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BEXTEX - BEXIMCO | Textiles & Apparel Division PDF

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06 Annual 06 Annual Report Report BEXTEX L I M I T E D Mission Each of our activities must benefit and add value to the common wealth of our society.We firmly believe that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of the constituents with whom we interact; namely: our employees,our valued customers,our business associates,our fellow citizens and our Shareholders. Annual Report 2006 Table of Contents Notice of the Twenty-third Annual General Meeting 2 Board and Management 3 Chairman's Statement 4 Human Resource 8 Corporate Governance 10 Report of the Directors 12 Five Years’ Statistics 15 Value Added Statement 16 Twenty-second Annual General Meeting 17 Report of Auditors To the Shareholders 19 Balance Sheet 20 Profit and Loss Account 21 Statement of Changes in Equity 22 Cash Flow Statement 23 Notes to the Financial Statements 24 Proxy Form and Attendance Slip Annexed 1 BEXTEX Limited [formerly padma textile mills ltd.] Notice of the annual general meeting BEXTEX LIMITED 17, DHANMONDI R.A, ROAD NO. 2, DHAKA-1205 NOTICE OF THE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of Bextex Limited will be held on Saturday, the 8th September, 2007 at 10.30 a.m. at 1, Shahbag C/A, Dhaka to transact the following business : AGENDA 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 31st December, 2006 together with reports of the Auditors and the Directors thereon. 2. To elect Director. 3. To declare 10% Stock Dividend. 4. To appoint Auditors for the year 2007 and to fix their remuneration. 5. To transact any other business of the Company with the permission of the Chair. By order of the Board, Sd/- Dated : 28th June, 2007 ( MD. ASAD ULLAH, FCS ) Company Secretary NOTES: (1) The Record Date shall be on 1st August 2007. The Shareholders whose names will appear in the Share Register of the Company or in the Depository Register on that date will be entitled to attend at the Annual General Meeting and to receive the dividend. (2) A member entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting may appoint a Proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. The Proxy Form, duly stamped, must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. (3) Admission to the meeting room will be strictly on production of the attendance slip sent with the Notice as well as verification of signature of Member(s) and/or proxy-holder(s). 2 Annual Report 2006 Board and Management BOARD OF DIRECTORS A S F Rahman Chairman and Managing Director Salman F Rahman Vice-Chairman M A Qasem Director A B Siddiqur Rahman Director MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Syed Naved Hussain Group Director and Chief Executive Officer Ahmed Shahryar Rahman Director of Support Services Sardar Ahmed Khan Chief Operating Officer COMPANY SECRETARY Md. Asad Ullah, FCS 3 BEXTEX Limited [formerly padma textile mills ltd.] ßY~JroqJPjr kK´ fPmhj Kk~´ ßv~JrPyJflJrmªO , Kk~´ ßv~JrPyJflJrmªO , -Fr of KmvUõ qJf ßTJŒJjLr xJPg IJoJPhr mqmxJ ImqJyf ßrPUKZÇ IJkjJrJ H&M ß\Pj UKMv yPmj ßp, IJorJA FUj FmÄ -r of mz, KmvUõ qJf IJKo kKrYJuT kwPthr kã ßgPT ßTJŒJjLr 23fo mJKwTt xJiJre xnJ~ IJkjJPhr Zara, PVH JC Penney FmÄ ßTRvuL ‰frL ßkJwJT KmPâfJr Ijqfo ßpJVJjhJfJÇ IJ∂\JtKfT mJ\JPr IJoJPhr xTuPT ˝JVf \JjJKò FmÄ ßTJŒJjLr 31ßv KcPx’r 2006 xoJ¬ mZPrr KjrLãLf xjM JPor TJrPj, IJorJ - Fr of jfjá IJKgTt kK´fPmhj x’Kuf KjrLãPTr kK´fPmhj S kKrYJuTmPOªr kK´fPmhj Ck˙Jkj Springfield, Mothercare, Lindex, C&A ßâfJVjPT ßâfJ fJKuTJ~ I∂nÜtë TrPf ßkPrKZÇ pJyJ IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjLr ßoJa TrKZÇ KmâP~r ßãß© pPgÓ nKëoTJ rJUPZ mPu IJKo oPj TKrÇ \JkJPj jfjá mJ\Jr IjxM ºJPjr ßmKéoPTJ ßaéaJAux& Ku” (BTL), ßmKéoPTJ ßcKjox& Ku” (BDL)FmÄ ßmKéoPTJ kJvJkJKv USA, EuropeFmÄ Canada- Fr ImqJyf mJ\JPr IJrS nKëoTJ rJUJr KjKaÄ Ku” (BKL)-Fr FTLnëfTre kP´YÓJ ImqJyf ßrPUKZÇ Vf mZr IJkjJrJ BTL, BDLFmÄ BKL -PT k∞J ßaéaJAu Koux &Ku” -Fr xJPg ‰mKvÓqkeN ,t CØJmjL S ouN q xÄPpJ\T kjq C“kJhPjr kK´f uãq ßrPU IJorJ Kc\JAj Kao FTLnfë TrPer ßTRvuVf Kx≠JP∂r kPã rJ~ KhP~KZPujÇ mJÄuJPhPvr m˘ KvP· F Fr kjq C“kJhj TJpât Por IJSfJr kKrmijt S Cj~ú j TPrKZÇ IJorJ mJÄuJPhPv irPjr WajJ Kmru FmÄ FaJ KZu IJoJPhr \jq FTaJ mz YqJPu†Ç IJorJ VPmrt xJPg FToJ© C“kJhjTJrL FmÄ pJyJ x÷m yP~PZ mÉoUM L colored melange yarn \JjJKò ßp, IJkjJPhr xKâ~ xyPpJKVfJ FmÄ xogPtj ßTJŒJjLr mqm˙JkjJ FA YqJPu† C“kJhPjr k´PYÓJ~Ç mÉoMUL C“kJhPjr uPãq IJoJPhr TJrUJjJ~ Spining xJlPuqr xJPg ßoJTJPmuJ TPrPZÇ YJrKa ßTJŒJjLr FA FTLnfë vKÜ IJoJPhr mqmxJr kn´ Kífr xÄPpJ\j TPrKZÇ FmÄ Compactor, Caipo Slub Voile Soluble mKMj~Jh o\mfM TPrPZ FmÄ mqmxJ kKrYJuj TJpât o xy\fr TrJr kJvJkJKv xJKmTt -Fr kJvJkJKv IJoJPhr IJTwtjL~ KTZM kjq ßpoj sulphur Space dyed, hãfJ mKO≠ TPrPZÇ 100% Mercerized Knits, flat finish & brushed denim, cotton wrinkle AfqJKh pJ FmÄ - free fibre, fully fused wrinkle free garments USA Europe TJptâo Fr KmâP~r ßãß© CPuUä PpJVq xJzJ ßkP~PZÇ IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjLr o\mfM xÿUM oUM L Kv· FmÄ xÿJKjf ßâfJ xJiJrPjr xJPg FA mZr FmÄ Fr PouJ~ IJorJ IÄvVy´ j TPrKZÇ Paris New York Texworld xxM ŒPTrt TJrPj Kmâ~ kKroJjPT xP∂Jw\jT kpJtP~ rJUPf xJyJpq TPrPZÇ IKiT mx∂/VL´ÚTJuLj FmÄ vr“/vLfTJuLj kjq x÷Jr ÆJrJ krM Jfj ßâfJVPjr kJvJkJKv jfjá ouM q xÄPpJ\jTJrL keq S Vz ouN q I\Ptj xão keq C“kJhj S KmâP~r KhPT IJoJPhr ßâfJxJiJrPjr ÆJrJS Có-kv´ ÄxJr xJPg xJPg IJoJPhr xjM Jo FmÄ IJ∂\JtKfT mJ\JPrr xJmãt KjT oPjJKjPmPvr lPu IJPuJYq mZPr 5,201.51 KoKu~j aJTJ IJ~ IK\ft Im˙Jj IJrS xhM |O yP~PZÇ yP~PZÇ 2005 xJu yPf ßTJaJkg´ J xŒjN nt JPm Kmu¬M yS~J FmÄ 2006 xJPur ßvPwr IJâojJfTú S VKfo~ Kmkje ßTRvu, mÉoUM L Kc\JAj, Kjfqjfjá kjq C“kJhj FmÄ KhPT Yro rJ\QjKfT IK˙rfJr TJrPe IJoJPhr IJâojJfTú Kmkje ßTRvu S xPmJót TJptâo FTLnëfTrPjr TJrPj, IJorJ xÿJKjf ßâfJxJiJrPjr TJPZ xMkKrxr kP´YÓJ xP•Sô ßTJŒJjLr xJKmTt TJpât Por luJlu nJu KZu jJÇ Kmvmõ J\JPr KmvJõxPpJVq ßpJVJjhJfJ KyPxPm KjP\PhrPT kK´fÔJ TrPf xão yP~KZÇ IjpM J~L 2005 xJu yPf ßTJaJkg´ J xŒjN nt JPm Kmu¬M yS~Jr kPNm t iJreJ TrJ FMA yP~KZu mJÄuJPhPvr oPfJ fuá J Ij“M kJhjTJrL ßhvxoPNy vos S mJKjP\q Yro Kmkp~t oJjmxŒh IJxPmÇ IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjL FA xo˜ IxKMmiJ èPuJ kmN JtjoM Jj TrPf ßkPr h∆sf ßTRvu IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjL xmht JA oJjm xŒh Cj~ú Pjr Kmw~KaPT xmJtKiT èÀf ô KhP~ Cj~ú j, m˘ S ßkJwJPTr CØJmPjr Ckr èÀfJôPrJk S IJâojJ®T KmkjPer oJiqPo oJjmxŒh IJyrj, Cj~ú j FmÄ hã S VKfvLu ßkvJ\LKm iPr rJUJr KkZPj mq~ ImqJyf xmKTZ M KogqJ ko´ Je TPr TJjJcJxy IJPoKrTJ S ACPrJPkr mJ\JPr mJÄuJPhv FUjS rJUJr xJPg xJPg pgJpg kK´vãj ÆJK~f ôS Tfmt q m≤j FmÄ Tfftí ôkhs JPjr oJiqPo VPz ‰fKr ßkJwJT r¬JKjPf CPuUä PpJVq ßhv KyxJPm Im˙Jj xxM Äyf ßrPUPZÇ fPáuPZ Foj FT kKrPmv ßpUJPj pgJpg TJP\r oJiqPo ßTJŒJjLr YzN J∂ uãq I\Ptjr kJvJkJKv kK´fKa mqKÜ fJr mqKÜVf x’KO≠ S Cj~ú Pjr \jq xmJtPkãJ C•o ßxmJ kh´ JPjr Kmkje mqJkJPr IJ∂KrT C“xJy S IjPMkr´ eJ uJn TPrÇ ßmKéoPTJ ßaéaJAu KcKnvPjr FTLnfë Tre FmÄ pJyJ krmfLPtf ßméPaé-F jJoTre IJoJPhr xÿJKjf ßhvL FmÄ KmPhvL ßâfJVPjr ÆJrJ AKfmJYT Vy´ jPpJVqfJ ßkP~PZÇ kKrPmv pJyJ IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjLr uãq (CØJmj, VKf S ßxmJ ÆJrJ ßâfJPhr KmvJõx I\jt FmÄ ˝J˙qTr S hNwjoMÜ kKrPmv xÄrãPjr mqJkJPr IJkjJPhr k´KfÔJj xmxo~A IJKgTt Cj~ú Pjr kPg ßTJŒJjLr ãofJPT vÜ KnK• kh´ Jj TrJ) I\Ptj xyJ~TÇ ßâfJ kK´fv∆sKfm≠Ç KmKnj ú Kv· m\q t xÄVy´ S KmjJPvr \jq IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjLPf FTKa YJKyhJ kKrfKí¬r uPãq ßmKéoPTJ Kmkje TJpât Por jfjá jfjá CØJmPjr VKfvLufJ~ TJpTt r mqm˙J KmhqoJj rP~PZÇ VqJx AK†j ß\jJPrar Fr m\qt i~N J ÆJrJ mJ~ MhwM j yJ∑x Kjrux kP´YÓJ~ KjP~JK\fÇ TrJr uPãq Fr rP~PZ FTKa ˙JkjJ pJPf m\q t i~N JPT TJP\ uJKVP~ vLfJfk Kj~πj KmVf mZrèPuJr of F mZr S IJorJ Phillips Van Heusen, JC Penney, Zara, mqm˙J kKrYJujJ TrJ y~Ç FrlPu FTKhPT mJ~ MhwN j yJ∑x kJS~Jr kJvJkJKv vLfJfk 4 Annual Report 2006 Kj~πj mqm˙Jr mq~ yJ∑x kJ~Ç IJkjJPhr ßTJŒJjL oÜM rÄ mqmyJr TPr FTKa AZO x˝M J˙qTr S kKrPmv mJºm To˙t u kh´ JPj IñLTJrJm≠Ç nKmwqf kKrT·jJ ßmKéoPTJ ßaéaJAu KcKnvPjr IÄv KyxJPm, ßTJaJkg´ J KmuKM¬r lPu BEXTEX, KmPvwf xhxq YLj, nJrf, fJAS~Jj FmÄ hKãj ßTJKr~Jr xJPg xÓO WTO kK´fPpJVLfJ~ Kmw~Ka IJYÅ TrPf ßkPrPZ FmÄ KaPT gJTJr uPãq kP´~J\jL~ ßTRvu Vy´ e TPrPZÇ KmPvrõ m˘ S ßkJwJT KvP·r jJoLhJoL mJs¥ S UYM rJ KmPâfJPhr \jq Cjfú S KbT xoP~ xrmrJPy FTKa KyxJPm ßaéaJAux & KcKnvj KmVf One-Stop Shop mZrèPuJPf KjP\Phr Im˙Jj xhM |O TPrPZÇ IJ\ KmPvrõ UqJfjJoJ mJs¥ S IjqJjq ßkJwJT KmPâfJPhr TJPZ ßmKéoPTJ ßaéaJAu KcKnvj FTKa Ifq∂ kKrKYf jJo pJPhr rP~PZ pPMVJkPpJVL C“kJhj S xJv~s L vos xKMmiJ FmÄ xPmJtkKr rP~PZ jJPor "Beximco" kKrKYKf pJr oPiq SfPkJ´fnJPm \KzP~ IJPZ èjVf oJj xŒj úkjq xrmrJPyr mqJkT kKrKYKfÇ unqJÄv ßTJŒJjLr EjJfTú luJlu xP•Sô kPNmrt Kr\Jn t ßgPT IJPuJYq mZPr kKrYJujJ kwht vfTrJ 10 nJV ÓT unqJÄv (kK´f 10Ka ßv~JPrr KmkrLPf 1Ka ßmJjJx ßv~Jr) IjPMoJhPjr k˜´ Jm ßrPUPZÇ CkxÄyJr xÿJKjf ßv~JrPyJflJrVe, xrTJrL kK´fÔJj xoyN , ToTt fJt S ToYt JrLmªO , mqJÄT S IjqJjq IJKgTt kK´fÔJj, xrmrJyTJrL S xÿJKjf ßâfJmªO PT FA xPMpJPV fJPhr IKmYu xyJ~fJr \jq IJ∂KrT Tfí ùfJ S xJimM Jh \JjJKòÇ kT´ fí kPã YqJPu† ßoJTJPmuJr ßãP© IJkjJrJA IJoJPhr YuJr kPg ouN YJKuTJ vKÜÇ IJKo KjKÁf ßp, IJkjJPhr ßmJiVoqfJ S xyPpJKVfJr lPuA IJoJPhr C“kJhj vKÜ nKmwqPfS Iãjá ú gJTPmÇ kjM rJ~ IJKo IJkjJPhrPT xTPur xJKmTt xyPpJKVfJr \jq IJ∂KrT ijqmJh \JjJKòÇ F Fx Fl ryoJj ßY~JroqJj fJKrU ” 28ßv \jM , 2007 dJTJÇ 5 BEXTEX Limited [formerly padma textile mills ltd.] C H A I R M A N ' S S TAT E M E N T Itake this opportunity to welcome you all on behalf of the Marketing Board of Directors to this 23rd Annual General Meeting of The amalgamation of our core textile units into BEXTEX has your company and to present to you the Auditors’ Report been well received by our customers. This immensely helped which includes the Audited Financial Statements and the keep our strong customer focus with our prime drivers as Directors Report for the year ended 31st December 2006. "Speed" and "Innovation". Successful Integration of Beximco Textiles Limited (BTL), We had yet another wonderful year in terms of business Beximco Denims Limited (BDL) & Beximco Knitting Limited growth with all our leading customers as Phillips Van Heusen, (BKL) with Padma Textile Mills Limited (later on re-named as JC Penney, Zara, H&M etc. We are now the single largest BEXTEXLimited). supplier to Zara, largest dress shirt supplier to PVH, and rated Last year, you gave your valuable mandate towards our as one of three "A" category shirt supplier to JC Penney in the strategic decision to integrate BTL, BDL & BKL with Padma World. Our client portfolio is further strengthened with the Textile Mills Limited. This unique case in the textile industry addition of a host of new customers as Springfield, of Bangladesh was a great challenge for us. We take pride to Mothercare, Lindex, C&A etc. While our share in the existing say that with your active support and co-operation, US, European and Canadian market grows, we are also management has met this challenge with smooth and ease. looking at new market as Japan. Merger of the four companies have effectively reinforced our To keep pace with the fast changing fashion scenario, we business base, helped enhanced operational efficiency and continue to strengthen our design and R&D activities which synergy. enabled us to offer the customers differentiated, innovative and value added products. Our spinning became more flexible Operations and diversified with the addition of compactor, Caipo slub Your company's strong forward linkage support and excellent attachment and being the only company in Bangladesh to customer relationship helped us to keep our sales volume at a successfully do colored melange yarn. Our space dyed, satisfactory level. During the year, your company earned a mercerized knits, flat finish and brushed denim, 100% cotton revenue of Tk. 5,20.15 million. Despite adverse pressure after wrinkle-free fabric as well as fully fused wrinkle-free garments phasing out of Multi-Fiber Agreement (MFA) during fetched huge orders while "voile" and soluble sulphur 2005 & political unrest especially in the last quarter during 2006 which is well known to you, all the net operational results were negative in 2006, in spite of best efforts. Prior to MFA phase-out, it was apprehended that lifting of textile and apparel quotas from 2005 would be a labour and trade disaster for countries like Bangladesh who are not a cotton producing country. But proving all the perceived fear false, Bangladesh has remained a prime source for apparel exports both to US and Europe as well as Canada. Your company's management, in anticipation of all possible odds in the global arena, was quick to develop strategies and lay greater emphasis on innovation in fabric and garments and aggressive marketing. 6 Annual Report 2006 continues to sweep the European and US markets respectively. between World Trade Organisation (WTO) members This year we participated in Texworld both in Paris and New especially from China, India, Taiwan and South Korea. York and our Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter collection BEXTEX sensed this threat and set its strategy accordingly. was highly appreciated by the existing customers as well as Over the year, it has positioned itself as a one-stop shop for an attracted new customers. array of fabric & garment meeting the quality and delivery requirements of the world's most renowned brands and With our aggressive marketing, strong design and product retailers. To day the strength of BEXIMCO textile division lies development activities, consolidation of operations etc. we in its state-of-the-art integrated facility from yarn to apparel, became an indispensable resource to our valued customers low cost operation due to cheap labour, above all the name and thereby enhanced our visibility in the global fashion BEXIMCO, which evokes a very good image of the products market. at any world-class brand/retailer. Your company has also given same focus on domestic users besides its international Human Resources customers. Your company has always recognised the importance of human resources development and makes considerable Dividend investment for acquisition, development and retention of Despite loss incurred by the company in 2006, the Board of talented and dynamic professionals. Through its programs for Directors propose 10% stock dividend (1 bonus share for training, allocation of responsibilities & authority, each 10 shares held) for the year ended 31st December 2006 performance appraisal, job enlargement & enrichment, out of past profits for your approval. Bextex provides an environment, which is conducive to individual growth and motivates employees to put in their Conclusion best effort for achieving organisational goals. I would like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation Environment and sincere gratitude to the valued shareholders, government agencies, employees, banks, financial institutions, suppliers Your company is very committed to preserve a healthy and and to our customers for their unforgettable co-operation. pollution-free environment. It has a very efficient waste Infact, you are the real strength to overcome the challenges in collection and disposal system. In order to reduce air our way. I am confident, that with your understanding and pollution by exhaust of gas from engine-generators, it support we will continue to build on our capabilities for maintains a costly plant that uses the exhaust gas to generate sustained high performance in future. Again I offer my steam for chilling unit. Above measures not only help keep the heartiest thanks to all shareholders for their support during water & air free from pollution but also help save cost of the year. water treatment & air conditioning. Your company uses only AZO-free dyes and is dedicated to ensure a healthy and eco- friendly environment. Future Plans A S F Rahman Chairman Bextex - as a part of Beximco Textiles Division has taken necessary steps to face the challenges considering the Dated: 28 June 2007 competition after elimination of quotas restriction trade Dhaka. 7 BEXTEX Limited [formerly padma textile mills ltd.] H u m a n R e s o u rc e the resource above anything else BEXTEX Limited, a unit of Beximco Textiles Division, the policies, guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Job country's largest body of managing the vertically integrated Descriptions, training materials, Code of Conducts (CoCs) that the production facilities from yarn to garment has a unique continuous development of human resources is also taking place combination of technical and generalist talents as their resource simultaneously throughout each and every section of the company. above all. The company, as invests for recruiting and retaining the qualified Since the inception, Beximco Group became the pioneer of head human resources, similarly spends a considerable amount of hunting for all of their fields and successfully accumulated the best money and efforts after developing the skill levels and efficiencies talents from within the country as well as from abroad and could of the human resources by arranging regular training courses and make an excellent environment to flourish their qualities and programs for the employees. A separate training section is also capabilities by utilizing their capacities in the process of working with necessary logistics and accommodation for manufacturing, maintenance and of course in the management in providing necessary training for both the workers and officers, broad. The human resources engaged in Beximco Group are which has already earned an envious reputation among the getting the best value of their potentials and never look anywhere competitors and made us a different among others in regard to the other than significantly contributing their highest efforts for the methods and techniques of developing the human resources which continuous development of the company. contributes in achieving the market share and leadership in the industry. The ideal management of human resources in BEXTEX ensured nurturing of the potentials of these talents through working in an The tangible and intangible benefits and facilities provided to the environment having the state of the art production facilities and employees of BEXTEX including the working conditions, physical getting the satisfaction of job and reward. On the other hand the infrastructures, accommodations and dormitories, arrangements company, employer of the highest number of professional for leisure and amusements etc. in the Beximco Industrial Park including the MBAs, CAs, CMAs, experts having the doctors of made the company a completely different type of employer philosophy (PhDs) has the proud to be the largest employer of the country and has the strength of making things simply possible which is always being difficult for the competitors and 'impossible' to the others. BEXTEX, a company of continuously maintaining the best employee-management communication & relationship abiding by the internationally recognized and certified standard of compliance has ensured not only recruiting the best manpower but also has the record of retaining them through whom the company brought the sheer success of achievements in the world of textiles and garments. The story of success, achievements and the glory of the company as well as the division or the Group as a whole is nothing but the participation of it's human resources and of course, conforming of all the compliance issues starting from the level of A to Z i.e. from accumulating the resources, processing the production up-to the feeding of products into the market. The team of Human Resources and Compliance department in BEXTEX consisting of highly qualified and vastly experienced personnel having appropriate training from both home and abroad made the department absolutely equipped with all necessary 8

Beximco Fashions Ltd Sale of fabric 1,541,297,564 332,221,562 International Knitwear & Apparels Ltd. Sale of fabric 908,459,040 124,526,540 Nature of Relationship
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