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Preview Beta-NMR of Isolated Lithium in Nearly Ferromagnetic Palladium

β-NMR of isolated Lithium in nearly ferromagnetic Palladium T.J. Parolin,1 Z. Salman,2 J. Chakhalian,3,∗ Q. Song,4 K.H. Chow,5 M.D. Hossain,4 T.A. Keeler,4 R.F. Kiefl,2,4,6 S.R. Kreitzman,2 C.D.P. Levy,2 R.I. Miller,2 G.D. Morris,2 M.R. Pearson,2 H. Saadaoui,4 D. Wang,4 and W.A. MacFarlane1 1Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada 7 2TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 2A3, Canada 0 3Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA. 0 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada 2 5Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2G7, Canada n 6Canadian Institute for Advanced Research a (Dated: November23, 2006) J 7 The temperature dependence of the frequency shift and spin-lattice relaxation rate of isolated, 1 nonmagnetic 8Li impurities implanted in a nearly ferromagnetic host (Pd) are measured by means of β-detected nuclear magnetic resonance (β-nmr). The shift is negative, very large and increases ] monotonically with decreasing T in proportion to the bulk susceptibility of Pd for T > T∗ ≈ 100 i K. Below T∗, an additional shift occurs which we attribute to the response of Pd to the defect. c s Therelaxation rateis much slower than expected for thelarge shift and is linear with T below T∗, - showing no sign of additional relaxation mechanisms associated with thedefect. l r t PACSnumbers: 76.60.Cq,76.30.Lh,75.47.Np,73.21.Ac m . t a Elemental metallic[1] Palladium is on the verge of Pd foil, yielding a local measure of the magnetic charac- m ferromagnetism as evidenced by its large temperature- teroftheLidefectthroughthenmrshiftandspinlattice - dependent paramagnetic susceptibility χ. The chemical relaxation rate. Results in the film agree with measure- d and structural simplicity of Pd makes it a particularly mentsinthebulkfoilbutarebetterresolvedandhavean n o appealingexampleofanearlyferromagnetic(NF)metal. in situ reference fromthe Au layer,allowing anaccurate c Efforts to understand NF metals have led to significant measureoftheshiftinPd. Wefindaverylarge,strongly [ theoreticalprogress,suchastheadventofthespinfluctu- temperature-dependentKnightshiftK whichfollowsthe ∗ 1 ationmodel(SFM)thathasrecentlybeenadaptedtothe host χ(T) down to T ≈ 100 K, with a deviation below v nearly antiferromagnetic doped cuprates[2]. While the T∗ that we attribute to the response of Pd to the de- 4 SFMhas beensuccessfullyappliedto Pd,detailedcalcu- fect. In contrast, the spin-lattice relaxation rate T−1 is 1 9 lationsofquantitiessuchasχstillpresentachallenge[3]. remarkably slow and shows a simple Korringa(∝T) be- 3 ∗ Many recent attempts to understand the rich variety of haviour below T . 1 0 unconventional properties of nearly magnetic materials nmr is a powerful technique; one of the few that can 7 are based on the paradigm of quantum criticality, where 0 proximity to a zero temperature quantum critical point reveal both the average magnetic behaviour and its mi- / croscopic inhomogeneity. Application of conventional t (QCP)controlsthematerialpropertiesoverawiderange a nmr to thin film heterostructures is limited by sensi- of the phase diagram. In this context, Pd can be tuned m tivity; however, β-nmr with a low energy beam of ra- towardsanitinerantferromagneticgroundstateeitherby - dioactive 8Li+ can be used in this case[8, 9]. In the nmr d introducing dilute magnetic impurities[4] or by expand- of metals, the relative frequency shift of the resonance, n ing its lattice in an epitaxial heterostructure[5]. For ex- o ample, refined studies of PdNi indicate the QCP occurs δ = (ν − νr)/νr, where νr is the reference frequency, c is composed of two contributions δ = K + Korb: the at a Ni concentration of only 2.5%[6], thus pure Pd is v: in the realm of influence of this ferromagnetic QCP, al- Knight shift (K) resulting from Fermi contact coupling Xi thoughitisclearlyaFermiliquid[1]. Thedefectresponse to the Pauli spin susceptibility of the conduction elec- trons, and the temperature-independent orbital (chemi- of a metal near a QCP is highly unconventional and r cal) shift Korb. In conventional metals the spin relax- a not yet understood. For example, it has been predicted ation rate is linear with temperature, following the Ko- that droplets of local order (interacting with the quan- rringa Law, (T T)−1 ∝ K2. In contrast in NF metals, tumcriticalenvironment)willbenucleatedbyapointlike 1 low frequency, long wavelength spin fluctuations modify defect[7]. the Korringa Law, strongly enhancing the proportion- In this Letter, we present an nmr study of an iso- ality constant at low temperature, and causing a high lated atomic defect in pure Pd. In particular, we im- temperature deviation such that (T T)−1 is instead pro- 1 plant spin polarized radioactive 8Li and detect the nmr portionaltoχ[10],asseene.g.inTiBe [11]. Conventional 2 viatheparityviolatingweakβ-decay(β-nmr)inaAu(10 nmr of 105Pd[12, 13] showedthat K(T) follows the bulk nm)/Pd(100 nm)/SrTiO heterostructure and in a thin χ(T), and the observedT−1 varies linearly below 150K. 3 1 2 Thepresentexperimentswerecarriedoutonthepolar- ized low energy beamline at TRIUMF’s ISAC facility[8, 14]. The8Li+ probenuclei(I =2,τ =1.2s,8γ =6.3015 MHz/T) are implanted at an energy controlled by elec- trostatic deceleration. The observed asymmetry of the β-electron count rate (A) is proportional to the 8Li nu- clear spin polarization. For resonancemeasurements, we use a continuous beam of ∼ 106 ions/s focussed to a 3 mm diameter beamspot; measure the time-integrated A for 1 s; then step the frequency of the small transverse radiofrequency (RF) magnetic field H . The spin-lattice 1 relaxation rate T−1 is measured by pulsing the incident 1 ion beam (4 s pulsewidth) and monitoring the time de- pendenceofAwiththeRFoff. A(t)isfittoanexponen- tial form during and after each beam pulse[15]. All the data were taken in a static external magnetic field H = 0 4.1 T[16]. The high sensitivity of the nuclear detection allows us to work in the extremely dilute limit (the 8Li concentrationis about1 in 1011), yielding the properties FIG. 1: β-nmr spectra of 8Li in the Au/Pd/STO film fit to threeLorentzians. Theverticallineisthereferencefrequency of isolated Li. νr. The Pd signal is fit to two resonances corresponding to Theresonancesweremeasuredina100nmfilmgrown different stopping sites. via e-beam deposition from a 99.99% source (Goodfel- low)ontoanepitaxiallypolishedh100icrystallineSrTiO 3 (STO)substrateat60–80◦C.Thegrowthratewas0.5˚A/s under a backgroundpressureof ∼10−8 Torr. It was sub- in isostructural Pd, but the two shifts are surprisingly sequently capped in situ with 10 nm of Au. The Pd similar compared to Ag and Au, where they differ by a factor of ∼ 2. In Ag and Au the more shifted O site layer was found to be highly oriented in the h111i direc- tion by x-ray diffraction. An implantation energy of 11 resonance is metastable, disappearing above ∼170 K as keV was used as Monte Carlo simulations of the 8Li+ Li makes a thermally activated site change. The current stopping profile(using TRIM.SP[17]) indicated thatthis data suggest a similar site change occurs in Pd above would maximize the number of ions stopping in the Pd. 250 K. More measurements are required to confirm this The T−1 data was collected in a 12.5 µm thick foil of site assignment. The two resonances are, however, very 1 99.95% Pd (Alfa Aesar). close, and they track one another as a function of T, so we consider only the averageshift hereafter. Three representative spectra are displayed in Fig. 1. Resonances from 8Li in both Au and Pd were identi- A plot of δ (T) vs. χ(T) of bulk Pd[12] [inset Fig. avg ∗ fiedbycomparisonwithpreviousmeasurementsinAu[18] 2(a)] shows a clear proportionality for T ≥ T . Ex- andinPdfoil[19],aswellasthedependenceoftheirrela- trapolating this line to the zero of χ (or to the small tive amplitudes on implantation energy. The shift of the van Vleck χ), we find Korb is quite small (40 ± 240 8LiresonanceinAuis+60ppmrelativetotheresonance ppm) as one would expect for a light atom. This es- in the cubic insulator MgO[20]. We use this to infer the timate of Korb is rather uncertain due to the large ex- reference frequency (in MgO) ν = 25.842 MHz (verti- trapolation, so rather than subtracting it from δ to ob- r cal line in Fig. 1) used throughout. Similar to previous tain K, we instead assume K ≈ δ. From the slope measurements in unoriented polycrystalline Pd foil, the of this fit we extract the hyperfine coupling A us- hf shift is largeand negative, becoming more negative with ing K (T) = (A Z/N µ )χ(T); where N is Avo- avg hf A B A decreasingT,confirmingitis(a)intrinsictoLiinPdand gadro’s number, µ the Bohr magneton, and Z the co- B (b) predominantly isotropic. At 270 K, the Pd signal is ordination of the site assumed to be 6 (O-site), and ob- clearlysplitintotworesonancesofnearequalamplitude. tain A = −1.50(2) kG/µ , a substantially smaller hf B The splitting is magnetic, rather than quadrupolar, im- magnitude than for Li in Ag[8] or Au[20]. For Pd, χ(T) ∗ plying two distinct Li sites of cubic symmetry. As T exhibits a characteristic maximum at T . Within the is reduced, the less shifted resonance diminishes in am- SFM, this is due to thermal excitation of spin fluctua- plitude as the more shifted line becomes predominant. tions producing effective magnetic moments. Once the Previous β-nmr studies of 8Li in Ag[8] and Au[18] show temperature-inducedmoments reacha saturationampli- ∗ thatLitypicallyoccupiestwodistinctcubicsitesinFCC tude (∼ T ), they are then depolarized by higher en- metals: theinterstitialoctahedral(O)andsubstitutional ergy thermal fluctuations, giving rise to the Curie-Weiss (S) sites, each with a distinct shift. It is likely that the high T regime which is well described by Moriya’s self- observed signals are due to 8Li stopping in similar sites consistent renormalization approach[21]. For Li in Pd, 3 FIG. 3: (color online). Normalized spin relaxation data and fits. (inset) Temperature dependenceof (T1CT)−1. ilar to the temperature independent relaxation found in local moment paramagnets; however, a correct explana- tionrequiresmodellingthespinfluctuationspectrum[13]. Thenearlytemperatureindependent(T TK )−1[Fig. 1C avg 2(c)] is consistent with NF behaviour and with the Pd FIG. 2: (color online). (a) Temperature dependence of the T1[13], while the maximum in T1−1 near room tempera- averageshiftof8LiinPd. (inset)Kavg vs. χ. K(T)obtained ture is not. Rather, it is likely due to a Li site change from a fit to the linear region is represented by the solid red to a high temperature site characterized by a smaller line in the main panel. (b) Temperature dependence of the shift and Korringa slope, as has been seen in other FCC T−1 of 8Li+ in Pd foil. The red line is a fit to the low T 1 metals[20, 22]. data and the dashed blue line is the Korringa-predicted T−1 1 for Kavg= -885 ppm. (c) The product T1CTKavg is nearly We begin by discussing the originofthe largeshift K. independent of T (squares; left scale). Some Kavg have been An impurity nucleus in a host metalis generallycoupled interpolated/extrapolated from the data in (a). (T1T)−1 is to the conduction band via a transferred hyperfine cou- also shown for comparison (circles; right scale). pling with its near neighbors. This interaction depends on the overlap of the impurity atomic orbitals with the neighboring conduction band orbitals, i.e., on the bond- below T∗, the shift diverges from χ(T) of Pd (solid line ing of the impurity to the host. In Ag, Au and other in Fig. 2(a)). simple metals this typically results in a small, positive, We turn now to the spin-lattice relaxation. Previous temperature-independentK forLi. IncontrastinPd,we results for 8Li in Ag demonstrated that the implanted observeashiftwhichisnegative,temperature-dependent ionsarecoupledtotheconductionelectronsandobeythe and about 10 times larger. The first point is in fact ex- KorringaLawquite closely[8]. The Pdfilm wasnotsuit- pected for a coupling arising from “s−d hybridization” able for T measurements as a fraction of the Li always betweentheLi2sandPd4dorbitals[23],whilethelatter 1 stops in the Au overlayer. To avoid such contamination, two points result from the very large T dependent χ of we instead measured T in a Pd foil which exhibits sim- Pd. A recent calculation predicts K for Li in Pd within 1 ilar resonances[19]. Representative relaxation data and a factor of 2 of the observed value[24]. The shift from fits areshowninFig.3. The relaxationispredominantly such a coupling is isotropic, as observed. ∗ singleexponential,withasmall(<10%)backgroundsig- ThedeviationoftheLishiftK fromχbelowT reflects nal from backscattered Li. The relaxation rates T−1 a local modification of χ due to the nonmagnetic defect. 1 are shown in Fig. 2(b). A linear fit below T∗ yields Incontrast,inPdnmr[12,13],theK−χscalingismain- T−1= 1.22(2)×10−3s−1K−1T +4.5(9)×10−3s−1. To tainedtolowtemperature. IdenticalbehaviorforK ofLi 1 extract the purely Korringa relaxationT−1, we subtract in Pd foil[19] confirms the deviation is intrinsic. Indeed 1C the small T independent term from the observed rate . such a response is similar to the evolution of χ in dilute Above T∗, T−1(T) is clearly sublinear. This tendency alloys of PdAg[25], where 2.5% Ag is sufficient to elimi- 1 to saturation at high temperatures is qualitatively sim- nate the maximum in χ(T). In such alloys, despite their 4 dilution, it is difficult to rule out 4d band-filling as the origin. In contrast, here the Li is in the dilute limit. We note similar behavior appears in K(T) of the implanted ∗ Former address: Max-Plank-Institut fu¨r µ+ inPd[26]. Thesesimilaritiessuggestacommonorigin Festk¨orperforschung, D-70569, Stuttgart, Germany. which is quite insensitive to the details of the nonmag- [1] J.J. Vuillemin, N. Harrison, and R.G. Goodrich, Phys. neticimpuritypotential. Suchanexplanationhasinfact Rev. B 59, 12177 (1999). been suggested on theoretical grounds[27]. 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