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Beyond Budgeting : How Managers Can Break Free from the Annual Performance Trap. PDF

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by  Fraser
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BBeeyyoonndd Continued from front flap FinAnCe / ACCounTing Hope $35.00 US of power and decision-making aut hor ity from Fraser Abandon the the center of the organization to the front line. Traditional Budgeting Detailed international case studies illus- “ Beyond Budgeting distills the new management model for the Information trate the beyond budgeting model in action— Age. This is a book for leaders with the courage and insight to sweep away an Process for Good BBuuddggeettiinngg B from selling the vision to creating adaptive enervating management dogma and release the latent wealth in their organi- processes to devolving responsibility to chang- I zations.” e ing recognition and rewards systems. Hope t’s no secret that annual budgeting and Fraser also highlight the obstacles to — GreGor Pillen, EMEA Head of Financial Management Solutions, y processes are time-consuming, add making the process work, and include a lit- IBM Business Consulting Services little value, and prevent managers from mus test against which to measure success as o re sponding quickly to changes in today’s busi- companies step away from the dependency ness environment. In addition, traditional “ Hope and Fraser blast away the ‘old’ budgeting approach in Beyond Budget- n culture of budgeting toward a new culture budgeting’s focus on fixed targets and perfor- ing. Their thorough analysis and synthesis of many successful business cases of personal responsibility, mutual trust, and mance incentives often leads to dysfunctional, d writes the blueprint for competitive success in the current turbulent, hyper- continuous improvement. even unethical, management behavior. A call to action for every individual with competitive economic environment.” In their groundbreaking book, authors Jer- B P&L responsibility, this book unveils a pow- emy Hope and Robin Fraser show how or gan- — micHel J. leBAS, Professor of Management Accounting, erful guiding framework for building a lean, HHooww MMaannaaggeerrss izations can break free from the annual bud- H.E.C. School of Management, France u adaptive, and ethical enterprise. get trap once and for all. Beyond Budgeting is d not a new financial-planning process—it is an CCaann BBrreeaakk FFrreeee ffrroomm “ Hope and Fraser brilliantly expose what lies at the heart of most failed attempts alternative, coherent management model that to foster corporate agility and innovation: the ‘fixed performance contract’ g enables companies to manage performance and the low-trust mind-set in which it is set. Beyond Budgeting is a true e tthhee AAnnnnuuaall PPeerrffoorr-- through processes specifically tailored to today’s volatile marketplace. paradigm shift!” t Hope and Fraser spent five years studying —STeve morlidGe, Unilever Bestfoods UK i mmaannccee TTrraapp a wide range of international companies—from n a global corporation to a small charity, from a “ Beyond Budgeting has inspired UBS not only to shift its focus away from tra- bank to a ball-bearings manufacturer—that g ditional, detailed budgets but also to take the next steps and implement have already abandoned traditional budget- Jeremy HoPe and roBin FrASer are ing to varying degrees. From these pioneering plans with adequate levels of detail; and to further redirect its focus toward directors of the beyond budgeting round exp eriences, the authors have distilled a set Table (www.bbrt.org), a collaborative that trend analysis, scenario planning, and rolling forecasts.” of guid ing principles that will take any com- offers shared learning, performance manage- ment research, and con sulting support. — PeTer THUrneySen , UBS AG, pany beyond budgeting to a whole new level Head Group Controlling & Accounting of competitiveness. JJeerreemmyy HHooppee Based on the decision-making needs of Jacket Design by Ralph Fowler front-line managers, Beyond Budgeting enables Cover photo by David Gould / Getty Images readers to take advantage of two major oppor- Harvard Business School Press ISBN-13: 978-1-57851-866-1 HBS RRoobbiinn FFrraasseerr tunities: 1) a set of adaptive management pro- ISBN-10: 1-57851-866-0 Harvard Business School Press 60 Harvard Way | Boston, MA 02163 90000 cesses that replace centrally controlled, pre- 60 Harvard Way | Boston, MA 02163 determined goals with self-regulating, relative Learn more about our books and competitive benchmarks, and 2) the transf er view our latest catalog at: Learn more about our books and view our latest catalog at: www.HBSPress.org 9 781578 518661 h a r v a r d b u s i n e s s s c h o o l p r e s s Continued on back flap www.HBSPress.org Press Beyond Budgeting In the cases we researched for this book,we detected several indepen- dent strands ofmanagement philosophy that have contributed much to the development ofthe beyond budgeting model.Ofthese,our greatest source ofinspiration has been the philosophy ofradical decentralization as exemplified at Svenska Handelsbanken.In a period ofcrisis,then- Chairman Tore Browaldh appointed Jan Wallander as ChiefExecutive in 1970.Wallander became the visionary architect ofthe management model Handelsbanken uses today.One ofhis first and most decisive acts was to abandon budgeting and the bureaucracy it supports.It took his strong determination,persuasion,and enthusiasm to bring about these changes.His experience over forty years provides strong evidence that the principles and practices we describe in this book will provide a solid foundation for sustainable improvement. Beyond Budgeting How Managers Can Break Free from the Annual Performance Trap Jeremy Hope Robin Fraser HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PRESS Boston, Massachusetts This book is dedicated to our families whose support made it possible. Dot,Ben,Vicky,and Oliver and Farideh,Mariam,and Anna Copyright 2003 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation All rights reserved Printed in the United States ofAmerica 07 06 05 04 03 5 4 3 2 1 No part ofthis publication may be reproduced,stored in or introduced into a retrieval system,or transmitted,in any form,or by any means (electronic,mechanical, photocopying,recording,or otherwise),without the prior permission ofthe publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to [email protected],or mailed to Permissions,Harvard Business School Publishing,60 Harvard Way,Boston, Massachusetts 02163. Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hope,Jeremy. Beyond budgeting :how managers can break free from the annual performance trap / Jeremy Hope and Robin Fraser. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-57851-866-0 (alk.paper) 1.Management. 2.Fraser,Robin,1941– II.Title. HD31 .H635 2003 658—dc21 2002015622 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements ofthe American National Standard for Permanence ofPaper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives Z39.48-1992. Frontispiece:Tore Browaldh (left),Chairman,and Dr.Jan Wallander (right),CEO,Svenska Handelsbanken. Painted in 1977 by John-Erik Franzén,Member ofthe Royal Swedish Academy ofFine Arts. Contents Foreword ix Acknowledgments xiii Introduction: Toward a New General Management Model xvii Part I The Promise of Beyond Budgeting Chapter One The Annual Performance Trap 3 Chapter Two Breaking Free 19 Part II The Adaptive Process Opportunity: Enabling Managers to Focus on Continuous Value Creation Chapter Three How Three Organizations Introduced Adaptive Processes 47 Chapter Four Principles of Adaptive Processes 69 Chapter Five Insights into Implementation 95 Part III The Radical Decentralization Opportunity: Enabling Leaders to Create a High Performance Organization Chapter Six How Three Organizations Removed the Barriers to Change 119 viii Contents Chapter Seven Principles of Radical Decentralization 143 Chapter Eight Insights into Changing Centralized Mind-Sets 161 Part IV Realizing the Full Promise of Beyond Budgeting Chapter Nine The Roles of Systems and Tools 177 Chapter Ten The Vision of a Management Model Fit for the Twenty-First Century 197 Glossary 211 Notes 217 Index 221 About the Authors 231 Foreword Beyond Budgeting may be a provocative title for a book. But do not be misled.This book focuses on the whole general management model,not just the replacement oftime-worn,badly managed budgeting processes. Beyond budgeting is not merely a negative idea that trashes budgeting. Instead,it is a positive idea that uses the abandonment ofbudgeting as a trigger for improving the entire management control process. Budget abandonment forces deeper and broader examination of how organiza- tions should be managed. Budgeting is at the heart of how nearly all large corporations in the world are managed today. Managers are deeply dissatisfied with it, but few have really challenged budgeting. This book does. It describes an alternative coherent management model tailored to today’s business conditions.It overcomes many ofthe limitations ofthe traditional man- agement model. This is not a cookbook. There is no package solution. However,this book provides a guiding framework for how organizations should be managed in the twenty-first century. How should we view this in the United States? Our way ofmanaging organizations has been the dominant model throughout the past cen- tury.It has been copied around the world.As conditions have changed, we have recognized its weaknesses.And we have developed useful tools and techniques such as activity-based costing and the Balanced Score- card to deal with them.But have they really worked? Have they funda- mentally changed anything? Could they have worked better within a dif- ferent management model? Is there really such an alternative model? Or is it just more hype? This book addresses these questions.Be clear that beyond budgeting is not just another tool.This book offers an alternative general manage- ment model. It will make many managers uneasy because it takes us beyond our functional comfort zones.It forces us to recognize the inter- dependence of the whole management process. This means changing ix

The traditional annual budgeting process--characterized by fixed targets and performance incentives--is time consuming, overcentralized, and outdated. Worse, it often causes dysfunctional and unethical managerial behavior. Based on an intensive, international study into pioneering companies, Beyond
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