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EASTERNRELIGION/SELF-HELP B “A straightforward and pragmatic guide to deepening levels of concentration “Bhante Gunaratana has done it again!” e and insight. This book is a joy to read and a great gift to us all.” y —Ajahn Amaro, abbot of Abhayagiri Monastery —Joseph Goldstein, author of AHeartFullofPeace o Beyond n C ountless people worldwide have made Bhante Gunaratana s first book, d ′ Mindfulness in Plain English, a beloved and bestselling classic in almost a dozen languages. Now after nearly two decades, Bhante helps meditators M of every variety and level of experience take their mindfulness practice to the Mindfulness next level—helping them go, in a word, beyond mindfulness. In the same warm, i n clear, and friendly voice, Bhante introduces the reader to what have been known d for centuries as the “jhanas”—deeply calm, joyous, and powerful states of medi- tation that, when explored with the tools in this book, lead to a life of insight and f u unshakable peace. l n I N P L A I N E N G L I S H e s s “There is a practical logic and an almost startling common sense I to the explanations that lead the reader smoothly through the N various stages of meditative concentration. P This book is likely to become a classic alongside its predecessor.” L —Ajahn Amaro, abbot of Abhayagiri Monastery A I N “Elegant and profound.” —Matthew Flickstein, author of TheMeditator’sAtlas and E N TheMeditator’sWorkbook G L “Thoroughly grounded in the core teachings of the Buddhist path, this is I a simple and clear introduction that will make these tools an accessible S H element in every meditator’s practice. A welcome addition!” —Shaila Catherine, author ofFocusedandFearless “Straight-forward and valuable.”—Sharon Salzberg, author of Faith “Excellent and highly recommended.”—Noah Levine, author of DharmaPunx G “Bhante Gunaratana writes with such clarity that we are drawn in to u taste stillness and joy even as we read. An inspiring book!” n —Guy Armstrong, senior teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center a r a t an introductory guide to a n deeper states of meditation a ISBN0-86171-529-2 US$15.95 ISBN13:978-0-8617-1529-9 WISDOMPUBLICATIONS•BOSTON Bhante Henepola Gunaratana www.wisdompubs.org PRODUCEDWITHENVIRONMENTALMINDFULNESS author of Mindfulness in Plain English WISDOM A Note from the Publisher We hope you will enjoy this Wisdom book. For your conven- ience, this digital edition is delivered to you without “digital rights management” (DRM). This makes it easier for you to use across a variety of digital platforms, as well as preserve in your personal library for future device migration. Our nonprofit mission is to develop and deliver to you the very highest quality books on Buddhism and mindful living. We hope this book will be of benefit to you, and we sincerely appre- ciate your support of the author and Wisdom with your pur- chase. If you’d like to consider additional support of our mission, please visit our website at wisdompubs.org. Acquired at wisdompubs.org BEYOND MINDFULNESS IN PLAIN ENGLISH Acquired at wisdompubs.org Publisher’s Acknowledgment Thepublishergratefullyacknowledgesthegeneroushelpofthe Hershey Family Foundation in sponsoring the publication of thisbook. Acquired at wisdompubs.org Beyond Mindfulness I N P L A I N E N G L I S H an introductory guide to deeper states of meditation Bhante Henepola Gunaratana edited by John Peddicord WISDOM PUBICATIONS • BOSTON Acquired at wisdompubs.org WisdomPublications 199ElmStreet SomervilleMA02144USA www.wisdompubs.org ©2009BhanteGunaratana Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedinanyformorbyanymeans,elec- tronicormechanical,includingphotography,recording,orbyanyinforma- tion storage and retrieval system or technologies now known or later developed,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Gunaratana,Henepola,1927– BeyondmindfulnessinplainEnglish:anintroductoryguidetothejhanas/by BhanteHenepolaGunaratana. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-86171-529-2(pbk.:alk.paper) ISBN978-0-86171-995-2(ebook) 1. Meditation—Buddhism. I.Title. BQ5612.G852009 294.3'4435--dc22 2009009950 1312111009 5 4 3 2 1 CoverdesignbyTLJB.InteriordesignbyTL.SetinFairfieldLHLight11/16. WisdomPublications’booksareprintedonacid-freepaperandmeetthe guidelinesforpermanenceanddurabilityoftheProductionGuidelinesfor BookLongevityoftheCouncilonLibraryResources. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Thisbookwasproducedwithenvironmentalmindfulness.Wehaveelected toprintthistitleon30%PCWrecycledpaper.Asaresult,wehavesaved thefollowingresources:32trees,10millionBTUsofenergy,3,085lbs.ofgreen- housegases,14,858gallonsofwater,and902lbs.ofsolidwaste.Formoreinfor- mation,pleasevisitourwebsite,www.wisdompubs.org.ThispaperisalsoFSC certified.Formoreinformation,pleasevisitwww.fscus.org. Acquired at wisdompubs.org Contents Preface vii 1 TheConcentrationPath 1 2 ConcentrationandtheJhanas 11 3 GettingReadyforJhanaMeditation 23 4 WishingtheBestforYourselfandOthers 41 5 BreathMeditation 59 6 WhyCan’tWeConcentrateStronglyRightNow? 69 7 ThePurposeofPractice 85 8 TheJhanaStates 103 9 AccessConcentration 111 10 TheFirstJhana 121 11 TheSecondandThirdJhanas 141 12 TheFourthJhana 153 13 TheImmaterialJhanas 169 14 TheSupramundaneJhanas 179 Glossary 189 FurtherandRecommendedReading 205 Index 207 AbouttheAuthor 219 AboutWisdomPublications 221 v Acquired at wisdompubs.org Acquired at wisdompubs.org Preface M any teachers brought insight meditation, vipassana, to the Westinthe1970s,anditprovedtobecomeverypopular.A partofvipassanaisthe“mindfulness”practicethathascometosuch prominence today. In the 1980s, many students wanted to read a clearintroductiontothepractice,butmostofthebookstheycould findtendedtobescholarlyandnotveryaccessibletolaypeople.And thus,IwroteMindfulnessinPlainEnglish,ahow-tobookonmind- fulnesstechniqueanditsunderlyingprinciples.Thatbook,likethis one,waswrittenforordinarypeopleinstraightforwardlanguage. While the words mindfulness and even vipassana have grown increasingly common and the practice itself has received lots of attention, deep concentration meditation, shamatha, seems to have receivedless.Infact,itwaswidelyconsideredakindofmeditators’ Olympics,apursuitsuitedonlytoextraordinarybeingswholivedin caves or monasteries, far beyond the ken of “normal people,” folks withbusydailylives. In the first decade of this century, interest seems to be turning toward the concentration path.And that is a good thing, because it is truly a parallel yet complementary path to insight meditation, to mindfulness.Thetwoareintertwinedandsupportoneanother.Over the last two millennia, these two path were codified and refined as parallelpathsforaverygoodreason:theybothwork,andtheywork vii Acquired at wisdompubs.org viii beyond mindfulness in plain english besttogether.Infact,thetwoarereallyone.Intruth,theBuddhadid notteachshamathaandvipassanaasseparatesystems.TheBuddha gaveusonemeditationpath,onesetoftoolsforbecomingfreefrom suffering. Thisbookisintendedtoserveasaclearlycomprehensiblemedi- tators’handbook,layingoutthepathofconcentrationmeditationin afashionasclosetostep-by-stepaspossible.Also,thisbookassumes youhavereadMindfulnessInPlainEnglishorsomethingsimilar,that youhavebeguntocultivateamindfulnesspractice,andthatyouare nowreadytotakethenextstep—beyondmindfulness. Onenoteaboutthestructureofthisbook:throughoutit(andespe- cially where talking in detail about the jhanas), I have offered a numberofquotationsfromthecanonofPalisuttas,ourbestrecord of what it is the Buddha himself taught. Since this is not an aca- demic work, we have not used endnotes. Nonetheless, I’d like to acknowledgethemanyfinetranslatorswhoseworkI’vedrawnonin this volume: Bhikkhu Bodhi, Nyanaponika Maha Thera, Bhikkhu Nanamoli,JohnD.Ireland,andGilFronsdal.Additionaltherearea fewtranslationswhicharemyown,andseveralthatcomefromthe VisuddhimaggabyBuddhaghosa,translatedbyBhikkhuNanamoli. And one final note: one of the essential parts of any study is the meaningofthebasicterms.Thereisanextensiveanddetailedglos- sary of terms at the back of the book. Please make use of this glos- sary as you read. Indeed, you can get a very fine review of the materialinthisbookjustbyreadingtheglossary. IamprofoundlygratefultoJohnPeddicordforthegenerousgiftsof histimeandpatience.Thisbook,likeMindfulnessinPlainEnglish, could not have come into being without his extensive hard work in itsdevelopment. Acquired at wisdompubs.org

author of Mindfulness in Plain English an introductory guide to deeper states of meditation. “Bhante Gunaratana has done it again!” —Ajahn Amaro, abbot of
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