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Between Text and Artifact: Integrating Archaeology in Biblical Studies Teaching (Archaeology and Biblical Studies) PDF

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Preview Between Text and Artifact: Integrating Archaeology in Biblical Studies Teaching (Archaeology and Biblical Studies)

BETWEEN TEXT AND ARTIFACT Integrating Archaeology in Biblical Studies Teaching Edited by Milton C. Moreland I3HILL LEJDEN • 130STON 200'1 BETWEEN TEXT AND ARTIFACT Integrating Archaeology in Biblical Studies Teaching Copyright © 2003 by the Society of Biblical Literature This edition published under license from the Society of Biblical Literature by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. Nop;u1ofthis work maybereproduced ortransmittedinany form orby :my means,electronicormcchanic;ll, includingphotocopying:md recording. orbymeansof any informationMan_georretrievalsystem,excepta5maybeexpressly permincd bythe 1976 Copyright Act orin writingfrom the publisher. R~llCS1Sfor IX'mlissionshould beaddressed inwriting10IheRightSandPermissionsOffice,SocietyofBiblicalLiterature.82SHoustonMill Road, Atl:mta,GA 30329 USA UbraryofCongressCataloglng-m-PubUcaLlonDala I3ctween text and anifad integrJtingarcha<."Ology in biblical studiesI edited by Milton C. Morehmd. p.cm. - (Archaeologyandbiblic:llslUdics ;no. 8) Includes bibliogr.l.phical refcrcnces (p. ) and index. I$IJN90-04-12709-7(cloth binding, alk. paper) I. l3ibll-~Antiquities-Study and teachinjo,~ongrcsscs. 2. Bible-Evidences,autho nty. ctc.-5tudy and teaching-Congrcsscs. 3. I3ible-SlUdy.mdlcaching-Congrcsses 4. Excavations(Archaeology}-Middle E:lst-Studyand tcaching-Cungresses. 5. Middle East-Antiquities-Study and te:lChing--Congrcsses. L Moreland. MiltonC. II. Series BS621.B48 2003 220.9'3---<1(22 2003019895 ISSN 1570-5986 I'rimed inTI1C Nethcrland~ on acid-free paper. CONTENTS Acknowledgements vii Abbreviations.. . .ix Between Text and Al1ifacI Mi/lo11 C A1ore/and. ShannOll Bur!.,>.es, alldMelL~'saAubin ............1 I3c{ween I-leaven and Eanh: Educational Perspectives on the Archaeology and Material Culture of the Bible Ann E. Killebrew. ......,11 Where the Girls Are: Archaeology and Women's Lives in Ancient Israel CarolMeyers 31 "These Are Your Gods, 0 Israel": The Challenge of Heconstructing Israelite Religion Using Both Text and Archaeology Be/h ILfRocca-Pilts.. ....53 In Search of the Good Book: A Critical Survey of Handbooks on Biblical Archaeology J. P. Dessel 67 Why Declare the Things Forbidden? Classroom Integration of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology with Biblical Studies in Theological Context Scot! R. A. Starbuck 99 On The Convergence ofTexts and Al1ifacls: Using Archaeology to Teach the Hebrew Bible jobn C. '/. Laughlill 115 Archaeology in New Testament Courses Mi/loll C. Moreland.. . 133 vi Teaching Second TempleJudaism in Light of Archaeology Eric M. Meyers. .. _....... . 151 TeXl and Artifact: The Dead Sea Scrolls and Qumran DanidFalk 165 Realizing Diversity: Reflection!') on Teaching Pagan Religion(s) in I.,.tc Hellenistic and Early Roman Palestine Firgen Zcmgenberg 181 "Here I Am al Khirbct Cana": Integrating Biblical Studies and Archaeology Byron R. McCane 195 Annotated Bibliography for Integrating Archaeology into Biblical Studies Melissa Aubin . . 205 Bibliography . 223 Index of Modern Authors .............................................................239 Contributors ....................243 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The recognition that there W:IS a need 10 provide biblical scholars and teachers with practical lools for integrating archaeology into the teaching ofthe Bible grew OUI ofmeetings al Duke University and the University of Oregon in 2000-2001. The Wabash Center for Teaching ancl Learning in Theology and Heligion supported these meetings with a grant and encour aged the publication of the papers. Melissa Aubin organized Ihe meetings and initiated the efforts to collect the papers; without her hard work and planning, thb volume would not have come to frUition, Andy Vaughn offered exceptional advice and encouragement throughout the process of preparing the volume for publication. Ilis attention to detail is greatly appreciated. Rex Manhc\Vs at the Society of Biblical Literature \Vas also a paticm advocate and advisor for Ihe volume, and Bob Buller expertly guided the volume through to publication. Most ofall, the contributors arc Iv be thankcL! fUl tlJcil cffull:'. Each c:.:,ay wa:. writtCll :.peL"ifically fur lhi:, volume and appl.:ars in print for Ihe first lime. VII ABBREVIATIONS AASOR Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research All Anchor Bible ABD AnchorBible Dictionwy. Edited by D. N. Freedman. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992. Arch Archaeology 13A BiblicalArchtu:'ologist BAR BiblicalArchaeologyReview BARlS British Archaeological Reports International Series Bib Biblica I3Mes Bibliotheca mesopotamica BASOR Billie/in oftheAmerican Schools ofOriental Research InB Biblical 'Jb(,~/ogicatBulletill BibScm The Biblical Seminar CANE CivilizaliO/1Sof/heAnc.;ielftNeurEmit. Euilcu uy.J. M. S.lt.:>OIl. 4vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1995. CRINT Compendia Rerum ludaicarum ad Novum Testamenrum DSD DeadSea Discoveries Erlsr Eretz Israel I-ISM Harvard Semitic Monographs I-ISS Harvard Semitic Studies flTR 1-/CllVard 7b,~/ogical Review Iq Israel E..,plora/io/"lJour/wi JNES journalofNear Eastern Studies JSOTMS Journal for the Study oftheOldTestament Monogmph Series JSOTSup journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series jSPSup journal for the Sludy of the Pseudepigr.1pha Supplement Series NEA Near Eastern Archaeology NEAEHL loe New Encycfopedia ofArchaeological Excavations i/1 the /-IolyLalld, Edited by Ephraim Stern. 4 vols. jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and Carta; New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993 NIS New Testamen/ Studies IX

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