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Benefits of forest ecosystems in ZamBia and the role of redd+ in a Green economy transformation PDF

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Benefits of forest ecosystems in ZamBia and the role of redd+ in a Green economy transformation Published by the United Natons Environment Programme (UNEP), 2015 Copyright © UNEP 2015 reproduction This publicaton may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educatonal or non-proft services without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. UNEP would appreciate receiving a copy of any publicaton that uses this publicaton as a source. No use of this publicaton may be made for resale or any other commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in writng from the United Natons Environment Programme. Applicatons for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproducton, should be addressed to the Director, DCPI, UNEP, P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi 00100, Kenya. The use of informaton from this document for publicity or advertsing is not permited. disclaimers Menton of a commercial company or product in this document does not imply endorsement by UNEP. Trademark names and symbols are used in an editorial fashion with no intenton on infringement on trademark or copyright laws. The designatons employed and the presentaton of material in this publicaton do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNEP concerning the legal status of any country, territory or city or its authorites, or concerning the delimitaton of its fronters and boundaries. We regret any errors or omissions that may have been unwitngly made. This work has been designed and implemented under the directon of Dr Pushpam Kumar, Chief, Ecosystem Services Economics Unit, UNEP. 1 2 3 Writen by: Jane Turpie , Benjamin Warr and Jane Carter Ingram Edited by: Sun Cho (UNEP) and Ivo Mulder (UNEP) Producton editng by: Deborah Kirby (UNEP) 1 Anchor Environmental Consultants, Cape Town, South Africa 2 Beterworld Consultng, Lusaka, Zambia 3 Wildlife Conservaton Society, New York, U.S.A. Cover photo: Photo taken in the Northern Province of Zambia by Benjamin Warr acknowledgement The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protecton in Zambia, notably Mr. Ignatus Makumba and Mr Deuteronomy Kasaro, and Ms. Elsie Atafuah of UNDP in Zambia for their contributons, support and guidance throughout this study. We would also like to thank Michel Masosera of the Wildlife Conservaton Society in Rwanda and Dale Lewis of the Wildlife Conservaton Society in Zambia for their support and guidance in developing the work and providing feedback on the study. The authors would also like to acknowledge Dr Pushpam Kumar and Mr. Tim Christophersen (UNEP) for their oversight and support for this project. We would like to thank the reviewers who provided detailed feedback on the report: Dr Janaki Alavalapat (Virginia Technical State University), Dr Eric Mungatana (University of Pretoria) and Dr Thomas Ochuodho (Virginia Technical State University). We would also like to thank the many stakeholders in Zambia who provided critcal guidance at the outset of the study at an incepton meetng in Lusaka in March, 2014, and who ofered critcal feedback on the results in Kabwe in October, 2014. This publicaton was produced in partnership with the United Natons Collaboratve Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestaton and Forest Degradaton in Developing Countries (UN-REDD Programme), which harnesses the technical capacites of FAO, UNDP and UNEP to support the REDD+ readiness and implementaton capacites of developing countries. More informaton available at www.un-redd.org. UNEP promotes environmentally sound practices This study was implemented by the Ecosystem Services Economics Unit, Division of globally and in its own activities. This Environmental Policy Implementaton (DEPI), United Natons Environment Programme (UNEP). report is printed on paper from sustainable forests. The paper is chlorine free and the inks Job Number: DEP/1894/NA vegetable-based. Our distribution policy aims ISBN: 978-92-807-3452-2 to reduce UNEP’s carbon footprint. Layout and printng: UNON, Publishing Services Secton, Nairobi, ISO 14001:2004-certfed. D1 No.: 14-03754/100 copies Benefits of forest ecosystems in ZamBia and the role of redd+ in a Green economy transformation table of contents foreword 05 executive summary 06 acronyms and abbreviations 11 o1. introduction 12 o2. environment, people and economy 14 o3. Patterns and drivers of forest loss 20 o4. the nature and current value of forest ecosystem services 2185 o5. overall contribution of forests to the economy 55 o6. Potential benefts of REDD+ in green economy transformation in zambia 60 o7. Bibliography 67 appendices 72 Photo credit: © Benjamin Warr At the regional level, Zambia’s strategic loca- ton makes it an important country within the foreword sub-region in relaton to REDD+ and associated trans-boundary ecosystems. These ecosystems become even more important as Zambia holds about 30-40 per cent of the water resources in Forests play a crucial role in enhancing human Southern Africa and shares trans-boundary wa- well-being and in sustaining the economy of ter resources with eight other countries. At the Zambia. They contribute to economic growth, internatonal level, Zambia has great potental to employment, wealth, export revenues, a stable promote key internatonal development goals, supply of clean water, recreaton and tourism such as reducing carbon emission, through the opportunites, as well as essental building ma- implementaton of targets that will be outlined terials and energy for a wide range of economic in its Natonal REDD+ Strategy. sectors. However, Zambia has one of the highest per capita deforestaton rates in Africa. The Gov- This work, undertaken by UNEP’s Ecosystem ernment’s eforts to reduce emissions from de- Services Economics Unit in associaton with the forestaton and forest degradaton and increase Zambian Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources the role of conservaton, sustainable manage- and Environmental Protecton, is part of a range ment of forests and enhancement of forest car- of actvites ofered by the UN-REDD Programme bon stocks (REDD+) have the potental to halt the to support the Government of Zambia by ena- rate of deforestaton in the country. bling it to build the economic case for the imple- mentaton of key policies and measures for the This can happen if the country manages to suc- sustainable management and conservaton of cessfully implement its natonal strategy to re- the country’s forest ecosystems as part of REDD+ duce emissions from deforestaton and forest implementaton. Such measures could include degradaton, and, thereby, leverage fnancing strengthening forest management and enforce- and investments opportunites for REDD+ im- ment of laws on illegal tmber harvestng, sup- plementaton including through results-based portng community land tenure and strengthen- payments. Actons to reduce deforestaton could ing community-based forest stewardship. Other be an important catalysing factor for the coun- means include improving the efciency and sus- try to transiton to a Green Economy, especial- tainability of agricultural practces, increasing ac- ly if REDD+ implementaton is embedded in the cess to incentves and income generatng actv- country’s ambitous development and economic ites that depend upon forest conservaton and objectves. Thus, the potental is great for the managing the demand for charcoal producton. forestry sector to play a very important role in the country achieving its Vision 2030 goals. It is envisioned that these fndings will further strengthen the resolve of the Government of This report provides an economic ratonale for Zambia to address the drivers of deforestaton prioritzing REDD+ implementaton by showing and forest degradaton, and to implement the the signifcant economic benefts of doing so. Natonal REDD+ Strategy as part of the coun- Forest ecosystem services that were quantfed try’s broader goals to achieve an Inclusive Green in this study and which are currently not account- Economy. ed for in the Gross Domestc Product (GDP) such as sediment retenton and erosion control, ecot- ourism, pollinaton services and carbon storage, have an economic value equivalent to at least 2.5 per cent of the GDP of Zambia. This represents Her Excellency Mrs. Christabel Ngimbu an undervaluaton of 40 to 68 per cent of the to- Minister, Ministry of Lands, Natural tal value added of provisioning services such as Resources and Environmental Protecton industrial roundwood, charcoal, frewood, wood processing, pulp and paper and non-wood forest products. With the inclusion of these additonal services, the contributon of forests to the Zam- bian economy rises from 3.8 per cent to 6.3 per Achim Steiner cent. The formal and informal contributon of United Natons Under-Secretary-General and the forestry sector also supports over 1 million Executve Director, United Natons Environment jobs related to fuelwood, non-wood forest prod- Programme ucts and ecotourism, which means that forests support over 60 per cent of rural Zambian house- holds. 5 executive summary introduction The aim of this study was to undertake a rapid assessment of the value and role of forests in the Zambian economy based on available informaton in order to inform policy de- cisions on forest management and the implementaton of REDD+ actvites in Zambia. The study is part of the coun- try’s Natonal UN-REDD Programme. REDD+1 is a fnancial mechanism designed to reward developing countries for their verifed reductons or removals of forest carbon emis- sions compared to a forest reference (emission) level that complies with the relevant safeguards. Forests are an important component of Zambia’s natural capital and provide benefts that are critcal for rural pop- ulatons, urban areas, the natonal economy and the global community. Out of Zambia’s total land area of 75.3 million ha, estmates of remaining forest range from 39 million ha (CSO 2013) to 50 million ha (Kalinda et al. 2008) or 53 million ha (ZFD 2000). Estmates of deforestaton rates range from 113,000 ha in 2012 by Global Forest Watch2 to 167,000 ha per year in FAO’s Global Forest Resource Assessment (FAO 2010) and 250,000 ha per year (ILUA study) to even over 850,000 ha per year (FAO 2001, in Jumbe et al. 2008; GRZ 2006a). Zambia has the second highest per capita deforest- aton rate in Africa and the ffh highest in the world (Aon- gola et al. 2009). The main direct drivers of deforestaton are charcoal producton, agricultural and human-setlement expansion and illegal exploitaton of tmber. The study assessed the values of forests in the form of wood producton (for tmber, fuel wood and charcoal) and non- wood forest products, such as wild foods and medicines. In additon, regulatng and cultural services were included, such as the economic value of nature-related tourism, reg- ulaton of the climate through carbon sequestraton, the retenton of sediment for erosion control, the regulaton of water fow and water quality, and support for agricultural producton through pest control and pollinaton. The study assesses the critcal role that forest ecosystems play in sus- taining and supportng the stocks and fow of ecosystem services to various economic sectors and human well-be- ing in Zambia, as well as addressing potental opportunites that forests ofer with respect to transitoning to a green economy, partcularly the role of REDD+ in achieving this transformaton. It is envisioned that this study will help to elevate the importance of sustainable forest management and conservaton in natonal policy, for example through the natonal REDD+ strategy. 1 REDD+ stands for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. 2 www.globalforestwatch.org 6 approach also be valued in terms of its market value, which we estmate to be in the region of US$6 per tonne. De- This desktop study builds on the existng body of work that pending on locaton, carbon stocks in Zambian forests has been undertaken in Zambia to estmate the value of are potentally worth about US$150 per ha (hectare) on ecosystem services, which have mainly been confned to average (once of), but range up to US$745 per ha for the extracton of tmber and fuel wood, non-wood forest intact forests. Annual values of sequestraton in degrad- products, carbon and, in a broader context, ecotourism. The ed areas are about US$16–US$30 per ha per year. study has reviewed and synthesized available informaton gathered through extensive literature reviews of peer-re- • Based on a model of soil erosion and transport (using viewed publicatons and grey literature and the collecton InVEST) developed through this analysis, it was estmat- of data and reports in-country and has used these data to ed that current rates of sediment output are in the or- update some earlier estmates as well as to produce pre- der of 250 million tonnes (average 2.23 tonnes per ha), liminary desktop estmates of services that have not been forests retain a further 274 million tonnes, generatng a valued previously. In some cases this required dealing with cost saving in the order of US$247 million per annum. contradictory and wide ranging estmates, and poor quality or missing data. • While Zambia’s forests are unlikely to have positve benefts on dry season fows through infltraton or Recognizing that the supply of ecosystem services and their contribute signifcantly to food atenuaton, the loss demand varies spatally according to a range of biophysical of forest cover over large areas could result in reduced and socioeconomic factors, our study used a spatal ap- precipitaton in the region, impactng on fows, water proach as far as possible in order to generate more realistc yields and hydropower generaton, and driving up the estmates of the likely variaton in the value of ecosystem costs of electricity. This should be addressed in future services and the potental trade-ofs involved in forest use studies. and conservaton. This required the collaton of natonal and global spatal data and preparaton or modifcaton of • Based on the costs of alternatve means of pollinaton, certain spatal data layers using geographic informaton sys- the value of forest pollinaton services was estmated to tems (GIS). be in the order of US$74 million per annum. Based on available empirical and spatal data, in conjuncton • Nature-based tourism is the dominant form of holiday with assumptons made on the basis of expert understand- tourism to Zambia, and forests are an integral part of ing of ecosystem services, preliminary estmates of the val- the nature-based tourism experience. Estmates of ue of a range of forest ecosystem services were made in two forest-based tourism range from US$110 million to main ways: US$179 million per annum for direct value added by forest-based tourism. • Extrapolaton of data based on spatal parameters at the resoluton allowed by the data (e.g. by vegetaton • In summary, the analysis showed that the direct and in- type, biomass, populaton density or district), or direct values of forests considered as part of this study (excluding the market value of carbon) are estmat- • Use of an existng spatal modelling platorm, “InVEST”, ed to make a direct contributon equivalent to about developed by the Natural Capital Project at Stanford 4.7% of gross domestc product (GDP) or US$957.5 University, USA, which, despite the relatvely high level million (using 2010 fgures). This is substantally high- of spatal resoluton involved, is not necessarily more er than the updated natonal accounts, released in July accurate in the absence of locally relevant data. 2014, suggest. results • Forestry and tourism-related actvites, however, also have multplier efects on other sectors in the sense • The value of wood producton (industrial roundwood that other sectors beneft economically from income and fuel wood) was estmated in this study to be in the generated in the forestry and tourism sectors. The most order of US$396 million per annum. There is a spatal recent social accountng matrix for Zambia (Thurlow et mismatch between supply and harvestng, so that cer- al. 2004) contains very litle detail on the forestry sec- tain areas are estmated to be severely overutlized. tor, but suggests a multplier of 1.49. Tourism multpli- ers were taken from WTTC (2012). When the multplier • Estmates of the value of non-wood forest products efects of forestry and tourism-related actvites on vary considerably but, based on the assumptons ap- other sectors are taken into account, the overall or plied in this study, we estmated an overall income from economy-wide contributon of forests to GDP is es- non-wood forest products of US$135.8 million per an- tmated to be at least 6.3% or US$1,277 million. The num. table below provides a summary of the economic value and employment that forest ecosystem services in Zam- • The value of carbon can be estmated in terms of its bia generate on an annual basis. damage costs, and this social cost of carbon was es- tmated to be US$29 per tonne, which if aggregated • The contributon of forest ecosystem services to the would be in the order of US$15 million per annum. Zambian economy that are currently not accounted In evaluatng potental for REDD+ projects, carbon can for in GDP – such as ecotourism, erosion control and 7 sediment retenton, pollinaton and carbon storage – is implications and recommendations estmated to be 2.5% of GDP or US$ 515.4 million an- nually. It can therefore be stated that depending on Given the importance of forests to the economy, employ- the estmate of the contributon of forests to GDP in ment, and livelihoods, it is important that cost-efectve Zambia, which range from 3.7% (Puustjärvi et al. 2005) ways for conserving and sustainably managing forests are 3 to 6.2% (FAO, 2014) , there is an undervaluaton of at implemented to support “green economy” growth, defned least 40 – 68%. by UNEP as ‘an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while signifcantly reducing en- • Forests are estmated to provide at least 1.4 million vironmental risks’ (UNEP 2011a). This study suggests that jobs, supportng 60% of rural Zambian households who sustainably managed forests yield benefts worth at least are heavily dependent upon the use of natural resourc- US$25 per ha per year on average, though varying up to es to supplement or sustain their livelihoods. Forest over US$700 per ha per year. resources contribute to approximately 20% of house- hold incomes including the market value of subsistence For each province and district of Zambia the ratonale for producton. The true value of forests, including fows and means by which REDD+ actvites can and will be un- of goods and services for which no reliable data were dertaken may be diferent. Ways to reduce deforestaton available, is likely to be considerably higher. and forest degradaton include strengthening and enhanc- Overview of the economic value of forest ecosystem services and the estmated employment forest ecosystems generate Type of service/value Gross output/saving Direct value added Total value added Employment (US$ million per year) (‘000s people) Industrial roundwood 35.8 21.5 32.0 10.1 Fuel wood (frewood and charcoal) 598.9 374.3 557.7 >500.0 Non-wood forest products 135.9 115.5 172.1 888.8 Subtotal provisioning services 770.6 511.3 761.8 1 398.9 Percentage of GDP 2010 2.5% 3.8% Ecotourism* 197.0 110.2 179.4 16.1 Erosion control and sediment 247 247 247 - retenton** Pollinaton services** 74 74 74 - Carbon storage (damages avoided)** 15 15 15 - Subtotal regulatng, supportng and 533 446.2 515.4 16.1 cultural services Percentage of GDP 2010 2.2% 2.5% Total 1 303.6 957.5 1 277.2 1 415.0 Percentage of GDP 2010 4.7% 6.3% * The low-end estmates are used ** These values are shown without decimals given the higher level of uncertainty ing management and governance of forests at the local lev- el, introducing measures to reduce the urban demand for charcoal, supportng the development of livelihood and in- come generatng actvites that support or rely upon forest 3 Te fgures for the contribution of the forestry sector to the conservaton and maintenance, and increasing the sustain- Zambian economy difer because there is no harmonization of the ability and efciency of agricultural practces. The potental type of activities that are included. Tey can therefore be regarded and relatve success of each of these strategies depends as partial estimates and include – depending on the study – very much on the ecological, social, economic and politcal industrial roundwood, wood processing, pulp and paper, charcoal, context in which they are implemented. Where appropri- frewood and non-wood forest products. Te undervaluation is an ate, these approaches should be pursued in concert and can under estimate because not all regulating, supporting and cultural form the pillars of a natonal REDD+ strategy in Zambia. services could be quantifed as part of this study. 8 The costs and benefts of implementng REDD+ in Zambia will depend heavily on where implementaton takes place and the strategies employed for reducing deforestaton. For forest-based initatves, given the spatal variaton in supply and demand for ecosystem services, projects are likely to have diferent objectves in diferent areas. It is rec- ommended that considerable focus be placed to address of-site interventons that afect the drivers of deforestaton and to improve forest governance and regulatory approach- es that seek to limit forest loss and degradaton in areas of natonal importance, such as dam catchment areas, rather than on localized initatves. Areas where REDD+ results-based payments could yield incomes high enough to cover opportunity costs plus transacton costs (which may vary from US$23 to US$94 per ha) are geographically limited to the north-western areas where this could be achieved through avoided de- forestaton. Interventons could, however, be more viable generally, and over a broader spectrum of the landscape, through public or private sector payments to secure pub- lic benefts of forest conservaton. It should also be recog- nized that the potental carbon income that can be gener- ated through REDD+ initatves also helps to make public sector investment in forest conservaton a more viable prospect. However, there are other ways to achieve successful REDD+ results-based actons, for example, by placing greater ef- forts to improve the agricultural productvity of and val- ue derived from existng cultvated and degraded areas rather than formal expansion into virgin forest areas as is currently the case in Zambia. To this end, further research will need to be undertaken to explore the costs and bene- fts of alternatve optons and their spatal locaton, as well as how actons, policies and measures can best tackle the drivers of deforestaton and forest degradaton. While the estmates produced in this study will enable a broad-scale analysis, it is recommended that further research be under- taken to improve understanding of the supply and demand aspects of forest services. 9 10

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