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Berkley Middle School Yearbook PDF

2005·8.9 MB·English
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mf^m fj The Yearbook Staff of 2005 First we would like to begin with congratulating the class of 2005. You’ve come a long way! You have endured many challenges, but by keeping focused on your goals you have been able to achieve. Bravo! It has been a pleasure in putting together the memories of laughter and fun you have enjoyed throughout your years here We at Berkley Middle School. hope you enjoyed this year’s book as much as we had in putting it & together for you. Good Luck Best Wishes The Yearbook Staff Itieemya^Cfitwere'cmlyyeirtercicuy we/were/little'fifthgrcuierywaZktn^down' the/hailyofthe/new Berkley Middle'SchcKhadAnlrC^ig'the'etghlh^oid^yci^rd' ea^^erly wa*\tln^to-he/OY\e/ofthem/. However, we-Kvever recdl/^fed/how qutckly our turnwotdd/come/. Now Utytime/for u/yto-yxy goodlyyC'to-our little/yd^^yohthcxtha^^prcul^^ heenour home/forthe/pci/itfouryeary. To-yxy I'm/not^oir^^to-mlyywalUrig'up every morning'and/cominghere/would/he/o/lie/. Tarh/morning, aythoa^htyof the/da/y helnj^over were/already enteringotAT heady. Whadwe/dvould/have/ heen/thChklng'Waythattheie'dayywere/not^^oin^to-laytforeyer and/we/ihould/ have/been/appreciating/the^e/predouytiwieyinour livey. lAXiOkhti I thihk/I ypeak/for nuntofthe'clayywhenl yay thatI widnl didnttcike/thcie/ . paytfewyearyfor granted/. I'U/alwcxyyrenvemherthe/(doierieiywe/allihared/. It wayinyyme'Wayylike'having'a/iecond/faryvily thatyowknew would/he/there/foryou/thoaghthe/ upyand/the/downy, nomatter what. Now, unlike/moytmiddle/ichooly, moytofuymuythead/our s^arate/wayyaywe/move/ontoour neytventure/inlife/knownayHighSchool. Nomore/hl/yinthe/hcdlway, tothe/peerywe/'ve/knxywn for O/good/portionofour livey, fMowed/hy o/hridehutiovyiewhatcaring'"gettoclayy" hy o/favorite/ teacher. (^one/Wihhe/thodayyofthatfandliarfeeling/thatwhen/we/turnahallway corner we/will iee/aface/we/recogni^. I have/UAvyATpO/iydyle'faiththatthe/cloiyof2005 wihhe/yvcoeyyful/inall/we'doinour near, yet far, futureylain/before/uy. Hememher, the/choice/iyoury. Ourteacheryand/ytaffhere/atthe/Berkley MiddloSchoolhave/prepared/uyforthe/mental/and/ intellectualchalien.g€ycihecyd/ofuyathighichoxyl. Theirdally, knxnuled/ge/, and/patience/have/ hetped/uydevelop intothe/people/we/are/today. Yow(xldhave/heen/an/inypirationtouyand/we/will/ notforgetyoa. So, onhehalfofthe/clayyofZOOS, I W(Ould/like/tothanh<xlLofyoafor everything/ yowhave/done/for uy. Memorieylike/the/oneyweve/dvared/here/will/he/forevertreasured/. BeytWiihey JayiolynPickering/, Preyident 3 Our 2005 Yearbook Dedication This yearbook is dedicated to Mrs. Freelove. She is without a doubt one of the most altruistic people you will meet. Her undying love for teaching and admirable interest in helping others are what makes her such a magnificent person. To many, Mrs. Freelove is a mother figure who’s always there when anyone needs to talk, never passing judgement on others. She is always open-minded about every situation, and never ceases to see the best in us all, even those with questionable motives. As recognized, there are many fantas- tic, caring teachers here at the Berkley Middle School, Mrs. Freelove is a fine example of that. Her abilities and qualities are unparalleled. She amazes us all with her intelligence and her vivacious attitude towards life. Words cannot express how grateful we all are to have you as a teacher. You are truly an inspiration, a constant reminder that all of us here can excel in some way. With that said a thanks to all staff members is in place, and a special thanks to Mrs. Freelove. Your excel- lence in all you do has been recognized. -Class of 2005 & Meeting the Faculty Staff Dr. James has been superintendent of schools in Berkley for the pa.st 10 years, and has coached Mock Trial. Superintendent: Dr. Robert James Dear Class of2005: Congratulations! We are pleased that you have accomplished so much in your time in the Berkley Schools. I hope that you remember your time at the Berkley Middle School fondly. You will have opportunities and face difficult choices as your future unfolds. As you have done here, remember to share and assist others. Set goals and work hard to achieve them. 1 urge you to work hard in your high school years and I hope that you will enjoy those years. Best wishes, Robert G. James, Ed.D. Mrs.Adams Mrs.Albemaz Mrs.Allain Mr.Arruda Mrs. Bettis Mrs. Blaser Mr. Botelho Mrs. Bousquet MissChace Ms. Coughlin MissDes Roches Mrs. Donovan Mrs. Dunderdale-Smith Ms. Fedele Mrs.Freelove Ms. Freeman Mrs. Furrh Mrs.Gallagher Ms. Hadley Mrs. Howell Mrs. Kerr Ms. Kimball Mrs. Krause Mr. Kruczek Mrs.Lesser Mrs.Lobo Dr. Martinez Mr. Mason 5 Si, * & Mr. Mminslcrisagreatinspirationiincldedicated Meeting the Faculty Staff Principal. Hissupportandcompassion forour students,aswell asstaff,make BerkleyMiddle School whatitis.Alwaysgivinggraciously,never expecting inreturn. Wethankhim forall hishard Principal: Mr. Edminster work! Classof2(X)5 You have had many les,sons taught to you during your fouryears here at the Berkley Middle School. Some ofthe.se les.sons have been in math, literacy, p.e., science, art, social studies, computer and Spanish. Some ofthe,se lessons will be remembered fora long time and others will soon be forgotten. While the.se lessons are important, the lesson, “Don’tgive up on yourself,” is the most importantlessonofall. Noteverything in life is easy and sometimes we fail before we meetwith success. Always rememberto seek helpfromothers and to give anychallengeyourbesteffort. You can do it! Mr. Edminster, Principal Mrs. McNulty Mr. Mendes Mrs. Mendoza Mrs. Morley Mrs. Moyer Mrs. Nichols Mrs. Pauli Mrs. Perra Mrs. Perry Ms. Pierce Mr. Pierce Mrs. Pontes Mrs. Porter Mrs. Rafferty Mr. Rafferty Mrs. Reed no Mrs. Rockcliffe Mrs. Roseman Mr. Ruggiero Mrs. Sanson Mr. Santos Mr. Schweppenhauser Mrs. Shea Mrs. Silvia Mrs. St. Pierre Mrs.Taberski Mr.VanDam Mr.Welch 6

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