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Benjamin V. Cohen: Architect of the New Deal PDF

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2 1 4 f o 1 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I M A NJ Benjamin V. Cohen E B / Architect of the New Deal r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 0 4 : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 2 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I M A J N E B / r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 0 4 : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 3 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I Benjamin V. Cohen M A J N E B / r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 Architect of the New Deal William Lasser A Century Foundation Book 0 4 YaleUniversityPress NewHavenandLondon : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 4 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I M A J N E B / r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 Copyright©2002byTheCentury LibraryofCongress Foundation. Cataloging-in-PublicationData Allrightsreserved. Lasser,William. Thisbookmaynotbereproduced,in BenjaminV.Cohen:architectofthe wholeorinpart,including NewDeal/WilliamLasser. illustrations,inanyform(beyondthat p. cm. copyingpermittedbySections107and Includesbibliographicalreferencesand 108oftheU.S.CopyrightLawand index. exceptbyreviewersforthepublic ISBN0-300-08879-5(alk.paper) press),withoutwrittenpermission 1.Cohen,BenjaminV. fromthepublishers. 2.Statesmen—UnitedStates— PrintedintheUnitedStatesof Biography. 3.Intellectuals—United America States—Biography. 4.Lawyers— Acataloguerecordforthisbookis UnitedStates—Biography. 5.New availablefromtheBritishLibrary. Deal,1933–1939. 6.UnitedStates— Thepaperinthisbookmeetsthe Politicsandgovernment—1933–1953. guidelinesforpermanenceand 7.UnitedStates—Politicsand durabilityoftheCommitteeon government—1953–1961. ProductionGuidelinesforBook 8.Liberalism—UnitedStates— LongevityoftheCouncilonLibrary History—20thcentury. I.Title. Resources. E748.C65L37 2002 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 973.917'092—dc21 2001007151 0 4 : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 5 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I M A J N E B / r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 Tomyfather, JosephLasser, inlovingmemory 0 4 : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 6 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I M A J N E B / The Century Foundation r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 TheCenturyFoundation,formerlytheTwentiethCenturyFund, sponsorsandsupervisestimelyanalysesofeconomicpolicy,foreign affairs,anddomesticpoliticalissues.Not-for-profitandnonpartisan, itwasfoundedin1919andendowedbyEdwardA.Filene. BoardofTrusteesofTheCenturyFoundation H.BrandtAyers JessicaTuchmanMathews PeterA.A.Berle AliciaH.Munnell AlanBrinkley,Chairman P.MichaelPitfield JosephA.Califano, Jr. RichardRavitch AlexanderMorganCapron AlanSagner HoddingCarterIII ArthurM.Schlesinger, Jr. EdwardE.David, Jr. HarveyI.Sloane,M.D. BrewsterC.Denny TheodoreC.Sorensen CharlesV.Hamilton KathleenM.Sullivan MatinaS.Horner JamesTobin LewisB.Kaden DavidB.Truman JamesA.Leach ShirleyWilliams RichardC.Leone William JuliusWilson RichardC.Leone,President 0 4 : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 7 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I M A J N E B / Contents r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 ForewordbyRichardC.Leone ix PrefacebyArthurM.Schlesinger, Jr. xi Acknowledgments xiv one Introduction 1 two Origins 7 three ZionistAttorney 25 four LawyerandInvestor 47 five NewcomertoWashington TheSecuritiesActof1933 65 six IntotheMaelstrom TheSecuritiesExchangeActof1934 86 seven ThePublicUtilityHoldingCompanyAct 108 eight AttheCenterofPower 130 nine TheCourt-PackingPlan 150 40 ten DomesticPolitics,1937–1938 182 : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 8 t e e h s viii Contents / N HE eleven WaitingfortheWar 202 O C . V twelve DestroyersforBases 216 N I M A J thirteen London 232 N E B / fourteen WorldWarII 255 r e s s La fifteen Diplomat 279 1 8 5 6 sixteen ElderStatesman 302 seventeen BenjaminV.Cohen: ArchitectoftheNewDeal 318 AbbreviationsinNotes 339 Notes 341 Index 369 Illustrationsfollowpage254 0 4 : 5 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 1 4 f o 9 t e e h s / N E H O C . V N I M A J N E B / Foreword r e s s a L 1 8 5 6 In 1919, when Edward Filene founded the institution that would eventually become the Twentieth Century Fund and still later The CenturyFoundation,hewasmanifestingoneoftheprincipalbeliefsof whatwehavecometocalltheProgressiveEra:thatsystematicanalysis and close examination of the facts could improve governance and ex- tendprogress.Itisonlyfitting,therefore,thatthetrusteesofTheCen- turyFoundationshouldhavemadeanexceptiontotheirusualpractice byagreeingtosponsorthisworkofbiography. Benjamin V. Cohen had a long relationship with the Twentieth CenturyFund,servingasatrusteefrom1948to1983.Foranumberof years, he was chairman of the finance committee and treasurer of the fund,butheisbestrememberedforhisinsightsandrecommendations relatingtoourpolicyresearchandwritingagenda.Inviewofhispublic careerandreputation,therecordofCohen’scontributionstothisorga- nizationisscarcelyasurprise.Thatcareer,afterall,wasoneofthecen- tury’soutstandingexamplesofexactlywhatFilenehadinmind.Cohen was,overthecourseofseveraldecades,aleaderandevenasymbolofthe oftenquitelonelystruggletoinsistontheimportanceoftheapplication ofintelligencetopublicquestions. A child of immigrants, Cohen became an outstanding lawyer and saw his first government serviceworking for the Shipping Board dur- ing World War I. More than a decade later, Cohen was fortunate to connectwithPresidentFranklinD.Rooseveltatatimewhentherewas a rare confluence of fresh ideas and political purpose. As Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., writes in the preface that follows, Cohen’s abilityand 0 4 : 5 1 .2 ix 4 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T

A key figure in the administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, Benjamin V. Cohen (1894-1983) was made a major architect of public policy from the first days of FDR's presidency through the early days of the Cold War. Although he kept a low public profile, Cohen's influence extende
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