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Beyond Willpower: The Secret Principle to Achieving Success in Life, Love, and Happiness PDF

238 Pages·2015·1.53 MB·English
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Preview Beyond Willpower: The Secret Principle to Achieving Success in Life, Love, and Happiness

Beyond Willpower teaches you certain spiritual and mental techniques, including hand positions, guided meditations, and affirmations, to support achieving abundance in your life. The program is not financial advice or financial education, nor does Dr. Alexander Loyd provide recommendations for specific financial decisions. Copyright © 2015 by Alex Loyd, Ph.D., N.D. All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Harmony Books, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC, a Penguin Random House Company, New York. www.crownpublishing.com Harmony Books is a registered trademark, and the Circle colophon is a trademark of Random House LLC. Grateful acknowledgment is made to The Dallas Morning News for permission to reprint an excerpt from “A Cell Forgets” by Sue Goetinck Ambrose (The Dallas Morning News, Oct. 20, 2004). Reprinted by permission of The Dallas Morning News. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request. ISBN 978-1-101-90281-3 eBook ISBN 978-1-10190282-0 Jacket design by Jess Morphew Jacket photographs: (background) Malija/Shutterstock; (heart) B. Melo/Shutterstock v3.1 To Hope! Most of the beautiful things in my life have bloomed through you, including the information in this book. What began with so much pain and heartache has now transformed my life into “hope fulfilled,” and beyond. If anyone benefits from these pages, it would never have happened without you. Thank you for putting up with me. I know that’s a full-time job. I LOVE YOU! CONTENTS Cover Title Page Copyright Dedication ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INTRODUCTION Life Beyond Willpower PART I THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE GREATEST PRINCIPLE CHAPTER 1 Determining Your Ultimate Success Goal CHAPTER 2 Cellular Memory CHAPTER 3 The Spiritual Physics of Truth and Love PART II HOW THE GREATEST PRINCIPLE WORKS CHAPTER 4 Three Tools to Deprogram and Reprogram Your Human Hard Drive and Its Software CHAPTER 5 Set Success Goals, Not Stress Goals PART III PUTTING THE GREATEST PRINCIPLE INTO ACTION CHAPTER 6 Basic Diagnostics: Identify and Heal the Source of Your Success Issues CHAPTER 7 The Greatest Principle Success Blueprint CONCLUSION Love Truly EPILOGUE Practical Spirituality FURTHER RESOURCES NOTES About the Author ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A special thank you to Kathleen Hagerty—you helped me get this from my head and heart to the page and made it a BLAST! To Amanda Rooker —you took a very rough manuscript and created sense out of it; I couldn’t have done this without you. To Harry, Hope, and George— thanks for putting up with all the note-taking and writing at weird times, and loving me through it all. To my agent, Bonnie Solow—all I can say is that you saved this book, and I will be forever grateful. You are the best! To Diana Baroni and the Random House team—thank you for all your wonderful work, and for giving me a vibrant, warm, and caring home. And to God, for giving me something to write about—I am yours! introduction LIFE beyond WILLPOWER This book is about living life beyond. Beyond willpower. Beyond the ordinary. Beyond your fears. Beyond your circumstances. Beyond your hopes and dreams. Growing up, I always believed it was possible to live a life beyond. But only when I lost everything that mattered most to me did I find a way to actually do it. Although the principles you’ll learn in Beyond Willpower are ancient, the cutting-edge science that confirms these principles is brand new—as is the mechanical, step-by-step process you’ll learn that will enable you not only to choose the life beyond, but to live it from now on. It’s taken me twenty-five years to discover and hone this process, but I believe that’s exactly what I’m offering you. I call it the Greatest Principle in the World That Almost Nobody Knows. Before we go any further, I’d like to ask you a question: What is your biggest problem or unrealized potential? What are you searching for? What is the number one thing in your life that needs to be pulled out of the pit, kicked off the couch, or have a magic wand waved over it? I would ask you not to read any further until you have at least one thing in mind from your life that needs fixing—even if you’ve tried everything to fix it and nothing has ever worked. One thing that needs to be rescued from failure or mediocrity to roaring success. I believe the Greatest Principle is that magic wand you need. I know this claim sounds presumptuous, but I’m only saying it because I have watched it happen virtually 100 percent of the time with my private clients over the last twenty-five years. I believe you can apply the process outlined in this book to any aspect of your life and see it transform from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Let me guess what’s going through your mind right now: you’re thinking, I’ve heard that before. In fact, you’ve heard it a hundred times, and for some of you, you’ve heard it so many times that you can’t even believe that what I’m telling you is possible. Yeah right, another magic bullet that cons me out of twenty-five bucks and leaves me right back where I started. If that’s what went through your head, I get it. I’ve been there myself. But I need to let you in on a secret about the success/self-help industry: it has a 97 percent failure rate. THE 97 PERCENT SELF-HELP FAILURE RATE Most of us have read or have figured out on our own that the vast majority of success and self-help programs fail. If they worked, we wouldn’t keep looking for a new one every year, would we? And this so- called industry (worth $10 billion annually in the United States alone)1 would dry up, because if there were one program that really worked for everyone, we’d all be living happy, healthy, and fulfilled lives. For example, one of the top-selling nonfiction categories of books is weight loss. Now, who do you think buys the weight-loss books this year? Answer: The same people who bought them last year—because last year’s books didn’t work! But the secret isn’t that most success and self- help programs fail—it’s that the success industry experts already know this. And the failure rate is far worse than we thought. According to industry insiders, the failure rate in the success industry (which includes books, lectures, workshops, programs, and more) is approximately 97 percent. Yes, you read that right—97 percent. My colleague and friend Ken Johnston ran the largest personal development seminar company in North America and has openly lectured for years about what most industry insiders will only whisper behind locked doors: that the average success rate is about 3 percent. From that successful 3 percent, they get enough testimonials for their marketing to portray a success machine that works for anyone and everyone. But according to their own experience, that isn’t so. What’s even more interesting is that the vast majority of these programs follow the same basic blueprint: 1. Focus on what you want. 2. Figure out a plan to get there. 3. Put the plan into action. That’s it. Pick your program, book, doctor, or mentor, and chances are he or she will teach some version of that template. In fact, you can trace it back to the seminal self-help book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, published in 1937, and it’s been popularized by other books and programs for at least the past sixty-five years. Focus on the result you want, make a plan, and use your willpower to put that plan into action. The formula makes sense, right? Of course it makes sense. It’s what we’ve heard all our lives. Problem is, it won’t work. According to the latest research out of Harvard and Stanford, which we’ll cover in detail in chapter 1, this paradigm is not only ineffective, but for 97 percent of us it is a veritable blueprint for failure. Why? The typical three-step self-help blueprint—determine what you want, make a plan, and work that plan until you achieve what you want —relies on two components: expecting an external end result (steps 1 and 2), and relying on the tool of willpower (step 3). As we’ll learn in chapter 1, expectations inherently cause chronic stress until the end result is achieved or not—and medical science has proven repeatedly that stress is the clinical source of virtually every problem we can have in life and essentially guarantees failure. Depending on willpower (step 3) also virtually guarantees failure, because willpower depends on the power of the conscious mind. As we’ll also discover in chapter 1, our subconscious and unconscious attitudes are literally a million times stronger than our conscious mind, so if our subconscious and unconscious directly oppose our conscious willpower for any reason, our conscious mind will lose every time. Furthermore, trying to “force” a

Did you know that most self-help programs that follow the standard success blueprint have a 97% failure rate? The truth is that the typical personal improvement mantra of tapping into your willpower and activating the power of positive thinking is actually a recipe for failure.  In Beyond Willpower
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