Bethel School District Aquatic Center Study PrePared By The SPorTS ManageMenT grouP aPril 30, 2014 Bethel School District Aquatic Center Study Prepared For The Bethel School District By The Sports Management Group 2607 7th Street, Suite B Berkeley, CA 94710 510-849-3090 | Table of Contents Executive Summary i Background 1 Market Analysis 2 DemogrAPhiC AnAlySiS 2 ServiCe ProviDerS 11 nSgA ProjeCtionS 13 Space Program 16 DeveloPing the ProgrAm 16 AquAtiC DeSign trenDS 22 Financial Analysis 24 ProBABle oPerAting CoStS 24 revenue PotentiAl 28 lynnwooD Center CASe StuD y 32 CoSt reCovery 34 Schedule Analysis 35 ASSumPtionS 35 Pool SCheDuleS 37 Table of Contents List of Figures FiG 1 rADiuS mAP (.5 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile) 4 FiG 16 oPtion 2 (25-m) ProgrAm 21 FiG 2 totAl PoPulAtion By rADiuS 5 FiG 17 oPtion 1 oPerA ting CoStS 26 FiG 3 houSeholDS By rADiuS 5 FiG 18 oPtion 2 oPerA ting CoStS 27 FiG 4 Drive time mAP 6 FiG 19 oPtion 1 revenue PotentiAl 29 FiG 5 totAl PoPulAtion By Drive time 7 FiG 20 oPtion 2 revenue PotentiAl 29 FiG 6 Age grouPS By Drive time 8 FiG 21 FeeS AnD ChArgeS 30 FiG 7 houSeholDS By Drive time 9 FiG 22 oPtion 1 CoSt reCovery 34 FiG 8 FAmily houSeholDS By Drive time 9 FiG 23 oPtion 2 CoSt reCovery 34 FiG 9 houSeholD inCome By Drive time 10 FiG 24 50-m Summer SCheDule 37 FiG 10 Poverty By Drive time 10 FiG 25 50-m FAll/winter/SPring SCheDule 38 FiG 11 eDuCAtion By Drive time 11 FiG 26 25-m Summer SCheDule 39 FiG 12 ServiCe ProviDerS mAP 12 FiG 27 25-m FAll/winter/SPring SCheDule 40 FiG 13 Swim PArtiCiPAntS 14 FiG 28 reC Summer SCheDule 41 FiG 14 Swim PArtiCiPAtionS 14 FiG 29 reC F All/winter/SPring SCheDule 42 FiG 15 oPtion 1 (50-m) ProgrAm 20 Bethel School DiStrict i AquAtic center StuDy Executive Summary the Bethel School District is studying the feasibility of constructing Market Analysis an indoor multi-purpose aquatic center to generate community and Demographics were examined using a 3-mile radius from the site, student access to a wide range of year-around aquatic programming, identified as 21818 38th Avenue east in Spanaway, and using drive create a water safe community through swim instruction, and provide times. Due to the expansive boundaries of the district, and the public’s needed facilities for high school aquatic team training and competition. willingness to drive, market segments were analyzed based on drive the Sports management group was retained by the School District to times. Drive time distances of 10, 15, and 20 minutes (termed provide analysis related to the space program, market, operating cost, primary, secondary, and tertiary market areas) were used to study fees, and revenue for an aquatic center. in this study, market research, the demographic composition of potential aquatic center users. the space planning, and the financial analysis are based on original sourcing 15-minute drive time includes both primary and secondary market areas, and an unbiased response to the data and provided information. the and is defined as the range for frequent users. it was used in estimates District provided parameters that shaped the building program and the of participation and revenue potential. project economics presented in this report: Key findings of the market analysis demonstrate that there is sufficient 1. the design and programming of the pools must maximize learn-to- population and number of households with children to generate swim instructional classes. significant revenue (derived from open recreation swim, learn-to-swim, 2. the lap pool must be sized to accommodate the simultaneous warm water fitness, and party rentals). Age group composition within training of four high school swim and dive teams. all drive times shows a core population of family-forming adults as well as children and teens, which suggests the likelihood of high interest/ 3. the size, type and temperature of pools must serve the broad demand in aquatic programming targeting children and families. community aquatic needs and interests. within a 15-minute drive time of the center, there are 42,456 family- forming adults, 18,970 children between the ages of 5 and 14 years, 4. the operation of the center must generate sufficient revenue to an additional 9,760 persons ages 4 and under, and a total population of achieve a cost recovery rate acceptable to the School Board. that 127,736. Families, including children, constitute the core age groups rate has not been established. using open recreation swim time. these breakdowns were utilized in the 2014 The Sports Management Group ii Bethel School DiStrict AquAtic center StuDy calculations for daily admission and pass sales. the demographic analysis option 1 has a gross square footage of 66,400sf and option 2 has a also shows that the population is well educated with low rates of poverty. gross square footage of 49,600. these square footages are used in the these findings suggest that the hypothetical facility fees, set at a market Financial Analysis to project operating costs. other district parameter, price in-line with similar facilities in washington, will be affordable to including water depth, influenced the revenue projections for both the most families. 50-meter and 25-meter pools. An analysis of private, public, and commercial aquatic service area Financial Analysis providers shows that there is little competition for market share in both competitive and recreation swim. within the School District boundaries, the financial analysis presents the probable operating costs and the Kinder Swimmer is the only commercial location offering learn-to- revenue potential for both pool options. Although the 10-lane option swim programming. there are no 50-meter or 25-meter x 25-yard lap does not have the lane capacity for simultaneous high school training, it pools within the School District boundaries. this, along with the above is half the size of the 50-meter pool and has a lower operating cost and demographics, indicate that there is a sufficient market of participants higher cost recovery. expense, revenue, and cost recovery projections to achieve the projected revenue. are found in the report. the total probable cost of operation for option 1 ranges from Programming $1,845,000 to $1,962,000. option 2 costs range from $1,666,000 to two space program options were developed and tested using the $1,776,000. the differences in operating cost is primarily the increased District’s criteria. Both options have three bodies of water—a cost for utilities and pool chemicals that are attributable to the larger competitive / fitness / instructional pool, a multi-use warm water size of the 50-meter pool and the pool enclosure (natatorium). recreation pool, and a soaking hot tub. the variable for both options the revenue potential for option 1 ranges between a low of $1,251,000 is the size of the competitive / fitness / instructional pool: option 1 to a high of $1,624,000. this is an increase of $26,000 to $54,000 has a 20-lane 25-yard x 50-meter pool with a bulkhead (moveable over option 2 with revenue potential of $1,225,000 as the low, and wall) and option 2 has a 10-lane 25-yard x 25-meter pool. the $1,570,000 as the high. the revenue potential for the 50-meter pool District’s requirement that four high school swim and dive teams train is estimated to range from $181,000 to $247,000. revenue for the simultaneously necessitates a 50-meter pool to provide sufficient lane 25-meter option is estimated to range from $157,000 to $195,000. the capacity. option 2 with 10 lanes does not meet the district’s requirement competitive pool revenue is primarily attributable to lane rentals to non- for four teams of 30 swimmers each, to train simultaneously. the District teams for training and competition. analysis of this pool is included to provide additional information. 2014 The Sports Management Group