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Preview Beyond Band Insulators: Topology of Semi-metals and Interacting Phases

Beyond Band Insulators: Topology of Semi-metals and Interacting Phases Ari M. Turner Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, P.O. Box 94485, 1090 GL Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ashvin Vishwanath Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA (Dated: December 11, 2013) Therecentdevelopmentsintopologicalinsulatorshave phasesintwoandhigherdimensions. Asurprisingrecent highlighted the important role of topology in defining development is the identification of topological phases of 3 phases of matter (for a concise summary, see Chapter 1 bosons that have no topological order12,13. These truly 1 in this volume). Topological insulators are classified ac- generalize the concept of the free fermion topological in- 0 cording to the qualitative properties of their bulk band sulatorstotheinteractingregime. Wedescribeproperties 2 structure;thephysicalmanifestationsofthisbandtopol- of some of these phases in 2D, including a phase where n ogy are special surface states1 and quantized response the thermal Hall conductivity is quantized to multiples a functions2. A complete classification of free fermion of 8 times the thermal quantum12, and integer quantum J topological insulators that are well defined in the pres- Hall phases of bosons where only the even integer Hall 2 ence of disorder has been achieved3,4, and their basic plateaus are realized14–16. Possible physical realizations properties are well understood. However, if we loosen of these states are also discussed. We end with a brief ] l these restriction to look beyond insulating states of free discussion of topological phases with topological order, e - fermions, do new phases appear? For example, are there including fractional topological insulators. r topological phases of free fermions in the absence of an t s energy gap? Are there new gapped topological phases . t ofinteractingparticles,forwhichabandstructurebased a m descriptiondoesnotexist? Inthischapterwewilldiscuss I. PART 1: TOPOLOGICAL SEMIMETALS recent progress on both generalizations of topological in- - d sulators. Aperturbationdoesnotsignificantlychangetheprop- n In Part 1 we focus on topological semimetals, which erties of a fully gapped insulator, hence readily allowing o are essentially free fermion phases where band topology us to define robust topological properties. Is it possi- c [ can be defined even though the energy gap closes at cer- ble for a gapless system to have a defining topological tain points in the Brillouin zone. We will focus mainly feature? How can one distinguish phases of a system 1 onthethreedimensionalWeylsemimetalanditsunusual with gapless degrees of freedom that can be rearranged v surface states that take the form of ‘Fermi arcs’5 as well in many ways? 0 3 asitstopologicalresponse,whichiscloselyrelatedtothe Wewillconsideraparticularexampleofagaplesssys- 3 Adler-Bell-Jackiw (ABJ)6 anomaly. The low energy ex- tem, a Weyl semimetal, as an example. There are three 0 citations of this state are modeled by the Weyl equation answerstothequestionofhowthisstatecanbetopologi- 1. ofparticlephysics. TheWeylequationwasoriginallybe- callycharacterizeddespitetheabsenceofacompletegap: 0 lieved to describe neutrinos, but later discarded as the inmomentumspace,thegaplesspointsare“topologically 3 low-energy description of neutrinos following the discov- protected” by the behavior of the band structure on a 1 ery of neutrino mass. If realized in solids, this would surfaceenclosingeachpoint17,18. Therearetopologically v: provide the first physical instance of a Weyl fermion. protected surface states, as in 3D topological insulators, i Wediscusscandidatematerials,includingthepyrochlore which can never be realized in a purely two dimensional X iridates5 and heterostructures of topological insulators system.5. If a field is applied, there is a response whose r and ferromagnets7. We also discuss the generalization value depends only on the location of the gapless points, a of the idea of topological semimetals to include other in- but on no other details of the band structure (and so is stances including nodal superconductors. topological). In Part 2, we will discuss the effect of interactions. InWeylsemimetals,thevalenceandconductionbands First, we discuss the possibility that two phases deemed touch at points in the Brillouin zone. A key require- different from the free fermion perspective can merge ment is that the bands are individually non-degenerate. in the presence of interactions. This reduces the pos- This requires that either time reversal symmetry or in- sible set of topological phases. Next, we discuss phys- version symmetry (parity) are broken. For simplicity, ical properties of gapped topological phases in 1D and we assume time reversal symmetry is broken, but inver- their classification8–11. These include new topological sion is preserved. In practice this is achieved in solids phasesofbosons(orspins),whichareonlypossibleinthe with some kind of magnetic order. Consider the follow- presence of interactions. Finally we discuss topological ingHamiltonian19,20,asimpletwo-bandmodelwherethe 2 2×2 Pauli matrices refer to the two bands: A. Topological Properties of Weyl Semi-metals (cid:88) H = − [2t (cosk −cosk )+m(2−cosk −cosk )]σ x x 0 x y x 1. Stability k +2t sink σ +2t sink σ (1) y y y z z z A well known argument about level crossing in quan- tum mechanics22 can be applied to argue that Weyl Weassumetheσ transformslikeangularmomentumun- nodes are stable to small perturbations regardless of der inversion and time reversal, which implies the above symmetry23. Consider a pair of energy levels (say two Hamiltonian is invariant under the former, but not the bands) that approach each other. We would like to un- latter symmetry. It is readily seen to possess nodes. At derstand when the crossing of these energy levels (band k=±k xˆ, and only there (if m is sufficiently large), the 0 touching)isallowed. WecanwriteageneralHamiltonian gap closes. This will turn out not to be due to symme- (cid:18) (cid:19) δE ψ +iψ try, but to topology. Even if all symmetries are broken for these two levels as: H = 1 2 , ig- ψ −iψ −δE (time reversal already is) a gap will not open. The gap- 1 2 noring the overall zero of energy. The energy splitting lesspointscanmovearoundbutwewillseethattheycan (cid:112) then is ∆E = ± δE2+ψ2+ψ2. For ∆E = 0 we need only disappear if they meet one another, at which point 1 2 to individually tune each of the three real numbers to they can annihilate. This is a key difference from the zero. This gives three equations, which in general needs analogous dispersion in 2D (e.g. graphene) which may threevariablesforasolution. ThethreedimensionalBril- be gapped by breaking appropriate symmetries. louin zone provides three parameters which in principle If the bands are filled with fermions right up to the canbetunedtofindanode. Whilethisdoesnotguaran- nodes, then this is a semimetal with vanishing density of tee a node, once such a solution is found, a perturbation states at the Fermi energy. We expand the Hamiltonian which changes the Hamiltonian slightly only shifts the aroundthegaplesspointssettingp =(±k ∓k ,k ,k ), ± x 0 y z locationofthesolutioni.e. movestheWeylnodeincrys- and assuming |p |(cid:28)k : ± 0 tal momentum. Note, this does not tell us the energy of the Weyl node – in some cases it is fixed at the chemical H = v [p ] σ +v [p ] σ +v [p ] σ (2) ± x ± x x y ± y y z ± z z potentialfromotherconsiderations. Thisisaconvenient E2 = [v·p ]2, (3) situation to discuss, but several of the results we men- ± tion below do not strictly require this condition. Later where v = 2t sink , v = −2t . This is closely wewilldiscusshowDiracpointscanbestabilizedinlower x x 0 y,z y,z related to Weyl’s equation from particle physics: dimensions as well, as in graphene, provided that some symmetries are present. H± =±cp·σ Weyl whichreducedthe4×4matricesoftheDiracequationto 2. Magnetic Monopoles in Momentum Space 2×2 Pauli matrices. Since there is no ‘fourth’ Pauli ma- trixthatanticommuteswiththeotherthree,onecannot We will now show that the Weyl points’ stability is addamasstermtotheWeylequation. Thus,itdescribes connectedtoaninteger-valuedtopologicalindex. Thatis a massless fermion with a single helicity, either right or thefirstsenseinwhichaWeylsemimetalisatopological left-handed, which corresponds to the sign κ = ±1 be- state. Thereisaconservationlawofthenetchargeofthe fore the equation. The velocity v=±cσ, is either along Weyl points. That is, a single Weyl point cannot disap- or opposite to the spin depending on the helicity. In a pearonitsown. However,onchangingparametersinthe 3D lattice model, Weyl points always come in pairs of HamiltoniantheWeylpointscanmovearoundandeven- oppositehelicity; thisisthefermiondoublingtheorem21, tually pairs with opposite signs can annihilate, meaning which is justified below. thattheyfirstmergeandthenthebandsseparate. Inor- Thelow-energytheoryofaWeylpointisingeneralan derforWeylpointstohavewell-definedcoordinates, one anisotropic version of the Weyl equation, needs crystal momentum to be a well-defined quantum (cid:88) number. Therefore, unlike topological insulators which H = v (nˆ ·p)σ +v (nˆ ·p)1. (4) i i i 0 0 are well defined even in the presence of disorder, here we i will assume crystalline translation symmetry to sharply define this phase. The three velocities v describe the anisotropy of the i The Weyl nodes are readily shown to be associated Weyl point, and the nˆ ’s are the principal directions, i with a quantized Berry flux of 2πκ (where κ=±1 is the which are linearly independent but not necessarily or- chirality). The Berry flux B is defined as: thogonal. (WehavechosenthebasisforthePaulimatri- ces such that they match the principal directions.) The (cid:88) helicity is given by κ = sign[nˆ1·(nˆ2×nˆ3)] (the sign in A(k) = −i (cid:104)un,k|∇k|un,k(cid:105), (5) front of the Weyl equation after transforming to coordi- n,occupied nates where the velocity is isotropic). B(k) = ∇ ×A. (6) k 3 The Berry flux of a Weyl point is readily found from the bulk states? The answer is translational symmetry: if followingsimpleexpressionforthewavefunctionoffilled thesurfacemomentumisconserved,surfacestatesatthe bands near the Weyl point: Fermi energy can be stable at any momenta where there are no bulk states (at the same energy). For example, if (cid:18) sinθ (cid:19) ψ(θ,φ)= 2 , (7) the Fermi energy is tuned to the Weyl point in the bulk, −cosθeiφ the bulk states at this energy are only at the projections 2 of the Weyl points to the surface Brillouin zone. Every- where the momentum coordinates relative to the Weyl where else, surface states are well defined because they point are expressed in terms of the angle: θ and φ. The cannotdecayintobulkstatesatthesameenergyandmo- BerryphaseofthisspinoristhesameastheBerryphase mentum. As the Weyl point momenta are approached, of a spin 1/2 object in a field; one can then determine the surface states penetrate deeper into the bulk. the flux through a small sphere about the Weyl point; It turns out (see Figure 1) that surface states form an it is ±2π. The Berry flux through any surface contain- arc at the Fermi energy, instead of a closed curve. Our ing it is the same, thanks to Gauss’s law. Thus a Weyl usual intuition is that Fermi surfaces form a closed loop point may be regarded as a magnetic monopole, since since they are defined by the intersection of the disper- its flux corresponds to the quantized magnetic charge of sion surface (cid:15) = (cid:15)(k ,k ) with the Fermi level (cid:15) = 0. If monopoles. x y the Fermi surface is an arc, which ‘side’ corresponds to Now the stability of Weyl points can be connected to occupied states? Gauss’s law: a Gaussian surface surrounding the Weyl The key to answering these questions is that surface point detects its charge, preventing it from disappearing states are not well defined across the entire Brillouin surreptitiously. Itcanonlydisappearafteranoppositely zone, due to the presence of bulk states as can be seen charged monopole goes through the surface, and later from Figure 1b. The bulk states intervene and allow annihilates with it. Also, the net charge of all the Weyl for the non-intuitive behavior, that is impossible to ob- points in the Brillouin zone has to be zero (which is seen tain in a two dimensional system, and in this particular bytakingaGauss-lawsurfacethatgoesaroundthewhole case, also impossible on the surface of a fully gapped Brillouin zone). Thus, the minimum number of Weyl insulator. For example, the Fermi arcs end at the gap points (if there are some) is two, and they have to have nodes where the surface mode is no longer well-defined. the opposite chirality, as in the model above. This is the Furthermore, the surface representing the dispersion of proof of the fermion doubling theorem. the surface-states joins up with the bulk states (the blue Ideally, to isolate effects of the Weyl points, it is best cones) at positive and negative energies. thattheylierightattheFermienergy,andthatthereare Intuitively, we may imagine a complete Fermi surface noFermisurfaces(whosecontributionstoresponseprop- being present when we begin with a thin sample of Weyl erties would drown out signals from the Weyl points). semimetal. On increasing the thickness, complementary Now it might seem that it would be necessary to have a parts of the Fermi surface get attached to the top and veryspecialmaterialanddopingtoensurethattheWeyl bottom surfaces, resulting in arcs. Thus the Fermi sur- pointsareatthesameenergyandthatthiscoincideswith face can be completed by combining the arcs living on the Fermi energy. However, a symmetry can ensure the the opposite side of the sample. The surface states are former, and stoichiometric filling, via Luttinger’s theo- obtainedbymappingthreedimensionalWeylsemimetals rem, the latter. Later examples of materials that have toCherninsulatorsintwodimensionsaswenowexplain. been proposed are given. Let us compare this approach to identifying band Semimetals and Topological Insulators – Relations be- topology with the situation in classifying topological in- tween dimensions Topological semi-metals inherit the sulators. The filled bands of a regular topological insu- topologyofaninsulatorofalowerdimension. Thespher- lator gives a continuous map from the Brillouin zone to ical surface enclosing a Weyl node used above to detect the relevant target space, and one classifies topologically the Berry monopole has another interpretation: it de- distinct maps. In a semimetal, the map isn’t continuous scribes the band structure of an insulator with no sym- sincetheoccupiedstatesinthevicinityofagaplesspoint metries (class A) in two-dimensions. That is because a change discontinuously. However, a topological property 2D insulator is described by a matrix-function H(kx,ky) can still be identified by considering a subspace of the thathasagapeverywhere;weonlyneedtotradetheBril- Brillouin zone that avoids the gapless point, in this case louin zone torus for a sphere in this case. The Hamilto- a two-dimensional closed surface surrounding the Weyl nian matrices become gapped because the surface avoids point. the node. These maps are classified by the Chern num- ber, which is identical to the net Berry flux of the mag- netic monopole, given by the integral (cid:82) d2k B(k) where (2π)2 3. Topological Surface States B is defined in Eq. 6. This observation explains why there are surface states Now we will look at the surface states of this model. intheWeylsemimetal. WewillshowthattheFermiarcs How can surface states be protected in a gapless sys- connect the projections of Weyl points onto the surface. tem? What keeps the states from hybridizing with the The starting point is the fact that any closed surface !"#$%&’#(&)*#+,("&)-,-"./&0"#%1,234& && 4 :FK& )*#+,("& :F=& of any symmetry). The boundary states of these phases #" !" correspond to Weyl fermions, i.e. a single Weyl point. !"#$!"#%$&’#(&)*#+,("!&%)#$-,-"./&0"#%1,234& Since this is the boundary of a four dimensional bulk, the fermion doubling theorem does not apply. This im- mediatelyallowsustodrawcertainphysicalconclusions. && Disorderonthesurfaceofa4Dtopologicalinsulatorwill not localize the surface states. Hence, if we have a 3D :FK& Weylsemimetalwithdisorderthatscattersparticlesonly :F=& )*#+,("& withinanode,wemayconcludethatthiswillnotleadto #" !" localization. 4. The Chiral Anomaly •  50&."(234.&3+&6*78&6#%773*%4&934"& –  :;"#4&4*$<"#&%.&=&%4&<"->""4&?"@7&A3%4-.B&C"#3&3*-.%D"E& –  :;"#4&4*$<"#&=FG&HDI"&.-,-"&%4&<"->""4&?"@7&A3%4-.E& We now consider “topological responses” of Weyl –  J",D.&-3&!"#$%&’#(.&(344"(24I&?"@7&A3%4-.E& semimetals. FIG. 1: Surface states of a Weyl semimetal. a)The surface At first, it may seem that the number of particles at states of a Weyl semimetal form an arc connecting the pro- a given Weyl point has to be conserved, as long as there jections of the two Weyl points to one another. Points on is translational symmetry. Yet there is an “anomaly” the Fermi arc can be understood as the edge state of a two- that breaks this conservation law. The conservation of dimensional insulator, and the Berry flux of the Weyl points momentum implies that the particles cannot scatter be- ensures that either the insulators represented by the red or tween the two Weyl points, and hence they can be de- blue planes are integer Hall states, which have edge modes. Here we depict the former. b) A graph of the dispersion of scribed by separate equations. The effective description the•s urfa50c&.e"(2m34o.&d3+&e6s*78(&6t#%h773e*%4p&9i3n4"k& plane) and how this joins to the of either one in an electromagnetic field is bulk state– s (:r;e"#p4&4r*e$s<e"#n&%.t&=e&%4d&<"b->y""4s&?o"l@i7&dA3%4r-e.B&dC"#3a&3n*-d.%D"bE&lue cones)5. ieA –  :;"#4&4*$<"#&=FG&HDI"&.-,-"&%4&<"->""4&?"@7&A3%4-.E& H =∓i(cid:126)vψ† σ·(∇− )ψ , (9) R/L L/R (cid:126) L/R –  J",D.&-3&!"#$%&’#(.&(344"(24I&?"@7&A3%4-.E& in momentum space surrounding one of the Weyl points where we have assumed the velocity to be isotropic. Re- has a Berry flux through it. Such a surface therefore sponse to a low-frequency electromagnetic field can be defines a two-dimensional insulator with a Hall conduc- calculated from these relativistic equations, using meth- tance, which must have edge states, and for the right odsfromfieldtheory. Thefirststepistoaddinacut-off geometry these will correspond to real edge states of the to give a finite answer. This cut-off does not respect the three dimensional crystal. conservationlaw,andsoitisfoundthatthechargeisnot Let us consider a crystal that is cut parallel to the xy- conserved: plane. For a clean surface, momentum is conserved, and thewavefunctionscanbetakentohaveadefinitecrystal ∂ e2 (n (r))=± E·B. (10) momenta k⊥ = (kx,ky) in the direction parallel to the ∂t R/L h2 surface. Let us in particular fix k , so that ψ(x,y,z) = x This is known as the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly in field eikxxfkx(y,z). The Hamiltonian then reduces to a two- theory. dimensionalproblem,differentforeachgivenmomentum, Condensed matter derivation of the anomaly–Consider H f (y,z)=(cid:15)f (y,z) (8) aWeylsemimetalwithcross-sectionalarea Aandlength kx kx kx L in an electric and a magnetic field applied along z. z This describes a 2D system with an edge, corresponding The magnetic field causes the electron states to split tothetopsurfaceoftheoriginalsemimetal. Iftwocross- into a set of Landau levels. As opposed to the two- sections contain a monopole between them, then there is dimensionalcase,eachLandaulevelisaone-dimensional a non-zero net flux through the two of them. Thus the mode dispersing along z. The zeroth levels are the most Chernnumbersdifferby1,andsooneofthetwosystems interesting. They provide one-dimensional chiral modes at least is a 2D quantum Hall state. For example, in with the linear dispersion (cid:15) =±vp for the right and R/L z Fig. 1atheplanesinbetweenthetwomonopolesallhave left-handedspecies. Thesemodescanbepicturedaschi- Chern number 1. Thus there is an edge state for each ral wires parallel to the magnetic field, with a density fixed value of k . Putting all these edge states together, per unit area of B/Φ where Φ = h is the flux quan- x 0 0 e wefindthatthereisaFermiarc connectingthetwoWeyl tum. The derivation uses the fact that lowest Landau points. levelsina2DDiracHamiltoniancorrespondtoaneigen- That completes the argument for the surface states. state of σ , which sets the velocity of z direction prop- z There is another connection between Weyl semimetals agation. The other modes do not cross through zero, and topological insulators in a different dimension: this so they cannot respond much to external fields. Thus, oneappearsonincreasingthedimensionandconsidering the three dimensional anomaly reduces essentially to the 4+1D topological insulators (which exist in the absence one-dimensional one. 5 Now, on applying an electric field the electrons accel- ultimately produce the chiral edge state of the layered erate p˙ = eE and so the Fermi momenta increase as Chern insulator. In a general setting19, the Hall conduc- z z well: tivity is given by the vector: p˙ =eE , (11) e2 (cid:88) F,L/R z G = κ k (13) H 2πh i i creating a larger Fermi sea at the right Weyl point, and i a smaller one at the left Weyl point. So effectively the where k is the location of the Weyl points and κ is i i electronsmovefromtheleftWeylpointtotheright. The their charge. In an electric field, current flows at the rate of increase gives the exactly correct form for the rate J = E×G . This phenomenon is a type of quan- H anomaly tized response. The Hall conductivity just depends on the topological properties of the Weyl points as well as dN L AB R = (eE )( z)( ) (12) theirlocations.72 Ifthelatteraredeterminedfromasep- dt z h Φ 0 arateexperiment,suchasARPES,thenatrulyquantized response can be extracted. Since this is a gapless state, where Lz isthedensityofstatesinachiralmodeand AB h Φ0 theaccuracyofquantizationneedstobetheoreticallyin- is the density of modes. The number density is obtained vestigated, and is a topic for future work. Certainly, the fromN bydividingbythevolumeAL ,andtheresult R/L z temperaturedependenceofdeviationsfromthequantized agrees with Eq. (10) for the anomaly. valuevanish,atbest,asapowerlawoftemperaturegiven There is a close connection between the topological the absence of a finite gap. surface states and the chiral anomaly. Consider the fol- Remarkably, this is directly related to the chiral lowingparadox: Inamagneticfield,therearetwosetsof anomaly. Apply both an electric E and a magnetic B chiral modes, one traveling along and the other opposite field to a topological insulator. Charge will be trans- to the field, at different transverse momenta. When a ferred from the left-handed to the right-handed Weyl particle in the mode traveling upward reaches the sur- points. The points are at different momenta, and hence face, where does it go? It must get to the opposite node momentum is not conserved. One can compute the rate and return back through the bulk, but that is at a dif- of change of momentum per unit volume using Eq. (10): ferent momentum. In fact, it travels along the Fermi arc which connects the projection of the right-handed Weyl dp e2 (cid:88) point to the left-handed one (the Lorentz force pushes it = κ (cid:126)k E·B. (14) dt h2 i i along the arc). i From the anomaly, it is clear that a single Weyl point is disallowed in a 3D band structure since that would This is exactly the Hall coefficient, i.e.ddpt = GHE·B. violate particle number conservation. Note, the E · B This is understood from the fact that electric and mag- term appears here in an equation of motion, while the netic fields acting on a system with an anomalous Hall same term appears in the effective action for topological conductance induce a charge ρH = B·GH and current insulators2. Thisconnectionarisesfromthefactthatthe density JH = E × GH, which in turn respond with a transition between trivial and topological insulators can Lorentz force ddpt = ρHE+JH ×B, which is equal to be understood in terms of Weyl fermions24,25. GHE·B. This argument gives an alternative derivation Anomalous Hall Effect: Although this anomaly is a of the Hall conductivity from the anomaly. quantized response, it is hard to measure separately the charge at individual Weyl points. Instead, consider the anomalous Hall effect associated with this simple Weyl B. Topological Semimetals: Generalizations semimetal with two Weyl points. The region of the Bril- louin zone between the Weyl points can be considered as As for topological insulators, topological semimetals planes of 2D band structures each with a quantized Hall can exist in various numbers of dimensions and with dif- effect. Thus, the net Hall effect is proportional to the ferent symmetries, and they all have surface states. In separation between the nodes. Consider creating a pair particular,superconductingsystemswithnodescanhave of Weyl nodes at the center of the Brillouin zone. As flat bands on their surface26–29, which could potentially thenodesseparate, theHallconductanceincreases, until forminterestingphasesbecauseinteractionswouldbeex- they meet at the face of the Brillouin zone and annihi- tremely important. late. At this point the Hall conductance is quantized, A topological semimetal is a material whose metallic in the sense that the system can be considered a lay- behavior has a topological origin; that is, it is not possi- eredintegerquantumHallstate(Cherninsulator)witha bletoeliminategaplesspointswithoutannihilatingthem layering in the direction G, the reciprocal lattice vector with one another. Such a material could also have nodes where the nodes annihilated. Thus the Weyl semimetal (i.e. band touchings) along loops that are stable, unless isanintermediatestatebetweenatrivialinsulatoranda the loops are shrunk down to a point. (We will ignore layered Chern insulator. Likewise, the Fermi arc surface theenergydispersionalongtheseloopssincetheycanbe states are understood as the evolution of the surface to smoothlydeformedtohavethesameenergy). Ingeneral, 6 wedefineatopologicalsemi-metalindspatialdimensions ductors. In particular, consider a superconductor with as one that has a band touching along a q-dimensional time reversal symmetry T. The superconductor also has space in the Brillouin zone (where q ≤ d − 2) which a particle-hole symmetry Ξ (resulting from the redun- is protected by nontrivial band topology of a topologi- dancy in the Bogolyubov-de Gennes equations), and the cal insulator derived from a submanifold of the Brillouin product, ΞT is a unitary symmetry that anticommutes zone surrounding the nodal space. For a q-dimensional with the Hamiltonian, and leaves the crystal momentum node, this topological insulator will be (d − q − 1) di- k invariant. Thus, the loop is again classified by AIII mensional, e.g., in d=3, a point node will be protected symmetry. If it is non-trivial, then the line node cannot by a sphere surrounding it and a line node will be pro- be removed. This is the most natural way for the AIII tected by a circle linked with it. Here we will restrict symmetry to arise–the chiral symmetry could just hap- attention to those topological states whose symmetries pen to be an exact symmetry, as for ideal graphene, but leave the crystal momentum invariant - for example, we anysmallfarther-neighborhoppingwillgenericallybreak will not consider time reversal symmetry, since time re- it. versal changes momentum, and thus it does not protect Thedefinitionofatopologicalsemimetalasweformu- nodesatgenericpoints73. However,theclassAandAIII lated it generalizes the “topological protection” of Weyl are both allowed; in the former there are no symmetries, pointsbytheirmagneticchargetoothersystems. Dothe while the latter is based on sublattice symmetry, which otherproperties,surfacestatesandtopologicalresponses, leaves the momentum untouched. Invariance of momen- come as consequences? tum under a defining symmetry allows us to ignore the The argument for surface states given in the graphene fact that the submanifold can be rather different than a case and for the Weyl semimetal certainly generalizes; Brillouin zone. (The topology of the manifold is more they are the edge states of (d−q−1)-dimensional cross- important when symmetry is present; e.g., on a sphere, sectionsoftheBrillouinzonethathaveanon-trivialband no point is invariant under reversing momenta while on topology on account of the non-trivial topology of the a torus there are four invariant points). nodes. For example, there are exactly zero-energy states Is Graphene a Topological Semimetal?: Graphene has onthesurfaceofasuperconductorwithtopologicalnode- twopointnodesinits2Dbulkbandstructure. However, loops: Foranyfacetdirectionthatthesuperconductoris thereisno1DtopologicalinvariantinclassAthatcould cut along, the loop of nodes casts a “shadow” onto the be used to protect the degeneracy. Therefore we con- surfaceBrillouinzone. Oneithertheinsideortheoutside clude that real graphene is a non-topological semimetal. there has to be a state with energy that is strictly equal However, if we consider a slightly idealized version of to zero. graphene, where the Hamiltonian only involves hopping Indeed, the well known zero bias peaks in d-wave between opposite sublattices of the honeycomb lattice cuprate superconductors are also an example of edge (such as only nearest neighbor hopping), this turns out states of a topological semimetal (the d-wave singlet to satisfy the criteria for topological semimetal. This superconductor)26. Applications of this idea26,27 could version of graphene has a sublattice symmetry, in which help determine pairing symmetry in a nodal supercon- changingthesignofamplitudesononesublatticereverses ductor. the sign of the Hamiltonian. This puts it in class AIII, Do quantized responses, which we define as ones that for which there is a 1D topological invariant3. Does this depend only on the locations and topological properties topological protection have other consequences? Indeed of nodes, generalize as well? So far there is only one ex- the edge nodes in graphene can be understood from the ample,theHalleffectinaWeylsemimetal. Itis“topolog- hidden topological 1D insulators embedded in the band ical” in the sense that it is determined by the location of structure. Each line across the Brillouin zone gives a theWeylnodesandtheirindices,butdoesnotdependon one-dimensional Hamiltonian. If a line is in a non-trivial the wave functions as e.g. electrical polarizability does. class, it must have edge states, and in class AIII, these There is a second example if we allow an ordinary metal edge states have strictly zero-energy. Lines on opposite tocountastopological: Luttinger’stheorem. Luttinger’s sidesofanodeareindifferentone-dimensionalclasses,so theorem says that the density of electrons (which plays if one side has no edge states, the other must have zero- the role of the response) is proportional to the volume energystates. Indeed,thezeroenergystateexpectede.g. of the Fermi surface. (The Fermi surface in an ordinary at the zig-zag edge30 of graphene conforms to a topolog- metal can be regarded as a topologically protected node icalsurfacestate. However, breakingthesublatticesym- withq =d−1–however,becauseitissoordinaryweruled metry, for example by changing the potential near the it out explicitly above by assuming q ≤d−2.) edge, displaces these zero modes. The same idea protects line nodes in three dimensions in models with sublattice symmetry. A line node can be linked with a loop, and if the Hamiltonian on the loop is C. Candidate Materials non-trivial, then the line node is topological. Nodal Supercondutors: As pointed out in Refs.17,26–29, While there is no experimental confirmation of a Weyl thisisparticularlyinterestinginthecontextofsupercon- semimetal phase, several promising proposals exist: 7 (i) Pyrochlore iridates: A Ir O , form a sequence 2 2 7 of materials (as the element A is changed) with in- creasingly strong interactions. A can be taken to be a Lanthanide element or Yttrium. While some members such as A = Pr are excellent metals, others such as A = Nd,Sm,EuandY evolve into poor conductors be- lowamagneticorderingtransition. Thesemaybeconsis- tentwithaninsulatingorsemi-metallicmagneticground state31. !"#$% Recent ab-initio calculation5 using LSDA+SO+U &"’(’")*$% method predict a magnetic ground state with all-in all- out structure. On varying the on-site Coulomb interac- tions from strong to weak (see Fig. 2), the electronic structure is found to vary. At very strong interactions, an ordinary magnetically ordered Mott insulator is ex- pected. (This would have no topological properties since strong interactions overwhelm hopping, thus ruling out FIG. 2: A sketch of the calculated phase diagram of py- rochlore iridates with interaction strength (U) on the hori- interesting charge-carrying surface states.) As the inter- zontal axis. The Weyl semi-metal appears in a regime of in- actions become weaker, the system possibly realizes an termediatecorrelationsthatisbelievedtoberealizedinsome “axioninsulator”,whichisanalogoustoastrongtopolog- members of the pyrochlore iridates. It appears as a transi- icalinsulatorbutwithinversionratherthantimereversal tion phase between a trivial (Mott) and topological (Axion) symmetry. A competing state is a magnetic metal. In- insulator. Theinsetshowsthelocationofthe24Weylnodes, termediate between these is the Weyl semimetal phase. labeledbytheir±chirality,aspredictedforthiscubicsystem This sequence of phase transitions is natural because an [5]. axioninsulatorrequirestwobandinversionswhileaWeyl semimetal requires only one. There were 24 Weyl points (12 of each chirality) predicted that are related to one line nodes, which imply flat dispersions on the surface of another by the cubic point-group of this crystal. This the crystal, i.e., photon states on the surface with zero implies all 24 Weyl nodes are at the same energy, and at velocity. stoichiometry, the chemical potential passes through the The symmetry properties of crystals that could real- nodes. The anomalous Hall effect cancels out because of ize Weyl semi metals are discussed in39 and a related the symmetry, but if the material is strained, there will massless Dirac semimetal was discussed in40. Given how beaHallcoefficientthatisproportionaltotheamountof naturaltheWeylsemimetalisastheelectronicstateofa the strain19. Other effective theories find broadly simi- 3D solid, these materials candidates may be just the tip larresults32,33 andrelatedphaseshavebeenpredictedin of the iceberg. spinel osmates34. Currently experiments are underway to further investigate these materials. (ii)TIBasedHeterostructures: Ref.7showedthatlay- D. Other Directions eringatopologicalinsulatorwithaferromagnetproduces a Weyl semimetal with just two Weyl points. Ref. 35 In Weyl semimetals, both the surface and the bulk showedthatitisalsopossibletomakeaWeylsemimetal entertain low energy excitations. The role of disorder without breaking time-reversal symmetry: it proposes andinteractionsontheseandtheirinterplayneedsmuch layering HgTe and CdTe and then applying an electric more study. Initial studies have focused on transport. field perpendicular to the layers to break inversion sym- Simple power counting arguments reveal that disorder metry. Magnetic doping near the quantum phase tran- is irrelevant, unlike in graphene where it is marginally sition between a topological and trivial insulator is also relevant. Hence weak disorder will not induce a finite expected to open a region of Weyl semimetal36. density of states in a Weyl semimetal. The conductivity (iii) Spinel HgCr2Se4 Ab initio calculations of Xu et displays a more intricate behavior than this simple anal- al.37 on HgCr2Se4 show that it is likely to realize a pair ysis suggests7,29,41. Turning to the effect of interactions, of Weyl nodes. It is known to be ferromagnetic, thus long range Coulomb interactions are marginally irrele- breaking time reversal symmetry. The Weyl nodes are vant, and the possibility that they dominate transport ‘doubled’ in that they carry Chern number ±2, and the was considered in41. In real samples, charged impurities lowtemperaturemetallicnatureisexplainedbythepres- are likely to move the chemical potential away from the enceofotherbandscrossingtheFermienergy. Neverthe- Weyl nodes29. Anomalous magnetotransport signatures less unusual surface states should be visible. of Weyl nodes were discussed in42–45, but other smoking (iv) Photonic Crystals: Lu et al.38 showed that light gun signatures of the ABJ anomaly would be of great can be given a Weyl dispersion by passing it through a interest. The question of analogous responses in nodal suitable photonic crystal. This scenario includes Weyl superconductors is also an open problem. Instabilities 8 of the Weyl semi metal state to density wave46,47 and superconducting48–50 instabilities, as well as the nature  of topological defects51 were also recently studied.   II. PART 2: TOPOLOGY OF INTERACTING PHASES  A major theme that saturates the theory of topologi- calinsulatorsis“Whatarethepossiblephasesofsystems  that do not break symmetries?” More specifically, what are some qualities that distinguish them? We will focus on states characterized by unusual surface modes, but which are otherwise conventional. Although this ignores interestingtopologicallyorderedstatessuchasfractional QuantumHallphasesintwodimensions,italsocaptures   manyinterestingphases,andisaverynaturalgeneraliza-  tion of topological insulators, whose surface states (such  as Dirac modes and Majorana fermions) have been mea- sured with photoemission, tunneling, and so on. Interactions can change the classification of topologi-   cal insulators. There are two possible effects they can have–they can cause phases to merge, or they can allow  for new phases to exist which could not exist without  interactions. A surprising example of the former type is   thattheclassificationofacertaintypeofone-dimensional  topological insulator (class BDI) changes52: it is classi- fied by integers when there are no interactions, so there are infinitely many phases; when interactions are added, the classification changes to Z , see Fig. 3. FIG.3: a)Effectsofinteractionsonclassificationoftopolog- 8 When one asks how interactions change the classifica- ical insulators. A schematic phase diagram (based on two of tion of topological insulators, one means “how does the thephasesofMajoranafermionchains)withaparameter(t) related to hopping and an interaction parameter (g). Along connectivity of the regions in the phase diagram change the non-interacting vertical axis, this diagram contains two due to interactions”, not, for example, more involved distinctphases. Whenanegativeinteractionisturnedon,the questionslikehowthedynamicsofexcitationsisaffected twophasesconnecttoeachother. b)Thegroupoperationson byscatteringorevenaboutthespecificformofthephase topologicalphases: additionisrepresentedbylayeringstates, diagram. If there is some path joining one state to an- the negative of a state is its mirror image. The last figure other without passing through a discontinuity e.g. in the shows why this is. The arrows are supposed to indicate that groundstateenergy,thenthesestatesaredefinedtobein the states may break reflection symmetry. thesamephase. Imagineaddinganaxiswithaparameter that represents the strength of interactions, as in Fig. 3. When the interaction is turned on, some distinct phases ground state when defined on a closed manifold. At the in the non-interacting case may merge, similar to how same time these requirements impose a certain locality the liquid and vapor phases of water merge at high pres- conditiononthequantumentanglement. Moreprecisely, sure. This is exactly what happens in the BDI class of we require that the conditional mutual information of superconductors: When interactions are turned on, the the variables in any three disjoint regions A,B,C tends two phases that are labelled by 0 and 8 join, as in the to zero exponentially as the distance between the two phase diagram shown, although in the non-interacting closest points in A and B tends to infinity. The condi- limitthesestatesremainseparatedbyaphasetransition tionalmutualinformationbetweenthreesetsofvariables no matter how many axes are added. A,B,C is defined as S(A,B|C) := S(AC) + S(BC) − S(C)−S(ABC) where S is the entanglement entropy. It roughly captures the correlations between variables A 1. Phases with Short Range Entanglement and B after variable C is measured. In gapped phases with topological order, this yields the topological entan- We will restrict ourselves to a certain type of phases glement entropy53. This differs slightly from the defini- with Short Range Entanglement (SRE). Physically, this tion by Chen, Gu and Wen13 of SRE phases, which are means that we look at phases with (i) An energy gap further required to be able to be continuously changed in the bulk and (ii) No topological order, i.e. a unique into a product state without a phase transition when 9 symmetries are allowed to be broken. A. One Dimensional Topological Insulators A characteristic of topological states with only SRE is unusualedgeexcitations,namelyedgestatesthatcannot Classifying topological insulators becomes difficult exist in a true system of d−1 dimensions, but only on withinteractionsbecausethereisnosingle-particleband theboundaryofthed-dimensionaltopologicalstate. For structure that allows us to reduce the problem to study- example, the doubling-theorem says that a chiral mode ing the topology of matrix-valued functions on a torus. cannot exist on a discrete one-dimensional lattice, yet it Sinceitisverycomplicatedtosolveamany-bodyHamil- can be simulated at the edge of a two-dimensional quan- tonian, we start with the ground state directly. In one tum Hall state. Another example is a chain made up of dimension (with the exception of Majorana phases of integer spin particles. As we will discuss, they can have fermions), a symmetry must be imposed in order to pro- half-integer spins at the ends, even though half-integer duce distinct phases. spins can’t be made out of integer spin particles in a Since we cannot take advantage of band structure in zero-dimensional system. theinteractingcase,allwehaveis1)themany-bodylow- energy eigenstates which are localized around the edge, When long-range-entanglement is allowed, an even and 2)the symmetry operations. How can these be com- more fascinating phenomenon can occur: anyon excita- bined together to distinguish different phases? tions in the bulk, like in the fractional quantum Hall A model of an interacting topological phase (that is effect. These states however are much more complicated analogous to a topological insulator) is the Heisenberg to classify, and so we stick to the SRE states. spin chain of spin 1 atoms, which has the Hamiltonian Part of the interest of SRE phases is that they have an orderly and interesting structure: they form a group; (cid:88) H = S ·S . (15) thus classifying states (such as the integer quantum Hall i i+1 i states)istractable,muchsimplerthanclassifyingphases with anyons in the bulk. We can give a simple argument This Hamiltonian has an SO symmetry. The bulk of 3 for this based on the assumption that SRE phases can the ground state has an SO symmetry as well (thanks 3 beclassifiedentirelybytheiredgestates,whereasKitaev to the Mermin Wagner theorem), while the edge states has given a more general argument12. (The assumption are spin 1 excitations. 2 is correct in one dimension as long as none of the sym- Theseexcitationshavebeenseeninacompoundcalled metries imposed are spatial symmetries like translation NINAZ (among others, see also Refs. 54) that consists orinversionsymmetry,andtherearenocounterexamples of chains of spin 1’s (carried by nickel atoms). Cooling known in two-dimensions.) the material through a structural transition breaks the The operations for the group are shown in Fig. 3b. chains up, creating ends. Then the signal from electron The addition operation is obvious: take two states and spin resonance and the temperature-dependence of the put them side-by-side. But it is not so obvious that a magnetic susceptibility55 behave as if there are free spin statehasaninverse: howisitpossibletocancel out edge 1’s making up the system, even though the atoms all 2 states? Two copies of a topological insulator cancel one have spin one. another, because the Dirac points can be coupled by a What does it mean to say that the spin one chain has scattering term that makes a gap. A bigger surprise is spin 1’s at the end? First of all, this Hamiltonian has 2 that 8 copies of the 1 dimensional Majorana chain can four nearly degenerate ground states, the same as one becoupledbyquarticinteractionsinawaythatmakesa would expect from a pair of spin-1 particles that are 2 gap. far enough apart that they cannot interact. In order to justify this interpretation, note that the four ground The inverse of a phase is its mirror image. To see this, statesarenotsymmetricunderrotationsofthefullchain, wemustshowthatthestateanditsmirrorimagecancel; Σ(nˆ,θ)=(cid:81) e−iSj·nˆθ. Since the order parameter in the theargumentisillustratedinthelastframeofthefigure. j bulkvanishes,itseems(althoughthismaybeclassicalin- In one dimension, for example, take a closed loop of the tuition at work) that the asymmetry must be associated state, and flatten it. The “ends” are really part of the with asymmetric operators at the ends74. This can be bulk of the loop befored it was squashed, so they are testedbyapplyingamagneticfieldtojustoneend. This gapped. Thereforethisstatehasnoedgestates. Because liftsthedegeneracypartly: afterwardthelevelsformtwo topologicalSREphasesareclassifiedbytheiredgestates, doublets, which indicates that there is one spin 1 at the it must be the trivial state. 2 end the field is applied to, and another at the other end Phases with long-range-entanglement on the other that remains unpolarized. hand do not form a group because they are not classi- The bulk is symmetric under rotations, and only the fied by their boundary excitations. When two layers are ends change75. Therefore, we can write Σ as combined as above, the edges can be gapped, but now there are even more species of anyons in the bulk (one Σ(θ,nˆ)|α(cid:105)=L(θ,nˆ)R(θ,nˆ)|α(cid:105), (16) for each layer), and the state is even farther from being equal to the identity. Hence long-range-entangled states for all the ground states |α(cid:105), where L(θ,nˆ),R(θ,nˆ) are do not have as much structure to organize them. some operators on sites within the correlation length of 10 the ends76. These operators are called the effective edge the edges might spontaneously break symmetry, even symmetries77. though the bulk does not. Thus, the topological phases Wecannowintroduceeffectivespinoperatorsbydefin- are defined by how the edge states transform under the ing L(θ,nˆ) := e−isL·nˆθ and similarly for R(θ,nˆ). We symmetries. Generalizing Eq. (16) to other symmetry then have groups gives a factorization S =s +s . (17) g |α(cid:105)=L R |α(cid:105) (18) total L R i gi gi This is true within the space of ground states. When for each element g of the group. i we say that the edges have half-integer spins, we mean We now need a way to distinguish “fractional” and thattheytransformashalf-integerspinmultipletsunder “integer” symmetries L for discrete symmetry groups. g sL and sR. What is the actual form of these operators? We classified the SO3-symmetric phases above (i.e., spin TheyarenotjustthesumofasequenceofN spinsatone chains) by whether the spins of the ends were integer of the ends (for some N) because any eigenvalue of this or half-integer valued–that is, by checking whether the would have to be an integer. Such a sum is inappropri- eigenvalues of s were integers or half-integers. In the Lz ate for defining the spin of the edge because it does not moregeneralcasewecannotsimplylookattheeigenval- commutewiththedensitymatrixofthebulk; measuring ues of L because the factorization Eq. (18) into L this operator breaks bonds from the Nth atom, the last and R giis not unique, thanks to the transformationgsi gi whose spin is summed. This alters the answer because L → eiαL , R → e−iαR . This ambiguity makes it creates nonzero angular momentum around the Nth thgei eigenvalugies ogfiindividualgiL ’s meaningless, but it gi atom. The correct operator must be modified to keep turns out also to be the key to a different approach to the bonds intact. defining fractionalization. Now spin chains can be divided into two classes. The We must consider several symmetries simultaneously. eigenstates of sL and sR come in multiplets. Either all Theactionofthesymmetriesontheleftendofthechain multiplets are integer or all multiplets are half-integer defines a “projective representation” of the actual sym- spins. Otherwise, one could pair a half-integer state on metry group. For each g , make an arbitrary choice for i the left end with an integer state on the right end (since thephaseofL . Theeffectivesymmetriesthenmultiply gi the two ends are independent). Then the net spin is a in a way that differs from the original group of symme- half-integer which is impossible, since it must match the tries by phase factors, called “factor sets,” physical spin S and that is an integer. total The key distinction among spin chains is whether the L L =eiρ(gi,gj)L , (19) gi gj gigj edge spin is an integer or a half-integer spin; the actual value of the spin is not important. For example, a state on account of the ambiguity in the phase. Topological withanintegerspinattheend(e.g., aspin2Heisenberg phases can then be classified by the values of the factor chain,whichhasaspin1attheend)canbeadiabatically sets for the edge states8–10. transformedintoastatewithoutaspinattheend; there Understanding how this works requires some more will be a level crossing at some point, but this only has elaboration. Although the phase of Lg is ambiguous, to occur at the ends. When the edge spin changes by a there is a certain part of the phase ρ(g1,g2) that cannot half-integer there must be a gapless mode in the bulk at beattributedtothisambiguity. Thisisthepartthatcan some point. be used to classify the phases. In fact, the ρ’s can be di- General Classification of Spin Chains and Bosonic vided into a discrete number of inequivalent classes, and Systems – The idea of fractional edge states can be gen- it is not possible to go from one class to another without eralized beyond this special example. For each symme- either a discontinuous transition or a point where the try group, there is a definite list of phases associated gap closes (so that the edge state operators temporar- with the group. The classification depends only on the ilylosetheirmeaningandthustheρphasescanchange). abstract type of the symmetry group, and not on what Thefollowingtwoexamplesillustratehowdiscretephases it describes. For example, the classification applies to come about. systems of mobile bosons, as well as fixed spins. Con- ClassifyingstateswithZ2 andZ2×Z2 symmetry. Fora servation of particle number produces a U(1) symmetry single order 2 symmetry g, it is possible to eliminate the ψ →eiθψ. If there are two species of particle, then there ρ-phase (there is only one) by making a different choice are two U(1) symmetries. Alternatively the symmetries for the phase of Lg in the first place. If L2g =eiρ1, then can be spatial symmetry with respect to a cross-section: redefine L¯ = e−iρ/21, and the phase has been elimi- g for example, four chains with a square cross-section can nated. have the symmetry group D . For two order two symmetries that commute the 4 Foranordinarysymmetry-breakingtransition,aphase phases cannot necessarily be completely absorbed by re- is specified by the symmetry group and the list of broken defining the phases of the L ’s. Let us call the symme- g symmetries. tries Σ and Σ and call the effective edge operators at x z In a topological state no symmetries are broken in the the left end L and L . As in the above, L2 must be a x z x bulk, so the rule is more subtle. One first observes that phase, butthisphasecanbeabsorbedintothedefinition

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