [27] for quark matter coupled to the string cloud in the context of general relativity. Ontheotherhand,thematterdistributionissatisfactorilydescribedbyper- fect fluids due to the large scale distribution of galaxies in our universe. How- ever,a realistic treatment of the problemrequires the considerationof material distribution other than the perfect fluid. It is well known that when neutrino decouplingoccurs,the matter behavesasa viscousfluidinanearlystageofthe universe. Viscous fluid cosmological models of early universe have been widely discussed in the literature. Recently, Seljak et al. [28] have studied cosmologicalparameters from com- biningLyman-αforestwithC.M.B.Theyestablishedthecosmicstringslimited toGµ<2.3 10−7at95percentcathodoluminescence(c.l.),andcorrelatediso- × curvaturemodelsarealsotightlyconstrained. ObservationsonC.M.B.constrain the cosmic string which is predicted in terms of cosmic string power spectrum [29]. Howerever, we are not concerned with this new phenomena. Tikekar and Patel[12],followingthe techniques usedby LetelierandStachel,obtainedsome exact Bianchi III cosmological solutions of massive strings in presence of mag- netic field. Maharajet al. [30]havegeneralizedthe previous solutionsobtained by Tikekar and Patel [12] considering Lie point symmetries. Yadav et al. [31] have studied some Bianchi type I viscous fluid string cosmologicalmodels with magnetic field. Recently Wang [32 - 35] has also discussed LRS Bianchi type I and Bianchi type III cosmological models for a cloud string with bulk viscos- 2 ity. Very recently, Yadav, Rai and Pradhan [36] have found the integrability of cosmicstring in Bianchitype III space-timein presenceof bulk viscous fluidby applying a new technique. Motivated by the situations discussed above,in this study, we established a formalism for studying the new integrability of massive strings in Bianchi III space-time in presence of a variable bulk viscosity. 2 The Metric and Field Equations We consider the space-time of general Bianchi III type with the metric ds2 = dt2+A2(t)dx2+B2(t)e−2αxdy2+C2(t)dz2, (1) − where α is constant. The energy momentum tensor for a cloud of string dust withabulk viscousfluidofstringisgivenby Letelier[7]andLandau& Lifshitz [37] Tj =ρv vj λx xj ξvl gj +v vj , (2) i i − i − ;l(cid:16) i i (cid:17) where v and x satisfy condition i i viv = xix = 1, vix =0, (3) i i i − − whereρistheproperenergydensityforacloudstringwithparticlesattachedto them, λ is the string tensiondensity,vi is the four-velocityof the particles,and xi is a unit space-like vector representing the direction of string. If the particle density of the configuration is denoted by ρ , then we have p ρ=ρ +λ. (4) p The Einstein’s field equations (in gravitational units c=1, G=1) read 1 Rj Rgj = 8πTj, (5) i − 2 i − i where Rj is the Ricci tensor; R = gijR is the Ricci scalar. In a co-moving i ij co-ordinate system, we have vi =(0,0,0,1), xi =(0,0,1/C,0). (6) The field equations (5) with Eq. (2) subsequently lead to the following system of equations: B C B C 44 44 4 4 + + =8πξθ, (7) B C BC A C A C 44 44 4 4 + + =8πξθ, (8) A C AC A B A B a2 44 44 4 4 + + =8π(λ+ξθ), (9) A B AB − A2 A B B C C A a2 4 4 4 4 4 4 + + =8πρ, (10) AB BC CA − A2 3 A B 4 4 =0, (11) A − B wherethesubscript4atthesymbolsA,BandC denotesordinarydifferentiation with respect to t. The particle density ρ is given by p B C C A B A 4 4 4 4 44 44 8πρ = + +8πK (12) p BC CA − B − A in accordance with Eq. (4). The velocity field vi as specified by Eq. (6) is irrotational. The expansion (θ) and components of shear tensor (σ ) are given by ij A B C 4 4 4 θ = + + , (13) A B C 1 2A B C σ1 = 4 4 4 , (14) 1 3(cid:20) A − B − C (cid:21) 1 2B A C σ2 = 4 4 4 , (15) 2 3(cid:20) B − A − C (cid:21) 1 2C A B σ3 = 4 4 4 , (16) 3 3(cid:20) C − A − B (cid:21) σ4 =0. (17) 4 Therefore 1 σ2 = (σ1 )2+(σ2 )2+(σ3 )2+(σ4 )2 1 2 3 4 2 (cid:2) (cid:3) leads to 1 A2 B2 C2 A B B C A C σ2 = 4 + 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . (18) 3(cid:20)A2 B2 C2 − AB − BC − AC (cid:21) 3 Solutions of the Field Equations The field equations (7)-(11) are a system of five equations with six unknown parametersA,B,C,ρ,λandξ. Oneadditionalconstraintrelatingtheseparam- eters is required to obtain explicit solutions of the system. Referring to Thorn [38], observations of the velocity-redshift relation for extragalactic sources sug- gest that Hubble expansion of the universe is isotropic today to within about 30 percent [39, 40]. Put more precisely, redshift studies place the limit σ 0.30 H ≤ on the ratio of shear, σ, to Hubble constant H in the neighbourhood of our Galaxy. Following Bali and Jain [41] and Pradhan et al. [42, 43], we assume 4 that the expansion (θ) in the model is proportional to the shear (σ), which is physically plausible condition. This condition leads to B =ℓCn (19) whereℓisproportionalityconstantandnis aconstant. Equations(11)leadsto A=mB, (20) where m is an integrating constant. To obtain the determinate model of the universe,weassumethatthecoefficientofbulkviscosityisinverselyproportional to expansion (θ). This condition leads to ξθ =K, (21) where K is a proportionality constant. By the use of Eqs. (19) and (21), Eq. (7) leads to 2n2 C2 16πK 2C + 4 = C. (22) 44 (cid:18)n+1(cid:19) C (cid:18)n+1(cid:19) Let C =f(C). (23) 4 Hence Eq. (22) leads to d 2n2 f2 16πK f2 + = C. (24) dC (cid:18)n+1(cid:19) C (cid:18)n+1(cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) From Eq. (24), we have f2Cn2n+21 = 8πK C2n2n++21n+2 +L, (25) (cid:18)n2+n+1(cid:19) where L is an integrating constant. Eq. (25) leads to f2 = 8πK C2+LC−(n2n+21). (26) (cid:18)n2+n+1(cid:19) From Eq. (26), we have n2 Cn+1dC =√adt. (27) C2 n2n++n1+1 +b2 q (cid:0) (cid:1) Integrating Eq. (27), we have n+1 β2(βt+γ)2 b2 n2+n+1 C = − (cid:0) (cid:1), (28) (cid:20) β2 (cid:21) 5 where γ is an integrating constant and (n2+n+1)√a β = , 2(n+1) 8πK a= , (n2+n+1)) L b2 = . a Therefore, we have n(n+1) B =ℓCn =ℓ β2(βt+γ)2−b2 (cid:0)n2+n+1(cid:1), (29) (cid:20) β2 (cid:21) n(n+1) β2(βt+γ)2 b2 n2+n+1 A=mB =ℓm − (cid:0) (cid:1). (30) (cid:20) β2 (cid:21) Hence the metric (1) reduces to the form 2n(n+1) ds2 = dt2+ β2(βt+γ)2−b2 n2+n+1 dX2+e−2αXdY2 − (cid:20) β2 (cid:21) (cid:2) (cid:3) 2(n+1) β2(βt+γ)2 b2 n2+n+1 + − dZ2, (31) (cid:20) β2 (cid:21) where ℓmx=X, ℓy =Y, z =Z. Using the transformation β(βt+γ)=bcos(βτ) (32) the metric (31) reduces to the form n(n+1) ds2 = b2sin2(βτ)dτ2+ b4sin4(βτ) n2+n+1 dX2+e−2ℓαmXdY2 − β2 (cid:20) β4 (cid:21) h i (n+1) b4sin4(βτ) n2+n+1 + dZ2. (33) (cid:20) β4 (cid:21) Inabsenceof viscosityi.e. whenβ 0 then the metric (33)reducesto the new → form ds2 = b2τ2dτ2+ b4τ4 nn2(+n+n+1)1 dX2+e−2ℓαmXdY2 + b4τ4 n(2n++n1+)1 dZ2. (34) − (cid:0) (cid:1) h i (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 4 Some Physical and Geometrical Features of the Models The rest energy density (ρ), the string tension density (λ), the particle density (ρ ), the scalar of expansion (θ) and the shear (σ) for the model (31) are given p by 4n(n+2)(n+1)2 β2(βt+γ)2 α2 8πρ= , (35) (n2+n+1)2 hβ2(βt+βγ2)2−b2i2 − m2ℓ2hβ2(βt+βγ2)2−b2in2n2(+nn++11) 4n(n+1)β2 4n(n+1)β2(βt+γ)2(n2+n 2) 8πλ= + − (n2+n+1) β2(βt+γ)2−b2 (n2+n+1)2 β2(βt+γ)2−b2 2 h β2 i h β2 i α2 β2(n+1)2 , (36) − 2n(n+1) − (n2+n+1) m2ℓ2 β2(βt+γ)2−b2 n2+n+1 β2 h i 8n(n+1)(n+2)β2(βt+γ)2 8πρ = p (n2+n+1)2 β2(βt+γ)2−b2 2 β2 h i 4n(n+1)β2 β2(n+1)2 + , (37) − (n2+n+1) β2(βt+γ)2−b2 (n2+n+1) β2 h i 2(2n+1)(n+1)β(βt+γ) θ = , (38) (n2+n+1) β2(βt+γ)2−b2 β2 h i 2(n2 1)β(βt+γ) σ = − . (39) (n2+n+1)√3 β2(βt+γ)2−b2 β2 h i The energy conditions ρ 0 andρ 0 are satisfiedin the presence of bulk p ≥ ≥ viscosity for the model (31). The condition ρ 0 leads to ≥ α(n2+n+1) β(βt+γ) α(n2+n+1) . −2ℓm(n+1) n(n+2) ≤ β2(βt+γ)2−b2 n2+1n+1 ≤ 2ℓm(n+1) n(n+2) p h β2 i p From Eq. (36), we observe that the string tension density λ 0 provided ≥ 1 (βt+γ)2(n2+n 2) + − β2(βt+γ)2−b2 (n2+n+1) β2(βt+γ)2−b2 ≥ β2 β2 h i h i α2(n2+n+1) (n+1) + . 2n(n+1) 4n 4n(n+1)m2ℓ2β2 β2(βt+γ)2−b2 n2+n+1 β2 h i 7 Themodelinpresenceofbulkviscositystartswithabigbangattimet= b γ. β2−β The expansion in the model decreases as time increases. The expansion in the modelstopsatt= γ. Themodel(31)ingeneralrepresentsshearingandnon- −β rotatinguniverse. Theroleofbulkviscosityistoretardexpansioninthemodel. We cansee from the abovediscussionthat the bulk viscosityplays a significant role in the evolution of the universe. Furthermore, since limt→∞ σθ 6= 0, the model does not approach isotropy for large value of t. However the model isotropizes when t= γ. There is a real physical singularity in the model (31) −β at t=0. Using the transformation β(βt+γ)=bcos(βτ), the rest energy density (ρ), the string tension density (λ), the particle density (ρ ), the scalar of expansion (θ) and the shear (σ) for the model (33) are given p by 4n(n+2)(n+1)2cos2(βτ) α2 8πρ= , (40) b2(n2+n+1)2 sin4β(4βτ) − m2ℓ2 b2sin2(βτ) n2n2(+nn++11) h i β2 h i 4n(n+1)β2 4n(n+1)(n2+n 2)b2cos2(βτ) 8πλ= + − −(n2+n+1) b2sin2(βτ) (n2+n+1)2 b2sin2(βτ) 2 h β2 i h β2 i α2 β2(n+1)2 , (41) − 2n(n+1) − (n2+n+1) m2ℓ2 b2sin2(βτ) n2+n+1 β2 h i 8n(n+1)(n+2)b2cos2(βτ) 4n(n+1)β2 β2(n+1)2 8πρ = + + , p (n2+n+1)2 b2sin2(βτ) 2 (n2+n+1) b2sin2(βτ) (n2+n+1) h β2 i h β2 i (42) 2(2n+1)(n+1)cos(βτ) θ = , (43) N(n2+n+1) sin2(βτ) β2 2(n2 1) cos(βτ) σ = − , (44) √3N(n2+n+1) sin2(βτ) β2 where b = N, N > 0. In absence of bulk viscosity i.e. when β 0 then the − → physical and kinematic quantities for the model (34) are given by 4n(n+2)(n+1)2 1 α2 1 8πρ= , (45) b2(n2+n+1)2 τ4 − m2ℓ2 n(n+1) [b4τ4]n2+n+1 4n(n+1)(n2+n 2) α2 8πλ= − , (46) b2(n2+n+1)2τ4 − n(n+1) m2ℓ2[b4τ4]n2+n+1 8n(n+1)(n+2) 1 8πρ = , (47) p b2(n2+n+1)2 τ4 8 2(n2 1) 1 θ = − , (48) N(n2+n+1)τ2 2(n2 1) 1 σ = − . (49) N√3(n2+n+1)τ2 In the absence of bulk viscosity, the energy conditions ρ 0 and ρ 0 are p ≥ ≥ satisfied for the model (34). The condition ρ 0 leads to ≥ 4 4n(n+1)2(n+2)m2ℓ2b2(n2+n−1) τn2+n+1 . ≤ α2(n2+n+1)2 The string tension density λ 0 if ≥ 4 4n(n+1)(n2+n 2)m2ℓ2b2(n2+n−1) τn2+n+1 − . ≤ α2(n2+n+1)2 The model (34) in the absence of bulk viscosity starts with a big bang at time τ = 0 and the expansion in the model decreases as time increases. Since limτ→∞ σθ 6= 0, the model does not approach isotropy for large value of τ. However the model isotropizes for n = 1 and n = 1. There is a real physical − singularity in the model (34) at τ =0. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astro- physics (IUCAA), Pune, India for providing facility and support where this work was carried out. We also thank the anonymous referees for the fruitful comments. References [1] Kibble, T. W. B. (1976). J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 9, 1387. [2] Zel’dovich, Ya. B., Kobzarev, I. Yu., and Okun, L. B. (1975). Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 67, 3; (1975). Sov. Phys.-JETP 40, 1. [3] Kibble, T. W. B. (1980). Phys. Rep. 67, 183. [4] Everett, A. E. (1981). Phys. Rev. 24, 858. [5] Vilenkin, A. (1981). Phys. Rev. D 24, 2082. [6] Zel’dovich, Ya. B., (1980). Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 192, 663. [7] Letelier, P. S., (1979). Phys. Rev. D 20, 1249. [8] Letelier, P. S., (1983). Phys. Rev. D 28, 2414. 9 [9] Stachel, J., (1980). Phys. Rev. D 21, 2171. [10] Banerjee, A., Sanyal, A. K. and Chakraborty, S., (1990). Pramana-J. Phys. 34, 1 [11] Chakraborty,S., (1991). 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