BetweenF actsan d Norms ContribtuoatD iiosncsoT uhresoer y ofL aawn Dde mocracy Jurgen Habermas translbayWt ieldl iReahmg TheM ITP reCsasm,bi rdgMea,s sachusetts Secondp rint1i9n9g6, Thise diti©o1n9 96M assachuseItntsst itouftT ee chnology Thisw orko riginaalplpye areidnG ermanu ndert het itFlaek tiziutniidGt e ltunBge.i triige zurD iskursthdeeosRr eiceh tusn dd esd emokratiscRehcehnt ssta©at19s 9,2 S uhrkamVpe rlag, Frankfuarmt M ainG,e rmany. Allr ighrtess erveNdo. p arotf t hibso okm ayb er eproducienda nyf ormo rb ya ny electroonrim ce chanicmaela ns( includiinnfgo rmation satnodrr aegter ievwailt)h out permissiionwn r itifnrgo mt hep ublisher. Thisb ookw ass eti nN ew BaskervialtMl IeT Presasn dw asp rinteadn db oundi nt he UniteSdt atoefsA merica. LibraorfyC ongresCsa taloging-in-PubDlaitcaa tion Habermas, Jiirgen [FaktizuintdaG te ltungE.n glish] Betweefna ctasn dn orms: c ontributtiooa n dsi scourtshee oroyf lawa ndd emocracIyJ iirgHeanb erma;st ranslatbiyWo inl liaRme hg. p. em.- (Studiiensc ontemporaGreyr man soctihaolu ght) Includbeisb liograprheifcearle nacnedsi ndex. ISBN0 -262-0824(3h-a8r dco:v aelrkp.a per) 1.S ociologjiucrails pruden2c.De e.m ocracy-Socaisaple cts. 3.R uleo fl aw-Sociaaslp ectIs.T. i tleI.IS .e ries. K372.H33131 996 95-40229 340'.115-dc20 CIP Contents TranosrlI'anstt roduction ix Praecfe xxxix 1L aw aasC ategory of Socialb eMtewdeieFanati cotns 1 andNorms 1.M1e anianngdT ru:tO hnt hIem maneTnetn sion betweFeanc tyia cniVdat liyd it 9 1.T2r asncendfeornmcW ei thMiann:a gtihneg oRfi sk DissentshiroonuLg iehfw orBladc kgrounds 17 13. DimensoifLo engsVa alil dyi t 28 2 42 TheS ocioloofgL ya wv ersutsh eP hilosoopfhJ yu stice 2.T1h eS ociolDoigsiecnaclh aonfLt amwe nt 43 2.T2h eR etuorfMn o deNrant uLraawal n dth e "ImpotetnhcOeeu gohft " 56 2.P3a rsvoenrssW uesb eLra:wa ndS ocIianeltg ration6 6 3 AR econstrucAtpipvreo acthoL aw1 :T heS ysteomf 82 Rights 3.P1r ivaantdPe u blAiuct onoHmuym,a Rni ghatnsd PopuSloavre rye ignt 84 3.M2o rNalo rmasn Lde gNaolr mOsn:t he CompleamreRyne tlatbieotnw eNeant uLraawal n d 104 Posiivte Law 3.A3 D iosucres-TehoreJtuisct ifoifcB aatsRiiiocgn h ts: TheD iscoPurrisnec tihpLele eg,Fa olr ma,n dt he DemorcatPirci nciple 181 VI Contents 4 A ReconstructAippvreo acthoL awI IT:h eP rinciples 132 oft heC onstitutional State 41. TheI netrnal RbeelwtaeteLinao wna ndP olitics1 33 4.C2o mmuntiicPvaoew earn dt hGee neosfLi asw 151 4.P3r incoifpt lhCeeo sn isttutiSotnaaatnledt hLeo gic of tSheep araotfPi oowne rs 186 5 TheI ndetermionfaL cayw a ndt heR ationaolfi ty 194 Adjudication 51. HermeneRuetailcisas,nm Pd,o siivtism 197 5.D2w orik'nTsh eyoo rfL aw 211 5.T3h eT heoorfLy e gDails course 222 6 JudiciaanrdyL egislatOunr teh:e RoleL eagnidt imacy 238 ofC onstitutional Adjudication 6.T1h eD issioolonuft t hLei bePraarla doifLg amw 240 6.N2 ormvse rsVaulsu eMse:ht odoloEgrircoiarnlts h e Selfn-dUerstaonftd hiCeno gsn tituCtoiuornta l 253 ·6 .T3h eR olet hoSefu preCmoeu irntt hLei beral, RepublaincdPa rno,c eduMroadleilsst 267 7 DeliberaPtoilviet iAc Psr:o ceduCroanlc epotf 287 Democracy 7.N1o ramtivveer sEumsp irMiocdiesoltfDs e mocracy 289 7.D2e mocraPtriocc edaunrdte hP er obloefIm t s Neutrya lit 302 7.T3h eS ociolTorgaincsalloa ftt hiCeoo nn ceopft 315 DeliabteiPrvoel itics 329 8 CiviSlo cieatyn dt heP olitiPcuabll iScp here 8.S1o ciolTohgeiocraoilfDe esm oaccry 330 8.A2 M odeolft hCei rculoafPt oiloinPt oiwcearl 341 vii Contents 8.C3i vSiolc yi,Pe utblOipci niaonndC, o mmuniivcea t Power 359 388 9 Paradigmosf L aw 91. TheM aterialoifPz raitvLiaaotwne 392 9.T2h eD ialiecoc ft LeagnaFdla ctEuquaall iTthye: FeminPiosltio tfEi qcusa lity 409 9.C3r iTshieso rainedts h Per oceduUrnadlseitrsatn ding ofLaw 427 447 Pos�cript(1994) 463 AppendiIx.P opulaSro vereignPtryo cedu(r1e9 88) as 491 AppendiIxIC .i tizenasnhidNp a tionIadle nt(i1t9y9 0) Notes 517 Bibliography 571 Index 595 Transltaor'Insrt oduction WilliaRemh g Botlhe gtahle oarnytd h teh eoorfdy e moaccrsyt aantadc rossr· oads todIanyt .hl eo ng-stdaenmdcoirnargte igci omfte hspe o stirnidauls t Wesptr,o bloefsm osc cioamlp lye,px liutlriasamn,dt hwee lfare stahtaev bee epnu ttaignegcd o nisttutifoarnmaelw oruknsd er tremensdteorsuSssu .c chh allenognelsiy n atreen swiifittehhd e spreoafdd e mocraitmipcu lascersto hsgesl obtoea ,r ewahse re the cutluraanlid n ftrrausctcuornadli ftorid oenmsco raacnytd h e rule oflamwu sstt bielc lo ncsioucsolnys trIunct theids.e xcoton,noe tf thmeo rfere tialneod p timtihsetoirced teivceallo phmaebsne tesn associwaittihed de oafs" delriabteidveem"ed eas reflaec cotn cetrhnac ti tizpeanrst'i ciipnta htdeie omonc ratic procheasvasre aticohnaarlea rc-ttvhaott ifnoreg x,a mpslheo,u ld nosti mpalgyg reggiatvpeer nee rfenbcuertsa thfeolrl oown a procoefs" sht ougtfhlui nteraacntdoi poinn ifoornm atiionn " whicciht ibzeecnosim noefr meodft hbee tatregrue mntasnm do re geneirnatle .rJ1eisitrHsgaebne r'mBsae stwFeaecantn sNd o rmsw,i th itesm phaosnti hse orfpo ulbeld iics coiunr sdee amcocyce,rr tainly cotnribtuott heiisns t eulaltlern cedtB.u itwt o uldw rboent gov iew itsi mpalsoy n em oraer ugmenftor d eliabteidrveem coracIyn. manrye spetchtcesu l mineafftoirintng a p rjocett hawta sfi rst announwciettdhh 1e 962p ublicoafth iiSostn r ukturwdaenrd el OJ!entlichkFeaictat,ns2Nd o Brmeostff ewresse wnae epsioncgoi,go il calilnoyfr mecdo ncueapltizoafltaiawon nd braisgihacnt osr,m a tivaec countth reou £lo efl aawn dt hceo nisttutisotnaaatlne , attetmobp rti dngoera mtiavnede m pirical atpodp ermoo-acches X Rehg William racayn,ad n a ccooufn tts hoecc ioaenlxt rte quifrorde edm ocracy. Finailftlar ym,ea sn d capasr gtuhmeewsinetta bhs o lpdr opofsora l an ewp aradoifgwlmt a hagto ebse yotnhdde i chottohmhaitae vse afflicmtoedde pronl ittihceaoflror ymi tisn cepatnidto hnas tt ill undercluirerc eonrntot verbseitewses eon- callilbaeeladrsn cdi vic republicans. Anu ndretakoifns gu cshc opweh,i cphu ltlosg etthherrdee e cadoefsr efleacntdii onnt erpdliisnrcaeirsyce haw,rh icihsi m mersebdo tiGhne rmaannA dm eridceabna tanewds h,i mcohv es atan umboefr fedrieflnetv pellascc,eo sn saibdldeeer manodns its readeTrhsep. r imaryo ftg hoiiasnl t roduicstto li iognh ttheant burdIeofnn .ie ts ou ndersHtaabnedr 'mpsaa srtiacpuplraorta oc h lawo,n eh ast oh avseo me soefnt sheeb a sfiaect uroefhs i s concueapflart l ucidtahteiisnsne eg c t1iI,bo rnil eyf skettchhe akregyu meonftt hsbe o oikns ect2i.So enc t3in ooents cetraitne rminolpoogiinctasl. 1 Angol-Aemricpahni losotprheiactoainlls a eowsf ten wbietagh i n defiinoiontf ctohen coefpwlti a tsIenBl eft.w Feaecantn sNd o rmst,h e basciocn coefpl ta aws say stoefrm i ghdtose s not fmulalk e its appearuanntcciehl a p3t.eT rh ea mbitsicoauolsfHe a ber'msa s undretakrienqgu icroenss aibdleperr epiaoranatn,dt h usfi rtshte twcoh aptseeartr s a theelraa btosert atgheaf eatt ubroesth hio sw n conecputaalr chiteacntdto hnseiu cr rounldainndgs ocfad pee bat.Te hec onecputaalp parwaatmsu oss ftul ly expionuh nidse d twvoo-luTmhee oofryC ommunicatainvde Amocintgerih eotan td,h 3e presweonrtak sd rawionutgth lee gpaoll,i taincdia nilst,tu tli ona implicoaftt iheoiansrs l eindeera vIontr h.fii rsss te ctIiw oannt,to introtdhurece ea dteotr h ber oadceornp cteuaaplp araantdu s motiviattasep proprifaortt ehnaeen sasl oyfsm iosd erlanaw n d demoaccry.b egIib yns ayisnogm ethaibnogu t the puzzle that Habermsataswr ittsh ,p atrhaed odxuiacylao ilfmt odelranwW .e catnh eunn derstthatenh dey oo rfc ommuntiicavaec tiaospn a r ticrullwyae lslu itteoad c knowltehditgsee n siinlo anaw n dd eal witihct o nstirvueclty. xi TranslIanttorro'dsu ction TheD uaylo ifMt odeLranw Toa pprotahcaehn aloyfsm iosd erlnai wn t ermosfa t ension "bweetefnca tasn ndo rms"b-eowtre e"naf ctyia cnidt validity," to transtlhaGete er man otfti htbelo eo k mloirrtaeel lyn-oistso surpriTshieln eggs.ap lh ehraels o nbge ecnh aracterized by theo risitnts e romfsa d uaylo ift tshoirAstsw . e s hallt hstieesen ,s ion resiadtse esv elreeavllbs u,at te aclhe vweefil n das ocrieaalylo int thoen sei adnead c laoifrm e ason (swohmiecthbi emilesbis ye dt he realoint y)to hteh eCro.n sifdoree rx,a mpcloem,up lsyol raws backbeysd a nctOinot nhsoe.n h ea nsdu,c lha wasp peaastr h wei ll ofal awgwiivtetrhhp eo wetrop unitshho wsheod on ot comply; to theex tetnhta t atrhaeec yt ueanlfloyr acnefddol leodwt,h ehya ve ane xistseonmceew ahkaittn os ocficaatlOs n.t hoet hhearn d, · compourllysa wasr neo t sicmopmlmya nbdasc kbeytd h rebautts emboyd cal atiolm e gitiOmlaicvWyee.rn deHloll meisn'ssi stence thawetm ust unadnledar wst tah"esb amda n" -dtoheaistsl ,o ok atl awosn liynv ieowft hpeo ssniebglateci voen sequoefbn eciensg caugahtlt ab wreak-icanngnboett hweh olsety o.Ir nf atcm,a ny citiazreneno sct o nseinlsty"t baidn"t hsiesn asnedi,i t ds o ufbutl whethase yrs toefm lcaowu llodn egn duirfee v erytoonoek this external aalptlph treio maAectl.h e assotm e poorfatp ioopnu la tino,i ndeedm ajtoihrtemy u,s t altlo eogkra ulla esss t andtahradts evernyeoo ugthoft ol lowwh,e thbeerc atuhseery e fltehwceat y osf ancestthosert sr,u cotfut rhece osmoosrt ,h wei lolfG odo,r becatuhseheya vbee edne moactricallyo arsp ipmrpeolnvyae cdt ed accordientsga ibstlhope rdo cedWuhraeHts. .L .A .H arhta s termtehd"e i enrtnaaslp eocflta"iw as f uncitoonfi tlse gitoirm acy socrieaclo igonniE.tx4at clhyo ws uclhe gitismhaocubyle d con struiaesf d ur thqeure stoifco onu,r Tsheei. m porptoaininttst h is: laiwas s ystoefcm o ercibalnedi mrpuelresso nal tphraotc edures alsionv oalnva epsp earle atsoto hnaastl c li tiszheonusal tld e,a st ideafilnlday c,c eptable. Habermiashs e aviinldye bttoIe mdm anuKeatln' cso ncoefp t legitiwmhaiccbyhr, i nogustt h itse nsiinlo anpw a rticwuellalr.l y Consifdoree rx,a mept,lh bea sic reiqguohaftl si v niddiulairlbt ey, sucahsp rorpteayn dc onratcrti ountdheedli geri ti maciyna u niveprrsianlco iflp al(weh t eRe chtsproifntzeinp ,t rans-