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942.29019 Aalp V.2 1379046 I I GENEALOGY COLLECTIOi \ ALLENCOUNTYPUBLICLIBRARY 3 1833 00676 0992 General Editor ... ... T. M. Blagg, F.S.A. BERKSHIRE PARISH REGISTERS fiDarriaoea. PHILLIMORES PARISH REGISTERSERIES, VOL. CXXXVI.(BERKSHIRE, VOL. One hundred and fifty printed. Berkshire Parish Registers VOL. n. Edited by The lath W. P. W. PHILLIMORE, M.A., B.C.L. AND T. M. BLAGG, F.S.A. HonDon : Issued to the Subscribers by Phillimore & Co., Ltd., 124, Chancery Lane, 1914. PREFACE. The present volume has passed through many vicissi- tudes. The MSS. for the first five Parishes were sent to press as long ago as ist July, 1910, by the late Mr. W. P. W. Phillimore, and at his death on 9th April, 1913, it wasfoundthatthe\'olumewasprintedoffasfaraspage96 butthattherewasnot sufficient MS. inhandtocomplete it. Some time elapsed before the present co-editor, over- whelmed with the labour involved b}' taking over the ChiefEditorshipoftheentireseries, nowcomprisingthirtA^ counties, could give attention to completing this volume, and the work in Berkshire has suffered through the lack of anenergetic local Editor, such as have come forw^ard in most of the other counties and contributed so greatly totheirsuccess. ItishopedthatnowtheBerkshireSeries has againbeensetgoing, someone interested inthe genea- logy of the County will help in this way and so enable this work to be made as useful as in other counties, in manyofwhichtheMarriagesofoveronehundredParishes have been printed. It is only when the Marriages of a large co-extensive area havebeen made available that the many advantages of this method of dealing with the Register can be fully realised. -^ '^^^OQ^.f^ The thanks of the Subscribers are due both to the Transcribers who have provided the abstracts, and to the Incumbents who have allowed them to be printed. The names of both are mentioned under the respective parishes. . The chief contractions used in these abstracts are " w." for "widow," or " widower," " p." for " of the parish of " and " lie." for " married b}^ Hcence." In all cases where the marriage is stated to have taken place b}^ licence, that fact is recorded, as the searcher thereb)^ knows that further information as to the age, parentage and vocation ofthe parties is probably recover- able from the Allegations in the Archdeaconry or other office from which the licence issued. Itshouldbe rememberedthatpreviousto 1752 theyear wascalculatedasbeginningonthe25thofMarch,insteadof the 1st of January, sothat a marriagetakingplace onsay 20th February, 1625, would be on that date in 1626, according toour reckoning but asthecivil and ecclesias- ; tical year were both used, this is sometimes expressed by 20th Feb., 1621 After 1753 itistobe assumedthat allpartiesnot other- wise described are stated to be of the home parish, and bachelor and spinster respectiveh\ Itmight bewellto remindthe readerthattheseprinted abstracts of the Registers are not legal " evidence." For certiticates application must be made to the local clergy. 124, Chancery Lane, London, T. M. B. December, 1914.

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