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Bézier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision PDF

250 Pages·2007·6.808 MB·English
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Be´zier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision Sambhunath Biswas • Brian C. Lovell Be´zier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision SambhunathBiswas BrianC.Lovell IndianStatisticalInstitute TheUniversityofQueensland Kolkata,India Brisbane,Australia BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007939448 ISBN:978-1-84628-956-9 e-ISBN:978-1-84628-957-6 (cid:2)c Springer-VerlagLondonLimited2008 Apartfromanyfairdealingforthepurposesofresearchorprivatestudy,orcriticismorreview,aspermit- tedundertheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,thispublicationmayonlybereproduced,stored ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withthepriorpermissioninwritingofthepublishers,orin thecaseofreprographicreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicencesissuedbytheCopyright LicensingAgency.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethosetermsshouldbesenttothepublishers. Theuseofregisterednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofa specificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantlawsandregulationsandthereforefree forgeneraluse. Thepublishermakesnorepresentation,expressorimplied,withregardtotheaccuracyoftheinformation containedinthisbookandcannotacceptanylegalresponsibilityorliabilityforanyerrorsoromissions thatmaybemade. Printedonacid-freepaper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 springer.com To my late parents, Kali Kinkar Biswas and Niharbala Biswas, who were always inspiring Sambhunath Biswas To my wonderful and supportive wife, Vicki, and my beautiful daughters, Adeleine, Quetta, and Tess, who were very understanding during the many hours spent writing this manuscript, both at home and abroad Brian C. Lovell Preface Therapiddevelopmentofsplinetheoryinthelastfivedecades—anditswide- spread applications in many diverse areas—has not only made the subject richanddiverse,butalsomadeitimmenselypopularwithindifferentresearch communities. It is well established that splines are a powerful tool and have tremendousproblem-solvingcapability.Ofthelargenumberofsplinesdiscov- ered so far, a few have established permanent homes in computer graphics, image processing, and machine vision. In computer graphics, their significant role is well documented. Unfortunately, this is not really the case in machine vision, even though a great deal of spline-based research has already been doneinthisarea.Thesituationissomewhatbetterforimageprocessing.One, therefore, feels the need for something in the form of a report or book that clearly spells out the importance of spline functions while teaching a course on machine vision. It is unfortunate that despite considerable searching, not even a single book in this area was found in the market. This singular fact providesthemotivationforwritingthisbookonsplines,withspecialattention to applications in image processing and machine vision. The philosophy behind writing this book lies in the fact that splines are effective, efficient, easy to implement, and have a strong and elegant mathe- matical background as well. Its problem-solving capability is, therefore, un- questionable. The remarkable spline era in computer science started when P. E. B´ezier first published his work on UNISURF. The subject immediately caught the attention of many researchers. The same situation was repeated withthediscoveryofIngridDaubechi’swavelets.Differentwaveletsplinesare now well known and extensively found in the literature. As splines are rich inproperties,theyprovideadvantagesindesigningnewalgorithmsandhence theyhavewide-scaleapplicationsinmanyimportantareas.B´ezierandwavelet splines, can, therefore, be regarded as two different landmarks in spline the- ory with wide application in image processing and machine vision, and this justifies the title of the book. In writing this book, therefore, we introduce the Bernstein polynomial at the very beginning, since its importance and dominance in B´ezier spline VIII Preface models for curve and surface design and drawing are difficult to ignore. We omittedthedesignproblemsofcurvesandsurfacesbecausetheyaredealtwith inalmostallbooksoncomputergraphics.Someapplicationsindifferentimage processingareas,basedontheB´ezier-Bernsteinmodel,arediscussedindepth in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4, so that researchers and students can get a fairly goodideaaboutthemandcanapplythemindependently.Chapter1provides a background for B´ezier-Bernstein (B-B) polynomial and how binary images canbeviewed,approximated,andregeneratedthroughB´ezier-Bernsteinarcs. Chapter 2 explains the underlying concept of graylevel image segmentation and provides some implementation details, which can be successfully used for image compression. In Chapter 3 of this book, we will show how one can use one dimensional B-B function to segment as well as compress image data points. Chapter 4 depicts image compression in a different way, using two dimensional B-B function. B-splines, discussed in Chapter 5, are useful to researchers and students of many different streams including computer science and information tech- nology, physics, and mathematics. We tried to provide a reasonably compre- hensive coverage. Attention has been devoted to writing this chapter so that students can independently design algorithms that are sometimes needed for theirclasswork,projects,andresearch.Wehavealsoincludedapplicationsof B-splines in machine vision because we believe it also has strong potential in research.ThebetasplinesdiscussedinChapter6arerelativelynewandmuch work remains to be done in this area. However, we tried to discuss them as much as possible and indicated possible directions of further work. In Chapter 7, discrete splines are discussed, along with the feasibility of their use in machine vision. The application is appropriate and informative. It shows how the problem of recovering surface orientations can be solved throughasystemofnonlinearequations.Splinesinvisionisanopenareaand much attention needs to be paid for further research work. Wavelet splines are relatively new, so we took special care to write the theory in a clear, straightforwardwayinChapter8.Toaidinunderstanding,weusedexamples whenever necessary. Snakes and active contours are explained in Chapter 9, and we discuss their intimate relationship with mathematical splines. Minimizing snake en- ergy using both the original calculus of variations method and the dynamic programmingapproacharediscussed.Thischapteralsoincludesproblemsand pitfalls drawn from several applications to provide a better understanding of the subject. Chapter 10, on the other hand, discusses powerful globally opti- malenergyminimizationtechniques,keepinginmindtheneedofstudentsand researchers in this new and promising area of image processing and machine vision. Finally, we believe that this book would help readers from many diverse areas,asitprovidesareasonablygoodcoverageofthesubject.Webelievethis book can be used in many different areas of image processing and machine vision. It is our hope that this book differs from many other books, as we Preface IX made a considerable effort to make these techniques as easy to understand and implement as possible. We do hope the reader will agree with us. Sambhunath Biswas Brian C. Lovell Indian Statistical Institute The University of Queensland Kolkata, India Brisbane, Australia March 2007 March 2007 Acknowledgments We have freely consulted different books, articles from reputed journals and conference proceedings, and Ph.D theses. All of them are listed in the bibli- ography. We gratefully acknowledge all the authors whose contributions we have used in some minor forms. Among them, we express our sincere ac- knowledgement to Roberto Cipolla and Andrew Blake for the application of B-splineinmachinevision;BrianAndrewBarskyforbetasplines;Cohen,Ly- che and Risenfeld, David Lee and B.K.P. Horn for some of the properties of discrete splines and application, respectively. We believe these works are be- fitting and informative. We extend our acknowledgments to Charles K. Chui and S. Mallat for inclusion of a few articles on wavelet splines. Chapter 10 outlinesanumberofresearchthemescurrentlybeingpursuedwithintheIntel- ligentReal-TimeImagingandSensingGroupandNationalICTAustralia.We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Terry Caelli, Hugues Talbot, Peter Kootsookos, and Brian’s current and former students Pascal Bamford, Ben Appleton, Carlos Leung, David McKinnon, Christian Walder, Stephen Franklin, and Daniel Walford. We would also like to acknowledge the ANU Centre for Mental Health for providing the labeled brain images. Contents Part I Early Background 1 Bernstein Polynomial and B´ezier-Bernstein Spline......... 3 1.1 Introduction ............................................ 3 1.2 Significance of Bernstein Polynomial in Splines .............. 3 1.3 Bernstein Polynomial .................................... 5 1.3.1 Determination of the Order of the Polynomial......... 6 1.3.2 B´ezier-Bernstein Polynomial ........................ 8 1.4 Use in Computer Graphics and Image Data Approximation ... 9 1.4.1 B´ezier-Bernstein Curves............................ 10 1.4.2 B´ezier-Bernstein Surfaces........................... 13 1.4.3 Curve and Surface Design .......................... 13 1.4.4 Approximation of Binary Images .................... 14 1.5 Key Pixels and Contour Approximation .................... 15 1.5.1 Key Pixels........................................ 15 1.5.2 Detection of Inflection Points ....................... 21 1.6 Regeneration Technique .................................. 23 1.6.1 Method 1 ........................................ 23 1.6.2 Method 2 ........................................ 24 1.6.3 Recursive Computation Algorithm................... 25 1.6.4 Implementation Strategies .......................... 26 1.7 Approximation Capability and Effectiveness ................ 28 1.8 Concluding Remarks..................................... 31 2 Image Segmentation ....................................... 33 2.1 Introduction ............................................ 33 2.2 Two Different Concepts of Segmentation ................... 33 2.2.1 Contour-based Segmentation........................ 34 2.2.2 Region-based Segmentation......................... 35 2.3 Segmentation for Compression ............................ 35 2.4 Extraction of Compact Homogeneous Regions............... 36

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