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BEXTEX Limited - BEXIMCO | Textiles & Apparel Division PDF

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Preview BEXTEX Limited - BEXIMCO | Textiles & Apparel Division

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 7 BEXTEX Limited MISSION Each of our activities must benefit and add value to the common wealth of our society. We firmly believe that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of the constituents with whom we interact; namely: our employees, our valued customers, our suppliers, our business associates, our shareholders and our fellow citizens. TABLE OF CONTENTS Notice of the Twenty-Fourth Annual General Meeting 2 Board and Management 3 Chairman's Statement 4 Human Resources and Compliance 8 Corporate Governance 10 Report of the Directors 12 Five Years' Statistics 15 Value Added Statement 16 Twenty-Third Annual General Meeting 17 Report of Auditors to the Shareholders 19 Balance Sheet 20 Profit and Loss Account 21 Statement of Changes in Equity 22 Cash Flow Statement 23 Notes to the Accounts 24 Proxy Form and Attendance Slip Annexed NOTICE OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING BEXTEX LIMITED 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 2, Dhaka 1205 NOTICE OFTHE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUALGENERALMEETING Notice is hereby given that the TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of Bextex Limited will be held on Thursday, the 28th August, 2008 at 10.30 a.m. at 1, Shahbag C/A, Dhaka to transact the following business: AGENDA 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 31st December, 2007 together with reports of the Auditors and the Directors thereon. 2. To elect Director. 3. To appoint Auditors for the year 2008 and to fix their remuneration. 4. To transact any other business of the Company with the permission of the Chair. By order of the Board, (Md. Asad Ullah, FCS) Dated : 6th May, 2008 Company Secretary NOTES: (1) The Record Date shall be on 2nd July, 2008. The Shareholders whose names will appear in the Share Register of the Company or in the Depository Register on that date will be entitled to attend at the Annual General Meeting. (2) Amember entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting may appoint a Proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. The Proxy Form, duly stamped, must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. (3) Admission to the meeting room will be strictly on production of the attendance slip sent with the Notice as well as verification of signature of Member(s) and/or proxy-holder(s). 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 BOARD AND MANAGEMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS FRahman Salman FRahman M AQasem AB SiddiqurRahman Chairman and Vice Chairman Director Director Managing Director MANAGEMENT TEAM Syed Naved Husain SardarAhmed Khan Ajay Pratap Singh Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer Chief Financial Officer Md. Asad Ullah, FCS Company Secretary BEXTEX LIMITED 3 ßY~JroqJPjr k´KfPmhj Kk~´ ßv~JrPyJflJrmªO , IJKo kKrYJuT kwPthr kã ßgPT ßTJŒJjLr 24fo mJKwTt xJiJre xnJ~ IJkjJPhr xTuPT ˝JVf \JjJKò FmÄ ßTJŒJjLr 31ßv KcPx’r 2007 xoJ¬ mZPrr KjrLKãf IJKgTt kK´fPmhjxy KjrLãPTr kK´fPmhj S kKrYJuTmPOªr kK´fPmhj Ck˙Jkj TrKZÇ TJpât o IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjLr hã \jvKÜr GTJK∂T kP´YÓJr TJrPe IPjT xLoJm≠fJ gJTJ xP•Sô KmâP~r kKroJe FTaJ xP∂Jw\jT kpJtP~ rJUPf xão yP~KZÇ IJoJPhr IjkM K˙Kf xP•Sô xTu kT´ Jr TÓ S mJiJKmkK• CPkãJ TPr mqmxJr VKf xÿPMU FKVP~ ßjS~Jr \jq -PT ijqmJh \JjJKòÇ IJrS ijqmJh \JjJKò, IJoJPhr Management xÿUM xÄpKMÜ kK´fÔJj ßmKéoPTJ VJPo≤t x KcKnvjPT pJrJ IJoJPhr jJjJ xoxqJ gJTJ xP•Sô ‰iPpqtr xJPg IJoJPhr ßâfJ xJiJrePT xJoPuPZjÇ xPmJtkKr IJoJPhr xÿJKjf ßâfJmªO PT Tfí ùfJ \JjJKò pJrJ TUPjJA IJoJPhr Ckr IJ˙J yJrJjKj mrÄ xyPpJKVfJr yJf mJKzP~ KhP~PZj IJoJPhr TJpât o xKbT kPg FKVP~ KjP~ ßpPfÇ IJPVr ofA ßpPTJj kK´fTuë fJ kK´fPrJPi h∆sf kP´~J\jL~ Management khPãk ßjS~Jr \jq f“kr KZu FmÄ FTA xJPg jfjá jfjá TJkPzr CØJmj S KmkePj èÀf ôKhP~ C“kJhj ãofJ mJzJPjJr uPãq jfjá jfjá ßoKvj xÄPpJ\j TPrPZjÇ xJKmTt kP´YÓJ xP•Sô , Kmvmõ qJkL xfN J FmÄ ßTKoTqJux-Fr hJo mJzJr kJvJkJKv kKrmKfft rJ\QjKfT kKrK˙Kf, VqJx S KmhqMPfr hM JskqfJr TJrPe 2007 xJPuS Kja TJpât Por luJlu IJvJj„M k y~KjÇ Kmkej F mZrS xTu ßaéaJAu ACKjaPT FTA ZJfJr jLPY xoKjfõ TrJr iJreJ ÍßméPaé" ßâfJoUM L hKOÓ ßTªLsnfë TrPer ßãP© Ifq∂ xyJ~T mPu ko´ JKef yP~PZÇ ßjf˙í JjL~ ßâfJ FmÄ Fr xJPg mqmxJK~T JC Penny, ZARA H&M km´ KO≠ KZu IJPVr ofAÇ IJorJ Fr FTT myO •o xrmrJyTJrL ZARA KyPxPm IJoJPhr ˙Jj iPr rJUJr kJvJkJKv Fr oJ© KfjKa JC Penny ßves Lr vJa txrmrJyTJrLPhr Ijqfo KyPxPmS IJoJPhr ˙Jj IãjM ú "A" rJUPf xão yP~KZÇ IJoJPhr IjqJjq ßâfJ ßpoj Bershka, Spring Field, C&A, BHS, TomTailor, S. Oliver, Orsay, Charterhouse AfqJKhr xJPgS IJoJPhr mqmxJ YuPZ IJPVr ofAÇ ACPrJk S IJPoKrTJr kKrmfjt vLu lqJvPjr xJPg fJu KoKuP~ IJorJ IJoJPhr Kc\JAj FmÄ VPmweJ S Cj~ú j TJpât o kKrYJujJ TrKZÇ IJoJPhr VPmweJ S Cj~ú j ßxu jfjá x÷Jmq Cj~ú Pjr uPãq xJmãt KjT 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 hKOÓ ßrPUPZÇ IJoJPhr Kc\JAjJrVe ¸qJKjv, AfJKu~Jj, \JoJtj, KmKsav, hLWPto~JPh KaPT gJTJr \jq, keq mÉoUM LTrPer uPãq VPmweJ S Cj~ú j IJPoKrTJj lqJvj yJCxèPuJr xJPg xÄpÜM ßgPTPZ, IÄv KjP~PZ KmKnjú TJpât oPT vKÜvJuLTrPer Ckr èÀf ô ßhS~J yPò FmÄ kJvJkJKv ßacs ßvJ S kh´ vjt LPf, xKâ~ ßpJVJPpJV ßrPUPZ ACPrJk S IJPoKrTJr kPeqr èeVfoJj m\J~ rJUJ S kK´fPpJKVfJ~ KaPT gJTJr CP¨Pvq hKOÓ ki´ Jj ki´ Jj ßâfJPhr xJPgÇ ßh~J yPò C•o TJpât o kKrYJujJr CkrÇ IJoJPhr oJPxrt JA\c jLa S ßcKjox,& mP~ux & FmÄ Wrinkle free IJoJPhr TJpât o xy\fr TrJr uPãq IJorJ AKfoPiqA CPhqJV KjP~KZ TJkPzr kY´ rM IcJtPrr kJvJkJKv IJoJPhr IjqJjq ßTJ~JKuKar xKuc FTKa FTKa FmÄ FTKa Sanforizing Machine, Mercerizing Machine cJAc FmÄ A~Jj t cJAc TJkz ßpoj Twill, Canvas, Stretch AfqJKh Washing Machine xÄpKMÜTrPe, pJr oJiqPo IJoJPhr C“kJhj ãofJ KmKnj úirPjr FinishF ßpoj Chintz, Paper touch, Teflon AfqJKh FmÄ kK´foJPx 3 KoKu~j VP\ CjLúf yPm mPu IJvJ TKrÇ ßcKjoPxr ßãP© AfqJKhr IcJtr rP~PZÇ Indigo Denim keq mÉoUM LTrPer IÄv KyPxPm IJorJ ˙JjL~ mJ\JPrr \jq ßV ´ xfN J Compact Spinning FmÄ IfqJiKMjT ACPrJkL~ Slub Machine xÄpKMÜr k˜´ Pfr kKrmPf tr¬JjLoUN L jLa KvP·r \jq ßV ´FmÄ KoPuj\ xfN J k˜´ fM lPuRing Spun xfN Jr C“kJhj S mÉoUM LTre xy\xJiq yP~PZÇ pJr TrPf pJKòÇ IJorJ Color Melange xfN J mJ\Jr\Jf TrJr kKrT·jJ lPu Có oPNuqr TJkz k˜´ PMf mqmÂf xÀ TJCP≤r xfN J ßpoj 50/1, TrKZ pJ mJÄuJPhPv Êi MßméPaéA C“kJhj TrPf xãoÇ 60/2, 80/2, 100/2 AfqJKhr kJvJkJKv Slub, Stretch, Multi Count, Multi twist, Melange AfqJKhS C“kJhj TrJ x÷m yPòÇMelange xfN Jr unqJÄv IcJtr Fr kJvJkJKv IJorJ FUj mJAPrS Kmâ~ TrKZÇ In-house IJoJPhr xPmJtó kP´YÓJ xP•Sô 2007 xJPu TJpât Por jLa luJlu KZu IJoJPhr C“kJhj ãofJr xJPg kPeqr Cj~ú j S xJyxL TJpTt r KmkePjr EeJ®TÇ ßTJŒJjLr FA luJlPur KhPT j\r ßrPU IJPuJYq mZPr lPu F mZrS IJorJ IJoJPhr xÿJKjf ßâfJPhr TJPZ ‰mKvTõ lqJvPjr kKrYJujJ kwht ßTJj unqJÄv kh´ Jj k˜´ Jm ßgPT Kmrf ßgPTPZjÇ ßãP© FT Ifuá jL~ S IkKryJp tC“x KyPxPm KmPmKYf yP~KZÇ ßTJŒJjLr nKmwqf KmPmYjJ TPr kKrYJujJ kwPthr xJPg IJkjJrJS F mqJkJPr FTof yPmj mPu IJoJPhr KmvJõxÇ oJjmxŒh IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjL xmht JA oJjmxŒh Cj~ú Pjr Kmw~KaPT xmJtKiT èÀfô CkxÄyJr KhP~ oJjmxŒh IJyre, Cj~ú j FmÄ hã S VKfvLu ßkvJ\LKm iPr rJUJr xÿJKjf ßv~JrPyJflJrVe, xrTJrL kK´fÔJjxoyN , ToTt fJt S ToYt JrLmªO , KkZPj mq~ ImqJyf rJUJr xJPg xJPg pgJpg kK´vãe, hJK~f ô S Tfmt q mqJÄT S IjqJjq IJKgTt kK´fÔJj, xrmrJyTJrL S xÿJKjf ßâfJmªO PT m≤j FmÄ Tfftí ôkhs JPjr oJiqPo VPz fPáuPZ Foj FT kKrPmv ßpUJPj FA xPMpJPV fJPhr IKmYu xyJ~fJr \jq IJ∂KrT Tfí ùfJ S xJimM Jh pgJpg TJP\r oJiqPo ßTJŒJjLr YzN J∂ uãq I\Ptjr kJvJkJKv kK´fKa \JjJKòÇ kT´ fí kPã YqJPu† ßoJTJPmuJr ßãP© IJkjJrJA IJoJPhr YuJr mqKÜ fJr mqKÜVf xoKO≠ S Cj~ú Pjr \jq xmJtPkãJ C•o ßxmJ kh´ JPjr kPg ouN YJKuTJ vKÜÇ IJKo KjKÁf ßp, IJkjJPhr ßmJiVoqfJ S mqJkJPr IJ∂KrT C“xJy S IjPMkr´ eJ uJn TPrÇ xyPpJKVfJr lPuA IJoJPhr C“kJhj vKÜ nKmwqPfS Iãjá ú gJTPmÇ kjM rJ~ IJKo IJkjJPhrPT xTPur xJKmTt xyPpJKVfJr \jq IJ∂KrT kKrPmv ijqmJh \JjJKòÇ ˝J˙qTr S hwN joÜM kKrPmv xÄrãPer mqJkJPr IJkjJPhr kK´fÔJj xmxo~A kK´fv∆sKfm≠Ç KmKnj ú Kv· m\q t xÄVy´ S KmjJPvr \jq IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjLPf FTKa TJpTt r mqm˙J KmhqoJj rP~PZÇ VqJx AK†j ß\jJPrar-Fr m\qt i~N J ÆJrJ mJ~ MhwN e yJ∑x TrJr uPãq IJoJPhr rP~PZ F Fx Fl ryoJj FTKa mq~ mÉu ˙JkjJ pJPf m\q t i~N JPT TJP\ uJKVP~ vLfJfk Kj~πe ßY~JroqJj mqm˙J kKrYJujJ TrJ y~Ç Fr lPu FTKhPT mJ~ M hwN e yJ∑x kJS~Jr kJvJkJKv vLfJfk Kj~πe mqm˙Jr mq~ yJ∑x kJ~Ç IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjL fJKrU ” 6A ßo, 2008 oÜM rÄ mqmyJr TPr FTKa x˝M J˙qTr S kKrPmv mJºm To˙t u AZO dJTJÇ kh´ JPj IñLTJrJm≠Ç nKmwqf kKrT·jJ jfjá jfjá m˘ CØJmj ãofJ FmÄ xfN J ßgPT IfqJiKMjT m˘ C“kJhPj hKãe FKv~Jr Ijqfo yS~Jr TJrPe CkPr mKeft kK´fTuë fJr oJP^S ßméPaé fJr ki´ Jj ki´ Jj ßâfJxJiJrPer TJPZ èÀfkô eN t S ßTRvuVf IÄvLhJr KyPxPm kKrVKef yP~PZÇ BEXTEX LIMITED 5 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT Dear Shareholders, I take this opportunity to welcome you all on behalf of the Board of Directors to this 24th Annual General Meeting of your company and to present to you the Auditors' Report which includes the Audited Financial Statements and the Directors Report for the year ended 31st December 2007. Operations Credit goes to the skilled work force of our company for their utmost efforts, which helped us maintain the sales volume at a considerable level, despite various limitations caused by the untoward situation we are going through. Thanks to the management for taking the business forward confidently, bearing all the pains and troubles during our absence. Thanks also go to Beximco Garments Division- our strong forward linkage, which handled our customers with patience sharing all our problems. Above all, we appreciate our valued customers who never lost confidence in us and extended their all out cooperation to help us sustain and remain on track. The management as usual, was prompt to take necessary steps to counter possible threats and difficulties and emphasized on innovation of fabrics marketing as well as adding new machines to expand the production capacity. In spite of all these efforts, net operational results remained negative in 2007, due to price increase of Cotton and Chemicals worldwide and the changed political scenario of the country, added with the scarcity of gas and power. Marketing This year also, the concept of BEXTEX, bringing our textile units under one umbrella, proved immensely helpful to keep our strong customer focus. Business growth with our leading customers JC Penny, Zara and H & M remained steady. We have been able to retain our position as the single largest customer of Zara and one of the three 'A' category shirt supplier to JC Penny. Our business continues with other customers like Bershka, Spring Field, C&A, BHS, Tom Tailor, S.Oliver, Orsay, Charterhouse, etc. We continued our design and R&D activities pacing with the fast changing fashion in EU and the US. Our R&D cell was constantly looking for possible new developments. Our designers were directly linked with Spanish, Italian, German, British and American fashion houses, took part in various trade shows and exhibitions and were in active interaction with key customers in USAand Europe. Our mercerized knits, mercerized denims, voiles & wrinkle free fabrics continue to get huge orders in parallel to other quantities of our product range in both Solid and Yarn dyed fabrics like Twill, Canvas, Stretch, Sateen, Poplin, Dobby, Oxford, Seersucker, Chambray etc. in various finishes like chintz, paper touch, Teflon 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 (Dupont), water repellent, peach, aero, luxury, quick dry, soil release As part of product diversification and value addition we are going to etc. and Indigo Denim, bull twills, sulphur black denims, slub denims, produce griege and mélange yarn for export oriented knitting stretch denims, dobby denims etc. in our denim product range. industries instead of producing yarn for the local market. We are also planning marketing of color mélange yarn for the export oriented With the addition of Compact Spinning and state of the art European market, which only BEXTEX can produce in Bangladesh. slub machine we are now more flexible and diversified in making ring yarn including slub, stretch, multi count, multi twist, mélange Dividend etc. besides finer counts like 50/1, 60/2, 80/2, 100/2 etc. for high value fabrics. In addition to our in-house orders, we are selling In spite of our best efforts, the net operational results were negative mélange yarn to export market now. in 2007. Keeping in view the performance of the company, the Board of directors do not recommended any dividend for the year. They are Our bold and active marketing combined with our product confident that you will stand by this decision in the interest of the development and manufacturing capabilities, this year also, we long-term prospects of your company. remain as an unparallel and indispensable resource of global fashion to our valued customers. Conclusion Human Resources I would like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation and sincere gratitude to the valued shareholders, government agencies, Your company has always recognised the importance of human employees, banks, financial institutions, suppliers and to our resources development and makes considerable investment for customers for their unforgettable co-operation. Infact, you are the acquisition, development and retention of talented and dynamic real strength to overcome the challenges in our way. I am confident, professionals. Through its programs for training, allocation of that with your understanding and support we will continue to build responsibilities & authority, performance appraisal, job enlargement on our capabilities for sustained high performance in future. Again I & enrichment. Bextex provides an environment, which is conducive offer my heartiest thanks to all shareholders for their support during to individual growth and motivates employees to put in their best the year. effort for achieving organisational goals. Environment Your company is very committed to preserve a healthy and pollution- free environment. It has a very efficient waste collection and disposal AS FRahman system. In order to reduce air pollution by exhaust of gas from engine- Chairman generators, it maintains a costly plant that uses the exhaust gas to generate steam for chilling unit. Above measures not only help keep Dated: 06 May 2008 the water & air free from pollution but also help save cost of water Dhaka. treatment & air conditioning. Your company uses only AZO-free dyes and is dedicated to ensure a healthy and eco-friendly environment. Future Plans Despite the prevailing adverse situation mentioned above, Bextex remains as an important strategic partner to our core customers because of its position as a South Asians leading producer of innovative fabrics and designs and integrated state of the art facilities from yarn to fabric. We must emphasize on strengthening our research and development activities for product diversification and focus more on our operational excellence to maintain quality and competitiveness to sustain in the long run. In order to ease our operation, we have already taken initiative by adding one Sanforizing machine, one Mercerizing machine and one washing machine which will possibly boost our production capacity to 3 million yards a month. BEXTEX LIMITED 7 HUMAN RESOURCES AND COMPLIANCE Equal Opportunity Employer& Social Contributor BEXTEX Limited, a one-stop manufacturing and vertically integrated facility for world-class fabric & apparel. The organization also boasts its unique human assets of diversified talents who play the vital role in managing such a world-class facilities to be the business partner of the worlds reputed and top ranking customers in the field of global textiles & apparels market. Since the inception, Beximco Group became the pioneer of head hunting for all of their fields and successfully accumulated the best talents from within the country as well as from abroad and could make an excellent environment to flourish their qualities and capabilities by utilizing their capacities in the process of manufacturing, maintenance and of course in the management in broad. The human resources engaged in Beximco Group are getting the best value of their potentials and never look anywhere other than significantly contributing their highest efforts for the continuous development of the company. The ideal management of human resources in BEXTEX ensured nurturing of the potentials of these talents through working in an environment having the state of the art production facilities and getting the satisfaction of job and reward. On the other hand the company, employer of the highest number of professional including the MBAs, CAs, CMAs, experts having the doctors of philosophy (PhDs) has the proud to be the largest employer of the country and has the strength of making things simply possible which is always being difficult for the competitors and 'impossible' to the others. BEXTEX, a company of continuously maintaining the best employee-management communication & relationship abiding by the internationally recognized and certified standard of compliance has ensured not only recruiting the best manpower but also has the record of retaining them through whom the company brought the sheer success of achievements in the world of textiles and garments. The story of success, achievements and the glory of the company as well as the division or the Group as a whole is nothing but the participation of it's human resources and of course, conforming of all the compliance issues starting from the level of Ato Z i.e. from accumulating the resources, processing the production up-to the feeding of products into the market. The team of Human Resources and Compliance department in BEXTEX consisting of highly qualified and vastly experienced personnel having appropriate training from both home and abroad made the department absolutely equipped with all necessary policies, guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Job Descriptions, training materials, Code of Conducts (COC) that the continuous development of human resources is also taking place simultaneously throughout each and every section of the company. The company, as invests for recruiting and retaining the qualified human resources, similarly spends a considerable amount of money 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2007

The company ensures abiding by all the relevant instructions for. Health, Safety and and Boiler maintenance instructions and all relevant requisites of the.
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