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Best Karate, Vol.5: Heian, Tekki (Best Karate) PDF

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Preview Best Karate, Vol.5: Heian, Tekki (Best Karate)

M. Nakayama Heian. Tekki Front ua ghee ay Ket Kano; cara pots yeti uta Uva es ya ar, 8 SERNLCAE STte wl edn gl POE Not tan a alo wer Ze uF Fee catan fn naraiend iis 17-12 Samm there CNG, Ts Hae ase kat b Cearh © 18999 Kore ‘tala alah worl hom CONTENTS. Intiedction ° What Karate-do Is ” Kata 2 Matning, Important Pots llsen ane Takei Heian 1 15 Importan: Point, 23 Heian 2 st Import: Poin. 45 Heian 3 2 Iispottan, Poin €2 Horar 4 os Truserar® Pots 74 Heian & a Inpavtent Paints, 99 Toki 1 w lirgortant Pains, 708 Tekki 2 109 Tygon Pains, #27 Tekki3 120 imaurant Paice, 140 Blosssry 1 Tre oost guiaue hes seen a gieek revsese 1 te panne wi ketene troughaut be mord Anche svesa who hav sacle (2 arp or Tage eure ard twerharn tists ‘om ard embers cf .arsirs Sef-ceterse Forces. In 2 Sf wns van secene a cu pulee'y eubiset Ave that umber ¢ cers yeas Alongs hho r2reate in eeu thers heve aoe carta For ore nig. lerete has sees csivvaod wth tha sb-eslo Gheesae-atye hosiog. ane fi tela bn mil ie Sead Ocrswa Fo as 1 Laci valley urdarvend. Tete ae Iho mugs nv avorezaraed tas at cass, nh on vo alls eh ath soa, othe saytesta cs alle eae Die’ ao Wiough tive ea coir ct goer in erien tre foe oe sad, ot seh 906% of Cy Sresking ke ar aber ane eb clesath isha Neves. fou If kava ts psctces say aa e fying seenniaue ths is case for ton. (ie “undamectal tocnigues eee beer dewsened ard pafectol vmuugr ling yeste of Muy ond act, UL mace ary effective usa ul ties tachriaies, Te Spriual spect O° Gis a ct sei-oefence nny. be teenie ne rust play he aed rancle hs gatly nate ma thar “am ste those sera nls ths, weno knew Anat (atate-d9 = pay Court are la, acd wh) vent he raper atte To-ae capatis af nfting desaitriy sree un ar apeo- ant wis ni Seva ne Hes or aciogle kek mae rows ne 09 sate cf tha arciet! Oumawan mane are Sutaven te Placilicnars of ld placsd eterger am abaais cn th epi ssh fea ofthe are tae lls tctinquce Teining mcene Toning OFbestyoed sent, ae, areal sly, oe sl taal sen Tent courtesy yd with *> argper sigue. Ibs Foto 840% vith sllore's ove 9 os wie v4 kale 13 le 30 er te ake ot ft oe ich Furaceal utes nity of kule de, pete 2 esoetelly fm ne Fr purzss9 In pursuing mean sre ri fuaing sf a able opt a sper at wet She tenet er uP tutto Sesraye fees cys ld or mal wih sg bist ehould be ceve-enee, Sezer ative fo lower of karate ois paste erly when oe eialns pacectien those "ee pots he ara spina. the eis pee ea “erated ait of will dutonca 9 karate a8 area's of iy prowig tne mainte ag nealth Fas iowp exsiec, During “7€ fst Reams yente erew aut wily hea her axolores ar piste fe The anaes dara, szatts ara, contests ane hove the panna of deter ring the sbi ofthe patie pars, “is nanos sparse (Way eon ti a oa Thee «Wd fia ae eslect the precion o¢“uncamtel terigues. eth inotead toa tonpt nye karte at oa aaliest epperturt Tenvis on incing eantests caneot Fels ulate for ccamontal techniques a goes ces His ne act eo F235 Net otty iit ell saul ira oatso-fs ong nema © foacurng # sveng ard eFecive techriowe, wth, aftr a. th unigve charactor of <srateda. Tre men ito begs fo kurta pramatirehy sino “waving. orarniced tarda Tremcals sullen gaan ae overtaken Ry he rar whe nap waned Fire 29sie fechviaves ong ane el gem Is quite pip, armaterof neste reakasnaste, Tee €90.4 thee te lari'g ard pute wy bea teohmn.es and norte steo 9 step t8g2 hy stage Iflavateccmpativens ars tc a» hod, boy musthe nondlaces liner sutsbla conditions avd i 2°e prapetspir= Te deste ta hina ganas! is nurterpenductiva, sine Hwee to 9 [ack oF farinwness in Inering the tda~ent's, Moreover, aivina for fa esvaze diay cranny ane peer a 9 contest Us ndsitsie hea tris hapoers coves tear ow appnten fe fergeter 71 the i st arms importance i any pression or karate Tho eve hb aller case eo a aet deal of ration {ine aleeseinination 2y both net.oter end ater ‘expan ie mane arg complee neweinercs 2 the bey. t ag Loan iy ose We prone a fly igeietos Sook 9th Upsdbe tnt Gua utc exper infi n2n art thy | Pave bau rec over 2 pened af fory-siy yar, The lupe fs beg Fea iead oy the puuliatien &f tho ese Kaeo sets, Fh or Davos wings of “ne Neve bean tally eeised anh the res fare eracuragemart ory readers Ihis ew series xa ers 7 ‘lol kat kara a sh gusn2 made se sire 2 ae possi, he ainaeray hee that willbe et hele 2 Kloet of kara woe ales thet arateca in ray? counties vil E2 20 6 2 naarvard eben uiher eter rarugh tha series of boos WHAT KARATE-DO IS Dacidirg wis the vera she wes wna lesen srk tne atts naive. Kare co is a mart forthe develop wen el sreravier‘hroagh traning, £2 that 38 ketch a sueracnt any baci. fara be oF inane ‘Karate-d0 13 an emty-hanced at ct sei-cetanse in Wve tho a7 ane foxe ate aystomatialy tained a an ovens sttecting by surprse an ce samol sd by 3 cemenststion a Storage tha wang sotual wagers Karate ois ex0-2 89 twraugh ation Fe <aateke master al aod mavenerts suc) 43 sanding. rang and basin, be fate ing to ie eis sne say backed ane vai bac igh ub ans eosin, Fook a ue iorm “The tasvn cuss of kareta-co aswel conuolag accor te the Keteokale wl psivor ns ore dortod tho ae acute yar sponarceusly ‘The sscenes 2 katete teehricuss is Sime The mecning cf erie olor tite ania eh Techaique and maximum ower in the shores rma ness be {Leng ogo, Vere sas the uxaresionsnker Messe, meaning 1 all sath one Dips” Sc ta s3came ten Ya Ih KING the objective aargerous anc rearact. It haul: be remem bred that ove hue 6! ve urs eo 19 oraciue Keno ost y and in deg: ser sness oy sha te mak ware) ime way ba tesoml anac by sr king. puekirg 3° hiecng but ago bY baccng. A leshnieus lk done can “ever bt tegen! e5 true carat, no mare’ Fa great he reser ace tekarae.& cents is no axceeoy, humievar eaannet re ‘ows La make eantactbova.so of He ocncer invaves Shossnme means 19 arest a technique lus" aefore contact veh tne tere cone: ont chant Thon Zier) Rul uring a technigus though te Sie is rot true Larat, 30 “he "qestion = hays to raconcle the sainct on setae kee Sind uct dana The shew ia tre ataaisn tho target a gly Infromctsro spponere= vtal pan: Ireen ther be sine een Uli acy wath meinen aes, ius muting coms Ticining Wansforms various pes afths cody iss weapons 2 be anes Hoes and torte he inky resets ow Dist this 1s selfoovaal Ta become ¢ vetor o7e mst fe bvatoome he Sar se Seta KATA ‘The tat of <avate co ate locica erangonanis cl vost. punching, etixing ane heving ochniques ip oeraln set 3 fquenees, About fy kata, or otmal ere sap aro stack o20 [tthe ese tt, soma ay ng bes case down rom gens tot fe genctalion. ethos ving besa develoza fly vent “arg can oa cided mta wy braae celoyars. In Oe 6°90 are thaee sepror” ale ‘or plvsieal develoomers, the srevgt hing of gone and muscle. Though seemincky single, thoy Fanuine sempestre for thew pavgnraneo ad es bit etencth Sane diewiy whan croely paormed. 7 the other grows a tate suitable forthe cavalopme Wo! festrel nee an in iy te mova qu chy. Tha ighivng tks masomersa in these ket 212 suggest we oh id gh Ofna wal aw. AL zata requis and {estar rythn and cpevdineion Treiang in bats spin as well #2 bleal 9 ale per foxmenen of 2 kala che hearaks arcu Sxtto Ualdmees a Seyi deres, ou aso burly, ganveness n= sm sf daca ‘um, thes tenting mine 9nd beey in = smcular dsc pve [As Goch Fuekest eit rained "ke studers Ties) ab ataa- G0 fs ost iboal veut. "ihe exoiesaen 9° tha coursy i the tow mais ax us banning and a che eve of ech kaw, Ihe stance 9 the ‘rasa dachs inlornal sean ates, with the arms ena, the hares lightly touching the thghs anc the oyus ooLsed stisighs anead rem te bow al the sant of the ca, one waves ito the Aseiso af tho Tict mev2on: cf he kata. Tas sa eloxcd 205 sien, satensenass,parculaiyin tes ncuborsane kiees 97034 i evrinstad sn bosth cy sow tens axea Toe ear ol Deiser and eencertanay ips tanden. the cerise seri Inthe eae ar, the karaoke enesil be stopsted fer ary ever funny nee fa ogg ot Boing relavod but alert aso sharactsnzce sts aw a tha ond ltt hate wl scaled satin by katie a in g2ot marta fea, Barge tie vata to a 304 ech Keta ong with a oocking tachrique ard eonsista ef sesjmcn noes ol meine ale oerarmed 3 et cul Sole Thetis ome sain ote canola OF ne rvs v9 Ard the time Fecuted to co-r3ete cer Lal et na ie ot tno ahaa rraverwnt oasis own meaning an function sie nothing Sunerisus. Paromunce slong ata ambusun (ytorna ce lines tho shape of wnien ie doo: coc hat, ‘hile pectorming a boo, se hatetoka 39-14 ineaine Riso fo ke jtraunced by opoenanis anil be proncree 12 whee Cefonaiva and of ese tech-iquce in anya ts Muserg ct hata sa praca auvewonunt irauen syd ans an as Fallow, Bu ays Hei 1 Tih aya Hoar 2 eur Ape Bean § Soave Heana ath ans Hean sro nye cl 2 bys ate other har Hela cr Toki Ske ‘thor than sie above isdn ‘ther tkansne abave 2ad dan and above Free wala Flos keta may a6 chosen fy Besta. Kanes, its, Mangers Fil. Gankaku. dn. Tack. Njashine, Gojhins. ne, chin, Mie kia, Chistl Waker one cthe's Important Points Sinoo the affaeis Ef practice ae cum lative, pactiee Svat ey, even if rly fora fy ririee. hen peda ming a kaa heap eal and ever tua trough a euemnen= Ihe ween Alois being ewete ct she caren timing of each weenie a paticuia’ ets weves Wve, que move attention, ae ly Kaeo in mind the alationshi betwen cata sti se hum (0 Vole. 3 ane 4). Speati pount in parton ee 1 Corrs oder “he number and sequence of moveteals 1 peetennined All rust bo sertrmes. 2. Beginoing andes. We bate hank soi nl ta see aun be uinusen. Ths ges practice 3. Meaning oF each movaman Each movement, deen we of olersiva must be olaary undarstocd #03 ‘uly exsressea This i680 vue et the kale as 2 whole, ash ol whieh has le sn sharacterstis. “4 Alanon cf te sarget. Ihe kerateka must know what ig a0 when o exocuto 2 Wubi gue Ht and fring. Rhytim mist be ap-opiat t the ortiolr <ala ens the oo emus be haw, reer aera eerie th tines tects fen ents nape over arf ness of slowness 7 oreculing ew gues, ane the scutes ‘nd cantracion uf mules, 6 Smaer bresthing. Ainatbing should alumge wth eranaing itations bu bosly wale ary Meee, exiles ‘etic ishing tac oxecuted, wid iehals ard oxhale ‘hor sxeputing sucerneve teah kes Relat ie breatirg ae fw, sen cosas ve middle ‘rat he ond ef te ket, 98 the nome uation “arson, 2y exhaling vary shore y and “asin (ww abdesen tie ver ‘ea beaker to the nace Pei Tek Ths five Hsinn gad saree Tekst hla a cl esis Kata Phwougt tye perish Heine ete, one shoule ‘raster Ym priscoles and skill ave inspansable ns Kat, From the Tek kota. ww shoule acsu te the dari ane streng!? of laste niques, gut mote than set, he shoul ‘ome te rasta Fe cami, dking fee ina comes trou bractice decid te make te hips ane stences tong Tw emusen in Heian 1 enc 216 | shacud. n Hela” 9 and tis shaped. In Fea 4, tie avaper ee eT, bt wit te ver teal ne extencing above she upper honzztal Tine The cinusen ie the Teksi kaa #2 se uh ine 1 HEIAN 1 Fiom bow to shizen tai atari poder OHS 9 m : +r % eC hy t s NS “4 ~« a towewaro dsck To lat fis: should be about 15 rat yo the <0 3 eee ® + £ b> < RF Ge tet ps 4s Hove laf foot fet Migi chidan oi-zuki a a 4 e ‘ign mice feret tinge punch Sepp lett foo: frm. Punch fie sid ight 120: fran igi downward bck Left ea ie fk at (oie). Move he eimai ae Migi joden age-uke g « fi « ‘ugh wogorfavel rising book ross ett palm a night erear In front of jaw. Shido "ght leat favara, Twast gt forearm 30 = % ak ‘igh yaoer iol rising biock Open and clot left fit back of {elt spn own ney Bice Ogan ane lose righ fs, han uta Crass writ, Beng it 20 the rant na, D” barat LIAR Fight idole fevel lunge punch Slide righ: foot fonwere, Fret lt ew 113] Hidari chaden of-zuki the Left mide feve ange punch Side eft foot ‘ertc, Tighten righ ie, Aight downward bicck “With lat lg as ju ast, tur hips to sne gh

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