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Preview Bermuda Lou Hammond & Associates, Inc Bermuda Department of Tourism 6 30 11

BERMUDA fool Bo tos Contacts: Terenoe Gallagher /Wishelle Hem Lou Hammad & ascociates Tel (212) 908-8980: Fax: (212) 897-0200 E mail: [email protected] ? mizhelle whammane.com ‘THE BERMUDA INSTITUTE OF OCEAN SCIENCES GAINS GLOBAL EXPOSURE AS ANBG NETWORK CREW ARRIVES TO FILM AT BIOS RESEARCH VESSEL BERMUDA, Decemter6, 2010 — five-person NBC Network erov from tne United “States arrived in Bermuda this weekend fo film at the Bermuds Inetitute of Ocean Scier res 2 {G108) researcn vosse Atlantic Explorer. BIOS along withthe Bermuda Departant of Lenn {GDOT) welco ned the NAC Network team vihere they are collecting factage to davelep an NBC Learn supeorning program fort pork, the educational am of NBC News whicn provides glozal cortent a teachers, students, schoo’ ang unversties NBC Learn wil co BIOS has the longest an industry leader in the dlata to report on climate aclence ar the rise in ocean tomperstt ‘continual record of ecean chem field sry anywhere inthe wor'd, maki According ts Tae Hon. Patrce K. Minors, JP, MIP. Minister of Business Development and “Tourn, BIOS’ commitment te Issues of environmental change is tronourable ancl hewr research vest | serves as a valuable rescurce for Bormucians, especially young pe02 cn the accamplisimerts 5 na mado atthe Bermuda Insitute of Ocean Seiences,” stated Minors. “SIS is one cf the leading tne NBC team eaptures Jom Berruda’s BIOS will assist n learning programs utiized eround the w "We welcome the NBC network to Bermuda to repo! faciltice ir the study of ocean sciences. Woe excted trat the roseat 6 from Bormucts on Twitter @Gu FoBermutda, Media con also visit press roloases and images. Falow on Testor ot © The photo eredit should be provided ta the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Scionces. een BERMUDA foot thee Cove Ccontae:s: Terence Ga agher/ Menelle Horn {ihe dammone & Assacia 12) 208-8680, FX Email texugihanr 2) 561-0200 com @rarsmond com, FEEL THE LOVE" IN BERMUDA THIS HOLIDAY SEASON WITH VALUE-ADDED HOTEL PACKAGES AND ISLAND-WIDE SAVINGS NEW YORK, December 10, 2010 ~ Travelers 10 Bermuda's onk sand beaches ths swintr senson wal experience Bemuda holiday cveer wth special themed note savings, Winter hotel sackage oferings irclude a comolimentary stay on Christmas Day. farmly focused sworsshops, 50 pereant off cidren’s guest rooms, premium aocommedations as wellas @ ft night fee Comliments of Bermuda" Some of he wile spocsls and happenings avers fe ‘Bermuda car enjoy this season include: Winter Season at The Reefs Hotel & Club Herter ac ia Freel Stay five 7 ghts or more and Christmas night is free, Christmas actives at Feetenfront resort Include @ Christmas Eve tree-timmming party as well as S'mores and not fh daily rates begin at $985 fora poolside room hased on double ecpaney, Rates include dally breakfest, afternoon tea and gourmet simmer Al rooms and Seeeeclinluded in the offer and feature private patios wth ocean views, Tre Reefs SaMteonas 1 fee" package is available for stays between December 79 - 22, deperure by Deceribe27 “The Reefs Hatel & Cub asc has ts Winter Break Package, valid through March 31, 2011. (he package excliles December 20. .anuary 3 dates and includes ‘our daysihee righ in 3P Paso cur room (bes avaiable in Superior, Deluxe or Premier room caxegories), dally Proattest and ev roune-\ip aitpor tranefer fortwo persons orices are $1 289!couple for Suaday to ecnestay stays and S1.478/coupie for Thursday to Sattrcay vist, Call B00-742- 2008 fer “eservation or visi vv Ahiree's,com. Elbow Beach Bermuda's Family Vacation Package Fhemiole fami can experience a furflied afordaoie vacation wth Elbow Beach Bermuda's Family Vacation Package, & Mandarin Oriental resort, Eloow Beach has a ra Enterigirnert for families ineluding an excursion to the Bermuda Aa) TBAMZA Tun ors ceautTUl, pvvato namie pink sand beach end a weed cin 12 nthe resort's Kids Club playrcom Staring at $710 per adult per day. inclusive of Ir unde” 12, this package provides daily breakfast and actommowation in Prery plimentary rollaway beds for chil jaar, Museum and Zoo, slong with Bermuda Holiday Values'2 Royal Palms Hotel Christmas Season Package Royal Palms Hoe) Gals Hotel, Bermuda ofes a oiday seascn package VPs December 17, eae ed ap mth room rates stating at $199 per sg, double Sec PaNey giving 3 Be Moreen savings. Cal 800-876-0789 o: 441 202 1854 Tor eservalions oF vit ‘uw rovalpalms Em. ‘Tho Holiday Season at the Fairmont Southampton The Holy eas npton ofes the perfect wine vacation fr te arte ai wf) daly Jes actves tis holiday sean07, most of which ave complimentary: P10 of guest aces cusing cooke making, chides aivtes in Sara's Workshop, wre 9S aaa tan, naire walks. soasonal spa experince, Gnitmas caring, SATs sardines grand New Yea" Eve celebrations, Farmont Soutrero‘on & sercae a i nolday a pemily Package avaiable tough December 27.2010 and neha at Spit. The Family Paleame amanty for sds upon check in and ree aucess to the Fame Secreto, Room rate sat 2 52 pe right. wy a sesond coor for re eniier priced c EE percent of the rate per night. Far reservations, cell 866-540-4497 or vist ‘wor simon, som/southampton, ‘Tucker's Point Hotel & Spa's Bermudatul Holiday Escape saree Peinaimed Tucker's Point Hotel & Spa will soon celeorate ts seugned nolsey sea5en) Ree eats every td right ras through January 8, 204, n ts Bermudatl rae ea ere ise package. Rates start a S375 per ight and include a commenerahve, Fn nt Tuskers Poet Cvismas orarent as aNlday Keepsake and estes od 8 and Pan eese ie rey upon arial Tucce”'s Point Hota: & Spa features 68 luvunons cine care aiar uaws of Gas larbour and Harrington Sun. champlonship go, work ash foe Spec ete of phi send beach Rates do not elude tax or grauty ana are Subject © op and are bases on avabiity and may not be com red wi other offers, For creegations, pease cal 986,604.2764 0° wwe tucks spol 2am, Compliments of Bermuda Promotion eeeiite coinckte with Bermuda's popular ‘goll and spa" season, The Bermuda Department of Teigin teamed uo wih 16 paricipating hotl properties to launch tis destination wid proratice, valaple for booking now ~ March 1, 2011 fo travel throug Mayan 15, roe rdat one range from luxury resorts and bauliaue haves to beact clubs and histone Hotes far aocommodations range from approximately 5125 - $395 per -o cro tabi. Viet saws sermudalaurism comicampl ments for more ‘Compliments of Bermuda oackage or cal your local rave! right and are suby infrmetion on book specials. ssennuca, just under two hours ftom Fast Coasl gateway cites, stretches for 21 mies zlong Segiuies fstere arc ie euoundes by = 200-square-rile coral roe piatead, Barta s ere ie ems range from kxury resorts fo intimale guest cotlages anc farilyun inns, all see poratrs the soph steation and hospitality uniaue fo ne Berra experience, The fe Hoc ravege than 190 restaurants to ft any traveler's budget, from simple and inexsensive to SJogert end sposial sing, Bermusa’s dverse actvives oFer an aray of wasation ostions of see Gund ing more wreck dives nan anywere else fn tha word, championship go Fee eeedng, weildenowried deep sea fisting ad smooth pine ueaches to rest on by day's end Lrap-to-date mgraon fiom 2 Tanta @GoTeReniuds Modo ‘andunages. sale 0 Titer at ul trend 2 be BERMUD 6A che Co Contacts: Tovence Gallagner Manali Hom | [ov Hammond & Associates or ta] 298 880; Fax (212) 631-0200 imate tanveihannged.cen ! 2 n@'nammon {BERMUDA RENDEZVOUS" PROGRAM OFFERS VISITORS FREE DAILY CULTURAL ACTIVITIES NEW YORK, December 13, 2010 ~ The Island of Fermuda is Fighlghting its mors tan 400 years of history and coh cutee this winter season wit the lurch of the “Bermuda Rendezvous” daly acts rogtam, Ongerized bythe Bermuda Departmont ot Louism in conunction withthe Deparment of ‘community & Cultural Affairs, Bormuda Randozvous offers vistors a wide array of cultural activites, the tnajonty of whien are free unless ofnarvise indicated, Antviles range liom pefrmanaes by Gerucs's tamed and colorful Gombey dancers te glass-biowing demnnstrations, cooking demonstrations, and histor ‘tours ofthe Royal Navy Daceyard ane St. George's @ UNFSCO ¥ “The Bormuda Rendezvous program runs tircugh March 31, 20°1 end niglightsinelude: 1+ Guided Walking Tour of Sty of Hamiton: showeases soine of Bernuica's most histone © tes Heritage ste such as the Bermuda national Library snd Fon Harton: + Sotanical Gardens Tour: rome to 1 parmanentccllecinns inchiding sub-tropical fut syoves, ced and banyan trees as well as a sensory & + Bermusta Cookery Demonstration, In which Bermadian Ct Chery! Kerr shares local flavors; + Royal Naval Mockyare Glassworks look atthe at of flare working and glass blowing, = istorical «¢ enactment ane town tour of SL. George's: offering 2 guided tour through the histor ole town as + Bermuce Gombey <evus" a ‘Un folk a! evert featuring the music and dancing of Berm {artes loud and lvely Gambeys: + Addtionally, a fre lacta'e series wil alsa be offered ov ering goversl aspects othe Bermudian cure, Tor mare inforstisn onthe ‘Berm Rendezvous Activites’ programm, eal ths Department of Sormunity & Cultural Airs at 441-297 Bermuda, just urder two hours fom east Const gateway cites, stretches for 27 miles along turct ove Meee dS curraunoed by 9 200-24 Jere til oral feet pleleau. Rermiéa’s accem”oditions range. Wr Fae aoe aio intmate guest collages anv Fam run Fins, al nsorvoraing Pe oophistzation aad rast ity amiquo to tha Bormuda experience. The slanc indlces move than 160 restaurans te Ft any Meiers get from simple anu inexpensive (¢elegari and special cling Bermuda's dverse aves tier an array of vacation otio7s al yeer- round, including we wreck cives than anywna'e ose in th seta cramponsn p gall horseback ring, worle-ranowned ces: sea fishing and socth pink baacnes 10 ysl on by dey end, Ga yo ted’ ication fram ramen oP reborn, Woks car alo vist ee loub dann cem fr atest pr rioasne ad ages: Ful! 09 jammer ia us on 47 or vist wnssarudatoursin.com. ne BERMUDA (pol Bo Eos Contacts: Terenza Gat agne Michele Hor [ou lameod & Assncinses Yor ss s08-2ar Fax (2121 891 0200 Pedi teryagh namimand 207 mhllehi@ihammess com ESCAPE TO BERMUDA THIS FESRUARY FOR FIRST-EVER “FEEL THE LOVE MONTH” lelanchwide Celebration Features Dancing, Love Tours, Chocolate Tastings and More NeW YORK. January 19, 2011 = In Bermuda, cusid strikes not only on Valentine's Days but for the entice montn of February, The Bef destination wice romantic happenings in celebration of Sermuce’s frstover “Feel the Love Month,” from Eebnuary 1 — February 28, 2011 aormuda provides ali te elements to be swept away fora quintessential mance rmmuda Department of Tourism fs sponsoring excage, inching 21 miles of majosteslea,signatw pnk sands .rquise waters, wark-class spas. fine dining with 5 foular o3ean views, and fich ats and cultural offerings Bermuda's Feel the Love Month enhances allhose elements and includes @ range of daily actities such a8 2 wo Train’ city our, chocolate tastings. charmoagne and strawbarres museum reception, salsa dancing nights, and more ‘Travelers can algo -wseive the thie right free when oopkrg a minim three night say at 16 part hotels and resorts during Feel the Lave Month “Compliments of Bermuda.” pating ‘Aecommodatione range from luxury resorts and boutique hatels to heach clubs and H’stric peaci-Font properties. While on isiand they may oa Month events: ate ir the ‘allewing Feel the Love «+ Couples’ Golf Tournament, Port Royal Golf Course, Seuthameton, Mondays anc Thursdays from 830 a.m. ~ 12:00 pm ee trcctntoking views and lush greenways at the Part Royal Golf Course, the home of ee ptsa and Stamm af Golf's tre perfect course for couries. Take advantage of the £0 ae rer discount on greens fees," 27 totals $90 per person incusive of cart fer 18 Palos Sib rentals $25 00. Firs: place winners wil receive a dinner far two ata wee ecsan Hemuda fascaurant, compliments of BermudaSalsa com. Book your tee fme ‘ary by calling (441) 234-0974 «Champagne and Strawberries Afternoon Affair, Masterworks Museum of Bermuda searnaeal Gatéers, Paget, Tuesdays and Frcays fom 1.00 pm. 300 pm Aacews complimentary access to Masterworks and enjoy live local enterainment CRaninagre and stranberres, plus an exclusive tour of tre gallery by founder and ean, Tom Buttered, Seginning at 120 pm. cr recepton days. ‘Sermuce Feel The Love MonthiPage 2 Love Train City Tour, Front Steet, City of Hamiton (Mest t= Flagpole) Mednesdays from 11:00 a.n. ~ 12.09 p.m cee Tain’ for a guided tour of Bermuda's romantic aces inthe Ot of Boat th ywrle onboard, discover unique fac about the ity and photograpy aunazra Piston sites. «chocolate Tastings, Gourmet Boutique at 10 Queen Street, City of Hamiton, \Wecnescays from 1:00 pm, ~ 2:00 p.m. Perea ur taste eves fore umate treat and experience the best chocolate st An Farge pigasing tasings. Also, enjoy Ive local entertainment at this new chocolate shop + Dockyard Glassworks, Mertime lane, Royal Naval Dockyard Thursdays from 2:00 pr —4:00 90m Oo talnted artists creste magriicent masterpieces using the process of ola85- eaecna aad flame-norking. Als, rocave a special made lovebira, como imerts cf the Bepartment of Tourism. «Feel the Love Fridays, Bermuda National Gallery, City Hall & Aris Gentre on Church Erect in the City of Hamilton trom :30 p.m, ~ 7:00 p.m. Pie heart of the Cir, love wil be inthe ait as guests are serenaded with popular love Joie by one cf Bermuda's bast female vocalists. Also, enjoy wine tasi ngs atthe seer rad Berra National Gallery, compl men's o* Gosing’s Rem | Love Tales Walking Tour, Tow Hall, Town of St. George, Saturdays from 14:00 arm. ~ 42-00 pir. Jain encymed St. Geerge's walking tour guide Gil Outerbridge for an inmate walk {Rough the nisierc foun of SL George. a UNESCO World Hertage ste Lest about Bermuda's q’eates: love s:ares while dissovering locally made products + SalsaMania Latin Night Out Ses up me romance wih a sizeling Salsa nignt featuring choreagraoned routines, Sela couple instruction, great Latn cuisine, beverages and music, Salsabania wil take place atthe following three losatone, Thurgdaye: Wine Gel ar, Fairmont Southampton, trom 8:30 pm. ~ 12.00 a.m. Tiilays. The Lido Complex Elbow Beach Bermuda, fort 8.300m — 12:00 aun Eatreays. Muse, 17 Front Steet, City of llamilton, from 30 pm. ~ 12°00 a.m For information on ravel te Hermura, please v sit eww. bermudatouris. mar speak to your local travel special ‘Rermuda just under two hours from East Coast gateway ules, stretches for 24 miles slong Lurquoise waters ard is surrounded by @ 200-square-mile cera reef plateau Bermuda's tiverse actuitios of” an array of vacation eetions all year round, inchiding more wreck dives than anywinere else i the world, ciampiorship golt horseback rir workt-enauned dee sea fishing and emootn pink beaches to res on by day's end. From single and inexpensive (0 elegant and special sining Bermeca has mae than 150 restaurants to fit any travelers bude For more infaimation cr io make a reservation in Bermuda, please cal 1 (800) BERMUDA cr vit own setmuciatourism.com. For eliert prass releases and downloade photography media may access wivw.joutlammand.com. Media ean also visit np tivo facebook corvouhammonder or fol ew on Titer @LourfemmandPR for he atest cient news ae BERMUDA pol thn bok ‘Conia erence Gatsghe Matin Monagen Shu vlgtetand 8 asvocates oi (ates 208-0000 (272) 681 9200 Thal conyoailigwmond 26m natheanginarmanc cam THE PGA OF AMERICA EXTENDS STAY OF PGA GRAND SLAM OF GOLF THROUGH 2012 IN BERMUDA AT THE PORT ROYAL GOLF COURSE ORLANDO, Fa. Jaruaty 27, 2011 — Bermuda znd Port Royal Golf Sourse wil retum as hosts shrough 2012 for te 25th and 20tneulions of the PGA Grand Siam of Gof Ine Pe st dittcut qualtigation raquirement inthe gare — a major ol and Slam cI Gol, the season-erding showcase event that hoas's he (et “8-18, 2011, and in 2012, by TNT 102 woildide auciencs, ermuda aru Port Royal Golf Course are joined ty the Farimant So.rhampton, wich wl be the offsial have or the PGA Grand Slam of Golf Port Royal ~ described by late architect migionstia — wil be televised Robett Ient Joris S:, 36 his finest design outs ne Lrited States — is 8 puolc course thal ‘pence fer play w 170, and underwent 2 613 7 millon renovaicn completed in 2099. extending ne par-71 layout to 8,842 yards The PGA of Ameria is honored the isla uf Bermuda throug 2042 atthe Pert Royal Golf Cou’se," sald PGA of America ninue the BGA Grand Slam of Golf ration on Prasidunt Allen Wvronowsk, “Bemnuda hs emibracec the PGA Grand Siam of Guill ever the past ‘ste visting several years, ceivering unmatched aepialy and community support for gh ‘ourseme. We are excited to ance again ain tho Sermuria Deparment sing Bermuda ao a premise faust destination and hoslig the PGA Grane: Slam of cto the worl.” “Today Bermuda's Min ster of Business Nevelopms snd Tourism, the Hon, Patnise Kc Minors JP. MP. coi ‘Bermuda is thal to once aga nb hosing the PGA Grand Stam 2 Goll the past [our years, or relations g with The PGA a’ America is ore tna has graven Ah to strength, and ia partarship. fare p eased thes wo are continuing ts sp “his annourcement clearly signifies that the PGA recogrizes Bermuda os @ premier destination to Hest one oftheir top golf events 27d we welcome their support of cur tourism produc. The exposure tal Bermuda receives fem this event camel be understated, wih fens btmilions around the word bearing witness to cur breatlaking scenery, charm and hasotaty past PCA Grand Stam of Gof champions nave included same of go's qreatesi names, and He rank fo-ward to presonting tho signature Pink Jacket to she next wave of champions inthe Yess “the PGA Grand Slam of Gol features a $1.95 millon puree, with the inne! eesiving $600,000: sesond place $300,000; thid place $250,000; and fours place $230,600, “TNT's prme tima broadcast ofthe event reaches a words audience of 88.9 rion U.S. hames and inte che PGA Grand Slam of Gof is hosted by the Sermuda Department of Tourism, Port oye! Goff Course and the Faimnant Southampton Hote. Cstabished in 1078, the POS Grand onal views in mote than 100 counties ‘Slan of Calf hae grown front an “Beholo, single day charity event ta 8 33 pole annval ghowdown thot matches professional go's best against each other, Frnie is eaptured tne 2010 PGA Grand Slam of Gof ile a Port Royal. “she foursome for He 28h PGA Grand Slam of Got features the winner of he folowing major chamo onshine: The Masters, Aol 7-10. af ugusta National Goff Cla in augusta, Ga: the 11h US. Open Charpionship, uve 16-18, a Congressirl Gaury Cb ip Potomac, Ni; te 140th Open Crampionship, July 74-17, at Royal St. George's, Englanc. and the 93rd PGA Champinstip, Aug. 8-14, at tanta Athiet« Cub in ohn © SGA Grand Slam af Golf Champons chide: Niger Woods. Pn Mickelson. Jim Furyk, Els, Tom wk, Oa. 708 Lenrean, Ben

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